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08-19 投稿


Algerian 发音

英:[?l?d??ri?n]  美:[?l?d???ri?n]

英:  美:

Algerian 中文意思翻译




Algerian 词性/词形变化,Algerian变形


Algerian 短语词组

1、algerian dinars ─── 阿尔及利亚第纳尔

2、Algerian dinar ─── 阿尔及利亚第纳尔

3、Algerian capital ─── [网络] 阿尔及利亚首都

4、Algerian oat ─── 阿尔及利亚燕麦

5、Algerian centime ─── [网络] 阿尔及利亚时间

6、Algerian Press Service ─── 阿尔及利亚新闻社

7、Algerian monetary unit ─── [网络] 阿尔及利亚货币单位

8、Algerian Oak ─── 阿尔及利亚橡木

9、Algerian Fir ─── 阿尔及利亚酋长

10、Algerian-Moroccan War ─── 阿尔及利亚-摩洛哥战争

11、algerian love knot ─── 阿尔及利亚爱情结

12、Algerian Arab ─── 阿尔及利亚 ─── 阿拉伯人

13、Algerian Civil War ─── 阿尔及利亚内战

14、algerian blend ─── 阿尔及利亚混合物

15、Algerian-French Wars ─── 阿尔及利亚-法国战争

16、Algerian hedgehog ─── 阿尔及利亚刺猬

17、algerian eyelet ─── 阿尔及利亚孔眼

18、Algerian passport ─── 阿尔及利亚护照

19、Algerian War ─── 阿尔及利亚战争

Algerian 相似词语短语

1、Algeria ─── n.阿尔及利亚(北非国家)

2、Algerian ─── adj.阿尔及利亚的;阿尔及利亚人的;阿尔及利亚文化的;n.阿尔及利亚人

3、Valerian ─── 《星际特工:千星之城》(一部科幻电影)

4、algerine ─── n.阿尔及利亚横条厚呢

5、algerienne ─── 阿尔及利亚横条纹厚呢

6、Algerians ─── n.阿尔及利亚人(Algerian的复数)

7、algesia ─── n.[内科]感觉过敏;[生理]痛觉

8、algerita ─── 阿尔及利亚

9、Nigerian ─── n.尼日利亚人;adj.尼日利亚的;尼日利亚人的

Algerian 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、France and Algerian rebels agreed to a truce after more than seven years of war. ─── 年,经历七年战争后,法国和阿尔及利亚反对派同意休战。

2、In Bou Saada, Algeria, some trees alter the climate and soil to make them fit for more trees. ─── 在阿尔及利亚的布萨达,一些树木改变了气候和土壤,从而使那里适合更多树木的生长。

3、DJ Times: What's the biggest difference for a DJ spinning in the U.S as opposed to Algeria? ─── DJ时代:一个DJ纺在美国与在阿尔及利亚最大的不同在哪?

4、Truffle mushrooms are plentiful in the southwest Algeria desert. ─── 块菌蕈类在西南部的阿尔及利亚沙漠是丰富的。

5、But an unnoticed amendment, apparently tabled by MPs with close ties to France's community of former Algerian settlers, added a new clause to the bill. ─── 但是一项较不受瞩目的修正案,在这个法案上加进新的一条,显然是与当年在阿尔及利亚的法国殖民者有密切关系的议员所提出的。

6、A member of a Berber people of northeast Algeria. ─── 卡比尔人阿尔及利亚东北部的柏尔人一族中的一员

7、Second, they were fighting an increasingly nasty little colonial war in Algeria. ─── 其次,他们当时正在阿尔及利亚进行一场日益变得棘手的小型殖民地战争。

8、Also Tuesday, Algeria's president defended Zidane and said soccer fans shouldn't condemn the French star. ─── 在星期二,阿尔及利亚的总统维护齐达内并说球迷们不要责备他。

9、He demanded OPEC members make right decisions and seek a consensus in the forthcoming ministerial meeting in the western Algerian town of Oran. ─── 他要求欧佩克成员在奥兰的西方阿尔及利亚的城镇中即将到来的部长级会议会议中做出正确决定和寻找一一致意见.

