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08-20 投稿


depleted 发音

英:[d?'pl?t?d]  美:[d?'pl?t?d]

英:  美:

depleted 中文意思翻译



depleted 短语词组

1、depleted material ─── 贫化材料

2、depleted cost ─── [经] 耗余成本

3、depleted soil ─── 瘦土,耗竭土壤

4、depleted forest ─── 枯竭的森林

5、depleted uraniumDU ─── [化] 贫(化)铀(指铀235含量小于天然铀中铀235含量0.71%的铀)

6、depleted fraction ─── 贫化馏分

7、depleted costs ─── 耗尽的成本

8、depleted uranium ─── [化] 贫(化)铀(指铀235含量小于天然铀中铀235含量0.71%的铀)

9、depleted uranium round ─── 贫铀弹

10、depleted definition ─── 耗尽定义

11、depleted with ─── 耗尽

12、depleted mantle ─── 贫化地幔

13、depleted crossowrd ─── 耗尽横向

14、depleted uranium armor ─── 贫铀装甲

15、depleted species ─── 枯竭的物种

16、depleted value ─── [经] 耗余价值

17、depleted wow ─── 耗尽的哇

18、depleted reservoir ─── [化] 枯竭矿层; 空矿层 ─── [经] 枯竭的油(气)层

depleted 词性/词形变化,depleted变形

动词过去分词: depleted |形容词: depletable |动词第三人称单数: depletes |动词过去式: depleted |动词现在分词: depleting |

depleted 相似词语短语

1、departed ─── adj.已故的;过去的,以往的;n.死者;v.离去,去世(depart的过去式和过去分词)

2、depleter ─── 消耗剂

3、deleted ─── v.删除,划掉(文字);使(基因码段)缺失;(从购物目录中)删除(尤指音像产品)(delete的过去式和过去分词)

4、depilated ─── v.除去……的毛(depilate的过去式及过去分词);adj.去毛的

5、depleters ─── 消耗者

6、deplete ─── vt.耗尽,用尽;使衰竭,使空虚

7、depicted ─── vt.描述;描画

8、depletes ─── vt.耗尽,用尽;使衰竭,使空虚

9、-pleted ─── 褶皱的

depleted 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It turns out that the prefrontal cortex, the area of the brain responsible for willpower and cognitive thought, is a rather feeble bit of flesh and easily depleted. ─── 原来负责意志力和感知思考的大脑区域--前额皮层,是一点点十分软的肌肉,很容易疲劳。

2、In Africa, where many soils have become badly depleted of nutrients, better fertiliser management would go a long way. ─── 在非洲,许多土壤养分消耗严重,显然更好的肥料管理是十分有益的。

3、Avoiding temptation, particularly when a lost job or depleted bank account has shaken your sense of self, can be. But it's not impossible. ─── 避免诱惑特别是失去工作或者是糟糕的银行帐目动摇了你的自我意识,虽然这是很困难的,但是这也不是不可能的。

4、There are several reasons for the depleted kitties. ─── 储备锐减有几个原因。

5、Depleted stocks and overcapacity mean that the effort expended in catching each fish is higher than it need be. ─── 存量下降以及产能过剩意味着捕劳一条鱼所付出的努力大于实际所需。

6、As chlorophyll is depleted, other colours that have been dominated by it throughout the summer begin to be revealed. ─── 当叶绿素耗尽时,在整个夏季被它主导的其他颜色开始显现。

7、Hematopoietic stem cells were harvested from the patients' bone marrow, depleted of T cells, and kept frozen until used for ASCT. ─── 大剂量化疗后收集来自骨髓的自体造血干细胞,去除T细胞,冰冻以备用。

8、The greater the extent of mantle melting,the more depleted the peridotites,and the higher the excess olivine contents. ─── 地幔熔融程度越高,深海橄榄岩越亏损,则含有越多的过量橄榄石。

9、The process by which soils are depleted of bases and become acidic. ─── 土壤灰化作用土壤的碱被减少而变成酸性的过程

10、Elites in Blade's Edge Plateau Regions: These creatures now have an increased chance to drop rare depleted items. ─── “刀锋山高地”地区的精英怪现在掉落稀有消耗品的几率增加。

