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08-20 投稿


impudence 发音

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impudence 中文意思翻译



impudence 词性/词形变化,impudence变形

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impudence 相似词语短语

1、impedance ─── n.[电]阻抗

2、impudences ─── n.厚颜无耻;冒失

3、impendence ─── n.迫切;危急

4、impudent ─── adj.无耻的;鲁莽的;放肆无礼的

5、impotence ─── n.[泌尿][中医]阳萎;虚弱;无效(等于impotency)

6、impudencies ─── 无礼

7、impudency ─── 厚颜无耻

8、imprudence ─── n.轻率,鲁莽的行为

9、impatience ─── n.急躁;无耐心

impudence 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I have had enough of your impudence ─── 对于你的无礼, 我已经受够了。

2、My presence in his sanctum was evidently esteemed a piece of impudence too shameful for remark ─── 我在他的圣地出现,显然被他看作是羞于提及的莽撞事情。

3、"That is for your impudence in answering mama awhile since," said he, "and for your sneaking way of getting behind curtains, and for the look you had in your eyes two minutes since, you rat! ─── “这是对你的教训,谁叫你刚才那么无礼跟妈妈顶嘴,”他说,“谁叫你鬼鬼祟祟躲到窗帘后面,谁叫你两分钟之前眼光里露出那付鬼样子,你这耗子!”

4、Annoyed by the student's impudence, Poeschl lectured on the impossibility of creating such a motor, concluding: “Mr. ─── 特士拉当场便提议,或许可以设计出不需要整流子的马达。

5、"The impudence and shamelessness of power offends the credibility of all (women), damages women in general and especially those who have always struggled to defend their rights," Lario said. ─── 据意大利国内左翼报纸报道,自由人民党挑选的欧洲议会候选人名单除了有美女演员和模特外,可能还有一名“老大哥”节目的参赛选手。

6、I've had enough of you impudence. ─── 你这样放肆,我已经受够了.

7、Ignorance is the mother of impudence ─── 厚颜无耻由于愚昧无知

8、He stared at me with a mixture of impudence and hostility. ─── 他带着粗鲁和敌意盯着我。

9、The first charge is impudence, or hardness of forehead, a want of holy shame, an unhallowed boldness in evil. ─── 第一项罪名额坚,这是指厚颜卑鄙,缺少圣洁的羞耻感,或大胆地犯罪。

10、He will make you smart for this impudence. ─── 你这次对他失礼,他必将还你以颜色。

11、I can not account for his almost impudence. ─── 我无法解释他为什么几乎近似无礼。

12、My presence in his sanctum was evidently esteemed a piece of impudence too shameful for remark: he silently applied the tube to his lips,folded his arms,and puffed away. ─── 我在他的圣地出现,显然被他看作是羞于提及的莽撞事情。他默默地把烟管递到嘴里,胳臂交叉着,喷云吐雾。

13、have the impudence to say ─── 竟然厚颜无耻地说

14、impertinent talk or behaviour;impudence ─── 无礼的、冒失的、不当的话或行为;厚颜无耻

15、I admire his impudence. ─── 我佩服他的厚脸皮。

16、I was annoyed at his impudence. ─── 我气他的厚颜无耻。

17、The disciples gasped at what they took for impudence. ─── 弟子们对此无礼举动感到吃惊。

18、I had an air of impudence. ─── 我表面上趾高气扬。

19、My presence in his sanctum was evidently esteemed a piece of impudence too shameful for remark: he silently applied the tube to his lips, folded his arms, and puffed away. ─── 我在他的圣地出现,显然被他看作是羞于提及的莽撞事情。 他默默地把烟管递到嘴里,胳臂交叉着,喷云吐雾。

20、The last kind are the sign of the best nature, and of the others, the latter kind indicates impudence, and the former indecision. ─── 最后一种是最好的本性反应,其它中的后面一种显示轻率,前面一种显示优柔寡断。

21、A rapid intellect and ready eloquence may carry off a little impudence. ─── 头脑敏捷,口才流利,就能减少冒失。

22、I have not gotten as much money as some folks,but I have gotten as much impudence as any of them,and that's the next thing to money. ─── 我们没有某些人那么多钱,但我有不下于他们的厚颜无耻,而这是仅此于金钱的东西呢。

23、have the impudence to ─── 竟厚着脸皮做

24、It's not impudence, either. ─── 这也不是无礼。

25、"Infernal impudence!" ─── “该死的

26、His impudence provoked her into slapping his face ─── 他的鲁莽迫使她打他耳光。

27、I never in my life met his equal for sheer impudence. ─── 我一生从来没有遇见过一个在冒失无礼方面象他那样的人。

28、have the impudence to do sth ─── 厚颜无耻地做某事

29、I've had enough of your impudence! ─── 你这样放肆,我已经受够了!

