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08-20 投稿


experimental 发音

英:[?k?sper??ment(?)l]  美:[?k?sper??ment(?)l]

英:  美:

experimental 中文意思翻译



experimental 网络释义

adj. 实验的;根据实验的;试验性的

experimental 常用词组

experimental result ─── 实验结果

experimental data ─── 实验数据;试验数据

experimental study ─── 试验研究;实验性研究

experimental 短语词组

1、experimental agglutination reaction ─── [医] 试探性凝集反应, 实验性凝集反应

2、experimental design procedure ─── [计] 实验设计过程

3、experimental animal ─── [医] 实验动物

4、experimental data ─── [化] 实验数据; 试验数据

5、experimental diabetes ─── [医] 实验性糖尿

6、experimental error ─── [计] 试验误差 ─── [医] 实验误差

7、experimental aerodonetics ─── [机] 实验滑翔学

8、experimental data base ─── [计] 试验数据库

9、experimental aeroplane ─── [机] 实验用飞机

10、agricultural experimental station ─── [经] 农业试验场

11、experimental epidemiology ─── [医] 实验流行病学

12、experimental disease ─── [医] 实验病

13、experimental evidence ─── [法] 经验证据

14、experimental condition ─── 试验条件

15、experimental design ─── [计] 实验设计, 试验设计 ─── [化] 实验设计

16、experimental computer network ─── [计] 实验性计算机网络

17、experimental communication satellite ─── [计] 实验通信卫星

18、deferred experimental and research expense ─── [经] 递延试验研究费

19、experimental embryology ─── [医] 实验胚胎学

experimental 词性/词形变化,experimental变形

副词: experimentally |

experimental 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Experimental data are introduced to support the discussion. ─── 为了便于讨论,引用了一些实验数据。

2、Experimental investigation of aurum vapor laser[J]. ─── 引用该论文 金庭蓁,汤星里,韩绍琴.

3、In this paper, an experiment about shafting natural frequency measuring on torsional vibration experimental bench was studied and the factors, which cause error, were analyzed. ─── 在扭振试验台上进行了轴系扭振固有频率测量的模拟试验,并对试验中产生误差的因素进行了分析计算。

4、He assigned the experimental plot to that group. ─── 他把试验田划给这个小组负责。

5、Secondly some explores on experiment and theory were studied, and the experimental results tallied with the theory well. ─── 其次做了一些实验和理论探索,并根据实验结果进行了详细的计算,实验结果与理论符合较好。

6、The result of comparison between the model-predicted data and experimental data shows that the model is of reliable precision. ─── 通过模型预测结果与实验结果的比较,表明模型具有一定的精度。

7、So, when putting into practice,the associated model often is used within the range of the experiment, but EOS model is used beyond the experimental data. ─── 因此,在实际运用中,对于实验范围内的预测应用缔合模型,而超出实验范围的预测则用EOS模型。

8、Experimental Study on NMP Refining VGO No. ─── NMP精制混合减五线馏分油小试研究。

9、Grouping and infecting of experimental rabbits. ─── 实验用兔的分组及感染;

10、On Dec.1, the courts began an experimental program allowing cameras in courtrooms with judges' approval, but Bell refused to go along in the trial of Robert Chambers for the murder of Jennifer Levin,18. ─── 12月1日各法院开始试验在法官认可下,准许在法庭内使用摄影机。可是在钱伯斯因谋杀18岁的莱文而受审时,贝尔拒不同意。

11、Experimental data: Penknife, spider, desk a piece. ─── 实验材料:小刀一把,蜘蛛一只,桌一张。

12、Ice Trojan experimental invasion and protection. ─── 冰河木马入侵和防护实验。

13、being, however, immunotherapy is still in its experimental stages. ─── 然而,目前免疫疗法还处于试验阶段。

14、Added new experimental module pcntl (Process Control). ─── 增加了新的实验中的模块pcntl

15、Experimental Approaches: What"s in the Pipeline? ─── 实验的处理途径:是什么在导管中?