11、If the energy is not returned, one feels depleted. ─── 如果能量没被返回,你会感到自己被耗尽。

12、Thirty-five days after last dose to the pigs, diazepam could still be detected by the GC-ECD, which showed that diazepam depleted slowly in tissues of pigs. ─── 停药后35天仍可在肝、肺、肌肉中检出,说明地西泮在猪组织内消除缓慢。

13、But water is pumped into the hole throughout the year, attracting animals when it might otherwise be dry, and overgrazing has substantially depleted the surrounding veld vegetation. ─── 天然归天然,为了避免水塘乾掉,一年里还需以人工方式灌水,以确保随时有水可以吸引动物前来饮用。不过这一带由于草食动物过度啃食,周围草木几乎快秃光了。

14、Both depleted and fertile mantle domains are likely to be mechanically juxtaposed in the asthenosphere in a state of 'plum pudding'. ─── 亏损和饱满的地幔域在软流圈中可能被机械地堆积在一起。

15、And they'll mention the fact that too much has been made of Pacquiao's last three victories, against tough, but limited David Diaz, a depleted De La Hoya and Hatton. ─── 同时,他们也会提到这样的事情:帕奎奥对阵强悍但水平有限的大卫.迪亚兹、以及脱了水的霍亚和哈顿,人们夸大了这三次胜利。

16、A depleted battery pack was installed when the power was on. ─── 开机时,机内笔记本电池已快耗尽了。

17、Once the anode is depleted, the tank will start to corrode, eventually developing a leak. ─── 一旦阳极棒消耗完,热水器将开始被腐蚀,并最终发展成泄漏。

18、By the end of the winter the supply of grain was severely depleted. ─── 冬季快要结束时,粮食贮备已经消耗得差不多了。

19、The major effects of propranolol on the heart are absent in animals in which norepinephrine stores have depleted. ─── 在体内去甲肾上腺素储存已经耗尽的动物,心得安对心脏的主要作用则不出现。

20、The writer think that the fire from moxa cone is Warm but not Dry,it is able to Resolve Phlegm,Soften Hard Masses,Remove Blood Stasis,Reduce Resuscitation and Recuperate Depleted Yang. ─── 古人认为艾火之性温而不燥,能化痰消积、活血化瘀,急救时又能开窍启闭、回阳固脱。

21、Depleted and fragile, she crept back into the car, cold sweat on her forehead, holding her and up to her mouth against the smell. ─── 她精疲力尽,软弱无力,又重新爬上汽车,额头上直冒冷汗,一只手捂住嘴怕有味儿。

22、Therefore, a new mixed fuel blended MOX fuel with depleted uranium (DU, enrichment of 235U is 0.25%) is studied. ─── 为此,对上述MOX燃料和贫铀(DU,235U富集度0.25%)混合的燃料进行了计算研究,优选出贫铀和MOX的质量混合比例,并对堆芯特性进行了分析。

23、If a region is sufficiently depleted, it will become devoid of resources and cannot be used again. ─── 一旦某个区域被‘强行收割’耗尽之后,这个区域将再也无法提供任何资源。

24、It was as if Atlanta society, scattered and wrecked by war, depleted by death, bewildered by change, had found in her an unyielding nucleus about which it could re-form. ─── 亚特兰大经过战已经四分五裂,许多人已经死去,整个社会对目前的变化感到不知所措,这样一个社会仿佛看到媚兰是一个坚强的核心,亚特兰大可以由此而得到重生。

25、Some analysts are skeptical that the recovery in trade will be sustainable once businesses restock depleted inventories and the oomph of fiscal and monetary stimulus fades. ─── 一 些分析人士怀疑,一旦企业把耗尽的库存恢复起来、财政和货币刺激的效力消退,贸易复苏是否可以持续。

26、The collisions quickly depleted all the anti-matter and left just enough matter to create stars, planets, and eventually us. ─── 碰撞很快耗尽了所有的反物质,只留下足够的物质,来创造恒星、行星和最终的我们。

27、He was actually too depleted to think consecutively about anything. ─── 他已经打不起一点精神,根本谈不上好好思考一下。

28、Our dreams of the quadruple took a severe dent when we surprisingly squandered two points at home to a depleted Bolton side. ─── 在主场,我们意外的在疲软的博尔顿身上丢掉两分时,我们的四冠王梦想受到了沉痛的打击。

29、When geysers are depleted, there will be a visual and audio cue for the player, and then the player must manually reallocate those worker units. ─── 当一个气矿枯竭时,系统会向玩家同时发出视觉和音频提示,然后玩家就必须手动指派那些工人新的任务。

