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08-19 投稿


nastiness 发音

英:[?n?stin?s]  美:[?nɑ?stin?s]

英:  美:

nastiness 中文意思翻译



nastiness 反义词


nastiness 词性/词形变化,nastiness变形

名词复数: nasties |名词: nastiness |形容词比较级: nastier |副词: nastily |形容词最高级: nastiest |

nastiness 同义词

unpleasantness | spitefulness | cruelty | cattiness | foulness | obnoxiousness | viciousness | meanness | filthiness |spite | bitchiness | malevolence | filth | wickedness | malice | unkindness

nastiness 短语词组

1、nastiness thesaurus ─── 污秽叙词表

2、nastiness syn ─── 污秽综合征

3、nastiness def ─── 肮脏的定义

4、nastiness synonym ─── 污秽同义词

5、nastiness meaning ─── 污秽的含义

6、nastiness quotes ─── 肮脏的引用

nastiness 相似词语短语

1、yeastiness ─── n.起泡;发酵状态;不安定

2、reastiness ─── 真实性

3、ashiness ─── n.灰;灰烬(ash的变形)

4、nattiness ─── n.整洁;帅

5、artiness ─── 艺术性

6、tastiness ─── n.滋味;味道

7、hastiness ─── n.轻率;性急;仓促

8、nasuteness ─── 鼻祖

9、pastiness ─── n.发青;发粘

nastiness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I flinched at the nastiness of his wound. ─── 雪的单纯可以让你忘记所有污秽。

2、Sport, in other words, involves just as much nastiness , cheating and corruption as life in general. ─── 换句话说,体育赛事与一般生活无二,都有暗面、欺骗和腐败。

3、In fact, Parkin said she was surprised by the "incredible nastiness" toward women in postcards created in the early 20th century. ─── 事实上,帕金说自己看到20世纪早期的明信片对女性的“难以置信的恶意”时非常惊讶。

4、Her nastiness really threw me. ─── 她的恶劣行径使我惊讶。

5、(British) unpleasant nastiness; used especially of nasty weather. ─── (英式英语)让人感到不快的污秽的东西;尤其用来指恶劣的天气。

6、Sport, in other words, involves just as much nastiness, cheating and corruption as life in general. ─── 换句话说,体育赛事与一般生活无二,都有暗面、欺骗和腐败。

7、Amare Stoudemire: If he can be talked into playing for this team his nastiness and toughness would be a valued asset. ─── 斯塔达迈尔:如果他被谈及入选下届美国国家队的话,他的威胁以及强度将会是一个闪光点。

8、"As I said, Royal Mother of the West, nastiness comes unbidden to my mouth." ─── “正如我所说,西太后,那些不愉快的话是不由自足的从我嘴中说出。”

9、2. The hellish noise, the roaring, swearing, and clamor , the stench and nastiness, joined to make the place seem an emblem of hell itself. ─── 那种地狱般的嘈杂,吵闹,咒诅,骚扰,臭气,龌龊,使那地方好像是地狱的象征。

10、In your life,you'll meet a lot of assholes.Remember that it's stupidity that pushes them to be evil.It will prevent you from answering to their nastiness. ─── 在你的一生当中,你会遇到很多贱人,把他们逼疯行恶是很愚蠢的行为,记住这一点可以防止你对他们的卑鄙作出回应。

11、The style, methods, and rhetoric of opponent of the war descended to a level of nastiness ─── 反战派所使用的方式、手法和语言堕落到如此卑劣的地步。

12、Unfortunately, many workplaces today ignore, forgive or even encourage nastiness. ─── 不幸地是,许多职场如今是在忽视、原谅,甚至去鼓励这种肮脏。

13、You forget his nastiness to their faces because he's nice behind their backs. ─── 你忘记了他在当着他们面时的丑陋,因为在他们背后他很友善。

14、In this, his most famous book, Hobbes argues that people are fundamentally selfish and aggressive and will only curtail their natural nastiness out of fear of a powerful leader. ─── 为了冲淡一下自己的这种悲观的世界观,他又接着说,统治者应该是大家公认的应该掌权的人,而不仅仅是拳头最大的那个。

15、Vivien plays Scarlett with a delightful nastiness. ─── 费雯丽的斯佳丽有种招人喜欢的邪恶。

16、In an Orwellian attempt to hide the nastiness, it may be known in America as an “aggregator bank”. ─── 在试图掩盖一切污秽的“奥威廉”世界中的美国,好像被称为“集合银行”。

17、But it does remind them that the Stasi was at the heart of the regime's nastiness. ─── 但它提醒人们,史塔西曾处在东德政权阴暗面的核心位置。

18、An unspecified bit of nastiness which can be cast on someone who steals something. ─── 当某人偷东西时,会有一块不明的污秽物投向他。

19、Instead the nastiness emerged in smart remarks, hateful glances, and a seeming all-out rebellion against Chief Anderson. ─── 相反的污秽在聪明的评论,憎恨的一瞥中浮现, 和一似乎对抗主要的安德逊的竭力谋反。

20、But of course there is also a long history of extreme intolerance and nastiness. ─── 但是,当然,还有很长的一段历史,是极端不宽容,极端丑恶的。

21、Utah coach Jerry Sloan questioned his team's nastiness after their loss, and he was still prodding them Monday. ─── 爵士主帅斯隆在第一场比赛失利之后,提及了球队不够粗野的问题,在周一他又继续就这个话题刺激他的球员。

22、"Another thing he wondered at in the Yahoos, was their strange disposition to nastiness and dirt; ─── “野胡”身上还有一点令它觉得不明白:它们怎么竟然偏爱肮脏污秽?

