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08-20 投稿


deriving 发音

英:[d??ra?v??]  美:[d??ra?v??]

英:  美:

deriving 中文意思翻译



deriving 反义词


deriving 短语词组

1、deriving demand curve ─── 需求曲线的推导

2、deriving conclusion ─── 得出结论

3、deriving demand ─── 衍生性需求

4、deriving standard cost ─── 推导标准成本

5、deriving standards ─── 衍生标准

6、deriving actual data ─── 推导实际数据

7、deriving their just powers ─── 获得他们的正义力量

8、deriving standard ─── 导出标准

deriving 词性/词形变化,deriving变形

动词过去分词: derived |动词现在分词: deriving |形容词: derivable |名词: deriver |动词第三人称单数: derives |动词过去式: derived |

deriving 同义词

secondary | resultant | derivative | consequent | consequential | resulting

deriving 相似词语短语

1、deceiving ─── v.欺骗(deceive的ing形式)

2、derivating ─── 衍生

3、derailing ─── v.(火车)[铁路]出轨(derail的现在分词)

4、descriving ─── 描述

5、coderiving ─── 共驱动

6、derigging ─── 嘲笑

7、depriving ─── 剥夺;夺去;使丧失(deprive的现在分词)

8、driving ─── n.驾驶,行车方式;adj.起推动作用的,有巨大影响力或控制权的,强劲的;(雨雪等)猛烈的;v.驾驶,开车;推动,驱动;(雨雪等)猛降;赶,驱赶;逼迫(drive的现在分词)

9、deriding ─── v.对……表示轻蔑;嘲笑(deride的现在分词)

deriving 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Rather than deriving a right -hand sacred from the left, Bataille hopes to liberate the left from the illusion of the right. ─── 巴塔耶希望将左手性神圣从右手性神圣的幻觉中释放出来,而不是从左手性神圣中得出一个右手性的神圣。

2、The development and exploitation of bioactive peptides deriv ed from pig's blood red cell have already been a hot research topic at home and a broad. ─── 以猪血为蛋白源的生物活性肽开发利用已成为国内外竞相研究的热点课题。

3、When the signal is very strong, the photon noise predominates, signal to noise ratio is not directly proportional to signal level, and care must be exercised in deriving NEP and D * from signal to noise ratio. ─── 当信号很强时 ,光子噪声占主导地位 ,信噪比 (SNR)与信号水平不成正比 ,此时由信噪比导出噪声等效功率 (NEP)和D 时应格外小心。

4、Continued research on the Podophyllum lignans is currently focused on structure optimization to generate deriv... ─── 优化结构、寻找新的鬼臼毒素类化合物资源替代品,已成为当前进一步研究的主要方向。

5、That to secure these rights, Government are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. ─── 为了保障这些权利人类才在他们之间建立政府,而政府之正当权利,是经被治理者的同意而产生的。

6、In the Aristotelian approach to pattern recognition, observation of particulars and their explanation are essential for deriving a concept. ─── 在模式识别亚里士多德式研究方法中,对细节的观察以及相应的解释是得到概念的本质方法。

7、Classes deriving from the CriticalFinalizerObject class are implicitly treated as a constrained execution region (CER). ─── 从CriticalFinalizerObject类派生的类被隐式视为受约束的执行区域(CER)。

8、Public welfare lawsuit (PWL), deriving from the Rome Law, has a very long history, but the civil public welfare lawsuit (CPWL) does not exist so long. ─── 公益诉讼源于罗马法,具有古老的历史,但民事公益诉讼存在的时间并不很长。

9、A new experimental result, or a new theory for deriving predictions from the results, can change the accepted truths. ─── 一项新的实验结果,或由结果导向预测的一种新理论,可以改变公认的真理。

10、This paper was focused on deriving the B nomogram of L-moments method,which was used to estimate the sampling errors in frequency analysis. ─── 在设计洪水的抽样误差估计中,采用保证修正值系数B方法估计均方差简单易用。

11、The systems deriving from the principle of indemnity such as subrogation, abandonment and double insurance are also analyzed in the part v. ─── 对于损失补偿原则所衍生的具体制度,例如,代位求偿权、委付与重复保险等,在本文的第五部分也进行了简要的研究与分析。

12、You can set a different frame caption for a control designer by deriving a class from the. ─── 属性,可以为控件设计器设置不同的框架标题。

