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08-20 投稿


polishing 发音

英:['p?l????]  美:['p?l????]

英:  美:

polishing 中文意思翻译



polishing 短语词组

1、polishing agent ─── [化] 抛光剂

2、fur polishing machine ─── [化] 毛皮上光机

3、chemical polishing effect ─── [建] 化学擦光作用

4、band polishing machine ─── [机] 带抛光机

5、belt polishing machine ─── [化] 带式磨光机

6、acid polishing ─── [化] 酸法制浆造纸; 酸抛光; 酸抛光玻璃

7、chemical polishing ─── [计] 化学抛光 ─── [化] 化学抛光

8、mechanical polishing ─── [化] 机械抛光

9、anodic polishing ─── [化] 阳极抛光; 阳极电抛光

10、polishing composition ─── [化] 抛光剂

11、flint polishing strip ─── [医] 燧石磨带

12、dip polishing ─── [化] 浸渍抛光

13、grinding and polishing machine ─── [化] 磨光-抛光机

14、cuttle fish polishing strip ─── [医] 乌贼骨磨带

15、polishing cloth ─── [化] 抛光布

16、glass polishing ─── [化] 玻璃抛光

17、garnet polishing strip ─── [医] 石榴石磨带

18、lava polishing strip ─── [医] 火山石磨带

19、electrolytic polishing ─── [化] 电解抛光

polishing 反义词


polishing 词性/词形变化,polishing变形

动词现在分词: polishing |动词过去式: polished |名词: polisher |动词过去分词: polished |动词第三人称单数: polishes |

polishing 同义词

scour | glaze | refine | wax | skill | brighten | buff | clean | burnish | refinement | polish up | control | rub | cultivation | enhance | tact | gloss | scrub | furbish | brush up | smoothen | sophistication | lacquer | luster | perfect | abrasive | culture | lustre | style | glossiness | grace | round off | finish | improve |shine | down | fine-tune | purity | round | smooth | hone | civility | elegance | abrade

polishing 相似词语短语

1、abolishing ─── vt.废除,废止;取消,革除

2、policing ─── n.维持治安,整顿;(对行业、活动等的)监管,监控;v.维护治安;监督,管制(police的现在分词)

3、publishing ─── n.出版;出版业;adj.出版的;出版业的;v.出版;发行(publish的现在分词形式);发表

4、unpolishing ─── 未抛光

5、repolishing ─── vt.再磨光,再抛光

6、phishing ─── n.网络钓鱼;网络欺诈(以虚假的身份和形象随机骗取个人帐号和密码等)

7、depolishing ─── 去抛光

8、pishing ─── int.嘘(表轻蔑、不耐烦);v.发出“嘘”声

9、perishing ─── adj.严寒的;讨厌的;糟糕的;v.死亡;毁灭;老化(perish的现在分词)

polishing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Cinnabar is the main mineral material for polishing mercury. ─── 丹砂是炼汞最主要的矿物原料。

2、Complete two missions as a Polish soldier. ─── 完成比利时的两个任务!

3、Super mcchanical properties and ideal polishing effects. ─── 卓越的机械性能和理想的抛光效果。

4、A native or inhabitant of Polish Galicia. ─── 加利西亚人波兰加利西亚的本地人或居民

5、She was beaten by the Polish and Lithuanian gentry. ─── 它败于波兰和立陶宛士绅。

6、Four years of prep school should polish those children. ─── 四年的预科学习应该让这些孩子变得温文尔雅。

7、Changzhou New Develop Area Yang Guang Polishing Material Co., Ltd. ─── 常州新区阳光抛光材料有限公司浙江三鼎工具有限公司。

8、Many of his poems lack polish. ─── 他的诗作有许多是不够精练的。

9、All her furniture gleams with polish and loving care. ─── 她的家俱全部闪耀着光泽,显然是得到精心的照料。

10、You've got to polish up on your idiomatic expressions. ─── 你需要改善和提高你的惯用语表达能力。

11、With this polish you can give a good high gloss to the wood. ─── 使用这种上光蜡可使木器表面极为光亮平滑。

12、Grand Fantasy on Polish Airs Op. ─── 三十、华丽的波兰民歌幻想曲。

13、The place where stick the cupula need to polish. ─── 吸吸盘的位置玻璃需要擦干净。

14、The Second Polish Republic is proclaimed in Poland. ─── 1918年的今天,波兰第二共和国在波兰宣布成立。

