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08-19 投稿


coddled 发音

英:[?k?dld]  美:[?kɑ?dld]

英:  美:

coddled 中文意思翻译



coddled 词性/词形变化,coddled变形

动词过去式: coddled |名词: coddler |动词现在分词: coddling |动词过去分词: coddled |动词第三人称单数: coddles |

coddled 短语词组

1、coddled eggs recipe ─── 溺爱鸡蛋食谱

2、coddled iron ─── 娇生惯养的铁

3、coddled princess second life chapter 1 ─── 娇惯公主第二人生第1篇

4、coddled crossword ─── 溺爱纵横填字游戏

5、coddled definition ─── 娇惯的定义

6、coddled eggs ─── 溺爱的鸡蛋

7、coddled egg ─── [网络] 鳕鱼蛋

8、coddled pork chops ─── 宠爱猪排

9、coddled cream ─── 娇生惯养的奶油

10、coddled egg cups ─── 娇惯的蛋杯

coddled 相似词语短语

1、coddles ─── vt.娇养;溺爱(等于mollycoddle);用文火煮

2、poddled ─── 散落的

3、coddler ─── 溺爱者

4、noddled ─── n.头;脑袋;vt.点头;vi.点头

5、codded ─── n.鳕鱼;愚弄;哄骗;vi.欺骗;愚弄;vt.愚弄;欺骗

6、cuddled ─── vi.拥抱;偎依;舒服地贴著身睡;vt.拥抱;亲热地搂住;抚爱地拥抱;n.搂抱,拥抱

7、toddled ─── v.蹒跚学步,摇摇晃晃地走;(非正式)步行,溜达,闲逛;n.(学步幼儿的)蹒跚,走路不稳

8、coddle ─── vt.娇养;溺爱(等于mollycoddle);用文火煮

9、hoddled ─── 笨拙的

coddled 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、You mean you are totally coddled and capricious act like a princess, right? ─── 你说你被溺爱坏了,,任性得像个公主是吗??

2、She coddled her youngest son madly. ─── 她过分溺爱她最小的儿子。

3、Thousands of less coddled students recently staged protests across Germany against their conditions. ─── 数以千计在校园里不受宠的学生们,近日针对他们的生活状况在德国举国上下进行抗议。

4、For too long, experts say, Japanese regulators coddled ailing banks, hoping the problem would go away. ─── 长期以来,专家说,日本的管理者们对他们孱弱的银行呵护有加,希望这些问题会自行消失。

5、The tourist industry was coddled by the government and became less and less competitive. ─── 观光业被政府过渡保护,变得越来越没有竞争力。

6、That turned her thoughts to the way Ender had coddled her at the end, pretending to trust her as before but actually keeping control. ─── 这让她回想起安德在最后对她的关照,假装像从前那样信任她,但暗中掌握着控制权。

7、8 Once a coddled kid's brother or sister is born, he is to receive lesser love and attention; ─── 娇生惯养的孩子一旦有弟妹出生,他所得到的关爱就少了,刚开始的时候,他会哭啼吵闹。

8、coddled iron ─── (高炉用冷热混合风冶炼的生铁) 混风生铁

9、Thou art free, yet thou shalt not be coddled like babes in the storm. ─── 你的技艺是自由的,而你不需要好像在风雨中照护小孩一般害怕。

10、She coddled her son when he was sick. ─── 她儿子生病时,她看护着他。

11、And when they complain, they don't get coddled or promised better things: They get bluntly shown the door. ─── 并且当他们抱怨时,他们没有获得溺爱或者承诺更好的东西:他们被直接指向了一扇门。

12、She was coddled when she was ill. ─── 她患病时得到了无微不至的照料。

13、Milan have given me a lot so far, they have coddled me, helped me from a medical point of view to overcome a difficult situation, I owe really much to this club. ─── 米兰至今给了我许多,他们很袒护我,帮助我从伤病中克服过来 ,我欠这个俱乐部很多。

14、The tourism industry was coddled by the government, and became less and less competitive. ─── 观光业被政府过度保护变得越来越没有竞争力。

15、I am only the breadwinner, why should I be coddled--why, why, why! ─── 我不过是家里的顶梁柱,为什么要娇惯我呢——为什么,为什么,为什么!

