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08-19 投稿


dingy 发音

英:['d?n(d)??]  美:['d?nd?i]

英:  美:

dingy 中文意思翻译



dingy 词性/词形变化,dingy变形

形容词最高级: dingiest |名词: dinginess |副词: dingily |形容词比较级: dingier |

dingy 短语词组

1、dingy tow 2018 2018 ─── 年

2、dingy room ─── 阴暗的房间

3、dingy whites ─── 肮脏的白人

4、dingy bros ─── 疯狂的兄弟

5、dingy water pump ─── 污水泵

6、dingy harry ─── 肮脏的哈利

dingy 相似词语短语

1、dingey ─── n.小船

2、ding ─── v.叮当作响;打击,撞击(车或头);执拗地讲,反复地说;n.(非正式)凹痕;(头上)一击;(叮当的)钟声;(非正式)气氛活跃的聚会;int.丁当(用来模仿如铃铛般的金属响声);n.(Ding)(英、加、澳)丁(人名)

3、dungy ─── adj.像粪便的;满是粪便的

4、dingo ─── n.澳洲野狗

5、dinge ─── n.黑人;黑人的;凹痕;肮脏;凹下

6、dinky ─── adj.极小的;整洁的;微不足道的;abbr.丁期(夫妻双收入,没小孩,但对孩子仍有期待)

7、bingy ─── n.肚子

8、dings ─── n.板材的弯折;钢板弯析;v.使产生凹痕;丁当作响(ding的第三人称单数)

9、dinghy ─── n.小艇;小船;n.(Dinghy)人名;(英)丁吉

dingy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Charles looked round him at the dingy smoke-discolored walls, the worm-eaten staircase . ─── 查尔斯环视被烟熏黑的墙壁和虫蛀的楼梯。

2、After much searching, I ran him to earth in a dingy hotel. ─── 找了很久,我终于在一家肮脏的旅舍找到他。

3、dingy bespattered walls; ─── 溅满污点的脏墙壁;

4、However, the speaker believes the US people are willing to help others, in the long run, skeptical enable people careful, not dingy. ─── 然而演讲者相信美国人是愿意帮助别人的,从长远角度看,怀疑使人们谨慎了,而不是吝啬了。

5、"It could be just Staples itself," he said wryly. "It's a dingy, dirty kind of place. I think there's methane gas or something in the building." ─── “这可能是斯泰普斯的自己的原因吧,”他自我挖苦的说道。“这是一个黑暗肮脏的地方。我想这个建筑可能有甲烷或者其他什么东西吧。”

6、Dirty is often used in combination; a dirty (or dingy) white; the muddied gray of the sea; muddy colors; dirty-green walls. ─── Dirty常用在组合词中;暗白色;泥灰色的大海。灰暗的颜色,暗绿色的墙。

7、He paused for a moment at the top of the steps.On the opposite side of the alley there was a dingy little pub whose windows appeared to be frosted over but in reality were merely coated with dust. ─── 他在台阶上面停了一会儿,小巷的那一头是一家昏暗的小酒店,窗户看上去结了霜,其实只不过是积了尘垢。

8、a fungus with a velvety stalk and usually a dingy brown cap; ─── 一种有着柔软的茎和淡褐色帽子的菌类;

9、In one of buildings Feliks rented a dingy room from an Irish woman called bridget ─── 在其中一幢楼房里,费利克从一位名叫布里奇特的爱尔兰妇女那里租了一间昏暗的房间。

10、From a distance she looked like a clay figure in a dingy? wool coat and a knit hat pulled down over her ears. ─── 她穿着一件无光泽的毛线外衣,戴着一顶针织帽子,拉了下来遮住耳朵一远远看去,她就像一个泥塑的人。

11、a fungus convex cap and a dingy yellow under surface and a dry stalk. ─── 帽子凸起,表面以下暗黄色,有着干燥茎干的菌类。

