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08-20 投稿


creaming 发音

英:[?kri?m??]  美:[?kri?m??]

英:  美:

creaming 中文意思翻译




creaming 词性/词形变化,creaming变形


creaming 短语词组

1、face creaming ─── 面霜;雪花膏

2、creaming butter and sugar without mixer ─── 不带搅拌器的奶油和糖

3、creaming tank ─── 膏化罐

4、creaming definition ─── 奶油定义

5、creaming sound ─── 奶油般的声音

6、creaming food ─── 奶油食品

7、creaming butter ─── 奶油

8、creaming technique ─── 奶油技术

9、creaming of latex ─── [建] 胶乳的澄清

10、creaming process ─── 奶油加工工艺

11、creaming powder ─── 乳脂粉;脱水奶油

12、emulsion creaming ─── 乳化 ─── 乳脂

13、anti-creaming agent ─── 防冻剂

14、degree of creaming ─── [化] 膏化度

15、creaming is ─── 奶油是

16、creaming agent ─── [化] 膏化剂

17、creaming machine ─── [化] 乳油搅打机; 甩奶油机

18、creaming ability n. ─── 乳油上浮性

19、creaming latex ─── 乳脂 ─── 乳液

creaming 常用词组

ice cream ─── 冰淇淋

whipped cream ─── n. 生奶油

cream cheese ─── n. 奶油干酪

creaming 相似词语短语

1、creaking ─── v.(门、木地板等)嘎吱作响;(过劳或紧张)显得虚弱;n.嘎吱声;n.(Creak)(爱、英)克里克(人名)

2、-dreaming ─── v.做梦;梦想(dream的现在分词)

3、cremating ─── vt.火葬;烧成灰

4、creasing ─── n.压痕;折缝;皱折;v.变皱;起折痕(crease的ing形式)

5、screaming ─── adj.尖叫的;使人惊叹的;使人捧腹大笑的;v.尖叫;大笑;呼啸着前进;呼吁;抗议;告密(非正式)(scream的现在分词)

6、creating ─── v.创造(create的现在分词)

7、reaming ─── n.铰刀;纹孔;v.钻孔;铰除(ream的ing形式)

8、breaming ─── n.鲤科鱼;欧鳊属淡水鱼;用加热和刮擦的方法清扫船底;vt.打扫;n.(Bream)人名;(英)布里姆

9、dreaming ─── v.做梦;梦想(dream的现在分词)

creaming 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In winter many people smooth moisturing cream over their faces. ─── 冬天,许多人在脸上搽润肤霜。

2、Would you like some walnut cream ? ─── 你要来点奶油核桃吗?

3、A walnut sundae,and don't spare the whipped cream. ─── 做胡桃圣代冰淇淋,就甭想少用掼奶渍。

4、He anointed sunburned place with cold cream. ─── 他用润肤油涂在被太阳炙伤的地方。

5、Inca Cola, Peru. A sickly sweet soft drink that tastes like Creaming Soda without the bubbles. ─── 印加可乐:产自秘鲁,一种含糖量很高的软饮料,像是没有泡沫的奶油苏打水。

6、On this hot day, the ice cream is irresistible. ─── 在这种热天, 我们不禁想吃冰淇淋。

7、The fact that a handful of traders are creaming off big profits at the expense of genuine investors undermines the integrity of the market. ─── 一小撮交易员以损害真正投资者利益的方式,获取巨额利润,这种行为妨害了市场公正。

8、She treated each of the children to an ice cream. ─── 她请孩子每人吃个冰激凌.

9、You're just going to have to have ice cream. ─── 你只好得吃冰淇淋了。

10、The ice cream had melted and run down my hand. ─── 冰淇淋化了,流到了我手上。

11、Do you want some hair cream? ─── 您要搽些香水吗?

12、The chocolate coating has all been licked off the cream buns. ─── 奶油小面包外面的一层巧克力都被舔光了。

13、She dabbed some cream on her face. ─── 她在脸上搽了些乳霜。

14、Would you like some cream in your coffee? ─── 你要不要在咖啡里放些奶油?

15、The ice cream softened and began to melt. ─── 冰淇淋开始变软并开始融化。

16、They feted his recovery with ice cream and cake. ─── 他们以冰淇琳和蛋糕庆祝他的康复。

17、They fete his recovery with ice - cream and cake. ─── 他们以冰淇淋和蛋糕庆祝他的康复。

18、Ice cream is popular among children. ─── 冰淇淋深受孩子们的欢迎。

19、We have a choice of cake or ice cream. ─── 你可以任选蛋糕或冰淇淋。

20、Would you like milk or cream in your coffee? ─── 你的咖啡里要牛奶还是奶油?