23、She looked at me with a sympathy in her eyes which more than compensated for Wolf Larsen's nastiness. ─── 她含着同情的眼光望着我,这倒可以抵过海狼赖生的侮辱而有余。

24、For one, writing nastiness that the vast majority of the world's personal computers are susceptible to is a more efficient use of resources than writing the same evil for a sliver of the population. ─── 首先,写一个全球个人电脑都容易收到感染的病毒会比去写一个很少人使用的操作系统病毒更为有效率。

25、the nastiness of weather in the north Atlantic ─── 北大西洋天气的恶劣

26、Let both sides in this disagreement move beyond this nastiness and onward into the work of light!!! ─── 让我们双方停止这些不认同,从最丑陋往前移向光的工作吧!!!

27、Independent voters maynow flinch about the nastiness of a Clinton White House. ─── 而广大独立选民也因为克林顿执掌白宫时期的丑闻事件退缩不前。

28、Some of my roommates thought that washing the dishes meant simply rinsing them with water and would leave crusted-on nastiness on the plates. ─── 对于我的一些室友来说,洗盘子不过就是用清水冲洗残渣而已,但是这样盘子上还会留下一层污迹。

29、If he continues to hone his low-post moves and develops some nastiness around the glass, he could wind up as another Elton Brand. ─── 这可不是什么低端目标,而且仅仅追求这样的目标还是不够的,哪怕加内特依然在森林狼掌控一切。

30、Simply, it seems that niceness needs nastiness. ─── 看起来,要得到正面的结果,还是要运用一些负面的手段。

31、In an Orwellian attempt to hide the nastiness, it may be known in America as an "aggregator bank" . ─── 在试图掩盖一切污秽的“奥威廉”世界中的美国,好像被称为“集合银行”。

32、If you try to avoid each piece of nastiness that arises in meditation, you are simply reinforcing the habit that has already made life seem so unbearable at times. ─── 你将会加强那种已经使你的生活变得无法忍受的习惯。

33、This game won't be remembered as one of the better ones in the storied Lakers-Celtics rivalry, but it did have a few moments of the physical nastiness that defined their matchups during the 1980s. ─── 这场比赛不会成为湖人与凯尔特人的经典赛事载入史册,但比赛中确实有几个不干净的动作,就像十九世纪八十年代这两支球队比赛一样。

34、He was disgusted at the nastiness of crooked politics. ─── 他对政界玩弄手腕的卑鄙行径深恶痛绝。

35、I don`t mean any nastiness at all but it seems wierd that it always seems to involve Sun Hei... ... ─── 电子贺卡中心-完全免费,生日提示,预早设定发送时间,地址簿

36、She looked at me with a sympathy in her eyes which more than compensated for Wolf Larsen's nastiness. ─── 她含着同情的眼光望着我,这倒可以抵过海狼赖生的侮辱而有余。

37、This 'nastiness' has made her wonder at times about the essence of her relationship, she says. ─── 这份“恶心”已经让她时不时怀疑起他们之间关系的实质了,她说。

38、“It wasn’t an easy game and we were lacking in a bit of nastiness in attack. ─── 他在接受采访时表示:“比赛有些艰难,我们的攻击力略显乏力。

39、Still, it's best to wear boots and long pants in snake territory.For added protection, you can wear gaiters, which shield your lower legs from all kinds of nastiness. ─── 在蛇出没的区域,最好是穿上靴子和长裤,绑腿则能提供更佳的保护,隔绝那些讨厌的东西。

40、Not to neglect decency, or cleanliness, for fear of falling into Nastiness. ─── 不可忽略体面、清洁,否则会赃的不堪。

41、Independent voters may now flinch about the nastiness of a Clinton White House. ─── 自由选民现在或许当心又出现一个丑闻不断的克林顿政府而对她敬而远之了。

42、Just a pig addicting nastiness ─── 只是一只沉溺于龌龊的猪而已

43、grandiloquently eccentric But witty verBiage . . . that would send up the nastiness of suBurBan London ─── 夸张古怪但巧妙的措词.是对伦敦市民的庸俗的拙劣的模仿

44、Iceland has others capable of even greater nastiness. ─── 冰岛还有其他能产生更大负面影响的火山。

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