12、dingy yellow horizon ─── 暗黄色土层

13、Making his day's stations, the dingy printingcase, his three taverns, the Montmartre lair he sleeps short night in, rue de la Goutte-d'Or, damascened with flyblown faces of the gone. ─── 他每天的栖身之所是,肮脏的活字箱,经常光顾的三家酒馆,还有睡上一会儿觉的蒙特马特的窝,那是在金酒街上,用脸上巴着苍蝇屎的死者肖像装饰起来。

14、A few dingy olives and stunted fig-trees struggled hard for existence, but their withered dusty foliage abundantly proved how unequal was the conflict. Between these sickly shrubs grew a scanty supply of garlic, tomatoes, and eschalots; ─── 在这片土地上,即这个花园里,北纬三十度的灼热的阳光的猛晒之下,有几棵无精打采的橄榄树和发育不健全的无花果树,它们那萎谢的叶子上盖满了灰尘。

15、OK, and the only other thing is the paint. I noticed in a lot of the rooms, the paint is peeling and it seems pretty dingy. ─── 好的。另外一件事就是粉刷,我看到很多屋子里的油漆都脱落了,并且看起来很脏。

16、Some kitchens looked dingy, but that was probably the result of a years of shortages of cleansers and paint. ─── 有些厨房看上去很邋遢,但那很可能是一年来清洁剂和油漆缺乏的结果。

17、Farewell, Britolia's dingy piles of brick, ─── 再见,布里斯托的肮脏砖垛

18、colours to warm this dingy room where Vincent Van Gogh lived his last 10 weeks,and died the tragic death of a suicidal painter. ─── 死于自杀而悲惨死亡的画家,梵高一生最后10个星期生活过的,这个微黑肮脏的房间里焕发温暖的色彩。

19、Advocate example official gives orders when stand at attention, disclosure a particularly dingy soldier is standing slouchingly. ─── 主训官下令立正时,发觉一名非凡邋遢的士兵没精打采地站着。

20、Impelled by a nervous fear, he rose and went into the dingy hall, where he counted his remaining money, unseen. ─── 一种精神上的恐惧促使他站起身来,走进阴暗的过道,那里没人看见他。

21、dirty is often used in combination; a dirty (or dingy) white; the muddied gray of the sea; muddy colors; dirty-green walls; dirty-blonde hair. ─── dirty常用在组合词中;暗白色;泥灰色的大海。

22、The reality was decaying, dingy cities where underfed people shuffled to and fro in leaky shoes, in patched-up nineteenth-century houses that smelt always of cabbage and bad lavatories. ─── 他们住的一例是上个世纪千疮百孔的房屋,身边一例是烂白菜跟脏茅坑的臭味。

23、a dingy room ─── 骯脏昏暗的房间

24、I took my dingy volume by the scroop, and hurled it into the dog kennel, vowing I hated a good book. ─── 我提起我这本脏书的书皮哗啦一下,使劲地把它扔到狗窝里去,赌咒说我恨善书。

25、During this weekend we decided to rent out a dingy and row down the river. ─── 这周末我们准备租一个小船,划到河的下游。

26、Rooms in cheap hotels are often dingy. ─── 在低级旅馆中全是又黑又脏的房间。

27、Dingy Skipper ─── 星列弄蝶(弄蝶科)

28、Many, such as Buchi, in the popular Shibuya district, are tiny, with standing room only.But their stylish decor makes them a far cry from the dingy sake dens of old. ─── 在被誉为“潮流圣地”的东京涩谷街上,许多面积狭小但装潢精美的小酒吧陆续亮相,这些新兴的米酒酒吧完全取代了昔日昏暗脏乱的米酒铺的形象。

29、He set his alarm for three and stretched out on the dingy bed. ─── 他把闹钟开到三点钟,然后在那张邋遢的床上躺下。

30、dingy colours ─── 暗淡的颜色

31、Charles looked round him at the dingy smoke-discoloured walls, the wormeaten staircase . ─── 查尔斯看到墙壁到处是烟熏的痕迹,给虫蛀厂的楼梯。

