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08-20 投稿


horseshoes 发音

英:[?h????u?z]  美:[?h?r?s?uz]

英:  美:

horseshoes 中文意思翻译



horseshoes 短语词组

1、horseshoes game ─── 马蹄形游戏

2、horseshoes rules ─── 马蹄铁规则

3、horseshoes hotdogs and hand grenades ─── 马蹄铁热狗和手榴弹

4、iron horseshoes ─── 铁马蹄 ─── 铁

5、horseshoes and hand grenades ─── 马蹄铁和手榴弹

6、horseshoes amazon ─── 马蹄亚 ─── 马逊

7、horseshoes photos ─── 马蹄铁照片

8、horseshoes set ─── 马蹄套

9、horseshoes bulk ─── 马蹄铁散装

horseshoes 反义词

foot | mare

horseshoes 词性/词形变化,horseshoes变形

动词过去式: horseshoed |动词过去分词: horseshoed |动词现在分词: horseshoeing |动词第三人称单数: horseshoes |

horseshoes 同义词

cavalry | stud | charger | knight | pony | sawbuck | stallion |steed | mare | nag | colt | buck | sawhorse | Colt | mount

horseshoes 相似词语短语

1、horse show ─── 马展(常有马术等表演)

2、horseshoers ─── n.马蹄铁工

3、horseshoeing ─── v.装马蹄铁于(horseshoe的现在分词)

4、horseshoe ─── n.马蹄铁;U形物;v.装蹄铁于……

5、horseshoe bats ─── 菊头蝠

6、horseshoer ─── n.马蹄铁工

7、horse shows ─── 马展(常有马术等表演)

8、horse boxes ─── 教堂之长椅席;运马用之铁路货车

9、horseshoed ─── n.马蹄铁;U形物;v.装蹄铁于……

horseshoes 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Horseshoes are made in a forge. ─── 马蹄铁是在锻造厂打出来的。

2、horseshoes magnet ─── 马蹄形磁铁

3、Good luck charms, such as horseshoes, rabbits' feet, coins, lockets, and religious medals, are commonly kept or worn to ward off evil or to bring good fortune. ─── 和我们一样,老外也会带一些护身符来避免坏运气,比如硬币,幸运符什么的。

4、85. All the horses must be shod with new horseshoes for the show . ─── 为了演出,所有的马都必须钉上马蹄铁。

5、The existence of Smale horseshoes for a certain discretized perturbed nonlinear Schroedinger(NLS) equations was established by using n-dimensional versions of the Conley-Moser conditions. ─── 利用n维Conley_Moser条件证明了一类离散扰动非线性Schr dinger方程(NLS)的Smale马蹄的存在性.

6、After an unusually meaty dinner (bison, reindeer, ham and cabbage), cooked by the excellent French chef, we pitch a few horseshoes before bed. ─── 晚餐的肉类异常丰富,有野牛肉、驯鹿肉、火腿和卷心菜,由一流的法国厨师烹制。饭后,我们玩了一会掷马蹄游戏就上床了。

7、Horseshoes One of the most familiar things that are supposed to be lucky is a horseshoe. ─── 日常生活中最常见的吉祥物之一是马蹄铁。

8、One that makes, repairs, and fits horseshoes. ─── 铁匠制作、修理和安装马蹄铁的人

9、to play horseshoes ─── 扔马蹄子

10、a game in which quoits or horseshoes are thrown at a stake in the ground in the hope of encircling it ─── 一种游戏,其中铁环或马蹄铁被扔向地上的一个目标希望围绕它一圈

11、The ship pitched horseshoes in the storm. ─── 船在风暴中颠簸。

12、To fit with horseshoes. ─── 装马蹄铁

13、More often than not, horseshoes placed above the door have the heels up and the ground surface of the shoe facing out. ─── 古爱尔兰传说耶稣出生在马厩,因此马蹄铁也具有神奇的力量。如果有人拾到马蹄铁便被认为会招来好运。