30、The density of carriers in the region has been depleted. ─── 在这个区内的载流子浓度被消耗殆

31、Conservationists say important species such as blue-fin tuna have become critically depleted. ─── 天然资源保护论者声称蓝鳍金枪鱼等重要的种类已经濒临枯竭。

32、The major effects of propranolol on the heart are absent in animals in which norepinphrine stores have depleted. ─── 在体内去申肾上腺素储存已经耗竭的动物,心得安对心脏的主要作用则不出现。

33、Eating fuels the body for training and speeds recovery by replacing depleted energy and nutrient stores. ─── 吃可以在训练当中补充身体的气力及借由替换耗尽的能量和储存的营养来加速恢复。

34、The unemployed decide that an unhurried job search is worth the extra cost of depleted savings or heavier loan repayments. ─── 失业者决定值得花费存款耗尽或巨额贷款赔偿的额外成本去不紧不慢地找工作。

35、The Weyburn-Midale CO2 project is burying carbon dioxide from a coal gasification plant in North Dakota in a depleted oil field in Saskatchewan . ─── Weyburn-Midale公司的CO2工程把北达科他州的煤气化厂产生的二氧化碳埋入Saskatchewan废弃的油田。

36、Plus, the soil is depleted, right? Meaning that it's less useful for growing food. ─── 另外,土壤也不再肥沃,对吧?也就是说,不再像以前那样适宜种植了.

37、When the country's wheat stocks are depleted within the next year or so, the entire shortfall will have to be covered from imports. ─── 今后一年或两三年,当中国小麦储备全部用光之时,这个缺口将不得不统统依靠进口。

38、While you may drift further down from where you'd ideally like to be, you leave the water without your energy depleted or your peace of mind disrupted. ─── 你也许能奔着你想去的地方而漂流,你无须消耗体力,也不须破坏你内心的平静,你就自然而然的离开那片水域了。

39、The principle, object and method of depleted brine in ionic membrane system were introduced. ─── 介绍了离子膜系统淡盐水脱氯原理、目的和方法。

40、The luncheon table showed a depleted circle. ─── 午餐桌旁的宾客已寥寥无几。

41、But, with its energy reduced now and its population so depleted, it seemed to mock the power that had once been his. ─── 可如今,能量已经衰减,人口也消耗甚多,它似乎在模仿他曾经有过的辉煌来讽刺他现在的力量。

42、"Not only do you lose toxins when you perspire but minerals as well, a.ka. electrolytes that when depleted can cause muscle cramps, fatigue and other serious health issues. ─── 喝水是健康的不二法门,纵使您没有练习瑜伽或参与其他类型的运动,亦应该保持饮用足够开水的习惯。

43、Under certain circumstances, antifoam additives can be abnormally depleted. ─── 在某些情况下,抗泡沫添加剂会无缘无故的损失。

44、If a healthy portfolio principal is not maintained, portfolio funds can be depleted in as little as fifteen years. ─── 倘若投资本金不能有效地固守,投资的资金会在15年内消耗殆

45、In Essen, a depleted coal mine has been converted into a museum and performing-arts center. ─── 在埃森市,一个废弃的煤矿被改建为博物馆和艺术表演中心。

46、To the best of my knowledge, only in one case, analysis of samples from ODP in 1999 showed that SRB may have depleted methane directly. ─── 就本人所知,仅在1999年在深海钻探采集的样品中,发现甲烷能被SRB直接消耗。

47、And once the body has depleted its carbohydrate reserves, it has no choice but to turn its full attention to fat. ─── 而一旦糖的储存耗尽,机体将毫无现则的将其所有的能量源转向脂肪。

48、Two kinds of process of depleted brine dechlorination were introduced, which were the process of air purge and vacuum dechlorination. ─── 介绍了淡盐水空气吹徐脱氯工艺和真空脱氯工艺,通过对工艺的特点进行比较,认为真空脱氯工艺优于空气吹除脱氯工艺。

49、He said meat from animals that had been stressed before slaughter was depleted in muscle glycogen, which resulted in a high pH level. ─── 他说:“在屠宰前承受了巨大压力的动物所产出的肉中肌糖原减少,导致其有很高的酸碱值。”