30、His impudence beats everything. ─── 他的厚颜无耻简直令人难以置信。

31、I had an air of impudence, but was really an arrant coward, nervous and self-conscious to a heartbreaking degree. Yet I could not hold my tongue ─── 我表面上趾高气扬,实际上胆小如鼠,紧张得要命,不知如何是好,可是又憋不住。

32、His impudence bowled me out. ─── 他的厚颜无耻令我大为吃惊。

33、He actually had the impudence, or else so forgot himself in his wonder at such an incomprehensible order. ─── 他胆大包天,或因为对这不可理解的命令大为惊讶而忘了自己的身份。

34、10.Bold knaves thrive without one grain of sense.But good men starve for want of impudence. ─── 大胆的骗子不学无术却养得肥头胖耳,好人因不会厚颜无耻却饥肠辘。

35、sublime conceit, indifference, impudence ─── 极其骄横、 冷

36、I haven't got as much money as some folks, but I've got as much impudence as any of them, and that's the next thing to money. ─── 我没有某些人那么多钱,但我有不下于他们的厚颜无耻,而这是仅次于金钱的东西呢!

37、It seemed to her that there would be something of impudence in making a festival of her secret. ─── 她觉得将自己内心的秘密弄得沸沸扬扬是轻率鲁莽的。

38、None of your impudence! ─── 别那么不要脸

39、What knocks me is his impudence. ─── 他的厚颜无耻使我感到吃惊。

40、Robert had the impudence to talk back to his teacher. ─── 罗伯竟狂妄得跟老师顶嘴。

41、I have had enough of your impudence. ─── 对于你的无礼,我已经受够了。

42、I was amazed at his impudence ─── 他竟然无耻到这种地步使我感到惊愕。

43、None of your impudence ! ─── 别那么不要脸!

44、When I see their eyes filled with desperation and impudence instead of purity and innocence, my heart sinks. ─── 当我看到他们眼睛里本应有的纯真和童稚被绝望和无耻取代时,心里便很难受。

45、"I'll overlook your impudence in the light of our philosophical discussion. Now, have you quite finished?" the professor hisses. ─── “鉴于你今天在哲学上的讨论,我原谅你的无礼。你现在讲完了吗?”教授嘘了一口气。

46、I was annoyed at his impudence. ─── 我气他的厚颜无耻。

47、Ignorance is the mother of impudence. ─── 无知是鲁莽之源。

48、None of your impudence! (=Don't be impudent!) ─── 不要无礼莽撞!

49、but she sat down, resolving within herself to draw no limits in future to the impudence of an impudent man. ─── 伊丽莎白从来不相信他竟会这样厚颜无耻,她坐下来思忖道:一个人不要起脸来可真是漫无止境。

50、It seemed to her that there would be something of impudence in making a festival of her secret. ─── 她觉得将自己内心的秘密弄得沸沸扬扬是轻率鲁莽的。

51、Impudence (used esp as in the expressions shown) ─── 厚脸皮,放肆(尤用於以下示例)

52、His impudence provoked her into slapping his face. ─── 他的无礼惹得她给了他一记耳光。

53、His impudence displeased me. ─── 他的厚颜无耻使我生气。

54、Nay, when I read a letter of his, I cannot help giving him the preference even over Wickham, much as I value the impudence and hypocrisy of my son-in-law. ─── 我那位女婿虽然又冒失又虚伪,还是及不上他。

55、What knocks me is his impudence . ─── 使我惊讶的是他的厚颜无耻。

56、You come here, fire the Reichstag, and then behave with this impudence in the face of the German people. Your place is the gallows." ─── 是你放火烧的国会大厦,还当着德国人的面这样厚着脸皮放肆,你等着上绞刑架吧!”

57、knock [ nCk ] What knocks me is his impudence. ─── 使感惊讶他的厚颜无耻使我感到吃惊。

58、He has the impudence to take things behind my back ─── 他背著我拿东西真不害臊!

