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08-20 投稿


pore 发音

英:[p??r]  美:[p??(r)]

英:  美:

pore 中文意思翻译





pore 网络释义

vi. 细想;凝视;熟读n. 气孔;小孔vt. 使注视n. (Pore)人名;(西、芬、加纳、法)波雷

pore 常用词组

pore size ─── 孔径;孔隙大小;气孔尺寸

pore water ─── 孔隙水(等于interstitial water)

pore pressure ─── 孔隙压力;中性压力

pore 词性/词形变化,pore变形


pore 短语词组

1、birth pore ─── [医] 出生孔, 子宫末段

2、pore distribution ─── [化] 孔分布

3、genital pore ─── [医] 生殖孔

4、bordered pore ─── [医] 重纹孔

5、at every pore ─── 全身, 浑身

6、pore mushroom ─── [网络] 毛孔蘑菇

7、alveolar pore ─── [医] 肺泡孔

8、pore canal ─── [医] 卵小管

9、pore on v. ─── 沉思

10、excretory pore ─── [医] 排泄孔

11、amniotic pore ─── [医] 羊膜孔

12、germ pore ─── 芽孔,萌发孔

13、pore fungus ─── 多孔菌

14、anal pore ─── [医] 肛孔

15、mean pore size ─── [化] 平均孔径

16、distribution of pore size ─── [化] 孔径分布

17、Galen's pore ─── [医] 腹股沟管

18、large pore gel ─── [化] 大孔凝胶

19、pore over ─── 集中精神地阅读

pore 特殊用法

1、sieve pore ─── 筛孔

2、apical pore ─── 顶孔

3、genital pore ─── 生殖孔

4、cortical pore ─── 皮孔

5、gustatory pore ─── 味孔

6、idiomorphic pore ─── 自发孔,自形孔

7、germ pore ─── 芽孔,萌发孔

8、intercommunicating pore ─── 连通孔,互联孔

9、sense pore ─── 感觉孔

10、breathing pore ─── 气门; 喷水孔

pore 相似词语短语

1、spore ─── n.孢子;vi.长孢子

2、Core ─── n.核心;要点;果心;[计]磁心;vt.挖...的核;n.(Core)人名;(英)科尔;(西、意)科雷

3、porae ─── n.蓝唇指鲈

4、More ─── adv.更多;此外;更大程度地;adj.更多的;附加的;pron.更多的数量;n.更多;n.(More)人名;(英、法)莫尔;(意、西、以)莫雷

5、pores ─── n.[陶瓷]气孔;毛穴(pore的复数);v.注视;熟读;沉思(pore的第三人称单数);n.(Pores)人名;(芬)波雷斯

6、Gore ─── vt.刺伤;缝以补裆;顶;n.淤血;三角形布;流出的血;n.(Gore)人名;(英、法)戈尔;(德、西、罗、塞)戈雷

7、porge ─── n.(Porge)人名;(法)波尔热

8、porer ─── 轨迹

9、pored ─── adj.有孔的;v.注视(pore的过去分词)

pore 习惯用语

1、at every pore ─── 每个毛孔, 全身, 浑身

2、sweat from every pore ─── 极热 ─── (害怕, 兴奋等)冒汗, 受惊, 兴奋

pore 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The pore structures of catalyst influence interparticle diffusion which mainly determines the effectiveness factor. ─── 催化剂的孔结构对有效因子有很大影响。

2、The absorption potentials of SO2 and NO at different pore diameters or temperatures are calculated. ─── 基于密度泛函理论的分析计算方法,计算了SO2和NO的吸附势。

3、Add 1 teaspoon per cup to liquid soap for deep pore cleansing. ─── 加一茶匙入一杯水中作毛孔深层清洁。

4、Efficacy: Purify skin, contract pore, improve oil secretion, control skin and make skin fresh and not sticky. ─── 功效:净化肌肤,收细毛孔,改善油脂分泌,调理肌肤,使肌肤清爽不油腻。

5、Speedy comfort balance skin PH, shrink pore, availability intercede skin enginery . ─── 可迅速舒缓平衡肌肤PH值,收缩毛孔,有效调解肌肤机能。

6、The impact of injection rate of polymer flooding on the inaccessible pore volume is studied by the numerical method. ─── 利用数值模拟方法,研究聚合物驱注入速度对不可及孔隙体积的影响。

7、They pore over well-thumbed pages as if touring their favorite market place. ─── 他们熟读经常翻阅的那几页好像漫游他们最喜爱的市场一样。

8、Oil free,None pore clogging.Non-irritating .Ophthalmologist-tested. ─── /无油,不会堵塞毛孔,不含防腐剂,通过眼部过敏测试.