14、This pair of horseshoes has to be changed; it's worn out. ─── 这副马蹄铁该换了,都磨光了。

15、It was given out that the animals there practised cannibalism, tortured one another with red-hot horseshoes and had their females in common. ─── 他们说动物们残食同类,有烧红的马蹄铁互相折磨,并过着共妻的生活。

16、Because of the excellent preservation of the fossil, anatomicaldetails of early horseshoe crabs were ---- for the first time, enablingexperts to ---- the evolution of the horsesho ... ─── 在第一次解剖之前,这些专家应该已经有研究,然后通过解剖在重新评价也是合理的。

17、an open ring of iron used in playing the game of horseshoes. ─── 做马蹄铁游戏时用的开放的铁环。

18、This pair of horseshoes has to be changed;it's worn out. ─── 这副马蹄铁该换了, 都磨光了。

19、The horseshoes yelled at the Beetle wanting him to go away. ─── 钉马掌的冲甲虫吼了起来,让它离开。

20、Horseshoes are made in a blacksmith's forge. ─── 马蹄铁是在铁匠铺制作的。

21、But do you know how the horse got the golden horseshoes? ─── 但是你知道马为什么能得到金马掌吗?

22、The smith forges horseshoes with great skill. ─── 这个铁匠打马掌的手艺很高。

23、The black smith forged horseshoes. ─── 铁匠打了马掌。

24、The Smith [blacksmith] forges horseshoes with great skill. ─── 这个铁匠锻制马掌的手艺很高。

25、Games To toss a ring over (a peg), as in horseshoes. ─── 套环:往(短桩)上投掷圆环,如在掷铁蹄游戏中

26、A blacksmith forges horseshoes out of iron. ─── 铁匠用铁锻造马的蹄铁。

27、A bend in the Colorado River horseshoes around a sandstone butte in Grand Canyon National Park. ─── 意译:美国地界标和国家公园图片。一个马蹄形向内弯曲在科罗拉多河在砂岩孤丘围绕在大峡谷国家公园。

28、Beetle who listened to the news came out of his barn and went to the horseshoes. ─── 有只甲虫听说了,从马厩里爬出来,来到钉马掌的那里。

29、The smith [ blacksmith] forges horseshoes with great skill. ─── 这个铁匠锻制马掌的手艺很高。

30、Would you care to try your luck at pitching horseshoes? ─── 你不想在投环游戏中试试手气吗?

31、Set comes with four horseshoes (two brass- and two chrome-plated), two 24" chrome-plated steel stakes and instructions. ─── 四个马蹄铁一套(两个黄铜和两个镀铬的)两个24“的镀铬钢棍子和说明书。

32、(of a horse) having horseshoes with projecting nails to prevent slipping. ─── (用于马身上的)有突出的防滑钉的马蹄铁。

33、In the West, rabbit's feet are considered lucky, as are horseshoes and any penny you find by accident. ─── 在西方,兔子脚被视为幸运的象征,马蹄铁和你无意中发现的一分钱铜币也是一样。

34、topological horseshoes ─── 拓扑马蹄

35、A game in which players toss horseshoes or horseshoe-shaped metal pieces at a stake so as to encircle it or come closer to it than the other players. ─── 掷蹄铁游戏,一种游戏,其玩法是:游戏者将马蹄铁或马蹄铁形的金属块扔向一柱子,套住柱子或比其他游戏者更接近柱子。

36、"In the Dagger River mist, through a Biting wind, Horseshoes, at the Sand Mouth line, Break on icy Boulders." ─── 剑河风急雪片阔, 沙口石冻马蹄脱。

37、However, there are also horseshoes displayed with the heels down. ─── 如果有人拾到马蹄铁便被认为会招来好运。

38、nail on horseshoes ─── 钉马掌

39、an open ring of iron used in playing the game of horseshoes ─── 做马蹄铁游戏时用的开放的铁环