15、The Germans were indignantly complaining about Polish atrocities. ─── 德国人正在大肆宣扬波兰人如何残暴。

16、She was sitting on the floor on her green shawl, with her property all around her. In her hand was a small bowl, which she was polishing. ─── 她坐在铺著绿色披巾的地上,工具散放在四周,手中则是她正在抛光的小碗。

17、Aril rusty and polish when ripe. ─── 假种皮红色,熟时有光泽。

18、Since the diamond particles are easy to be stripped off during mechanical polishing, small pits are left on the surface of samples. ─── 由于这些钻石颗粒在化学抛光的过程中很容易分离出来,所以样品的表面会留下小凹痕

19、Usual used plastic mould in want polish property. ─── 一般用途特别是要求抛光的塑胶料模具。

20、Do you polish your head to get it that shiny? ─── 你的脑袋那么有光泽,你给它上光了吗?

21、Which polish color are you interested in? ─── 您想擦哪种颜色的指甲油?

22、Your writing has potential but lacks polish. ─── 你的文章有潜质但缺少文采。

23、Have you any cloths for polishing the furniture? ─── 你有擦家具的布吗?

24、Andy is polishing a chess piece. ─── 安迪正在打磨棋子。

25、In his spare time he did all he could to polish up his German. ─── 他在业余时间努力进修德语。

26、Your bike could do with a good polish. ─── 你的自行车需要好好擦一擦。

27、He liked polishing the furniture and making everything just so. ─── 他喜欢把家具擦得亮亮的,一切都安排得井井有条。

28、Pat has a Polish pen pal called Peter. ─── 帕特有一个波兰笔友名叫彼得。

29、Wax polish preserves wood and leather. ─── 上光蜡可以保护木材和皮革。

30、He is our Polish and Russian Liaison Officer. ─── 他是我们的波兰与俄罗斯联络人员。

31、He has the skill to ftech out the beauty of a gem by polishing. ─── 他有手艺把一块宝石加以打磨,使它显出美丽的光泽。

32、In this paper, we come to a conclude through a mount of experiments and observation: less the surface roughness , better polishing quality. ─── 通过大量的对比试验和观察发现:零件基体表面粗糙度越小,抛光效果越好;反之,则差。

33、In Polish, Kurnik stands for a hen-house. ─── Kurnik在波兰语里意思是鸡窝。

34、Elbow grease give the best polish. ─── 勤奋必成功。

35、Well, I think she's either Russian or Polish. ─── 嗯,我看她不是俄罗斯人就是波兰人。

36、Second, we must re-switched and Dala polishing. ─── 其次是要进行重新涂饰和打蜡抛光。

37、I spend so much time polishing my letter application. ─── 我花了很多时间为我的求职信润色。

38、He spent all of that afternoon polishing the silver. ─── 他花了那整个一下午擦银器。

39、A piece of such leather, or a cotton fabric made to resemble it, used as a polishing cloth or in shirts. ─── 充羚羊皮一块此类的皮革或仿此制作的一块棉织物,用作打磨上光布或用在衬衫上

40、You can grind, polish, stamp or stain it. ─── 你可以磨、波兰、邮票或污点.

41、If you polish the article, we will print it in the newspaper. ─── 如果你把这篇文章润色一下,我们就在报纸上发表它。

42、On the 17th the reactionary Polish government fled abroad. ─── 十七日波兰政府逃亡国外。

43、I'll have to polish up my Spanish before I go to Spain this summer. ─── 在我今年夏天到西班牙去之前,我得提高一下西班牙语。

44、In 1891 Marie lived in Paris among a group of Polish exiles. ─── 1891年玛丽生活在巴黎的一群波兰流亡者中。

45、A cosmetic treatment of the fingernails, including shaping and polishing. ─── 修指甲一种对指甲的美容,包括修剪和磨光

46、What color would you prefer for your nail polishing? ─── 您喜欢什么颜色的指甲油?

47、Ok Fred, why did you drink my car polish? ─── 好吧弗莱德,你为什么要喝我的汽车上光剂?

48、He bought a tin of brown polish. ─── 他昨天买一听褐色鞋油。

49、Polishing and deburring using the side of the tool. ─── 使用油石侧边进行抛光或去毛刺。

50、Polish the silver before the guests arrive. ─── 客人到来前把银器擦亮。

51、He took off his glasses and gave a polish to them . ─── 他摘下他的镜子并把它们擦了擦。

52、The maids began to polish up the silver dishes. ─── 女仆们开始擦亮银盘。

53、Do give your shoes a polish before you go out. ─── 出门前把皮鞋擦亮。

54、Additional service available: darning, leather polishing and shoe-repair. ─── 其它附加服务:织补,皮革上光等。

55、"DAIWA RABIN" provides sharply grinding and softly polishing. ─── “大和化成”提供锐利的研磨以及柔软的抛光!