10、The left half back belongs from the Algerian champion soccer player Scherr Uygur which rents, the right half back is recovery young fellow Sam. ─── 左前卫属于从租借的阿尔及利亚国脚谢尔维,右前卫则是伤愈的小将萨姆。

11、More than that, Algeria's attractions may even surpass those of its more famous neighbours. ─── 不仅如此,阿尔及利亚的吸引力超越了比他们更有名气的邻国。

12、It also agreed on the suggestion made by the Delegation of Algeria on behalf of the African Group. ─── 它还同意阿尔及利亚代表非洲集团所提的建议。

13、He says that today's meeting is just for consultation and in preparation of the next facial official meeting in Oran, Algeria, in December. ─── 他说今天的会议只是一个初步的协商,为下一次十二月的阿尔及利亚奥兰官方会议做准备。

14、I got to know a lot of Algerian refugees and stowaways. ─── 我对阿尔及利亚难民和偷渡有了很多了解。

15、Held in a camp in Algeria, the event helps draw attention to the plight of refugees. ─── 它在阿尔吉利亚的一个营区举办,来提高世人对难民困境的关注。

16、MsAmara, who is of Algerian descent, argued that banning the burka wouldhelp women to stand up to the extremists in their communities. ─── 女士阿马拉埃西,谁是阿尔及利亚后裔的问题,争辩说,禁止布尔卡将有助于妇女站起来的极端分子在他们的社区。

17、The truffle season in Algeria is working magic this year. ─── 今年,阿尔及利亚的块菌产季简直忙得不可思议。

18、Under Algerian law, suspects may be held without charge for up to 12 days, as set out in Article 51 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. ─── 依据阿尔及利亚刑事诉讼法第51条指出:在没有提起诉讼的情况下,嫌犯最长只能拘禁十二天。

19、If the trend continues, the Algerian Protestant Church could be non-existent by the end of 2008. ─── 如果这样的情形持续下去,2008年年底前,阿尔及利亚更正教教会将不存在。

20、ALBERT CAMUS was born in Mondovi, Algeria, in 1913. ─── 加缪1935年开始从事戏剧活动,曾创办过剧团,写过剧本,当过演员。

21、The Delegation of Nigeria stated its support for the position conveyed by the Delegation of Algeria, as regards to proposal 8. ─── 尼日利亚代表团说关于提案8,它支持阿尔及利亚代表团的立场。

22、One hostage died of heat stroke and Algerian commandos rescued 17 others in May. ─── 五月,阿尔及利亚政府军解救了其他17名人质。在人质中,一名人质因为中暑而死亡。

23、He explained that the Libyan aspect hoped used completes the transaction payment process with the Algerian same way. ─── 他解释说,利比亚方面希望采用与阿尔及利亚相同的方式完成交易支付过程。

24、The next time regular meeting will convene on December 7 in the Algerian city oland. ─── 下次例行会议将于12月7日在阿尔及利亚城市奥兰召开。

25、A member of a French infantry unit, formerly composed of Algerian recruits, characterized by colorful uniforms and precision drilling. ─── 佐阿夫兵法国的一种轻步兵,原由阿尔及利亚募集组成,以严格的训练和穿华丽服装著称

26、Barely released from prison, Kamel is deported to his birthplace, a small village in Algeria stuck between mountains and the sea. ─── 刚出狱的卡米被法国政府遣返回出生地,他的家乡是在阿尔及利亚一处被群山与海包围,位处遍僻的一条小乡村。

27、The five highest petroleum production countries in Africa are Nigeria, Algeria, Libya, Egypt and Angola. ─── 尼日利亚、阿尔及利亚、利比亚、埃及、安哥拉是非洲的五大产油国。

28、Pictured above is a man who suffered bubonic plague during the outbreak in Algeria in 2003. ─── 以上图片内容是2003年阿尔及利亚一例感染淋巴结鼠疫的病人。

29、In he 15th century, Spain and Turkey conquered Algeria. ─── 15世纪,西班牙和土耳其先后入侵。

30、M. Walter hired him as a reporter to write a series of articles on his experiences in Algeria. ─── 华代尔先生聘请他担任记者,以他在阿尔及利亚的经历为题材写一组文章。

31、The foreign experts living at the Youyi Binguan include many Muslims from India, Pakistan, Iraq, Algeria, Sudan, etc. ─── 在友谊宾馆居住的外国专家中有很多来自印度、巴基斯坦、伊拉克、阿尔及利亚、苏丹等国的穆斯林。

