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08-19 投稿


equine 发音

英:[?i?kwa?n]  美:[?ekwa?n]

英:  美:

equine 中文意思翻译




equine 网络释义

adj. 马的;象马的n. 马

equine 词性/词形变化,equine变形


equine 短语词组

1、equine gonadotrophin ─── [化] 雌马促性腺素; 雌马促性腺激素

2、equine piroplasmosis ─── [医] 马梨浆虫病, 马胆汁热

3、Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis virus ─── [医] 委内瑞拉型马脑脊髓炎病毒

4、equine infectious anemia virus ─── [医] 马接触性贫血病毒

5、equine syphilis ─── [医] 马梅毒, 马类性病, 马媾疫

6、equine influenza virus ─── [医] 马流感病毒

7、equine gonadotropin unit ─── [医] 马促性腺激素单位

8、equine biliary fever ─── [医] 马胆汁热, 马梨浆虫病

9、equine influenza ─── [医] 马流感

10、equine encephalitis ─── [医] 马脑炎

11、equine encephalomyelitis ─── [医] 马脑脊髓炎

12、equine contagious pleuropneumonia virus ─── [医] 马接触传染性胸膜肺炎病毒

13、equine gonadotropin ─── [化] 雌马促性腺素; 雌马促性腺激素 ─── [医] 马促性腺激素

14、equine smallpox ─── [医] 马痘

15、equine distemper ─── [医] 马温病

16、equine gait ─── [医] 髋屈步态, 马行步态(见于腓神经瘫痪)

17、western equine encephalomyelitis virus ─── [医] 西方型马脑脊髓炎病毒

18、equine abortion virus ─── [医] 马流产病毒

19、eastern equine encephalomyelitis virus ─── [医] 东方型马脑脊髓炎病毒

equine 相似词语短语

1、equipes ─── n.(赛车)运动队;n.(Equipe)(巴)埃奇普(人名)

2、Beguine ─── n.比津舞(西印度群岛的马提尼克岛和圣卢西亚岛上的一种土风舞,略似伦巴)

3、equinox ─── n.春分;秋分;昼夜平分点

4、sequined ─── adj.闪闪的;vt.用小金属片装饰(sequin的过去分词)

5、equipe ─── n.(赛车)运动队;n.(Equipe)(巴)埃奇普(人名)

6、equinia ─── n.马鼻疽,马皮疽

7、quine ─── 奎因;n.(Quine)人名;(法)基纳;(英)奎因

8、equinely ─── 马蹄形

9、equites ─── n.特权市民阶层成员;骑士阶级

equine 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Freeze-Dried Tedanns Antitoxin, Equine ─── 冷冻干燥破伤风抗毒素(马)[抗毒素类, 预防治疗破伤风药]

2、any of several plain-colored equine mammals of Asia and northeast Africa ─── 亚洲和非洲东北部的几种颜色纯净的马科哺乳动物

3、Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis virus ─── [医] 委内瑞拉型马脑脊髓炎病毒

4、equine contagious pleuropneumonia virus ─── [医] 马接触传染性胸膜肺炎病毒

5、eastern equine encephalomyelitis virus ─── 东部马脑脊髓炎病毒

6、A burro is a small donkey.Donkeys are related to horses;both are part of the equine family. ─── 小毛驴是一种小型的驴子,驴子和马是亲戚,他们同属于马的家族。

7、Freeze-Dried Mamushi Antivenom, Equine ─── 冷冻干燥 Mamushi 抗蛇毒血清(马)[抗毒素类, 蛇咬伤治疗药]

8、The Young offspring of a horse or other equine animal, especially one under a year old. ─── 雏马尤指一岁以下的小马或其他似马的动物

9、VEE virus Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis virus ─── 委内瑞拉马脑脊髓炎病毒:见

10、Lessons from the Equine Morbillivirus outbreak in Australia ─── 从澳大利亚马麻疹病毒爆发吸取的教训

11、The oval equine faces.Temple, Buck Mulligan, Foxy Campbell. lantern jaws. ─── 一张张椭圆形马脸的坦普尔、勃克·穆利根、狐狸坎贝尔、长下巴颏儿。

12、"We have to continue to be vigilant, as I said, vaccination is not the total solution for equine influenza, " he said. ─── 我们必须继续保持警惕,我认为,种痘不是马流感完整的解决手段。