40、Smale horseshoes ─── Smale马蹄

41、Close only counts in horseshoes, nukes and proximity-fused missiles.Smart bombs have bad days too.The best defense is to stay out of range. ─── 本站刊载此文不代表同意其说法或描述,仅为提供更多信息,也不构成任何建议。

42、a blacksmith-a man who makes horseshoes and other items from metal--was at that time quite an important part of the community ─── 铁匠,也就是制作马蹄铁和其他金属用品的人,那个时候在当地是相当重要的人物。

43、This is one of the oldest ceremonies in London -- indeed, the horseshoes and nails are over 550 years old. ─── 这是伦敦最古老的仪式之一,实际上这些马掌和铁钉已有550多年的历史了。

44、a game in which quoits or horseshoes are thrown at a stake in the ground in the hope of encircling it. ─── 一种游戏其中铁环或马蹄铁被扔向地上的一个目标希望围绕它一圈。

45、It's kinda like Horseshoes and Handgrenad-es if you're familiar with that old saw. All you have to be is close. ─── 如果你熟悉旧的锯的话,它有点像马蹄和手榴弹,你所需的只是离它近点。

46、Lucky things include four-leafed clovers,horseshoes and even rabbit feet! ─── 吉利的事情包括:四片叶子的苜蓿,马蹄铁甚至野兔的脚。

47、Horseshoes often are hung over the door of a house or barn for protection. ─── 人们通常把马蹄铁悬挂在房门或谷仓门的上方,以求保护。

48、It was given out that the animals there practised cannibalism, tortured one another with red-hot horseshoes, and had their females in common. ─── 他们说,传说那里的动物同类相食,互相用烧得通红的马蹄铁拷打折磨,还共同霸占他们中的雌性动物。

49、In Ohio, if you ignore an orator on Decoration day to such an extent as to publicly play croquet or pitch horseshoes within one mile of the speaker's stand, you can be fined $25.00. ─── 在俄亥俄州,如果你在阵亡将士纪念日当天忽视演说者到公然在该演说者的讲台方圆一英里(=1.609344公里)内打槌球或玩掷马蹄铁游戏的程度,那麽你可能被处以25美元的罚款。

50、Seven horseshoes nailed to a house will protect it from all evil. ─── 钉在房子上的七个马蹄铁可以保护房子不受任何邪恶力量。

51、Because everyone needed horseshoes and pots and pans and metal tools and things like nails,which the blacksmith made,the blacksmith shop also became a community gathering place where neighbor met neighbor. ─── 因为人人都需要马蹄铁、炊事用具、金属工具、以及钉子之类的东西,而这些都得由铁匠来做;铁匠的铺子也就成了街坊邻里聚集会面的地方。

52、Almost everyone has seen horse-shoe magnets so-called because they are shaped like horseshoes. ─── 几乎每个人都见到过马蹄形磁铁--之所以这样叫它是因为它们的形状象马蹄形。

53、But, as the old adage says, "Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades. ─── 但是,就像那句老话说的一样,“差之毫厘,失之千里。”

54、A bar of steel worth five dollars, when wrought into horseshoes, is worth ten dollars. ─── 一条值五块钱的钢铁,如果作成蹄铁,可以卖十块钱;

55、Because the horses must walk on the streets, they need especial horseshoes. ─── 因为马要在街上行走,所以它们需要特殊的马蹄铁。

56、The Smith forges horseshoes with great skill. ─── 这个铁匠打马掌的手艺很高。

57、Because everyone needed horseshoes and pots and pans and metal tools and things like nails, which the blacksmith made, the blacksmith shop also became a community gathering place where neighbor met neighbor. ─── 因为人人都需要马蹄铁、炊事用具、金属工具、以及钉子之类的东西,而这些都得由铁匠来做; 铁匠的铺子也就成了街坊邻里聚集会面的地方。

58、This pair of horseshoes has to be changed; it's worn out. ─── 这副马蹄铁该换了,都磨光了。

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