32、(Of the 23-man Algerian squad, 17 are French-born. ) The team seems to reflect these tensions, with rumours of tribal divisions. ─── (阿尔及利亚队有23人,其中有17人在法国出生)带着种族分离的谣言,法国队似乎体现了这些紧张态势。

33、ZIEC employs a few Algerian welders, steel drivers or carpenters at 680 dinars a day. ─── 中鼎国际以每天680第纳尔的薪水聘用了一些阿尔及利亚的焊工、抡大锤的人和木匠。

34、XE Currency Converter: Transfer euros, USD, Canadian Dollars, UK pounds, Algerian dinars, Chinese yuan and any other currency here. ─── XECurrencyConvert:欧元、美元、加元、英镑、阿尔及利亚第纳尔,中国元等其他货币的换算。

35、Therefore, the greeting of the Chinese words “nihao” can be heard everywhere in Algeria. ─── 在阿尔及利亚到处都能听到中文“你好”的问候。

36、North Africa generally, including Egypt, Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Azores, Madeira Islands. ─── 北非通常包括埃及、苏丹、利比亚、突尼斯、阿尔及利亚、摩洛哥、亚速尔群岛、马德拉群岛。

37、The son of Algerian 18) immigrants , he played ball in the seets until a talent scout saw him one day when he was 14 years old. ─── 他是阿尔及利亚移民之子,在街头踢球,直到14岁的某一天,有位球探发现了他。

38、In Algeria it survives among the Kabyles. ─── 在阿尔及利亚,它还存在于卡比尔人中间。

39、They had established two Kingdoms in the Northern Algeria. ─── 公元前3世纪,阿北部曾建立过两个柏柏尔王国。

40、Generally speaking, the social status of Algerian immigrants in France declined and their life conditions were getting worse. ─── 从总体上来看 ,在二战结束到 1 96 2年阿尔及利亚战争结束这段时期内 ,阿移民在法国的社会地位呈下降趋势 ,其生活条件不断恶化。

41、Next, the Algerian adventure had begun, and it appeared that this might prove expensive in lives. ─── 其次,阿尔及利亚的冒险已经开始,看来得付出很大的牺牲代价。

42、Born in Morocco, Archbishop Mamberti has represented the Holy See in Algeria, Chile, Lebanon, Sudan and at the UN. ─── 出生于摩洛哥的曼贝蒂总主教曾担任过圣座驻阿尔及利亚、智利、黎巴嫩、苏丹和联合国的代表。

43、Hi Zine!I know a very famous Algerian singer whose name is Cheb Khaled. ─── 如果您还不是会员,请点击这里注册!

44、On May 22,2003,an earthquake of M 6.9 occurred in Algeria,resulting the heavy losses of life and property. ─── 20 0 3年 5月 2 2日阿尔及利亚发生 6 9级地震 ,造成生命和财产的严重损失。

45、Algerian women police graduates parade during a graduation cere-mony held on October 16, 2008. A total of 490 police women graduated to join police units. . ─── 10月16日,490名女警参加阿尔及利亚女警毕业大会操,这些毕业的女警们将成为该国警察队伍里的新生力量和亮丽风景线。

46、Revered for his exemplary life and ideals, he died respected by both French and Algerians, and he remains the Algerian national hero. ─── 其风范和理想至身后仍赢得法国和阿尔及利亚人的尊敬,也一直是阿尔及利亚人心目中最伟大的民族英雄。

47、The Algerian authorities have still not named a new head of state. ─── 阿尔及利亚当局尚未任命新一任国家首脑。

48、Ancient beads that may represent the oldest attempt by people at self-decoration have been identified from sites in Algeria and Israel. ─── 在阿尔及利亚和以色列的一些地方分离出可能代表古人自我装饰的古珠串。

49、It also names Algeria, Equatorial Guinea and Malaysia. ─── 同样还有阿尔及利亚、赤道几内亚以及马来西亚。

50、Six days later another judge ordered Canada's intelligence agency to hand over secret evidence it had used to obtain a security certificate against an Algerian man. ─── 六天后,另一位法官命令加拿大情报机构交出秘密证据,该机构曾用这些证据来获取针对一名阿尔及利亚人的安全证书。