13、Common corner, deriving from the corner and level interreaction and mathematics of handing in the angle, narrate behind. ─── 公转角、自转角和水平交角的相互关系及数学推导,后面再作叙述。

14、RC1(3+4), ALC(5)141 and LC1(5)57-4 deriving from 9248-6 lost one band based on the AFLP primer pair, 92S08/92G08. 4. The Pot2-PCR based fingerprints showed that lineage closely related to the cultivar with given R-genes. ─── 92S08/92G08 引物对揭示3 个来自9248-6的菌株与其亲本菌株相比,缺失1 条带。

15、In the process of helping others, you can deriving a lot of satisfaction. ─── 在帮助他人的过程中,你能获得许多满足感。

16、He practiced calligraphy every day, deriving much pleasure from it. ─── 他每天练习书法自得其乐。

17、On this basis, the exaggerative rhetoric deriving from it constitutes the feature of the extremes and dialectures. ─── 在此基础上派生出来的夸张辞格具有思维的极端性和辩证性特征。

18、In theory, the government and its officials deriving from and being on the upper of the community are expert at long-term planning, while community members still more lay stress on the immediate interests ? ─── 从理论上讲,衍生于社会并位居其上的政府及其官员长于长远规划,而社会成员则更注重眼前利益。

19、The degrees of automation being used today in MDD vary from deriving simple skeleton code to generating complete automatic code which is comparable to traditional compilation. ─── 与传统的编码相比较,目前在MDD中使用自动化操作的程度不同于从简单框架代码到完全自动的产生代码。

20、A system used to allocate a scarce commodity, such as food, only to those capable of deriving the greatest benefit fromit. ─── 优先分配一种将有限的物资,如食物,分配给那些能从中获取最大收益的人的制度。

21、Here we defined our application-specific exception types by deriving them from the standard exception classes. ─── 在这里,通过从标准异常类派生,定义了特定于应用程序的异常类型。

22、Deriving the smallest primitive unit cells, necessary to describe the translational periodicity of a crystal structure, is the first step toward choosing the correct space group. ─── 导出反映晶体结构周期的最小素单胞是正确判断空间群的第一步,其中以还原单胞的选择最为理想。

23、two thing deriving from one thing ─── 一生二

24、The problem of deriving dynamic model was transformed into the problem of solving driving moment under specified conditions by kinematic and dynamic formulae. ─── 将动力学模型的推导问题转化为特定条件下运用运动学和动力学计算公式求解机构驱动力矩的问题。

25、We are cheered when we observe the vulture feeding on the carrion which disgusts and disheartens us, and deriving health and strength from the repast. ─── 当我们观察到使我们作呕和沮丧的腐尸给鸷鹰吃掉的时候,我们高兴起来了,它们是能从这里面得到健康和精力的。

26、The experimental results show that electrical deriv ative measurement can be applied to screen visible semiconductor lasers instanta neousuly. ─── 实验结果表明电导数测试是可见光半导体激光器快速筛选的好方法。

27、On the basis of a large number of core data and petrophysical information,the interpretation chart for deriving permeability of bioclastic limestone is made. ─── 岩石白云化中等的地层是寻找有效产层的主要区域。根据大量的岩心分析数据和岩石物理研究资料,建立了生物碎屑灰岩渗透串解释图版。

28、Uncertain inference is a process of deriving consequences from uncertain knowledge or evidence via the tool of conditional uncertainty. ─── 不确定推理是利用条件不确定性由不确定知识或证据出发作出推论的过程。

29、Despite its commitment to deriving a syntactic representation (a-structure) from properties of a semantic representation, this is not a reductionist program. ─── 尽管这种理论承诺论元结构的句法表达式从语义表达式特征中分化出来,但并不意味着它是一种简化的程序。

30、Based on ac load flow solution, a method is presented to effectively decide the sequences of load flow tracings and calculate both contributing factors of generators and deriving factors of loads. ─── 其次严格推导发电机的贡献因子矩阵和负载的汲取因子矩阵,以形成潮流搜索策略;

31、The Wife seems to enjoy the act of arguing more than the end of deriving an answer by logic. ─── 巴斯太太好像比较喜欢争辩胜过于从逻辑道理中去找寻答案。

32、You can create a customized Web test plug-in by deriving your own class from the. ─── 基类派生您自己的类,可以创建自定义的Web测试插件。