16、Their general practice is to set up experimental plots. ─── 他们的一般作法是建立试验田。

17、Through experimental study on displacement ventilation with up-fixing diffusers, the experiment data which include distribution of the supply air velocity, air temperture and 0. ─── 对风口上置置换通风系统进行实验研究,得出此种通风方式下送风口的速度分布,室内的温度分布,0。

18、In 1954 the first experimental seed orchards were planted. ─── 到1954年,第一批实验性种子园建立起来了。

19、Experimental clinical examination and treatment. ─── 临床试验性检查和治疗。

20、The senator is ready to argue for an experimental lifting of the ban. ─── 该参议员已准备好争取那条禁令的试验性解除。

21、The result obtain differ in different experimental method. ─── 不同的试验方法所得到的结果也不同。

22、A new clip-cage for whitefly experimental studies. ─── 一种适合粉虱实验观察的新型微虫笼

23、Coordinating units for chemical experimental analyses including China Steel Structure Company Metallurgy Division Chemical Experiment Unit and Kuo Hung Ltd. ─── 化学试验分析配合单位包括中国钢铁冶金技术处化学试验组、国宏股份有限公司。

24、Peking ducks were used as experimental animals in this experiment, and duodenum-pancreas fistulas were made by surgical operation. ─── 为得到纯净胰液,以北京鸭为实验动物,用手术方法做肠-胰瘘管,手术完成40例。

25、The experimental results tell us that this vibration energy storing control system can convert and store some of the AC signal. ─── 实验结果初步表明,该振动能量存储控制系统能够将部分交流的信号转换收集存储。

26、A reliable biological conclusion obtained from microarray experiment must be based of the optimized experimental design and the scientific data analysis. ─── 基因芯片实验要得到可靠的生物学结论,必须基于优化的实验设计和科学的数据分析。

27、Method and Theory in Experimental Psychology. ─── 实验心理学的方法和理论

28、Little Jim is doing very well in an experimental class. ─── 小吉姆在一个试点班学习得很好。

29、The indeterminateness is due not to faulty experimental technique. ─── 不确定并不是由于实验技术的不完备。

30、Are the experimental results replicated? ─── 實驗結果可以被複製嗎?

31、The experimental results bear out our supposition. ─── 实验结果证实了我们的假设。

32、The experimental plot was parceled out to the students. ─── 实验田已分给学生们耕种了。

33、The experiment shows that the numerical simulation results have good conformity to experimental ones at the stage prior to remelting of copper layer. ─── 实验表明,在铜层重熔之前,模拟结果和实验结论基本吻合。

34、At the Athletic Club he became experimental. ─── 他在运动俱乐部老是独树一帜。

35、She must be working on the experimental plot. ─── 她现在一定在试验田里工作。

36、Experimental cortical infarction and quantitative analysis in rats. ─── 大鼠实验性皮层脑梗塞及其定量研究。

37、Novax, UEF Experimental Satellite - Reducing crash damage to 3000. ─── UEF试验卫星:坠落伤害减少到3000。

38、Get off the experimental plot! ─── 别在试验田里走!

39、He is now taking an experimental Chinese medicine. ─── 他现在正服用一种实验中的中药。

40、They railed in a piece of ground for an experimental plot. ─── 他们用栏杆围起一块地来作试验田。

41、Experimental study of a certain effect. ─── 对其中某一作用的实验研究。

42、The experimental data were deal with SPSS software. ─── 实验数据用SPSS统计软件处理。

43、And so Eagleman came up with an original experimental paradigm: SCAD jumping, which is often described as bungee jumping without the bungee. ─── 所以,毅革曼想出了一个原创的实验范式:SCAD跳,它通常被描述为没有蹦极的蹦极跳。

44、Explaining Bubbles in Experimental Asset Markets Eric O'N. ─── 实验经济学与资本价格泡沫

45、The means of transport for experimental animals shall be safe and reliable. ─── 实验动物的装运工具应当安全、可靠。

