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08-20 投稿


daphnia 发音

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英:  美:

daphnia 中文意思翻译



daphnia 短语词组

1、daphnia feed ─── 水蚤饲料

2、daphnia magna ─── 大型溞

3、daphnia organism ─── 水蚤

4、daphnia for sale ─── 出售的水蚤

5、genus Daphnia ─── [网络] 水蚤属

6、daphnia eggs buy ─── 水蚤蛋

7、daphnia ph ─── 水蚤

daphnia 词性/词形变化,daphnia变形

名词复数: daphnia |

daphnia 相似词语短语

1、daphne ─── n.达芙妮(女名);瑞香

2、diphonia ─── 双音

3、daphnids ─── 水蚤

4、Daphnis ─── n.达佛涅斯(希腊牧神)

5、daphnid ─── 水蚤

6、daphnias ─── n.水蚤

7、daphnes ─── n.达芙妮(女名);瑞香

8、aphonia ─── n.[耳鼻喉]失音;不能发音

9、raphania ─── n.野萝卜子中毒

daphnia 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、daphnia toxicity ─── 水蚤毒性

2、Keywords Daphnia magna;phenylsulfonyl acetate;QSAR;quantum chemical descriptor.; ─── 大型蚤;苯砜基乙酸酯;QSAR;量子化学描述符;

3、Keywords cypermethrin;Daphnia magna HB;toxicity; ─── 氯氰菊酯;大型氵蚤;毒性;

4、Keywords Nitrobenzene derivatives;Daphnia Carinat a;QSAR model;toxicity; ─── 硝基芳烃;隆线蚤;QSAR模型;毒性作用;

5、established standard toxicity test methods and test QA system for algae, daphnia and fish; ─── 完善了藻、溞、鱼的标准急性毒性试验方法及质量保证体系;

6、Keywords aromatic compounds;Photobacterium phosphoreum;Daphnia magna;QSAR models; ─── 取代芳烃;发光菌;大型蚤;QSAR模型;

7、Applying phototactic behaviour of Daphnia to monitor water quality ─── 利用水溞的趋光行为监测水质

8、Keywords Biomonitor,Daphnia carinata,Phototactic behaviour,Nitrogen and Phosphorus,Heavy Metal,Biotoxicity; ─── 生物监测;隆线溞;趋光行为;氮磷;重金属;生物毒性;

9、Water quality - Determination of chronic toxicity to Daphnia magna Strauss in 7 days - Simplified population growth inhibition test. ─── 水质.蚤状水蚤属magnaStrauss7天慢性毒性测定.种群生长抑制简化试验

10、Keywords Daphnia;Water quality;Biological monitoring;Pollution;Toxic test; ─── 水氵蚤;水质;生物监测;污染;毒性试验;

11、Keywords environmental chemistry;atomic characteristic value of bioactivity;structure information index;phenylsulfonyl acetates;daphnia magna;acute toxicity; ─── 环境科学技术;原子生物活性特征值;结构信息指数;苯砜基乙酸酯;大型蚤;急性毒性;

12、Daphnia magma ─── 大型蚤

13、Effects of Toxic Alga Microcystis aeruginosa on Growth and Reproduction of Water Fleas Daphnia magna ─── 有毒铜绿微囊藻对大型溞生长和繁殖的影响研究

14、Showed that the influence of cadmium and PCP to reproduction capacity in three Daphnia species was different. ─── 表明镉和五氯酚钠对三种水溞繁殖能力的影响是不一样的。

15、Therefore, it is important to derive sufficient protein from a single Daphnia for phenotypic analyses. ─── 从一个水蚤个体中获取足够的蛋白对于表型分析也变得十分重要。

16、The basis of their study is the feeding and life cycle of a tiny crustacean called Daphnia and their microscopic algal prey commonly found in lakes and ponds throughout the world. ─── 他们研究的基础是建立在小型甲壳动物溞类生活史和摄食以及它们对藻类的捕食,这些通常被建立与湖泊和池塘内的。