33、For all classes deriving from the Installer class, the state of the Installers collection must be the same in the Install and Uninstall methods. ─── 对于从Installer类派生的所有类,Install和Uninstall方法中Installers集合的状态必须相同。

34、The process of deriving general principles from particular facts or instances. ─── 归纳法由特殊的事实或例子推理出的普遍性规律的过程

35、Deriving accessibility evaluation points from personas. ─── 从角色中得到易访问性评估点。

36、When you create a component, you add to the component library by deriving a new class from one of the existing class types in the hierarchy. ─── 当你创造一个新组件时,你将通过从层的现有的类类型中得到一个新类来添加到组件库中。

37、Deriving flooded-stratumwater resistivity from logging data improves the interpretation accuracy of the flooded-stratain a newlydrilled adjustnient well. ─── 应用测井资料确定淡水水淹层内地层水电阻率,提高了新钻调整井中淡水水淹层的解释精度。

38、On the basis of deriving the rectifier's mathematical model, the control ways are summarized and their features are pointed out. ─── 在推导其数学模型的基础上总结了目前采用的各种控制方法,并且指出了各自的特点。

39、Some aficionados are even pushing for yoga to become an Olympic sport, insisting that if rhythmic gymnastics can fit the bill, so can exercises deriving from an ancient system of Hindu philosophy. ─── 一些粉丝甚至希望使瑜伽进入奥运会,辩称如果韵律体操能够符合标准,那么源自古老的印度哲学的修习活动应该也可以。

40、In conversation with Dr Venter it becomes clear that his primary motivation is scientific discovery, rather than making millions of dollars or even deriving is medical benefits from genomics. ─── 在与温特博士的谈话期间,我们发现事情已很清楚,他的原始动机是为了科学发现,绝不是为了赚大把大把的美钞,或从基因组学院中捞到医学方面的好处。

41、At least, you are making use of your money, and hopefully deriving value and pleasure from it. ─── 至少,你在利用你的钱,并希望从中获得价值和乐趣。

42、A caculation method of deriving the reactance voltage of auto-transformer with on-load voltage regulation at side-yoke is introduced by using relative magnetic leakage method. ─── 介绍了用相对漏磁法推导自耦有载旁柱调压变压器电抗电压的计算方法。

43、The key is deriving the desired endpoint address dynamically. ─── 关键在于要动态地派生所需要的端点地址。

44、The potential that deriving classes could modify your classes in such a way that they would no longer work correctly or as expected. ─── 派生类在修改类之后导致其无法正常工作或按预期工作的可能性。

45、The educational thoughts deriving from Chinese and western countries' culture systems respectively have their own merits and deficiencies, and present distinct features. ─── 中、西两大文化体系所孕育出来的教育思想,各有长短,互有优势,并呈现出鲜明的特质。

46、Over the last few weeks, many people have asked me whether I'm deriving special enjoyment from these last few matches, whether they mean more to me or feel different. ─── 在过去的几个星期里,有很多人问我,是否在这最后的时间里特别的享受,是否在这最后的一场比赛中感受到了更多的不同。

47、A system used to allocate a scarce commodity, such as food, only to those capable of deriving the greatest benefit from it. ─── 优先分配一种将有限的物资,如食物,分配给那些能从中获取最大收益的人的制度

48、Emission sources are then analysed in detail, deriving a scenario for a business-as-usual development of ozone precursor emissions. ─── 发射源然后被详细分析,得到一次臭氧先驱散发物的生意象往常一样发展的脚本。

49、Corrosion is aggravated locally by pollutants deriving from the operation of a plant (for example acids, alkalis or salts, organic solvents, aggressive gases and dust particles). ─── 工厂里出来的污染物使腐蚀局部恶化(如:酸,碱或盐,有机溶剂,侵略性气体和尘粒。)

50、Television has always been unusual in deriving so much of its revenue from something that annoys its customers. ─── 电视行业从那些烦扰观众的广告中获取太多的资金是不正常的。

51、It combines the Renaissance conception of a centrally planned church with older forms deriving from Gothic groin vaults. ─── 它把文艺复兴时期的中央教堂风格与源于哥特式建筑的穹形天花板特色和谐地结合在了一起。