9、This pore space is known as porosity and is expressed as a percentage of the total rock volume. ─── 这个孔隙空间被称为孔隙度,用岩石总体积的百分比表示。

10、Pore size is the symmetry, whether a small crack. ─── 孔的粗细是否匀称,有无细小裂纹。

11、When the pore pressure is relatively high,the formate is used as a weighting agent to maintain a low-solid mud system. ─── 在地层孔隙压力较高时,则配合使用甲酸盐进行加重,以维持一种性能优良的低固相钻井液体系。

12、The pore volumes and the amounts of pore water also may vary considerably in actively expelling source beds. ─── 在排烃作用活跃的烃源岩中,孔隙体积和孔隙水的数量也会发生很大的变化。

13、The members were to pore on several offers for the company. ─── 几个成员准备仔细考虑公司的几项提议。

14、He was sweating through every pore. ─── 他每个毛孔都在冒汗。

15、Main composition:Natural plant fair, Wei E, Cape Sha alkane, gel 50, the Boron Nitride, pore accept a tight, vitamin C. ─── 主要成份:天然植物美白剂、维E、角鲨烷、凝胶50,氮化硼、毛孔收紧剂、维他命C。

16、In this case, pore pressures are zero above the phreatic surface and the air phase is considered as passive. ─── 对后一种情况,孔压在浅层地下水面以上为零,气压为负。

17、The reef limestones are characterized by plentiful fractures and pore spaces. showing a nature of good reservoirs. ─── 礁灰岩具有大量裂隙和孔洞,是好的储集层。

18、Regarding the pore thick greasiness, the mixing property, as well as Yi Changdou smallpox's skin nature is suitable. ─── 对于毛孔粗大的油性、混合性,以及易长痘痘的肤质非常适用。

19、Pore water pressure does not always dissipate in short time immediately after the excitations, but it may keep on increasing. ─── 震后土中孔隙水压力不一定随振动的停止而立即开始消散,短期内也可能继续增长。

20、He was sweating at every pore. ─── 他汗流浃背。

21、The interstice of foreland slope was mainly dissolved pore and some primary pore. ─── 前缘斜坡带储层类型为孔隙型,主要以残余原生孔及次生孔为主;

22、And in forebulge belt mixed aperture of primary pore and dissolved pore was mainly interstice of the reservoir. ─── 前隆带储层类型为孔隙型,主要以原生孔及溶蚀扩大孔组成的混合孔为主。

23、As for MOFs, pore topology simplified from the complicated structural details is required. ─── 对可获得单晶结构的金属-有机配位聚合物而言,结构细节很清楚,借用拓扑分析可以去繁存简,明晰孔道的走向。

24、Among them the quality of fracture vug type and fracture pore type are better than others. ─── 储层质量好坏和分布主要受沉积相类型、埋藏溶蚀作用强度和构造破裂作用强度的共同控制。

25、The system pressure changed the adsorption abilities and pore size distributions of carbide and activated carbon. ─── 反应压力能够改变炭化产物和活化产物的吸附性能和孔径分布。

26、That can pass through a given pore size. ─── 可滤过的能通过一给定微孔尺寸的

27、A cold perspiration burst from every pore, and his hair stood on end. ─── 一股冷汗从他每一个毛孔里冒了出来,他的头发根根都竖了起来。

28、The pore velocity is the velocity with which a tracer moves through a porous medium. ─── 孔隙速度是示踪元素穿过孔隙介质的速度。