13、No one applauds the horse after the Lord Mayor has gone, but there certainly is a for that equine creature and we would know about it if it wasn't there. ─── 没有人在市长走后赞扬马,但肯定是一个叫作马的动物,让我们知道这件事如果它不在那儿了。

14、Generation of a histidine-tagged equine infectious anemia virus ─── 带有组氨酸标签的马传染性贫血病毒感染性分子克隆的构建

15、Molecular biology research of easter equine encephalomyelitis virus ─── 东部马脑炎病毒分子生物学研究进展

16、Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis v ─── 委内瑞拉马脑脊髓炎病毒

17、Human and Equine Sports Science ─── 人与马运动科学

18、For the most part, there is a fairly consistent pattern in the development of an equine from foalhood to old age. ─── 在极大程度上,马从小马驹到老马的发展有一个相当一致的模范。

19、Thankfully, my newfound equine friends nodded me in the right direction. ─── 谢天谢地,这些刚刚认识的马儿朋友们给我指明了方向。

20、The phylogenetic tree indicated that the p24 fragment of BDV was genetically relative to the S88 strain separated from equine brain tissue in Australian and the H544 strain separated from sheep blood in Germany. ─── 从系统发生树图形可以看出,该目的基因片段与澳大利亚马脑组织分离的S88和德国绵羊血液分离的H544病毒株亲缘关系最近。

21、Equine blood smear, rouleau formation. ─── 马血涂片,红细胞缗钱状形成。

22、zebroid is the offspring of a cross between a zebra and any other equine, usually a horse or a donkey. ─── 杂交斑马是斑马和其他马科动物的杂交后代,通常会是和马或驴杂交。

23、Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus ─── 委内瑞拉马脑炎病毒

24、We are fortunate that we can vaccinate domastic foals against many diseases, like tetanus and equine influenza. ─── 幸运的是我们可以给驯养的小马驹接种疫苗来抵抗很多疾病,像破伤风和马的流感。

25、It is possible to find ethical and humane equine (horse and donkey) and camelid rides, during which animal welfare is protected. ─── 要找马、驴和骆驼来骑的话,请确保这些动物得到符合道德和人道主义精神的对待。

26、A female horse or the female of other equine species. ─── 母马,母驴雌马或其它马科动物中的雌性

27、North American equine encephalomyelitis ─── 北美马脑脊髓炎

28、In addition, the high-incidence area of equine tumors had been found to be relevant to that of human tumors. ─── 同时还发现马肿瘤的高发区与人肿瘤的高发区地域分布一致。

29、Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus is a mosquito-borne viral pathogen that causes Venezuelan equine encephalitis or encephalomyelitis (VEE). ─── 什么是'委内瑞拉马脑炎-蚊子传播的病毒性脑部感染'?

30、limed or pickled equine hide ─── 浸灰或浸酸的马皮

31、eastern equine encephalomyelitis ─── 东方马脑脊髓炎

32、"We have to continue to be vigilant, as I said, vaccination is not the total solution for equine influenza," he said. ─── “我们必须继续保持警惕,我认为,种痘不是马流感完整的解决手段。”

33、The frothy sweat of a horse or other equine animal. ─── 汗珠马或马类的泡沫状汗水

34、When I became involved with LifeWave, I had no idea that it would impact my way of practicing Equine Non-Force Chiropractic and Acupuncture. ─── 当我参与了莱威公司以来, 我完全没有想到, 关于对马类非侵入性的脊椎按摩疗法和针灸疗法会冲击到我行医的方式。

35、Other kinds of encephalitis include West Nile, Saint Louis and Eastern Equine. ─── 其它类型的脑炎有西尼罗河、圣路易斯、东方马。

36、dried or dry salted equine hide ─── 干的或干腌的马皮

37、However Grist, the local force s Equine Liaison Officer, cautioned drivers that they could face assault charges if their flag flew off and struck a pedestrian or a cyclist and hurt them. "We are not trying to be killjoys. ─── 格里斯特还特地告诫那些驾车者,如果在车外所悬挂的旗帜突然飞出后击中行人或骑车人并导致他们受伤的话,那么司机本人将会被警方以蓄意侵犯他人的罪名提出指控。

