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08-20 投稿


swallowwort 发音

英:[['sw?l??w?:t]]  美:[['sw?lo??w?t]]

英:  美:

swallowwort 中文意思翻译



swallowwort 词性/词形变化,swallowwort变形

动词第三人称单数: swallows |名词: swallower |动词现在分词: swallowing |动词过去式: swallowed |动词过去分词: swallowed |

swallowwort 短语词组

1、swallowwort fact sheet ─── 燕子汁说明书

swallowwort 相似词语短语

1、yellowwort ─── n.贯叶克劳拉草

2、sallowest ─── adj.气色不好的;灰黄色的(sallow的变形)

3、wallwort ─── n.墙上植物

4、saltwort ─── n.钾猪毛菜;藜科冈羊栖菜属植物

5、shallower ─── 浅的;薄的;虚荣的;肤浅的(shallow的比较级)

6、swallower ─── n.贪吃的人;吞咽者;叉齿鱼

7、sallower ─── adj.气色不好的;灰黄色的(sallow的变形)

8、swallow hole ─── 溶沟;落水洞;石灰穴

9、swallow hard ─── 忍气吞声;抑制强烈的感情

swallowwort 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Decoctin of Swallowwort Rhizome ─── 白前汤

2、Therapeutic effect of compound auriculate swallowwort root granules on chronic atrophic gastritis of rats ─── 复方隔山消颗粒对大鼠慢性萎缩性胃炎的治疗作用

3、Keywords gastritis;atrophic;compound auriculate swallowwort root granules;rat; ─── 胃炎;萎缩性;复方隔山消颗粒;大鼠;

4、black swallowwort ─── 黑白前

5、willowleaf swallowwort rhizome ─── 白前

6、amplexicaul swallowwort herb ─── 合掌消

7、unpleasant swallowwort herb ─── 老君须

8、auriculate swallowwort stem and leaf ─── 飞来鹤

9、white swallowwort root ─── 白前根

10、paniculate swallowwort ─── 徐长卿

11、Keywords TLC identification;Mulberry Bark;Swallowwort Rhizome;Stemona Root;cough infusion of loquat leaf; ─── 薄层色谱;桑白皮;白前;百部;止咳枇杷冲剂;

12、It is the biggest auriculate swallowwort root producer in China. ─── 是中国最大的白首乌出产地。

13、blackend swallowwort root ─── 白薇

14、The preventing effect of Blackberrylily Rhizome and Paniculate Swallowwort Root may be related to the inflammatory reaction.The herbal medicines(espec... ─── 射干、徐长卿的防蚴效果可能与抑制炎症反应有关,中草药(尤其消炎镇痛类中草药)在血吸虫病的预防(尾蚴钻穿环节)中有着广阔的前景。

15、Xu Chang Qing Paniculate swallowwort Root Radix Cynanchi Paniculati ─── 徐长卿粉末

16、african swallowwort ─── 非洲白屈菜

17、It is the biggest auriculate swallowwort root producer in China. ─── 是中国最大的白首乌出产地。

18、auricledleaf swallowwort root ─── 青羊参

19、medicinal swallowwort root ─── 托腰散

20、Therapeutic effect of compound auriculate swallowwort root granules on chronic atrophic gastritis of rats ─── 复方隔山消颗粒对大鼠慢性萎缩性胃炎的治疗作用

21、Xu Chang Qing Paniculate swallowwort Root ─── 徐长卿提取物

22、Keywords Fukangning capsules;Panicled swallowwort root;Moutan bark;Moutan bark phenol; ─── 妇康宁胶囊;徐长卿;牡丹皮;丹皮酚;

23、wallich swallowwort root ─── 断节参

24、white swallowwort ─── 药用白前

25、hancock swallowwort herb ─── 对叶草

26、bastardtoadflaxlike swallowwort herb and fruit ─── 地梢瓜

27、output of auriculate swallowwort roots ranks first in the country. ─── 的白何首乌产量全国第一。

28、Its output of auriculate swallowwort roots ranks first in the country . ─── 滨海的白何首乌产量全国第一。

29、Chinese swallowwort latex ─── 鹅绒藤

30、Mix swallowwort , fenugreek, and absinthe, all three ground to a powder. ─── 混合白屈菜,胡芦巴,和苦艾的粉末。

31、Its output of auriculate swallowwort roots ranks first in the country. ─── 滨海的白何首乌产量全国第一。

32、Mix swallowwort, fenugreek, and absinthe, all three ground to a powder. ─── 混合白屈菜,胡芦巴,和苦艾的粉末。

33、paniculate swallowwort root ─── 徐长聊(中药)

34、auriculate swallowwort root ─── 隔山消

35、bunge swallowwort root ─── 白首乌(中药)

36、Radix seu Herba Cynanchi Paniculati Paniculate Swallowwort Root or Herb ─── 根及根茎或全草

37、Auricledleaf Swallowwort ─── 青洋参

38、Study on rapid propagation of Bunge Swallowwort by in vitro culture ─── 白首乌组织培养快速繁殖的研究

39、Keywords Cercaria of Schistosoma japonicum;Blackberrylily Rhizome;Lightyellow Sophora Root;Paniculate Swallowwort Root;Pokeberry Root;Inflammatory reaction; ─── 日本血吸虫尾蚴;射干;苦参;徐长卿;商陆;炎症反应;

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