29、Pore radius, pore density and pore -throat ratio influence reservoir permeability to different extents. ─── 孔隙半径、孔隙密度和孔喉比对地层渗透率均产生影响。

30、The pore diameter was very tiny so that it could prevent hydrotropic solution entering into the pore. ─── 二是孔隙的尺寸很小,水溶液不能渗入到孔隙,不能到达基体。

31、In fact, two or more systems of pore openings may occur in such rocks. ─── 事实上,这种岩石具有两种或更多形式的裂口。

32、Besides, the undrained shear strength was increased slightly due to the negative pore pressure. ─── 不排水条件下由于负孔隙水压力的存在,土样的表观强度略有增大。

33、What happens depends on pore size. ─── 所发生的一切取决于孔隙大小。

34、That can pass througha given pore size. ─── 可滤过的能通过一给定微孔尺寸的。

35、Efficacy: whiten skin, control oil, astringe pore, refine skin and remove grease feel. ─── 功效:美白控油,收细毛孔,细腻肌肤,消除油光感。

36、The pore space consists of intergranular dissolved pore, intragranular dissolved pore, moldic pore and fracture. ─── 储层的主要孔隙空间为粒间溶孔、粒内溶孔、铸模孔和裂缝。

37、The distal part of the aesthetasc is very soft and there is no pore on the tip of the aesthetascs. ─── 化感刚毛上端柔软,顶端无孔,仅着生于附鞭的凹槽内。

38、Under extreme conditions of rapid coke forming materials, pore mouth blockage can occur. ─── 在快速形成焦炭材料的极端情况下,孔口会发生堵塞。

39、The pore structure, surface property, swelling capacity and thermal stability of the copolymer beads were determined. ─── 对其孔结构、表面结构、溶胀性能和热稳定性进行了详细研究。

40、The Lower Paleozoic reservoir mainly by corrosion pore, intercrystalline pore and the crack are composed. ─── 下古生界储层主要由晶间孔、溶孔和裂缝组成。

41、Pore deformation of low-permeability gas reservoirs is characteristic of elastic plastic deformation. ─── 低渗透气藏孔隙变形具有弹塑性变形的特征。

42、The extracted gas reservoirs can provide voluminous pore spaces for CO2 storage prior to flooding by formation waters. ─── 一方面,接近枯竭的气田在没有地层水入侵之前具有巨大的埋存能力,为CO2提供巨大的埋存空间;

43、What method can let the pore decrescent on the face, the face changes look very exquisite? ─── 什么方法可以让脸上的毛孔变小,脸变的看上去很细腻?

44、The cross-sectional areas of the pore openings vary along their length. ─── 孔隙通道的横截面面积沿其长度方向变化。

45、A pore in the membrane covering the ovum of some animals through which a spermatozoon can enter. ─── 卵膜孔一些动物卵细胞覆盖膜上的小孔,精子可由此进入

46、Pore structure is characterized by coarse skewness of throat, fine skewness of ... ─── 上覆地层压力对渗透率及孔隙结构特征影响很大。

47、After 20 minutes abluent, the skin is sent closely, smooth, luster, often do contractive pore result pretty good also. ─── 20分钟后洗净,皮肤紧致、光滑、有光泽,经常做收缩毛孔效果也不错的。

48、In the meantime, the pore pressure also increased with the increase of confining pressure. ─── 同时,孔隙水压力值也随着周围压力的增大而明显增大。

49、The Daqing volcanic gas reservoir is deep,and the types of reservoir's rock and pore space are complex. ─── 大庆火山岩气藏储层埋藏深,岩石类型复杂,储集空间复杂多样且较为致密、物性差,属于低孔低渗储层。

50、It was confirmed by XRD that the addition of TMB can add up the pore sizes ofmesoporous materials effectively. ─── XRD结果表明,加入TMB可以有效增大介孔材料的孔径,达到调节介孔材料孔径的目的。

51、He likes to pore over books. ─── 他喜欢啃书本。

52、Multistage unconformity karsts lead to early stage corrosion pore and buried hill inner reservoir. ─── 多级不整合面古岩溶作用形成相对早期的溶蚀孔隙和潜山内幕储层;