38、METHODS Streptococcus equin was treated with NTG,and cultured with adding L-glycerin-3-calcium phosphate and lysozyme to control cell wall infiltrates and cell membrane infiltrates,respectivelly. ─── 方法经诱变马疫链球菌,选育甘油缺陷型菌株,添加甘油调节细胞膜的通透性,添加溶菌酶调控细胞壁的通透性。

39、Cattle are immune to equine infections anemia ─── 牛不感染马传染性贫血。

40、Mels Old Cowboy Tack - Tack and equine products. Includes pictures of bits, head stalls, bridles, and lead ropes. ─── 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。

41、Freeze-Dried Habu Antivenom, Equine ─── 冷冻干燥Habu抗蛇毒素(马)[抗毒素类, 蛇咬伤治疗药]

42、Abstract : The forelimb bone of alpaca were studied by the method of gross anatomy, the comparative study with the forelimb of camel, equine, bovine, ovine, and swine were done at the same time. ─── 摘要 : 用大体解剖学方法研究了羊驼前肢骨的解剖结构,与文献报道双峰驼的前肢进行对照,同时与马、牛、羊、猪等的前肢骨进行了比较。

43、Developing a new Foodborne Pathogen Research Laboratory at the Equine Research Center Laboratory. ─── 在马发展研究中心实验室的一个新的病原体研究实验室。

44、Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis ─── 委内瑞拉马脑脊髓炎

45、One could say she is the equine equivalent of me and vice versa. ─── 你可以说她就是我象马的等同体,反过来也是如此。

46、Recent Research on Equine Influenza in China ─── 我国马流感的研究现状

47、There's the canine unit and the equine unit and now police in car-congested Jakarta, where gridlock is legendary, h**e set up a new force to combat traffic jams -- the in-line skate unit. ─── 我们听说过警犬队和骑警队,而如今在以堵车而闻名的雅加达,交警部门新组建了一支“轮滑交警小分队”来对付交通拥堵问题。

48、There is another lesson from the 1971 and 1995 Venezuelan equine encephalitis epidemics. ─── 从1971和1995年委内瑞拉马脑炎疫情还可以吸取另一个教训。

49、Species Crossreactivity: human, bovine, equine and canine. ─── 概述 Provides a good pair for ELISA.

50、eastern equine encephalitis virus ─── 东方马脑炎病毒

51、A recent report on the WHI examined 10,739 women who had preiously undergone hysterectomy and were randomized to receie conjugated equine estrogens (CEE) or placebo. ─── WHI最近的一项报告,检查了10,739名妇女,她们都行过子宫切除术,随机接受马结合雌激素或者安慰剂的治疗。

52、Slow-Growing equine herpesvirus ─── 慢生长马疱疹病毒

53、Method:Selective division of anterior nerve rootlet from L5 to L7 was performed on the left side at the level of cauda equine of dog. ─── 方法:对健康家犬左侧L5、L6、L7脊神经前根分束选择切除。

54、I am studying equine business management. ─── 我在学习马术经济管理。

55、slow-growing equine alphaherpesvirus ─── 慢生长马α疱疹病毒

56、A great divide kept horses quarantined from the crowds as new “bio-security” measures against equine influenza set the pace at Caulfield. ─── 正如考菲尔德带头采用对抗马流感的新“生物安全”(bio-security)措施,马匹保持着与大众隔离的检疫状态。

57、Make sure that you have a good equine veterinarian. ─── 请确认您有一个良好的养马兽医。

58、AUSTRALIA When Australia's horses were hit by an outbreakof equine influenza recently, it wasn't just the animalsthat suffered. ─── 澳大利亚澳大利亚的马匹近来受到一场突发的马流感病毒的侵袭,不过受苦的可不仅仅是这些可怜的动物。

59、Eastern equine enceph atiis virus ─── 东方马脑脊髓炎病毒

60、Observe to setaria youth in eye of equine in Henan province ─── 河南省马属动物浑睛虫病五例病原体观察

61、Felsteeds are the fiery equine servants of the Burning Legion. ─── 地狱战马是燃烧军团燃烧着的仆从。

62、In a double-blind study comparing the phytoestrogen to placebo and to conjugated equine estrogen, it had favorable estrogenic effects on bone and lipids but no effect on the uterus. ─── 在这项双盲试验中,研究者对植物雌激素、安慰剂以及共轭马雌激素进行了比较,结果发现,植物雌激素对骨和脂质代谢有良好的雌激素样作用,但对子宫无影响。

