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08-20 投稿


ergo 发音


英:  美:

ergo 中文意思翻译




ergo 网络释义

adv. 因此,所以n. (Ergo)人名;(法)埃尔戈

ergo 短语词组

1、ergo proxy ─── 代理处

2、ergo grips ─── 解除流感

3、ergo brushes ergo ─── 刷

4、ergo chair ─── 电动椅

5、ergo- ─── [医] 工作, 力, 动力

6、cogito ergo sum ─── 科吉托·埃尔戈·苏姆

7、post hoc ergo propter hoc n. ─── 後此谬误 [网络] 后此谬误;随之故由之;发生于其后者必然是其结果

8、ergo chair sliding into ergo ─── 椅滑入

9、ergo chair pro ergo chair pro

10、ergo chef ERGO ─── 主管

11、ergo-apiol ─── [医] 厄果阿皮奥, 厄加皮奥(调经成药)

12、ergo k860 ─── 因此k860

ergo 相似词语短语

1、erga ─── 尔加

2、ego ─── n.自我;自负;自我意识;n.(Ego)人名;(日)依怙(姓);(法)埃戈

3、ergs ─── n.[物]尔格(erg的复数,一种能量单位);基本特性

4、Argo ─── n.南船座;Jason求取金羊毛所乘之船

5、Fargo ─── n.法戈(美国北达科他州东南部城市)

6、ergon ─── n.尔刚(用热表示的功的单位;光子能量单位);n.(Ergon)人名;(土)埃尔贡

7、erg ─── n.[物]尔格(功和能的单位)

8、erugo ─── 埃鲁戈

9、ergot ─── n.麦角;麦角症;麦角碱

ergo 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、As for the fit, SIDI simply score big with the Ergo 2.That said they also score well with their 6.6 and 5.5. ─── 关于合脚性,sidi简单的以Ergo2的到高分.同时sidi的6.6与5.5款式也有很好的得分.

2、Partner with Ergo team to promote early reporting and prevent ergo- related injuries. ─── 协助人机工程学小组鼓励员工汇报和预防与人机工程学相关的各种伤害;

3、And, ergo, his buddy is guaranteed a profit. ─── 因此他朋友就必定能从中捞一笔。

4、Ergo, his size remains the same . But in the same amount of time, his T-shirt size has gone from small/medium to medium to large to extra large. ─── 所以他的身体尺寸没变化。可是在同样长的时间里,他的T恤尺寸却从小/中号增至中号、大号、加大号。

5、Since 1997, DKV became a member of the ERGO Insurance Group which is the 2nd biggest insurance group in the German market. ─── 从1997年起,德国健康保险股份公司成为德国第二大保险集团-ERGO保险集团-的重要成员。

6、Ergo, his size remains the same. ─── 所以他的身体尺寸没变化。

7、Ergo , do not close your box before you visit the post office, as you will have to open it again for the postal inspection. ─── 因此,在你去邮局之前先不要封口,不然你要被要求开箱检查的。

8、This arrangement, rather like the spacing of our eyes (making Earth the schnoz in this analogy), allows for depth perception, ergo 3-D. ─── 这种排列与我们双眼的间隔颇为相似(可以把地球比作鼻子),因此可以感知深度,形成三维图像。

9、Ergo, the first step toward spiritual cultivation is to resuscitate the awareness of our conscience. ─── 因此,谈修身第一件事,就是开启本心的觉知。

10、It is the root of the file system tree (ergo , the name). ─── 它是文件系统树的根(如其名所示)。

11、Ergo Print Management brings process solutions for the effective procurement of artwork, print, mail and related marketing services. ─── (尔阁)印刷管理系统为您量身订制优质的图文、印刷、邮寄及相关的市场服务的过程解决方案。

12、Ergo, any internet company with a decent market share now is bound to get bigger and more profitable. ─── 因此,任何有着可观市场份额的中国互联网公司都肯定会越来越壮大,盈利能力越来越强。

13、Huic ergo parce, Deus, pie Jesu, Jesu Domine! ─── 主啊,给他施以您的仁慈吧!仁慈的主耶稣基督!