52、Began by deriving the period of inertial circles and comparing it with the period of the rotating frame. ─── 开始先推导惯性圆周期,并与旋转架构的周期做比较。

53、Phenol, 4-(phenylamino)-, reaction products with sodium sulfide and sulfur, leuco deriv. ─── 名称 4-苯胺基苯酚与多硫化钠及硫的反应产物(无色的衍生物);

54、Internally, Boost is publicly deriving a class from the struct F (see Listing 19), then creating an object out of that class. ─── 在内部,Boost从structF公共地派生一个类(见清单19),然后从这个类创建对象。

55、In conversation with Dr Venter it becomes clear that his primary motivation is scientific discovery,rather than making millions of dollars or even deriving medical benefits from genomics. ─── 在与温特博士的谈话期间,我们发现事情已很清楚,他的原始动机是为了科学发现,绝不是为了赚大把大把的美钞。或从基因组学中捞到医学方面的好处。

56、Acts as a base class for deriving concrete wrapper classes to implement the application settings feature in Window Forms applications. ─── 作为派生具体包装类以实现Window窗体应用程序中的应用程序设置功能的基类。

57、And the game theory is first used in deriving the general equilibrium conditions of passenger satisfaction with rail passenger service. ─── 并利用博弈的方法推导出铁路客运服务业中旅客满意的一般均衡条件。

58、Used by deriving classes to determine if it returns the control being designed or some other Container while adding a component to it. ─── 由基类用来确定在向其添加组件时是否返回正在设计的控件或其他某个Container。

59、The order of lithium organocuprates deriving from different copper salts is CuSCN>CuI>CuBr>CuCl. ─── 不同铜盐来源的有机铜锂的热稳定性顺序为:CuSCN>CuI>CuBr>CuCl。

60、Phenol,4-(9H-carbazol-3-ylamino)-, reaction products with sodium sulfide and sulfur, leuco deriv. ─── 名称 4-(9H-3-咔唑基氨基)苯酚与硫钠和硫的反应产物;

61、The rotor-impeller can be driven by an alternative magnetic field deriv ed from a remote magnet,implying that the magnetic source can even be arranged e x tracorporeally. ─── 在模拟循环回路中的测试结果表明动力特性有很大提高。

62、Cohn also made it clear that Goldman has no intention of abandoning its business model of deriving its profits from investment banking. ─── 科恩还明确表示,高盛无意摒弃从投资银行业务中实现利润的业务模式。

63、After deriving the mathematical equations, a comparison between the LS and the ML estimators was performed. ─── 在获得了相应的数学模型后,对最小二乘估计和最大似然估计方法进行了比较。

64、Hon Albert HO moved a motion requesting the Housing Authority to relax the formula for deriving the WL income limits. ─── 何俊仁议员动议一项议案,要求房屋委员会放宽公屋轮候册入息限额的计算方法。

65、He anticipated his deriving much instruction from the lecture. ─── 他期望从这次演讲中得到很多教益。

66、Multicoloured, shaded, painting-like patterns as we know them today are a recent development, deriving from similar shaded patterns of Berlin wool work of the mid-nineteenth century. ─── 彩色的,阴影和绘画形式的都是近期发展起来的,它们都是起源于与其相似的出现于19世纪中叶的柏林木制工艺(天知道原来十字绣的起源是从德国。。。。)

67、The act or an instance of deriving sexual gratification from being physically or emotionally abused. ─── 性受虐从身体或情感上受虐待得到性满足的行为或事件

68、The tradition of hanging decorations (representing fruit or gifts) on the trees is very old perhaps deriving from Germany, but the tradition of attaching candles is attributed to Martin Luther. ─── 传统的吊饰品(水果或礼品)在树上是很老的.也许是源于德国,但传统的附加蜡烛,是因为马丁路德。

69、That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among them, deriving their just power from the consent of the governed. ─── 为了保障这些权利,人民才在他们之间建立政府,而政府之正当权力来源于被治理者的同意。

70、Holley was founded in 1970, who was deriving from a pure workshop, Yuhang Bamboo Rain Gear, in Hangzhou, and with perseverance and constant strive, she made it today. ─── 华立集团创建于1970年,集团的前身只是杭州余杭镇上的一家手工作坊“余杭镇竹器雨具厂”,凭着不屈不挠、自强不息的创业精神华立走到了今天。