17、Keywords 3;4-dichloroaniline;Daphnia magna;continuous-flow system;semi-static system;reproduction toxicity; ─── 二氯苯胺;大型蚤;流水式;半静态;繁殖毒性;

18、Inductive effects of microwave irradiation on the salt-resistant of Daphnia pulex ─── 微波对蚤状溞耐盐性的诱导作用

19、Sensitivity of Daphnia magna at different ages to toxicityihas been studied in accordance with comparison between 7-days body-length and its 21 days reproduction of Daphnia magna. ─── 研究了不同日令大型溞对毒物的敏感性,对大型溞7d的体长指标与21d的繁殖量指标进行了比较。

20、Phototactic behavior of Daphnia carinata as an indicator of chromium biotoxicity ─── 利用隆线溞趋光行为评价铬的生物毒性

21、any of various water fleas of the genus Daphnia,some species of which are commonly used as food for aquarium fish ─── 水蚤,水蚤科中的一种水蚤属水生跳蚤,其中的一些种类通常用作水族馆鱼类的食物

22、Keywords valence connectivity index;substituted aromatic compounds;photobacterium phosphoreum;daphnia magna;pimephales promelas; ─── 价连接性指数;取代芳烃;发光菌;大型蚤;呆鲦鱼;

23、The results showed that the behavior responses of Daphnia magna to three pesticides (Chlorothalonil, Nitrofen and Deltamethrin) were intensive, and they were evident dose-effect relationship. ─── 研究结果表明,在不同浓度百菌清、除草醚和溴氰菊酯的作用下,大型蚤的运动行为强度会发生剧烈变化,并呈现明显的剂量-效应关系。

24、Then, McCauley and his colleagues showed that Daphnia and their algal prey have an incredible range of population dynamics. ─── 他和他的同事展示了溞类和它们的捕食者藻类存在一个难以置信的种群动力范围。

25、Keywords fungicide;Daphnia magna;acute toxicity;chronic toxicity;embryo toxicity;molting process;CAT; ─── 杀菌剂;大型蚤;急性毒性;慢性毒性;胚胎毒性;蜕皮;过氧化;

26、The Acute Toxicity Test to Brachionus Calyciflorus of the Daphnia Pulex ─── 几种金属离子对萼花臂尾轮虫的急性毒性试验

27、Keywords Daphnia magna;Pesticide;Pollution;Toxicity; ─── 关键词大型水蚤;农药;污染;毒性;

28、Goss studied Daphnia magna, a tiny freshwater crustacean used in many aquatic toxicity studies. ─── 戈斯以水蚤(Daphnia magna)——一种微小的淡水甲壳类昆虫——为研究对象。 该类昆虫过去常被用于各类水生生物毒性研究中。

29、Detection for toxicity of drinking water and water resource polluted by pesticides and inorganic arsenic with daphnia magna ─── 应用大型水蚤对农药和无机砷污染的饮用水和地表水源水毒性检测

30、Keywords bioactivity valence;autocorrelation topological index;substituted aromatic compound;Photobacterium phosphoreum;Daphnia magnastraus;Pimephales promelas;acute toxicity.; ─── 生物点价;自相关拓扑指数;取代芳烃、发光菌、大型蚤、呆鲦鱼、急性毒性.;

31、The toxicity test indicated that the acute oral LD50 for mice was 492.72 mg/kg,the 48 h-EC50 for Daphnia magna straus(Cladocera crustacea)was 143.61 mg/L,the 96h-LC50 for Brachydanio rerio was 84.17mg/L. ─── THPS对斑马鱼的96h-LC50为84.17mg/L; THPS对健康昆明种小鼠的经口LD50为492.72mg/kg。

32、Quantitative Genetic Studies of Diapause in Daphnia: Genetic and Environmental Control and Genetic Consequences ─── 水蚤滞育的数量遗传学研究:遗传与环境控制及遗传作用