14、Ergo , his size remains the same . ─── 所以他的身体尺寸没变化.

15、"ego cogito ergo sum" characterizes man being his own measure; ─── “我思故我在”表征着人作为自己的尺度;

16、Zead: He is the one protecting the curse. Ergo, he is an impediment to me... and to all those who abide in this land. ─── 塞:他是要保护维持诅咒的人,所以,他对我来说是个妨碍,对这片大地上所有忍受痛苦的人也是一样。

17、Ergo,those that refused the program,while a minority, if unchecked, would constitute an escalating probability of disaster。 ─── 因此那些拒绝程序的试验体,尽管只是少数,但如果不加以抑制就会带来灾难性的后果。

18、Judex ergo cum sedebit, ─── 审判者登上宝坐,

19、Obligation Ergo Omnes and its Impact on International Criminal Law ─── 试论普遍义务及其对国际刑法的影响

20、These books are Harry's tale and ergo this character must have some role to play opposite him in the plot. ─── 这些书是哈利的传奇故事,因而这个人物必须扮演一个与哈利相对的角色。

21、Ergo, the Sun was the moving body of the two. ─── 因此,太阳才是两个天体中运动着的那个。

22、If ovulation does not appear, no egg is storyd, and ergo technically there should be no bleeding at all. ─── 但是,那只巨大、灰色的狼,忽东忽西地闪击着,可怕的双颚发出咯咯咯的响声。

23、Ergo, RESPONSIBILITY is more important than anything else! ─── 因此:责任心是比任何事情都更重要的!

24、In the postwar era, the dollar would be anchored to gold, and other currencies would be anchored to the dollar: No more fluctuating money, ergo no competitive devaluation. ─── 重创全球金融市场的信贷泡沫部分源于现行货币制度的双轨状态:一些国家允许货币自由浮动,另一些国家把本币与美元松散地挂钩在一起。

25、cogito ergo sum ─── 我思故我在(法国哲学家笛卡尔的基本哲学原则)

26、Huic ergo parce, Deus, pie Jesu, Jesu Domine! Dona eis, eis requiem! Amen. ─── 主啊,给他施以您的仁慈吧!仁慈的主耶稣基督!赐予他们安息!阿门!

27、Ergo, the probability that an ETI only slightly more advanced than we are will make contact is virtually nil. ─── 由是,若要一个只比我们稍微高等一点的ETI与我们接触,机会等于是零。

28、Hector: On the contrary. To obtain the vengeance I seek, Isaac must be slain by my hand alone. Ergo, nothing was lost. ─── 赫:正相反,为了达成我的复仇,阿萨克必须被我杀掉。所以,没什么遗憾的。

29、They were the hands of the professor; ergo, he was now the professor. ─── 这是教授的双手,因此,他如今就是名副其实的教授了。

30、In this study, the changes of male light weigh rowers' body composition has insignificant relationship with the performance of ergo meter. ─── 本研究中,男子轻量级运动员身体成分的改变与专项测功仪能力的变化未呈显著相关性。

31、Ergo, some of my answers you will understand, and some of them you will not. ─── 所以我的一些回答你也许能明白,有些你也许不能明白。

32、Ergo, his size remains the same. But in the same amount of time, his T-shirt size has gone from small/medium to medium to large to extra large. ─── 所以他的身体尺寸没变化。可是在同样长的时间里,他的T恤尺寸却从小 / 中号增至中号、大号、加大号。

33、The equipment which through using the vacuum principle to suspend and move the object. JUMBO ERGO ─── 利用真空原理起吊和移动物体的设备

34、Ergo, these facilities have been marked as the likely rail transfer points. ─── 因此,这些地方也已经被标示为可能的铁路转运点。

35、obligation ergo omnes ─── 普遍义务

36、Ergo, our first axiom for evaluation: HONOR CARDS ARE WORTH MORE WHEN COMBINED THAN WHEN ISOLATED. ─── 于是,我们第一个估算原则是:大牌组合在一起时比分散时更有价值。