46、The experiment of MgO-Cr 2O 3 extrusion repair mass for RH immerging snorkel is introduced and influence of some experimental factors on the physical properties analyzed. ─── 介绍了镁铬质挤压修补料的试验室试验研究情况,分析了各试验因素对试样物理性能的影响关系。

47、To document encryption experimental procedure. ─── 对文件加密的试验程序。

48、In the experiment, the scientists made use of two electrodes with atomic charge, and then the experimental observation of atomic reaction. ─── 在实验中,科学家们利用电极使得这两种原子充满电荷,然后观察这些实验原子的反应。

49、This article discussed how to decrease the cost of organic chemistry experiment from experimental content, experimental medicine and product of students' experiment. ─── 从实验内容、实验药品和学生实验产品三个方面探索如何降低有机化学实验的实验成本。

50、An experimental IRC community support agent. ─── 它是一种实验性的IRC社区支持代理。

51、The experimental curve runs nearly parallel to the abscissa. ─── 实验曲线几乎与模座标平行。

52、The eutectic amount and SDAS was measured in DC experiment and compared to model value, it was shown that the experimental data are in agreement with the model prediction. ─── 实验测定了不同成分铝合金的共晶含量和枝晶间距, 实验数据与模型结果基本一致。

53、Nonsignificant influence of pressure on the experimental result was further confirmed by the experiment. ─── 实验进一步验证了压强对实验结果的非显著性影响。

54、Using molecular sieve cakes as experimental materials,the simulative experiment of belt drier was carried out. ─── 以分子筛滤饼作被干燥物料,模拟带式干燥机进行了干燥试验研究。

55、Murat: Integration with PureMVC was initially created just as an experimental attempt to bring IoC in PureMVC applications. ─── Murat:与PureMVC的集成最初只是一种实验性的尝试,用来将IoC带到PureMVC应用中。

56、In an opening microscopic biology experimental design project, our group has designed one kind of photobacteria toxicity experiment. ─── 在一个开放微观生物实验设计项目中,我们组设计了一种发光细菌毒性实验。

57、He reached this conclusion on the basis of the experimental data. ─── 他是在实验数据基础上得出这个结论的。

58、We both participated in the experimental work . ─── 我们俩都参加了这次实验工作。

59、In a typical experiment, the sample is weighed into the sample cell and placed in the furnace to equilibrate at the experimental starting temperature. ─── 在一个典型的实验中,样品池中的样品被称量后,放在炉中以保持温度平衡在实验开始时的温度。

60、The equipment is still at the experimental stage. ─── 这种设备仍处于试验阶段。

61、LeShan Moruo Experimental School No list items have been added yet. ─── 乐山沫若实验学校。

62、The experimental plot was 'parceled out to the students. ─── 实验田已分给学生耕种了。

63、They set aside 50 mu for an experimental farm. ─── 他们拨出50亩地作实验农

64、Experimental vehicles have used solar fuel cells. ─── 实验车现在已用到太阳燃料电池。

65、The state farm assigned the experimental plot to that group. ─── 国营农场把试验田划给这个小组负责。

66、Have got experimental data consists of 600 pices of picture and video from 200 times of experiment . ─── 利用该实验装置,进行了“裂缝性气藏的重力置换规律”和“溢流关井后井筒压力动态变化规律”二大类近200次实验,共获得600余组实验数据(含数据、图片、影像)。

67、Therefore,to spread the green organic chemistry experiment is the key of the chemistry experimental teaching reform and also one of the impo... ─── 因此,逐步推广绿色有机化学实验,是化学实验教学改革的重点,也是解决环境污染的重要手段。

68、The experimental study of molecular rotation is called microwave spectroscopy. ─── 分子转动的实验研究被称为微波波谱学。

69、Experimental results were analyzed by means of built-in field enhanced ion emission model and ion neutralized models,which coincides well with the experiment results. ─── 利用内建场增强离子发射模型和可动离子中性化模型对实验结果进行了分析与计算,理论与实验吻合较好。