21、Don't stint on the cream! ─── 不要舍不得放奶油!

22、Mother is dishing the ice cream. ─── 妈妈正在把冰淇淋盛在碟子里。

23、Cream cakes are no long a luxury. ─── 奶油蛋糕再也不是奢侈品了。

24、She scooped some ice cream out of the tub. ─── 她从纸杯里舀了些冰淇淋出来。

25、The IMF's proposals for new bank taxes already nod towards the idea of creaming off excess profits. ─── 国际货币基金组织对新银行税的提案已经倾向于取走超额的利润。

26、Peru. A sickly sweet soft drink that tastes like Creaming Soda without the bubbles. ─── 秘鲁,一种含糖量很高的软饮料,像是没有泡沫的奶油苏打水。

27、You may have either vanilla or chocolate ice cream. ─── 你或要香草冰淇淋或是要巧克力冰淇淋。

28、She ordered a strawberry ice cream. ─── 她要了一份草莓冰淇淋。

29、The butter churn had two paddles to whip the cream. ─── 奶油制造机有两根搅棍搅打奶油。

30、He loves humongous baked potato piled high with sour cream. ─── 他酷爱堆积如山的烤马铃薯加酸奶油。

31、The cream rose to the top some time ago. ─── 天赋高的人早已爬到了上面。

32、A dish of strawberries and cream is not to be despised. ─── 一盘草莓加乳酪应该算不差了。

33、Serve with extra syrup, clotted cream or custard. ─── 上桌时可加配糖浆、浓缩奶油或牛奶蛋糊。

34、Pasteurization destroys the creaming and souring ability of milk, causing it to putrefy if kept long enough instead of souring normally. ─── 巴氏灭菌破坏了牛奶的乳化和酸化能力,使其在长期保存后腐败,而不是正常情况下的酸化。

35、What is your favorite ice cream? ─── 你最喜欢的冰淇淋是什么?

36、What flavors of ice cream do you have? ─── 你们有哪些味道的冰淇淋?

37、You must avoid sweet foods, e.g. cake, chocolate, sugar and ice cream. ─── 你要避免吃甜食,例如蛋糕、巧克力、糖和冰淇淋。

38、He topped the cake with whipped cream. ─── 他在蛋糕上浇了掼奶油。

39、You must avoid taking sweet foods, e.g. cake, chocolate, and ice cream. ─── 你必须避免吃甜食,诸如蛋糕、巧克力和冰淇淋。

40、A machine or device for separating cream from milk. ─── 乳脂分离器一种把乳脂从牛奶中分离出来的器具

41、He never uses cream so his skin is really dry. ─── 他从不用护肤乳,所以皮肤很干。

42、The girl charges up and asks for an ice cream. ─── 女孩跑上前,要了一份冰淇淋。

43、Ice cream is my favorite dessert. ─── 冰淇淋是我最喜欢吃的甜点。

44、She scrubbed the cold cream off her face with a tissue. ─── 她用化妆纸擦去脸上的冷霜。

45、A smooth, chewy candy made with sugar, butter, cream or milk, and flavoring. ─── 卡拉梅尔糖一种光滑宜多咀嚼的糖块,用砂糖、黄油、奶油或牛奶,以及调味香料制成

46、A cake made of sweetened cottage cheese or cream cheese, eggs, milk, sugar, and flavorings. ─── 干酪饼用甜的农家鲜干酪或奶油干酪以及鸡蛋、牛奶、糖和面粉做成的饼

47、We ate ice cream in the interval. ─── 幕间休息时我们吃冰淇淋。

48、I recommend consomme and cream of chicken. ─── 今天的清汤和奶油鸡汤很好。

49、Can be used in the morning and then daub day cream. ─── 也可于早上使用,使用后可涂抹日霜。

50、She can't get the eggs and cream to blend. ─── 她不能将鸡蛋和黄油伴和在一起。

51、They ate raspberry tarts and ice cream. ─── 大家吃着木莓馅饼和冰淇淋。

52、Children at any party will glut themselves with cake and ice cream, and not touch healthier foods. ─── 孩子们在任何聚会上都会撑饱糕饼和冰淇淋,而不沾有营养的食物。

53、The children clamoured for ice cream. ─── 孩子们聒噪不休,吵着要吃冰淇淋。

54、What kind of ice cream do you have? ─── 你们有哪几种冰淇淋?