37、The recapitalization of financial institutions so far is only enough to maintain existing credit assets, but not expand them;ergo the credit crisis continues. ─── 金融机构截止目前的资本调整只足够维持现存的信贷资产,不能扩大,因此信贷危机会继续。

38、post hoc, ergo propter hoc ─── 此后,因此,由此

39、Ergo accessory system for additional user comfort. ─── 自带清洁剂混入系统;

40、Ergo, your principle is to use powerful words in order to convey ideas and actions. ─── 因此,你的原则就是使用强大的语言来陈述你的意见和表达你的行为。

41、Neither side would have a real incentive to start a war. Ergo, peace would reign. ─── 都没有发动战争的真实动机。因此,和平将会到来。

42、5. Since 1997, DKV became a member of the ERGO Insurance Group which is the 2nd biggest insurance group in the German market. ─── 从1997年起,德国健康保险股份公司成为德国第二大保险集团-ERGO保险集团-的重要成员。收藏指正

43、cogito, ergo sum ─── 我思,故我在

44、Huic ergo parce Deus. ─── 我主,求你垂怜我。

45、Lacrimosa dies illa qua resurget ex favilla judicandus homo reus. Huic ergo parce, Deus, pie Jesu, Jesu Domine! Dona eis, eis requiem! Amen. ─── 那些充满悲伤的曰子,将随着尘埃扬起的时刻远去,有罪的人将得到审判。主啊,给他施以您的仁慈吧!仁慈的主耶稣基督!赐予他们安息!阿门!

46、Support to implement site ergonomic program on office& workshop ergo evaluation and employee ergo survey; ─── 支持工厂人机工程学改进项目,协助进行人机工程学调查和评估;

47、 ,Coach Ergo Signature Small Hobo; ─── 多一份真实,少一份虚假;

48、Bernanke Belief #1: Monetary Policy Was Overly Tight at the Outset of the Great Depression. Ergo, Keep Interest Rates Low Today to Avoid Another Depression. ─── 伯南克1号信条:货币政策在大萧条开始时过度紧缩。由此,今天保持低利率以避免另一场大萧条。

49、ego cogito ergo sum ─── 我思故我在

50、This arrangement, rather like the spacing of our eyes (making Earth the schnoz in this analogy), allows for depth perception, ergo 3 - D. ─── 这种排列与我们双眼的间隔颇为相似(可以把地球比作鼻子),因此可以感知深度,形成三维图像。

51、Ergo, do not close your box before you visit the post office, as you will have to open it again for the postal inspection. ─── 因此,在你去邮局之前先不要封口,不然你要被要求开箱检查的。

52、Thus, it is very important to know what is good posture when working in front of a computer.GE China Medical Service did ergo evaluation in Corporate (Plaza, United Plaza SHA &Hanwei BJ) last month. ─── GE中国健康服务部上月对在中欣,恒隆,汉威大厦工作的GE中国有限公司的员工做了人体工程学评估。

53、Est ergo fides recta ut credamus et confiteamur, quia Dominus noster Iesus Christus, Dei Filius, Deus et homo est. ─── 是以,正直的信仰,要我们承认:我们的主耶稣基督,天主之子,一面是天主,一面也是人;

54、no trace of either of those great loves remains. ─── 那些无边的爱一丝一毫都没有留下。

55、Synergism is derived from two Greek words (“syn” and “ergo”) that literally mean “to work with. ─── 协作论源自两个希腊词语,义为“一同工作”。


人体工程学(Human Engineering),也称人机工程学、人类工程学、人体工学、人间工学或人类工效学(Ergonomics)。工效学Ergonomics原出希腊文“Ergo”,即“工作、劳动”和“nomos”即“规律、效果”,也即探讨人们劳动、工作效果、效能的规律性。人体工程学是由6门分支学科组成,即:人体测量学、生物力学、劳动生理学、环境生理学、工程心理学、时间与工作研究学。



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