33、Rapid ecotoxicological biomonitore of heavy metal-polluted soil using Daphnia carinata phototaxis inhibition test ─── 水溞趋光抑制法快速监测重金属污染土壤的生态毒性研究

34、The water flea daphnia magna straus is a generally acknowledged standard test aquatic, and the measure of its toxicity test has been prescribed as the obligatory item by many countries. ─── 大型蚤作为国际公认的标准试验生物,其毒理试验被许多国家定为毒性必测项目,各国纷纷建立了自己的标准方法,因此有着广阔的应用前景。

35、Induced effect of temperature and food on reproduction of Daphnia pulex ─── 温度、食物对蚤状溞生殖的诱导作用

36、Keywords Daphnia;Moina macrocopa;Detergents;Semilethal dose;Heart rate; ─── 水蚤;多刺裸腹蚤;洗衣粉;半致死剂量;心率;

37、Keywords substituted aromatics;photobacterium phosphoreum;daphnia magna straus;pimephales promelas;quantitative structure-activity relationship; ─── 取代芳烃;发光菌;大型蚤;呆鲦鱼;定量结构活性相关;

38、Any of various water fleas of the genus Daphnia, some species of which are commonly used as food for aquarium fish. ─── 水蚤水蚤科中的一种水蚤属水生跳蚤,其中的一些种类通常用作水族馆鱼类的食物

39、Keywords acrylamide;Daphnia magna;acute toxicity;non-observed effect concentration(NOEC);lowest observed effect concentration(LOEC);maxium acceptable toxicant concentration(MATC); ─── 丙烯酰胺;大型溞;急性毒性;无可见效应浓度;最低可见效应浓度;毒物最大允许浓度;

40、Keywords organotin compounds;toxicity effects;Scenedesmus obliquus;Daphnia magna;quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR); ─── 有机锡;毒性效应;斜生栅藻;大型蚤;定量结构-活性相关;

41、Toxicity of imidacloprid on bee,silkworm,daphnia,fish and shrimp have been tested by various indoor simulated tests,and safety evaluation have also been conducted. ─── 本文采用多种室内模拟试验,测定了吡虫啉对蜜蜂、家蚕、蚤类、鱼类和虾类的毒性并作了安全性评价。

42、Monitoring sodium pentachlorophenate and cadmium in aquatic solutions by phototactic behavior of Daphnia carinata clone ─── 利用隆线溞趋光行为检测水体中五氯酚钠和镉的研究

43、"The Daphnia system is an exquisite aquatic sensor, a potential high-tech and modern version of the mineshaft canary, " he said. ─── “水蚤系统是一种敏锐的水中传感器、一种潜在的高科技、一种现代版的矿区金丝雀,”他说。

44、"daphnia:any of various water fleas of the genus Daphnia, some species of which are commonly used as food for aquarium fish." ─── "水蚤:水蚤科中的一种 水蚤属水生跳蚤,其中的一些种类通常用作水族馆鱼类的食物."

45、Keywords Trichloroisocyanuric acid;Butylated hydroxyanisole;Ciprofloxacin hydrochloride;Daphnia magna;Acute toxicity;Environmental factors; ─── 三氯异氰尿酸;叔丁基对羟基茴香醚;盐酸环丙沙星;大型;急性毒性;环境因子;

46、Keywords Biomonitor;Daphnia carinata;Phototactic behavior;Pesticides;heavy metals; ─── 生物监测;隆线溞;趋光行为;农药;重金属;

47、Keywords daphnia magna straus;toxicity test;progress; ─── 大型蚤;生物测试;进展;

48、Influence of different feeding conditions and nutritional enrichment on total lipid and fatty acid composition of Daphnia magna ─── 不同喂养条件和营养强化对大型溞总脂及脂肪酸组成的影响