71、If you are deriving data to a date or a date time data type, the date is in the ISO format, although the locale preference may specify a different format. ─── 如果要将数据派生为日期或日期时间数据类型,那么即使区域设置首选项可能指定了其他格式,日期也要为ISO格式。

72、rights deriving from citizenship; ─── 公众享有的权利;

73、Analyzed deriving of the ore forming meterial,type of deposit and metallogenic by summing up geological feature of the deposit,doing metallogenetic prognosis and pointing out prospecting direction. ─── 大羊岔金矿床是产于夹皮沟花岗岩-绿岩带内的金矿床,通过总结该矿床的地质特征,分析其成矿物质来源、矿床类型及成因,进而对大羊岔矿区进行了成矿预测,并指出了找矿方

74、Deriving benefits from storing data in RDF. ─── 以rdf格式存储数据的好处。

75、Deriving from traditional historiography of Rome and absorbing the spirits of his times, Livy’s historiography is a combination instead of the replication of traditional one. ─── 但是,李维的史学并不是对罗马史学传统的复制,而是以传统的史学方法为依托,在其中融入了时代精神。

76、The deriving of small solid angle factor ─── 小立体角因子的推导

77、Convertible bond is a kind of security deriving from enterprise bond, it composes investor right for assigned period may change bond into the company"s stock of certain amount. ─── 可转换债券是一种基于企业债券的金融衍生品,它赋予债权人在规定时间内可以将债券转换成一定数额的公司股票的权利。

78、The act or an instance of deriving pleasure from being offended,dominated,or mistreated. ─── 受虐狂用被欺负、压制、或虐待而感到快乐的情况

79、The distribution of oils deriv ed from the Dongying source rocks is conformed with the distribution of the lowe r Dongying source rocks. ─── 东下段源岩生成的油气的分布与东下段烃源岩的分布特征一致。

80、Lee, H. J. and Lee, H. W., “Deriving the Generalized Rocket Kinetic Power Equations and Associated Propulsion Indexes”, JSME International Journal, 42, 1999, pp.127-136. ─── 吴彦贤,“带缆气压水箭推进动力分析”,国立中兴大学机械工程研究所硕士论文,2003。

81、Compared with the geometrical imaging method, the principle of the matrix transformation method is simpler, the meaning of the parameters is more intuitive, and the deriving process is more precise. ─── 与几何成像法求传感器转换公式相比较,矩阵变换法的原理更简洁,参数意义更明显,推导过程更简单易懂。

82、Hence, deriving measures to cope with this unexpected challenge has been a task of utmost priority for me and my colleagues over the past few months. ─── 怎样应付这项突发的挑战,是我和我的同事近数月来最重要的工作。

83、In the process of design,it saves the troubles of deriving and precise calculating decouple of the rectifying tower precise mathematical model. ─── 在设计过程中,避免了精馏塔精确数学模型的推导和严格计算解耦算式的麻烦,实现极为简单。

84、Flexibility of business financial system is the capability of dealing with the uncertainties deriving from the financial environment rapidly and economically, anytime, anywhere. ─── 企业理财系统柔性就是快速而经济地处理企业理财活动中环境变化或由环境引起的时时、处处不确定性的能力。

85、Most societies deriv e consensus from a long history,a language all their own,a common religion,common ancestry. ─── 大多数社会的全民一致来源于悠久的历史,共同的语言,信仰和祖先。

86、However, if the OLE DB provider that the OLE DB Command transformation uses does not support deriving parameter information from the parameter, you must configure the external columns manually. ─── 但是,如果OLE DB命令转换所使用的OLE DB访问接口不支持从参数派生参数信息,则必须手动配置外部列。

87、Real estate development enterprises deriving real estate transfer income for the first time, and other taxpayers, are required to file their LAT returns within seven days after obtaining the income. ─── 其他纳税义务人在取得转让房地产收入之日起7日内,到其主管地方税务局申报缴纳土地增值税。

88、By analyzing and deriving ,the practicality arithmetic is given for determinating the pelletizers key parameter including resistance moment and motor power. ─── 在分析的基础上,通过解析推导,给出了造球机阻力矩和电机功率等关键参数的一种实用算法。

89、Benzene, dodecylphenoxy-, disulfo deriv.;dodecylphenoxy-benzen disulfo deriv. ─── 名称 十二烷基苯氧苯二磺化衍生物;

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