56、A fine-grained impure corundum used for grinding and polishing. ─── 用于打磨或抛光的钢丝绒的垫子。

57、He spoke Polish, Yiddish and Russian. ─── 他讲波兰语、依地语和俄语。

58、Novel industrial process for ballonet polishing[J]. ─── 引用该论文 陈智利,杭凌侠,张峰.

59、When I please my boss, I am apple polishing. ─── 如果我让老板高兴了,那是我溜须拍马。

60、"Apple polishing" is as old as human society. ─── “擦苹果”这种事情自有人类社会以来就存在于世。

61、Four years of college gave her considerable polish. ─── 四年的大学教育使她更加完美。

62、A preparation containing wax used for polishing floors and other surfaces. ─── 地板蜡含蜡的制剂用于打光地板和其它表面

63、You need to spit and polish your speech. ─── 你需要再锤炼一下你的发言。

64、Would you polish up the article a bit? ─── 你把文章再润色一下好吗?

65、After moving the junk around to the right places and polishing it up a bit, the end product becomes a beautiful piece of junk. ─── 在把成堆垃圾挪动到合适位置再稍微加工下。成品就变成很漂亮的垃圾堆。

66、Metal parts or fixtures made bright by polishing. ─── 发亮的金属部件擦得发亮的金属部件或固定装置

67、Lacking social polish; tactless. ─── 不善交际的缺乏社会风度的; 不圆滑的

68、She helped her mother polish all the furniture . ─── 她帮母亲擦光所有的家具。

69、A fine - grained impure corundum used for grinding and polishing. ─── 刚玉粉,金刚砂用于磨粉和打光的一种细磨的不纯的刚玉粉

70、'It's as well to be on the safe side, ' said the Rat reflectively, polishing a pistol-barrel on his sleeve and looking along it. ─── “保险点总没坏处吧,”河鼠沉吟着说,他把一支枪筒在袖子上擦得锃亮,顺着枪管察看。

71、Sure, they lack the polish of their US counterparts. ─── 当然,他们没有美国学生那种能够让人眼前一亮的感觉。

72、Not bad Dao!!!Expecting pics after polishing!!! ─── 不错的刀!!!等待研磨后的图片!!!

73、Tin free, polishing anifouling composition with cuprous oxide. ─── 含氧化亚铜的无锡自抛光防污涂料。

74、Now and again, she spoke in Polish and Russian. ─── 她时不时地讲波兰语和俄罗斯语。

75、He has the skill to fetch out the beauty of a gem by polishing. ─── 他有手艺把一块宝石加以打磨,使它显出美丽的光泽。

76、Don't polish those badges; the gilt will wear off if you do. ─── 不要擦那些徽章,否则光泽会给磨掉的。

77、You should use wax polish on wooden furniture. ─── 你应在木制家俱上打上蜡。

78、Just go on writing and do the polishing when you've finished. ─── 径直写下去吧, 等写完了再修改。

79、You can try this nail polish on your nails. ─── 您可以在指甲上试试这种指甲油。

80、He liked polishing the furniture and making everything just so. ─── 他喜欢把家具擦得亮亮的,一切都安排得井井有条。

81、Do what you can to tart up the house before the buyers come to look at it; cover up the bad marks on the walls with some paint, and polish the floors. ─── 在买主来看房子之前,尽量把它装饰得好看些,用涂料把墙上的污迹盖掉,把地板擦得亮亮的。

82、You can use a sandpaper to polish coarse surfaces. ─── 你可以用砂纸去磨光粗糙的表面。

83、She teaches English to Polish students. ─── 她教波兰学生英语。

84、Polish the arrows, Take up the shields. ─── 11你们要磨亮箭头,抓起盾牌。

85、Her new furniture gleams with polish. ─── 她的新家具全都闪耀着光泽。

86、Don't keep painting over chipped or worn polish. ─── 别总在碎裂或磨损的地方刷漆。

87、Would you please polish my article right now? ─── 您现在把我的文章润色一下好吗?

88、Most leathers takes a high polish. ─── 多数皮革一擦就亮。

89、His writing has potential but lacks polish. ─── 他的写作很有潜力, 但是不够优美。

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