55、See? In form terms, we're creaming them. You just have to look at it the right way. ─── 看见了么?从状态上来讲,我们占绝对优势。你只需要正确对待它就是了。

56、You lost the cream of the story by going to the kitchen. ─── 你因为去了厨房而错过了故事中最精彩的部分。

57、He put some of the cream on his burn. ─── 他在烫伤处擦了些药膏。

58、Ice cream is attractive to children. ─── 冰淇淋对孩子们非常有吸引力。

59、According to the result of emulsion in high speed centrifugal separation a concept of creaming velocity of emulsion was advanced in this paper. ─── 根据乳状液高速离心分层的结果,提出了乳状液分层速度的概念。

60、From that moment the debate was lost. Churchill sat up, gloating at his critics with a discreet twinkle, like a cat presented with an unexpectedly large bowl of cream. ─── 从那一刻起,辩论就已告失败。丘吉尔坐直身子,扬扬得意地看着批评他的人,审慎地眨着眼睛,那副样子就像猫意想不到地被赏给一大碗奶油似的。

61、The little boy licked the ice - cream cone. ─── 小男孩舐着冰淇淋蛋卷。

62、A dessert made of several layers of different flavors of ice cream or ices, variously garnished and served in a tall glass. ─── 多味奶油冻,多味冰淇淋果冻一种饰以不同的花色且装在高脚玻璃杯中的有多种味道的冰淇淋或雪糕的多层甜点

63、Have some cream in your coffee. ─── 在你的咖啡里加点奶油吧。

64、Her hair was plastered with smelly cream. ─── 她头发上抹了厚厚的一层头油,气味很难闻。

65、Hands up all those who'd like an ice cream! ─── 喜欢吃冰淇淋的人举手!

66、She dipped ice cream from a container. ─── 她从容器中舀冰淇淋。

67、How would you like your coffee,black or with cream? ─── 女招待: 咖啡要什么样的,加牛奶还是不加?

68、The children feel like eating ice cream. ─── 孩子们想吃冰淇淋。

69、Ice cream is high in fat and sugar. ─── 冰激淋的脂肪和糖分含量很高。

70、She ladled cream over her pudding. ─── 她在布丁上浇了一勺奶油。

71、This cream is for your dry skin. ─── 你这种干性皮肤适合使用这种面霜。

72、When he takes me out,he always buys me ice cream. ─── 当他带我出去时,他总是买冰淇淋给我。

73、The beer is creaming in the glass. ─── 啤酒在玻璃杯中冒泡。

74、He dolloped whipped cream over the bread. ─── 他在面包上涂抹一层奶油。

75、He often spreads on cream on bread. ─── 他常常把奶油涂在面包上。

76、Why Does Ice Cream Make You Scream? ─── 为何越冰越“痛”快?

77、Do you want any hair cream or tonic, sir? ─── 先生,要用发膏或护发素吗?

78、Several ladies who were trying to lose weight had already fallen by the wayside by eating cream cakes. ─── 几位女士试图减肥,但同时又吃奶油蛋糕,结果是半途而废。

79、He bought an ice - cream to quench his thirst . ─── 为了解渴,他买了一块冰淇淋。

80、She skimmed the milk of its cream. ─── 她撇去牛奶上的奶油。

81、They had cake and ice cream at the party. ─── 在交谊会上他们吃蛋糕和冰淇淋。

82、I'm more caught up in the fact that she's creaming him This is an eroge after all, isn't it? ! ─── 我被更多地吸引在她痛打他这个事实上,不管怎么说,这是一个工口游戏吧,对吗?

83、You have your choice of three flavor of ice cream. ─── 你可以选择3种风味的冰淇淋。

84、His son is a cream puff. He should exercise more. ─── 他的儿子弱不禁风,应该多运动运动。

85、They are regaling on cream cakes. ─── 他们在美滋滋地吃奶油蛋糕。

86、She crowned the dessert with whipped cream. ─── 她在甜点心上面加上搅打过的奶油。

87、Spread a bit of this cream on your face and rub evenly for a while. It can smooth away wrinkles if you persist. ─── 取本面霜少许搽于脸部,并均匀地按摩片刻,长期使用本品能消除皱纹。

88、My mother asked me to cream the butter and sugar together. ─── 妈妈让我把黄油和糖搅成奶油状。

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