16、coddled egg ─── 煮鸡蛋

17、'I'd like some coddled eggs please.' ─── “我想要一些生嫩水煮蛋,麻烦了。”

18、coddled eggs ─── 半生不熟的蛋

19、But even the best guide is no match for experience, and for most of my early time, I was coddled . ─── 最好的向导也比不过经验,但在起初的大部分时间内,我都被悉心照料着。

20、British generally believe that children are coddled and doting on the child's independent personality formation of the biggest obstacle. ─── 英国人普遍认为,对孩子的溺爱和娇宠是孩子独立性格形成的最大障碍。

21、But even the best guide is no match for experience, and for most of my early time, I was coddled. ─── 最好的向导也比不过经验,但在起初的大部分时间内,我都被悉心照料着。

22、We haven't coddled them. ─── 我们没有娇宠这些人。

23、And the problem, John, with the strategy that's been pursued was that, for 10 years, we coddled Musharraf, we alienated the Pakistani population, because we were anti-democratic. ─── 而问题是,10年来,约翰所执行的战略则是惯坏了穆沙拉夫。由于我们的反民主,我们疏远了巴基斯坦人民。

24、He was a shy, coddled child, the son of a land officer. ─── 这名深受溺爱的国土管理官员之子儿时曾颇为腼腆。

25、The man who was coddled when he was a child was guilty of theft after growing up. ─── 那个大家都不喜欢的人,从来不会因为自己犯错而内疚。

26、British generally believe that children are coddled and doting on the child's independent personality formation of the biggest obstacle. ─── 英国人普遍认为,对孩子的溺爱和娇宠是孩子独立性格形成的最大障碍。

27、In some perspective, men are coddled by their women to be unfaithful. ─── 从某种角度上来说男人的变心是女人给惯出来的。

28、Mature Law: The more we are in love with his wife, the husband of the more mature, more coddled by her husband with the wife of the more immature. ─── 成熟定律:越是被妻子深爱着的丈夫越是成熟,越是被丈夫娇宠着的妻子越是不成熟。

29、British families, the children have no reason to fail to see the coddled. mistakes will be corrected or even punish children. ─── 在英国的家庭中,绝对看不到对儿童的没有理由的娇宠,犯了错误的孩子会受到纠正甚至惩罚。

30、He'll need to be coddled after his illness. ─── 他病后需要悉心照料。

31、Even in the busiest cities, pollinators can be coddled with a little creativity. ─── 即便在最繁忙的都市中,人类只需要些许的创造力就能让传粉者安居下来。

32、” He wasn’t being harsh.It’s just that they’d never coddled Bill; ─── 他这样做不是苛刻,而是他们从不溺爱比尔。

33、Past governments have coddled chaebol, but the current one says free-market principles should prevail. ─── 韩国上一届政府对这些财阀可谓是呵护有加的,然而本届政府却主张让市场规律来决定他们的命运。

34、" Critics of the government's involvement maintain that bondholders have been punished, union workers coddled and laws flouted in the process. ─── 对政府介入的批评家们坚持在这个过程中债券持有人受到惩罚,工会工人被溺爱,法律被愚弄。

35、True, it was Bynum's choice to enter the NBA. So, no, he should not be coddled. ─── 这是事实,加入NBA是拜纳姆自己的决定。所以,他没有资格再做一个被溺爱的孩子。

36、I normally fall somewhere in between grimy backpacker and coddled travel connoisseur, but there is one luxury I can never do without: the luxury of time. ─── 我通常会处在衣衫肮脏的徒步旅行者和娇惯的旅行内行之间的某个位置,但是有一种难得的东西我却不能没有:那就是时间。

37、You said you were coddled like a princess,is that right? ─── 你说你被溺爱坏了,任性得像个公主是吗?

38、America is heartily disdained by its coddled and controlled European cousins for its cowboy capitalism. ─── 美国的这种牛仔式的资本主义被它的欧洲兄弟们打心眼里看不起。

39、"They're all spoiled and coddled and have no patience, " she said. ─── 她说:“他们娇生惯养,没有耐心。”

40、Far more voltage crackled out of a million interconnected Apple IIs than within the most coddled million-dollar supercomputer standing alone. ─── 一百万台相互联接的苹果II型电脑所产生的能量,要远远超过一台价值数百万美元、精心维护的、孤立的超级计算机。

41、As the number of childless women and couples in Japan has increased, so has the number of dogs, which are being coddled and doted upon in place of children, experts say. ─── 专家说,随著日本没有子女的女人和夫妇增加,狗的数目跟著增加。这些狗取代子女,得到悉心照料和宠爱。

42、The coddled, low-productivity east is an expensive drag on the innovative, high-productivity west. ─── 娇贵的低生产力的东德正在拖创新型高生产力的西德的后腿。

43、Limiting this destructive practice to the handful of cases in which it might be justified will be painful for a few coddled sectors. ─── 尽量限制反倾销这种具有破坏力做法的使用范围可能会使一些原本颇受纵容的行业感到不快;

44、At the moment it is stuck in between; no longer a child to be coddled and pampered, but not yet able to pay its own way. ─── 但是目前,它困在两者之间;不再是一个娇生惯养的孩子,但还不能自食其力。

45、No matter how old your husband is, he still needs to be babied and coddled at times. ─── 不管你丈夫年龄有多大,他有时仍然需要有人给予宽容与呵护。

46、- Orange.- Orange.- Eggs?- Coddled. ─── |-柳橙 -蛋要如何料理呢?

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