70、Of them did not join the experimental work. ─── 他们俩人都没有参加实验工作。

71、We jointly took charge of the experimental furnace. ─── 我们共同负责试验炉。

72、ZFS is no longer in experimental status. ─── ZFS文件系统不再是试验性的支持。

73、It expatiate thinking about the hound of figuring virtual experimental model accurately, and bring the principle about definition of virtual experiment. ─── 基于静电跳球虚拟实验的开发,阐述了关于精确表示虚拟实验模型限度的思考,并提出确定虚拟实验精确度的原则。

74、They can only provide experimental evidence. ─── 他们只能提供实验证据。

75、Results for. Are found to be close to the experimental data. ─── 已经证明。的结果与实验数据是相接近的。

76、Experimental study and clinical using of dried-pigskin? ─── 干燥猪皮的实验研究及临床应用?

77、How much is today's experimental atmospheric pressure? ─── 今天这个试验气压有多少?

78、Experiment 2 examined implicit processing of expressions by requiring subjects to attend to, and judge, facial gender, which was counterbalanced in both experimental conditions. ─── 实验2测试表情的内隐运作,通过要求受试者去注意、并判断人脸性别,它们是同时在两个实验情况中相互保持平衡的。

79、The latest experimental result of the EPR-type experiment supports the prophecy of quantum theory.However, it runs counter to Einstein"s deterministic physics of cause and effect. ─── EPR型实验的最新实验结果支持量子力学的预言,而和爱因斯坦的因果确定性的物理实在观相悖。

80、In experimental plots the yield has been doubled. ─── 在试验田里,产量已(被)提高了一倍。

81、When I speak to the operators in Japan and Korea, they are still very much in an experimental mode to see how much users are willing to pay. ─── 当我跟日本和韩国的运营商交流时,他们说手机仍然片于试销阶段,以观望有多少用户愿意购买。


83、Mix-planting experiment on annual legume with gramineous forage grass was conducted at Huangcheng Sheep Breeding Experimental Farm from 1998-1999. ─── 一年生豆科、禾本科牧草混播试验于1998-1999年在甘肃省皇城绵羊育种试验场进行。

84、We tried to direct undergraduates to carry out the originative exploring experiment after giving instruction in experimental design. ─── 在开展设计性实验的基础上,开放实验室,进行了“首创”的探索性实验。

85、Laboratory Animal and experimental models. ─── 实验动物及模型制作。

86、In this experiment, the relationship between clinical aspect and microcirculatory disorder during experimental coliform clinical mastitis was studied. ─── 临床型乳房炎是损害奶业生产的重大疾病之一。

87、Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method can resolve those problems resulting from the surface marking rule effectively. ─── 实验结果表明,块标记策略有效解决了面标记策略过程中存在的问题。

88、In an experiment, 17 volunteers with no meditation experience in the experimental group spent three months meditating 10 to 12 hours a day . ─── 在实验方面,17个志愿者在实验的团体方面有没有沉思经验度过三个月想天10到12小时。

89、The theoretical and experimental projects are key parts of learning about interplay between theory and experiment in developing knowledge about cell physiology. ─── 学习生理学过程中,理论和实验项目对于理解理论与实验之间的相互关系是非常重要的一个环节。


这个问题,搜索一下可以得到现成的答案,很多前人已经做过解释了。\r 中学学习的平衡常数K是experimental equilibrium constant,翻译为“经验平衡常数”或“实验平衡常数”。一般是浓度平衡常数,Kc,它是可能有单位的量,单位为mol^a / L^a。当a=0时,单位为1(即量纲为1)。\r “你印象中的”平衡常数可能指的是standard equilibrium constant,在美国符号为K°,中国符号是在°内加一个左右不出头的横线(看起来像θ)。标准平衡常数是后来的化学热力学中定义的一个常数,其数值与标准态的选取有关,并且可以和热力学状态函数取得联系,进行很多理论计算,大学才会学到。\r 中学学习的不是标准平衡常数的证据是:在学习水的离子积常数时,说到Kw=Kc·c(H2O),把c(H2O)取的是55.6mol/L,而不是按照纯液体标准态代入1。\r






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