49、Keywords trichloroisocyanuric acid(TCCA);P.aduncus;Daphnia longispina;chronic toxicity; ─── 三氯异氰尿酸;短腹平直蚤;长刺蚤;慢性毒性;

50、Keywords 4-nonylphenol;Chlorella vulgaris;Daphnia magna;Photobacteium phosphoreum;Toxic effects; ─── 壬基酚;小球藻;大型蚤;发光细菌;毒性;

51、Daphnia and mosquito larvae. The frozen forms of these foods ─── 水蚤和蚊子幼虫。这些冰冻处理后也很爱吃


53、An Elementary Study on Salt_Resistance of the Three Species_Daphnia Sarsi Richard, Daphnia Carinata King and Moina Macrocopa Strans ─── 多刺秀体?与隆线?以及多刺裸腹?3个种群的耐盐力初探

54、Keywords nitrogen forms;heavy metal;daphnia carinata;phototactic behaviour;joint-biotoxicity; ─── 氮形态;重金属;隆线溞;趋光行为;联合生物毒性;

55、Keywords daphnia magna straus;toxicity test;variance analysis;pollution status; ─── 大型溞;毒性试验;方差分析;污染状况;


57、Goss studied Daphnia magna, a tiny freshwater crustacean used in many aquatic toxicity studies. ─── 戈斯研究了大型水蚤-一种用于多项水生毒性研究的微小淡水甲壳动物。

58、Grazing Behavior and Influencing Factors of Daphnia magna on Scenedesmus ─── 大型溞对栅藻摄食行为及影响因素的研究

59、The effect of food from a eutrophic lake on the growth and reproduction of Daphnia hyalina ─── 生长与繁殖影响的初步实验

60、Biological archives such as the resting eggs of Daphnia in lake sediments are a valuable tool for investigating how organisms respond to changes in the ecosystem. ─── 生物学的存档比如在湖泊沉积物中溞类休眠卵对研究是一个有价值的东西。它们能够对生态系统的变化做出反应。


62、The study on the phototactic behavior of Daphnia carinata clone Dc42 as an indicator of chromium biotoxicity showed that the phototaxis inhibition ratio (Rpi) of D. ─── 报道了以隆线?单克隆Dc42为生物监测器,利用其趋光行为变化评价铬生物毒性的方法.

63、Keywords organic pollutants;Daphnia carinata;toxicity test; ─── 有机污染物;隆线蚤;毒性试验;

64、Daphnia Magna could respond even if the concentration of pesticide was in microgramme, . ─── 水蚤能够灵敏检测饮用水农药污染,在浓度达到微克时,仍然有反应;

65、Daphnia magna is recognized as a standard experimental organism in the world. ─── 大型水是国际公认的标准实验生物。

66、Water quality-Determination of the acute toxicity of substance to Daphnia (Daphnia magna straus) ─── GB/T13266-1991水质物质对蚤类(大型蚤)急性毒性测定方法

67、The previous progress and accomplishments of the toxicity of pesticides to the Daphnia magna in recent years was reviewed in this paper and the future of study in this field was discussed as well. ─── 本文总结了近年来国内外有关农药对大型蚤毒作用的研究进展及所取得的主要成果,并进一步对其未来研究进展趋势作了展望。

68、Research on Chronic Toxicity of MET to Daphnia magna ─── 多效唑对大型蚤的慢性毒性研究

69、Daphnia magna is recognized as a standard experimental organism in the world. ─── 大型水是国际公认的标准实验生物。

70、Keywords Daphnia magna;Brachydanio rerio;fenvalerate;enantiomers;chiral separation;toxicity test;difference of toxicity; ─── 大型蚤;斑马鱼;氰戊菊酯;对映异构体;手性拆分;毒理试验;毒性差异;

71、Our company is an integrated service provider in frozen fish food like Bloodworm, Daphnia, Krills and etc. ─── 已取得惠州出入境检验检疫局的出口饲料企业注册。公司生产的一系列产品适合各类品种的观赏鱼,产品营养丰富增色性好,属纯天然冷冻宠物食品。