51、Egypt, Morocco and Algeria have their family law to allow mothers to pass on their citizenship. ─── 埃及、摩洛哥和阿尔及利亚已经修改了家庭法,以允许母亲传承其公民权。

52、A city of northeast Morocco near the Algerian border. Founded in 944, it was occupied by the French in 844, 859, and 907. Population, 2'0,082. ─── 乌季达:摩洛哥东北部城市,靠近阿尔及利亚边界。建于944年,分别于844年、859年和907年被法国人占领。人口2'0,082

53、Some cover vast cultural distances: the nuncio in Algeria was born in Taiwan. ─── 一些使节则跨越了很大的文化差异:驻阿尔及利亚的大使出生于台湾。

54、South African won over Algeria 2-1. ─── 南非队2:l击败阿尔及利亚队。

55、A city of northeast Algeria on the Mediterranean Sea near the Tunisian border. ─── 安纳巴阿尔及利亚东北部一城市,位于地中海沿岸靠近突尼西亚边界。

56、Before he was a year old, the infant Albert lost his father, an early settler in French Algeria, in the battle of the Marne. ─── 加缪的父亲是法属阿尔及利亚的侨民,加缪还不满一岁时,父亲就在马恩战役中阵亡。

57、Khelil said OPEC may meet again before the cartel's planned gathering in Algeria in December and it may cut prices yet again before the year is out. ─── 克利勒表示,欧佩克成员国12月份按计划在阿尔及利亚集会,但之前可能还会再次会面,而且在今年年底前可能还会减少石油产量。

58、In Algeria, too, a rich array of serious-minded parties is allowed to compete for parliamentary seats. ─── 在阿尔及利亚,也有一大批行事严肃认真的党派获得了争取议会席位的权力。

59、A Magnin-Naudin pelvimetry was studied in 35 Algerian women, with Thorns pelvimetry as their own control. The results were basically alike. ─── 作者对35名阿尔及利亚妇女进行Magniu-Naudin骨盆X线测量法研究,并以Thoms法进行自身对照,结果基本相同。

60、An ancient city of northwest Africa in present-day northeast Algeria south of Annaba. Saint Augustine was its bishop from a.d.396 to430. ─── 希波古代非洲西北部的一座城市,在今天阿尔及利亚东北部,安纳巴以南圣奥古斯丁在公元396年到430年任该城的大主教

61、The mosque, whose prayer room has 13 aisles with eight bays, is one of the largest in Algeria. ─── 城中的清真寺祈祷室有13条走廊和8个架间,是阿尔及利亚最大的清真寺之一。

62、In 1996, Algeria produced 177. 8 Mtoe of oil and gas, including 38 Mt of crude oil and 115.8 Bern of natural gas. ─── 1996年阿尔及利亚油气产量为1.778亿吨油当量,其中原油3800万吨,天然气1158亿立方米;

63、Libyan leader Col Muammar Gaddafi has agreed to mediate between Algeria and Egypt in an increasingly heated row over football, state media say. ─── 利比亚领导人同意充当阿尔及利亚和埃及足球纠纷的调停中间人。

64、Egypt and Algeria are two big countries in the North Africa. The way of their economic development is the same, but they have different invest laws. ─── 埃及和阿尔及利亚是北非的两个大国,它们的经济发展道路相似,但投资法却不尽相同。

65、For good measure, he also surrenders to fivemillion illegal immigrants from Algeria. ─── 从好的方面说,他也是向法国境内五百万阿尔及利亚非法移民投降。

66、But the low turnout dispelled hope that Algeria may be edging towards true democracy. ─── 但是,支持这些计划的人数之少让走向民主之路的希望烟消云散。

67、He took off with his writer friend for Algeria. ─── 他突然与他的作家朋友去了阿尔及利亚。

68、But he is a loyal member of the FLN, the party that drove the French out of Algeria and has held power ever since. ─── 但他同时也是FLN的重要成员,该党亲自将法国殖民者逐出阿尔及利亚,并在此后一支掌握政权。

69、It has so far concentrated on attacking symbols of the Algerian state and foreign workers. ─── 该组织目前主要攻击目标为阿尔及利亚国家象征性地标和外籍工作者。