59、Robert had the impudence to talk back to his teacher. ─── 罗伯竟狂妄得跟老师顶嘴。

60、I haven't got as much money as some folks,but I've got as much impudence as any of them,and that's the next thing to money. ─── 我没有某些人那么多钱,但我有不下于他们的厚颜无耻,而这是仅次于金钱的东西呢。

61、Her impudence bowled me over ─── 她的厚颜使我大为吃惊。

62、With the intellectual impudence of budding youth this revolt also found a place. ─── 懵懂的青春,才智易狂妄,这种叛逆也就占有一定地位。

63、Impudence was Meazza's watchword, and he became noted for his ability to sidestep goalkeepers in one-on-one situations. ─── 在巴黎夺的冠军之后不久,他就受了严重的伤,几乎可以结束他的职业生涯。

64、He has the impudence to take things behind my back! ─── 他背著我拿东西真不害臊!

65、The gentleman values three things in the Way:he modifies his appearance and manner so as to keep away from rudeness and impudence; ─── 君子所看重的仁道守则有三项:容貌庄严,就避免了粗悖傲慢;

66、Of all the gall! ie What impudence! ─── 脸皮真厚!

67、What knocks me most is his impudence. ─── 最使我震惊的是他的厚颜无耻。

68、His conduct has a dash of impudence in it. ─── 他的行为有点冒失。

69、How dare you have the impudence to say so! ─── 你怎么胆敢如此无礼,竟说出那样话来!

70、His impudence provoked her into rage. ─── 他的无礼惹得她发怒。

71、Impudence or insolence. ─── 冒失或傲慢

72、How did they have the impudence to raise such a question? ─── 他们怎么竟敢提出这样一个问题。

73、=how i hate to think of that man having the impudence to call! ─── (我不愿想那个人厚着脸皮来看我!

74、How is that for impudence! ─── 真是厚颜无耻!

75、My presence in his sanctum was evidently esteemed a piece of impudence too shameful for remark: he silently applied the tube to his lips, folded his arms,puffed away. ─── 很显然,他把我出现在他圣地的事,看作是非常羞于启齿的。他默默的把烟斗放到嘴里,双臂合抱,吐着烟圈。

76、He had the impudence to ask me for more money. ─── 他厚着脸皮又向我要钱。

77、Once the hard times were disposed of, the ladies spoke of the increasing impudence of the negroes and the outrages of the Carpetbaggers and the humiliation of having the Yankee soldiers loafing on every corner. ─── 谈完了艰苦的生活,妇女们就要谈黑人怎样越来越无礼,北方来的冒险家如何令人愤慨,北方士兵在街上游荡多么令人难以忍受。

78、Their ignorance might just result from their shamefulness or from their impudence. ─── 他们的忘记也许正由于他们感到惭愧,也许更由于他们不觉惭愧。

79、The impudence of some men is beyond all calculation. ─── 有些人的狂妄自大是无从想象的。

80、I have had quite enough of your impudence. ─── 我受够了你的厚颜无耻。

81、I haven't got as much money as some folks, but I've got as much impudence as any of them, and that's the next thing to money. ─── 我没有某些人那么多钱,但我有不下于他们的厚颜无耻,而这是仅次于金钱的东西呢!

82、impudence [U] n. ─── 厚颜无耻;粗鲁;

83、I like his impudence!(ironic,meaning that his impudence is prepesterous or amusing) ─── (反语)他真不怕难为情!

84、your denunciation of tyrants, brass-fronted impudence; ─── 你们对专制的谴责是厚颜无耻的胡扯;

85、To confront with impudence. ─── 蔑视无礼地面对

86、audacious, bluff, foolhardy, rash, frivolous, imprudent, impudence, levity, precipitate, slapdash, temerity, headlong. ─── 表“ 鲁莽、轻率” 之意:

87、He actually had the impudence, or else so forgot himself in his wonder at such an incomprehensible order. ─── 他胆大包天,或因为对这不可理解的命令大为惊讶而忘了自己的身份。

88、I wonder, now, Mr. Clare, what the impudence of you men will come to! ─── 圣·克莱亚先生,我不知道你们男人的粗野无礼要发展到什么地步。

89、He had the impudence to ask me for more money. ─── 他厚着脸皮又向我要钱。

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