63、Emphasis should be placed on increasing education in training and equestrian practices and on promoting scientific studies in equine health. ─── 加强马术训练和实践的教育工作,促进马匹保健方面的科学研究活动。

64、Freeze-Dried Diphtheria Antitoxin, Equine ─── 冷冻干燥白喉抗毒素(马)[治疗白喉药]

65、One lesson is similar to that taught by experiences with Venezuelan equine encephalitis. ─── 其中有一个教训是和委内瑞拉马脑炎疫情得到的教训类似。

66、AUSTRALIA When Australia's horses were hit by an outbreak of equine influenza recently, it wasn't just the animals that suffered. ─── 澳大利亚澳大利亚的马匹近来受到一场突发的马流感病毒的侵袭,不过受苦的可不仅仅是这些可怜的动物。

67、Gas Gangrene Antitoxin, Equine ─── 多价精制气性坏疽抗毒素[预防治疗气性坏疽药]

68、Unfortunately, it is even less easy when it comes to choosing our equine partners. ─── 不幸的是,当我们要选择马术伙伴的时候,困难还要大的多!

69、If you're planning to buy horses, you probably already know how much you're willing and able to spend on an equine companion. ─── 如果你计划买一匹马,那么首先要知道自己的预算。

70、Rules of indirect ELISA technique for equine infectious anemia disease ─── GB/T17494-1998马传染性贫血病间接elisa技术规程

71、Japanese equine encephalitis ─── 日本马脑炎

72、Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis alphavirus ─── 委内瑞拉马脑脊髓炎甲病毒

73、"Feel free to take your gissa-job brochure, your equine fixation and your miserable face anywhere daft enough to employ you. ─── “随便吧,拿上你的‘跪求工作’册子、继续痴迷赛马、哭丧着脸,去脑残到家的地方,让他们雇你吧。

74、Equine Salmonella Abortus Agglutination Test Antigen ─── 沙门氏菌马流产凝集试验抗原

75、The temperature, hematological features, serum antibody and blood T lymphocyte of the equus vaccinated with attenuated equine infectious anemia vaccine were detected. ─── 本试验对注射马传贫弱毒疫苗后的马(骡)50匹,分别进行了体温、血液学、血清抗体及血液中T淋巴细胞等项目的检测。

76、De Vries A A, Chirnside E D, Horzinek M C, et al. Structural proteins of equine arteritis virus[J].J Virol,1992 ,66(11):6294-303. ─── 朱来华,梁成株,黄从平,等.马动脉炎病毒的血凝性研究[J].中国兽医科技,2001,31(7):3-5.

77、Freeze-Dried Botulism Antitoxin, Equine ─── 冷冻于燥肉毒素抗毒素(马)[抗肉毒中毒药]

78、eastern equine encephalomyelitis alphavirus ─── 东方马脑脊髓炎甲病毒

79、Venezuelan equine encephalitis ─── 委内瑞拉马脑炎

80、Under the microscope,the adhesions of the caudal equine were separated and the filum was found out. ─── 患者均采用腰骶部正中切口,手术范围包括圆锥下缘和终丝远端与骶部附着处。

81、Lessons from Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis epidemics ─── 从委内瑞拉马脑炎疫情所吸取的经验教训

82、Emphasis should be placed on increasing education in training and equestrian practices and on promoting scientific studies in equine health. ─── 加强马术训练和实践的教育工作,促进马匹保健方面的科学研究活动。

83、He has a long equine face. ─── 他的脸像马脸那么长.

84、any of several plain-colored equine mammals of Asia and northeast Africa. ─── 亚洲和非洲东北部的几种颜色纯净的马科哺乳动物。

85、Keywords microsurgery;cauda equine;spinal cord compression; ─── 显微外科手术;马尾;脊髓压迫症;

86、Unlike their human counterparts, broken limbs don't just sideline an equine athlete from competition but often end careers and even lives. ─── 不同的人对应,打破四肢不只是副业的马运动员的竞争,但往往结束职业生涯,甚至生命。

87、The only available hyperimmune serum was of equine origin ─── 唯一可得到的超免疫血清来源于马。

88、Equine encephalomyelitis virus EMC virus ─── 东方马脑脊髓炎病毒:见

89、Introduction of Inner Mongolia WILD HORSE Equine Research Institute ─── 内蒙古铁河蒙古马综合研究中心简介

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