70、A strong earthquake measuring 6.7 hit the Algerian capital of Algiers on the night of May 21. ─── 5月21日夜,阿尔及利亚首都阿尔及尔发生6.7级强烈地震。

71、December 17 Oran in Algeria at the OPEC ministerial meeting is an occasion to make major decisions. ─── 12月17日在阿尔及利亚奥兰举行的欧佩克部长级会议才是作出重大决定的场合。

72、Fadela Amara, a government minister of Algerian origin, went further. "Our republic must not become a mosaic of communities, " she said. ─── 阿尔及利亚裔部长级人物法德拉.阿马拉则更进一步,说“共和国不能成为各种社区的马赛克,不能有人非得带上黄星。”

73、Senegal in the African zone qualifiers in the middle of the sixth group, the rival group including Algeria, Gambia and Liberia. ─── 塞内加尔在非洲区预选赛中分在第六组,小组对手包括阿尔及利亚、冈比亚和利比里亚。

74、How and why did such a deception take place?The "how" is simple.First, the Algerian and U. ─── 为什么会有这样欺骗性的事件发生,而且又是怎样发生的呢?事情是如何发生的很好解释。

75、An Algerian police convoy escorting European workers was bombed, wounding nine people. ─── 一个护卫欧洲的工人阿尔及利亚的警察护送被轰炸,受伤九个人。

76、OPEC is scheduled for this week, three cities in Algeria in Oran meeting. ─── OPEC定于本周三在阿尔及利亚城市奥兰举行会议。

77、Even 46 years later, for the French the Algerian legacy is roughly akin to what the Civil War is for Spaniards. ─── 即使46年后的今天,法国人对阿尔及利亚遗绪的感受,差堪比拟西班牙人对内战的看法。

78、Nearly 40 years later, Mr Lenzini tracked down the Algerian former student who provoked that comment at a press conference. ─── 将近40年后,伦兹尼追溯到这个曾经的阿尔及利亚学生在新闻发布会上怒不可遏。

79、He spelt all the nations of Africa running alphabetically from Algeria to Zaire. ─── 他按字母顺序拼出了从阿尔及利亚到扎伊尔的所有非洲国家。

80、From Spain, Carignane spread in popularity to Algeria, where it was also exported to France. ─── 佳利酿葡萄从西班牙传到阿尔及利亚,再从阿尔及利亚出口到法国。

81、Whereas the Clinton administration kept its distance, the Bush administration invited Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika as one of its first guests to Washington. ─── 布什政府邀请阿尔及利亚总统阿卜杜拉齐兹布特弗利卡作为其到华盛顿的第一个客人。

82、The El Salam nuclear reactor, built covertly by the Chinese in the Algerian Sahara, seventy five miles south of the Mediterranean coast. ─── 伊尔.萨拉姆核反应堆,中国在阿尔及利亚的撒哈拉沙漠建立秘密的,距离地中海南部沿岸75英里。

83、The other woman, also an Algerian living in Europe and back on a visit, stated she became violently ill after two drinks at Warren's residence. ─── 另一名妇女,也是居住在欧洲的阿尔及利亚人返乡,她说在华伦家中喝了两杯之后,就感觉强烈的不适。

84、All this sets the stage for OPEC's next formal session on Dec. 17 in the Algerian port city of Oran, in what could be the group's most momentous meeting in years. ─── 在这样的背景之下,欧佩克将于12月17日在阿尔及利亚港口城市奥兰召开例会,此次会议可能成为该组织多年来关系最重大的会议。

85、He says today's meeting is just for consultation and in preparation of the next official meeting in Oran, Algeria, in December. ─── 他指出,今天的会议只是协商,为12月在阿尔及利亚奥兰举行的正式会议作准备。

86、And Jocelyne, proud of her headmaster father who was so determined that his Algerian pupils should get good marks and good jobs. ─── 乔斯利娜,她的父亲曾经在阿尔及利亚做过校长,坚持自己的阿尔及利亚学生也应该得到好分数,找到好工作。

87、Saint Laurent was born August 1, 1936, in Oran, Algeria. ─── 圣洛朗1936年8月生于阿尔及利亚的奥兰。

88、For good measure, he also surrenders to five million illegal immigrants from Algeria. ─── 从好的方面说,他也是向法国境内五百万阿尔及利亚非法移民投降.

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