53、Type of pore in reservoir is mainly secondary pore space, mainly including intragrain vugular pore and puncta. ─── 喉道类型以片状、弯片状为主;

54、Tightening Pore Essence(45ml) Ingredients: plum essence, high-quality ossein, elastin, etc. ─── 主要成份:金缕梅精华、优质骨胶原等。

55、The sunshine in the midday shinning brilliantly, you seem to feel that every pore of your body is breathing deeply. ─── 中午的阳光暖暖的,仿佛身体的每一个毛孔都在尽情地呼吸。

56、The reservior space are mainly intergranular apricot kernel inner pore and dissolved pore. ─── 储集空间类型主要有粒间孔、杏仁体内孔和溶蚀孔。

57、A molecule whose Stokes'radius approaches or exceeds the pore radius does not enter the gel and is said to be excluded. ─── 一个分子,它的Stokes半经接近或超过网眼半经,不进入凝胶内,称为被排阻。

58、In the following derivation, instead of using pore velocity it is advantageous to use seepage or Darcian velocity. ─── 在下面的推导中,不用孔隙速度,而且渗透或达西速度。

59、Crosslinked clay catalyst is a new catalytic material with large surface area,unique pore structure and very low cost. ─── 交联粘土催化剂具有巨大的比表面和独特的孔结构,且价格低廉,是一种良好的催化材料。

60、Pore gradient ceramics with a series of pore sizes is the high efficient filtration material. ─── 以系列孔径分布的孔梯度陶瓷作为一种高效过滤材料。

61、The distribution of reservoir pore throat size is important for reservoir evaluation. ─── 储层孔喉分布是储层评价的重要研究内容。

62、If the wall of a plugged pore breaks, the surrounding area swells up and can turn into a red bump. ─── 如果堵塞的毛孔破裂,就会使得周围的组织的水肿形成红色的肿块。

63、How to go black head? And does the pore that does not let nose greaten? ─── 如何去黑头?而不让鼻子的毛孔变大啊?

64、Includes : cleansing, peeling, steaming, eyebrow shaping, pore cleansing, neck and facial massage, mask. ─── 包括:清洁面部去死皮,蒸气喷雾,针清鼻黑头,修眉,颈及面部按摩,面膜。

65、The BET areas, pore volumes and average pore diameters of the two organo-bentonites were decreased as compared to that of Na-bentonite. ─── 有机改性膨润土的比表面积、孔隙体积和平均孔径相比钠化膨润土均有所降低。

66、He is purely black at every pore except the light brown eyes.It's like a pair of amber fasteners on a black floccus. ─── 只有眼珠略带棕褐,像两枚琥珀色钮扣钉在一团黑绒上。

67、Pore of reservoirs grain to grain pore, intergrain pore, intercrystalline pore and fracture. ─── 储层孔隙包括粒间孔、粒内溶孔、铸模孔、胶结物内溶孔、裂缝等。

68、The Mesozoic debrital rock reservoir diagenesis and its pore evolution were controlled by pressure in Kuga Depression. ─── 对储集层成岩作用过程的研究结果表明,储集层的孔隙演化与成岩作用有密切关系。

69、Is the pore on the side of the cleared nose that you say true? Have simple? ─── 你们说的清除鼻子旁边的毛孔是真的吗?有简单的吗?

70、Bump. Give accents to pimples, pore, wrinkles, moles. ─── 凹凸贴图:表现细微特征,如青春痘,毛孔,皱纹,胎记等。

71、Under extreme conditions of rapid coke forming materials, pore mouth blockag e can occur. ─── 在快速形成焦炭物料的极端情况下,孔口会发生堵塞。

72、In-creasing sivev pore for high water content materials. ─── 对于含水率高的原料应适当增大筛孔。

73、In order to develop our power industry, we must produce more and pore powerful generators. ─── 为了发展我国的电力工业,我们必须生产越来越多的大功率发电机。

74、Efficacy: Active verbena can purify skin effectively, control oil, contract pore and balance and relieve skin. ─── 功效:蕴含活性马鞭草能有效净化肌肤,调节油脂,收细毛孔,同时平衡舒缓肌肤;