72、In the 48h-exposure, there was a sudden increase of Daphnia magna behavior strength, and then decreased gradually. ─── 在一定浓度的农药暴露中,暴露生物的行为强度在经历一个短暂的突增后,会随暴露时间增加而逐步减弱。

73、Under normal environmental conditions, Daphnia populations are exclusively female and reproduction is clonal. ─── 在正常环境条件下,水蚤均为雌性并且采取无性繁殖。

74、Research about supervising industrial wastewater with daphnia magma straus ─── 利用大型蚤监测评价工业废水研究

75、acute and chronic toxicities of benzidine to Daphnia magna were studied. ─── 联苯胺对大型溞的急性毒性和慢性毒性。

76、The certain concentrations of fipronil approaching the LC50 can negatively affect population parameters of Daphnia pulex. ─── 氟虫腈在水中的质量浓度达到LC50时对大型蚤的种群有影响。

77、Results:Daphnia magna could detect the toxicity of drinking water and water resource polluted by 0. ─── 目的:验证采用大型水蚤检测农药和无机砷污染的饮用水和地表水源水毒性的可行性。

78、As the key part of the natural water food chain, the Daphnia magna is very sensitive to pesticides and listed as the essential non-target organism in the pesticide registration. ─── 摘要大型蚤是水体生态系统中对农药十分敏感的生物,被世界各国列为农药登记中必测非靶标生物之一。

79、Standard methods for bioassay of daphnia magna straus ─── 大型水蚤测试标准方法

80、Water fleas Daphnia magna was fed both toxic alga Microcystis aeruginosa DS and nontoxic alga M. aerztginosa 573 for 7~14 days under laboratory condition. ─── 摘要用铜绿微囊藻有毒株DS和无毒株573喂养大型溞,观察微囊藻对虫体的生长和繁殖的影响。

81、This article mainly introduces the cultivate technology of daphnia magna and the domestic and foreign situation of its toxicity test. ─── 在分析中,主要介绍了大型蚤的试验培养技术和国内外对其毒理试验方面的研究概况。

82、Keywords Daphnia magna;Recombinant gene yeast;Dicofol;Toxicity effects;Estrogenic effects; ─── 大型溞;重组雌激素受体基因酵母;三氯杀螨醇;毒性效应;雌激素活性;

83、The reproduction studies of difficult substance 3,4-dichloroaniline on Daphnia magna were performed with semi-static and continuous-flow system. ─── 分别采用持续流水式系统和半静态系统为暴露途径,比较研究难溶化学品3,4-二氯苯胺对大型蚤繁殖影响的差异。

84、determination of the inhibition of the mobility of daphnia magna straus (cladocera, crustacea) - (acute toxicity test) ─── 抑制daphnia magna straus(枝角目,甲壳纲)活动性的测定 - 剧毒试验

85、Daphnia magna ─── 大型溞

86、Keywords municipal wastewater;comprehensive toxicity;microorganism respirometry technique;photoluminescent bacteria;Daphnia magna; ─── 城市污水;综合毒性;微生物氧吸收累计量;发光菌;大型蚤;

87、Water fleas Daphnia magna was fed both toxic alga Microcystis aeruginosa DS and nontoxic alga M. ─── 用铜绿微囊藻有毒株DS和无毒株573喂养大型溞,观察微囊藻对虫体的生长和繁殖的影响。

88、Toxicity of common disinfectors to the larvae of large-sized daphnia and artemia ─── 常见渔用消毒剂对大型蚤和卤虫无节幼体的毒性

89、Keywords fenvalerate;beta-cypermethrin;triazophos;chlorpyrifos;Daphnia magna;chronic toxicity; ─── 氰戊菊酯;高效氯氰菊酯;三唑磷;毒死蜱;大型蚤;慢性毒性;

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