50、Both teams were severely depleted by injuries. ─── 两个队都因队员受伤而实力大减。

51、Another chance encounter with the enemy has depleted our resources. ─── 与敌人的另一场遭遇战耗尽了我们的力量。

52、Rather than being depleted, world oil reserves have continuously increased under the stimulus of increasing oil consumption. ─── 在日益增长的石油消费刺激下,世界石油蕴藏量持续增加,而并非日见枯竭。

53、Last season, Ronny was very valuable to the Lakers as he played big minutes with an injury depleted frontcourt. ─── 上一赛季,图里亚夫在湖人队前场锋线因伤告急的情况下,用自己的力量扛起了湖人的内线,同时也显示出自身的价值。

54、The purpose of our work is to find a way for application of depleted uranium inCANDU reactor by using MOX nuclear fuel of depleted U and Pu instead of naturaIuranium. ─── 从分析核燃料组件价格的形成入手,讨论了核燃料组件价格的形成特点及其对核发电成本的影响。

55、Since the company's financial resources are depleted and the banks refuse to lend us any more money, we've come to the end of our tether. ─── 公司的资金已消耗贻尽,各家银行又拒绝再向我们贷款,所以我们已经到了山穷水尽的地步。

56、When nutrients have been depleted, addition of adequate fertilizers can reverse the trend of soil organic matter depletion. ─── 养分耗竭后,施用足量肥料能逆转土壤有机质耗竭的趋势。

57、The British Empire had fatally depleted itself in the great if laggard repulse of Hitler. ─── 不列颠帝国在击退希特勒的这一场伟大的、然而行动迟缓的斗争中,把自己搞到了山穷水尽的地步。

58、Industrial fishing and habitat shifts ended this. Nowadays, with stocks depleted and regulations tight, there are only 70 boats landing cod in Maine, and the lobster rules. ─── 工业渔业和栖息地的改变给它画上了句号。现今,市场已然衰竭,缅因州对鳕鱼,虾类的政策严格,渔船码头也仅剩70个。

59、After 43 days, the money supplied by his employer was depleted and he was to be released. ─── 43天后,老板垫付的钱用完了,他不得不出院。

60、What isn't yet clear is how the Volt will behave when the battery is depleted and the gasoline engine kicks on to provide more juice. ─── 什么目前尚不清楚是如何表现的电压时,将电池耗尽和汽油发动机踢上提供更多的果汁。

61、Even though they received pay raises, the couple couldn't survive and soon depleted their savings. ─── 即使他们收到加薪,这对夫妻就无法生存,并很快耗尽他们的储蓄。

62、This time, we distributed almost all of our remaining food and blankets. We also depleted all of our medical supplies. ─── 在这一站我们几乎发放完所有的食物和毛毯,也几乎用尽了所有的医药品。

63、The zircons we studied were depleted in oxygen 18 relative to the mantle, and such depletion occurs only if the crystals formed from rocks that interacted with rain or snow. ─── 因为相较于地函,我们所研究的锆石,氧18含量偏低,而这种情形只有可能是晶体的母岩曾经和雨水或雪发生交互作用。

64、Rushing and running on his job all day long, Mr Lewis'energy is depleted at the end of the day. ─── 我们知道,一个人奔忙了一整天的工作,精力肯定是被大大消耗了。

65、However, the patient may be volume depleted and prone to hypotension and decreased cardiac output from mechanical ventilation and PEEP. ─── 不过,病人可能因机械通气和PEEP导致肺容量衰竭,容易出现血压过低和心排量减少。

66、As a result, it is possible that the amount of margin initially pledged against a trading position, can be completely depleted. ─── 因此,最初抵押交易头寸的保证金额,就有可能损失殆尽。

67、But in the area where the researchers were working natural blooms had already depleted much of the silicic acid, which the diatoms use for shellmaking. ─── 但是,在研究者工作的自然增长的地方已经耗尽了所有的硅酸,而硅酸是硅藻制造壳的主要物质。

68、Thereupon this phrase in the preamble was depleted. ─── 因此,前言中的这一句话就被删去了。

69、If the land is depleted, the plant will give more. ─── 如果土地被耗尽,那么塔罗树就会给予更多。

70、In a seemingly innocuous game against a depleted Miami HEAT squad, the Jazz had a double digit-lead and looked to be well on their way to another win. ─── 在对阵精疲力竭的热火队的一场比赛中,爵士曾经领先了双位数而且势头也不错,本来看起来这又是一场爵士平平常常的胜利。