75、Efficacy: Small walnut grain can deeply remove dirt and impurities, purify skin, improve rough pore and comedones etc. ─── 功效:细核桃粒子能够深层清洁肌肤毛孔污垢和杂质;能够净化肌肤,改善毛孔粗大、粉刺现象。

76、This rock, which to you and me looks like a solid, has tiny little pore spaces, and that's where the oil and gas pool. ─── 在你我看来这种岩石似乎是实心的,而事实上它具有非常微小的孔隙空间,那里正是石油或气体郁积的地方。

77、Efficacy:Rich almond essence has the exfoliating efficacy, which thoroughly removes pore dirt and shows shining skin. ─── 功效:丰富的杏仁精华能软化老化角质,彻底清洁毛孔污垢,使肌肤呈现明亮柔嫩;

78、This addition of a chemically precipitated substance into pore spaces is termed "permineralization". ─── 这种化学沉淀物质进入孔隙的过程被称为“完全矿化”。

79、This rock, which to you and me looks like a solid, has tiny little pore spaces, and that's where the oil and gas pool. ─── 在你我看来这种岩石似乎是实心的,而事实上它具有非常微小的孔隙空间,那里正是石油或气体郁积的地方。

80、Mesoporous materials have received increasing attention for their high BET surface area and regular pore system. ─── 中孔材料由于具有高的BET比表面积和集中的中孔分布,引起化学家的强烈兴趣。

81、And pore upon the brook that babbles by. ─── 他凝视着一旁的小溪,流淌声汩汩。

82、Step4: Get off after bombazine, you discover can surprizingly, the skin becomes tight sent, pore also narrowed. ─── 取下棉纱后,你会惊喜地发现,皮肤变得紧致了,毛孔也缩小了。

83、He began to pore upon religious problems. ─── 他开始考虑宗教问题。

84、The multiple colloid has micro pore can keep warm to reach fuel normal temperature and flash point. ─── 多孔性的组织气孔有保温作用,可蓄温使油的温度达到一定的温度,提高燃点。

85、The presence of fractures may present a conduit for steam to cover a large volume pore space. ─── 存在的裂缝能提供一个通道以便蒸汽进入大量孔隙空间。

86、Type II setae are smooth with scales around tip, with complicated pore structure. ─── II型简单刚毛基部光滑,顶端被鳞片覆盖,且具复杂的孔结构;

87、If the wall of a plugged pore breaks, the surrounding area swells up and can turn into a red bump. ─── 如果堵塞的毛孔破裂,就会使得周围的组织的水肿形成红色的肿块。

88、THIS IS A delicious evening, when the whole body is one sense, and imbibes delight through every pore. ─── 今天是一个美好的夜晚,整个身体就一种感觉,每个毛孔都吸收着快乐。

89、There should be no crackle, pore, sand and coldshut defect. ─── 4铸件不得有裂纹、气孔、夹砂、冷隔等有害缺陷。




pv是page view的缩写,即页面浏览量,通常是衡量一个网络新闻频道或网站甚至一条网络新闻的主要指标。网页浏览数是评价网站流量最常用的指标之一,简称为PV。监测网站PV的变化趋势和分析其变化原因是很多站长定期要做的工作。


pv 是pore volume缩写,中文翻译孔隙体积、孔体积或孔隙容积等。孔容又称孔体积。单位质量多孔固体所具有的细孔总容积,称为孔容或比孔容Vg。这是多孔结构吸附剂或催化剂的特征值之一。





PV,是MV(music video)在日本的常见称呼Promotion Video的略称。有时也被称为music clip或者video clip。其主要指流行音乐的乐曲发表的时候制作的,包含乐曲的影像作品。

因为是以促销CD为目的,所以在日本一般被叫做プロモーション?ビデオ略称为promo 或者PV的情况也很多见。


pv是指利用太阳能发电,光伏行业。由于这种电力方式不会产 生氮氧化物,以及对人体有害的气体与辐射性废弃物,被称为「清洁发电技术」。





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