71、The drought has depleted their supply of water. ─── 干旱使供应给他们的水大为减少。

72、As soon as the tree fruits, its nutrient reserves are depleted and the entire tree topples and dies. ─── 一旦树上结出果实,它的营养储存即消耗殆尽,整棵树都会倾倒并死去。

73、Rovers have a few injury concerns themselves and will be looking for a lift after a home defeat in the cup against a depleted Bournemouth side. ─── 布里斯托流浪受到伤患的困扰,他们在上场对阵般尼茅夫败北后寻找着得分的机会。

74、Pau Gasol traipsed through a depleted Clippers frontline, scoring 23 points, and Lamar Odom totaled 20 points and 10 rebounds. ─── 保罗加索尔,本场比赛防守非常积极,抢下4个后场篮板,拿到23分,奥多姆也拿到20+10.

75、You have to replenish your energe when you are feeling depleted. ─── 当你觉得不行(精疲力竭)的时候,必须补充你的能量。

76、There's hope yet for bandwidth depleted networks -- and for weary network managers looking to keep their networks out of intensive care. ─── 对于带宽已用尽的网络来说,还是有希望的,对于那些期望使其网络避免深层管理的精疲力竭的网络管理人员来说,也是有希望的。

77、In many development environments, a large number of depleted to the MPI data transmission mode, through practical application, we can see, application of the effect was very good. ─── 在很多的开发环境中,大量的用到了MPI的数据传输的方式,经过实际的应用,我们可以看出来,应用的效果非常好。

78、Some 17 percent are overexploited, 7 percent are depleted and 1 percent are recovering from depletion. ─── 17%为过度捕捞,7%逐渐减少;1%从原先耗尽的状况中稍稍恢复。

79、The national treasury is depleted. ─── 国库空虚。

80、If one ruled out everyone who pads expenses, there would be a depleted pool of employees to choose from. ─── 如果将每个虚报费用的人都排除在外,可供选择的雇员就少得可怜了。

81、Illidan's naga allies sent repeated attacks against Maiev's greatly depleted forces, but Maiev dispatched a runner who reached Malfurion and asked for help. ─── 伊利丹的纳迦盟友不断的进攻精疲力竭的玛维和她的部队,玛维派遣了一个信使找到了玛法里奥并向他请求援助。

82、The greatest cause of seasonal flu-related deaths is pneumonia brought on by bacteria that invade after flu has depleted the body's defenses, not by the flu virus itself. ─── 季节性流感造成的死亡,主要都是流感病毒耗尽体内的防卫资源,而让细菌趁隙引发肺炎,而不是流感病毒直接造成的。

83、As hare numbers fall, so do lynx numbers, as their food supply depleted. ─── 随着野兔数量的减少,猞猁数量也会减少,因为它们的食物供应已经耗尽。

84、It is proved that the inner Depleted uranium's chemical toxicity can harm kidney in a short time, while its irradiation and long-term chemical toxicity often cause cancers. ─── 业已证实,进入体内的贫铀,其化学毒性的短期影响是肾损伤,而贫铀的内照射和化学毒性的长期健康危害是致癌。

85、The metaperidotite is strongly depleted in TiO_2. The dolerite has low TiO_2 and some of the granitoids on the FAM diagram show a Skaergaard liquid trend. ─── 其变质橄榄 岩、方辉橄榄岩强烈亏损TiO_2,辉绿岩TiO_2也较低,而稀土元素分布模式为平缓型。

86、Having long ago depleted most of its oil reserves, Dubai has reinvented itself as a “sell-side” emirate, dreaming up ingenious schemes for other people to invest in. ─── 2月22日,迪拜在石油储量丰富的邻国阿布扎的援手下走出了金融危机的牢笼。

87、The soil can be depleted, or "farmed out". ─── 土壤可以耗尽精力,或叫做“地力耗尽”。

88、They just got a heck of a lot older, and they depleted their front line by giving up DeSagana Diop, who was more useful than people might imagine. ─── 他们只得到了一名老兵,而他们的前场损失严重,迪奥普这名球员比人们想象得要有用的多。

89、Realistically, the difference between a depleted geyser's output and an operational geyser is only 4 gas units. ─── 事实上,枯竭了的气矿产出和普通的气矿只差4单位气体。

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