32、"In the former thoroughfare business men and travellers were making for comfortable hotels. In the latter, crowds on cold errands shifted past dingy stores, in the deep recesses of which lights were already gleaming." ─── 在百老汇大街上,商人和旅客都朝舒适的旅馆赶去。在波威里街上,冒着寒冷出来办事的人,转过一家又一家幽暗的店铺,店堂的深处已经亮起了灯光。

33、In and out of the dingy rooms he wanders, and when he sits down the chair collapses, when he opens his valise there is only a toothbrush inside. ─── 他在这些阴暗的房间里进进出出,待他一坐下椅子便散架了;待他打开箱子,里面却只有一只牙刷。

34、Now, when we do feed dry dog food, I notice my dogs'teeth getting a bit dingy looking. ─── 现在,我们也喂它们吃干狗粮,我注意到我的狗的牙齿看上去有一点点脏。

35、The doomed leaves pass through on their way to dingy, and yellow, and red. ─── 叶子注定要由暗淡而泛黄,然后变红。

36、"It was a rather dingy night, although a fair number of stars were out ─── “这是个昏暗的夜晚,虽然天空中有相当数量的星星。

37、dingy finish tobacco ─── 叶子颜色暗淡的烟草

38、Pyongyang is the show city, spruced up for the celebrations and visiting media, yet it remains dingy away from a few main streets. ─── 平壤是个窗口城市,为了庆祝和访问媒体打扮地花枝招展,但是除了几条主要的街道,仍然肮脏破败。

39、Impelled by a nervous fear, he rose and went into the dingy hall, where he counted his remaining money, unseen. ─── 一种精神上的恐惧促使他站起身来,走进阴暗的过道,那里没人看见他。

40、they were bawling and hissing round a dingy hearse and dingy mourning coach, in which mourning coach there was only one mourner, dressed in the dingy trappings that were considered essential to the dignity of the position. ─── 他们正对着一辆肮脏的灵车和一辆肮脏的送葬车发出喧闹和嘘声。 送葬车上只有一个哭丧的,一身公认为适合于这种庄严场合的肮脏服装。

41、eg. we got married in a dingy office in the town hall. ─── 我们在市政厅一间邋遢的办公室里结婚了。

42、Opposite this grandeur , on the Surrey side, were the dingy warehouses and factories of Lambeth. ─── 在这壮观的景物对面,在萨里这一边,是兰贝斯的脏污的栈房和一家家工厂。

43、In the latter, crowds on cold errands shifted past dingy stores, in the deep recesses of which lights were already gleaming. ─── 在波威里街上,冒着寒冷出来办事的人,转过一家又一家幽暗的店铺,店堂的深处已经亮起了灯光。

44、Our first sight of the dingy little hotel did not inspire us with much confidence/inspire much confidence in us ─── 我们一见到那旅店昏暗肮脏,心里就很不痛快

45、Finally, fifteen minutes later, at exactly 9 o'clock, rich dad walked out of his office, said nothing, and signaled with his hand for me to enter his dingy office. ─── 又过了15分钟,正好9 点,富爸爸终于走出了他的办公室。 他什么也没说,用手示意要我跟着他去那间小办公室。

46、Hungry Joe was a jumpy, emaciated wretch with a fleshless face of dingy skin and bone. ─── 享格利·乔是个瘦弱,神经过敏的可怜虫,一张黑脸皮包骨头,没有什么肌肉。

47、a dingy room/hotel ─── 又黑又脏的房间/旅馆

48、He lives in a dingy room ─── 他住在一个肮脏的屋子里。

49、dingy bespattered walls ─── 溅满污点的脏墙壁

50、The contrast was extraordinary, I had this image of a guy sitting there on this dingy beach with a portable radio, tuning in these strange Latin escapist songs like 'Brazil. ─── 对比是特别的,我有坐在那里在这昏暗的海滩用一台便携式收音机上的一个小伙子的这幅图像,收听逃避现实歌喜欢'巴西的这些奇怪拉丁语。'

51、Littered on the grass, we seemed dingy, urban riff-raff. We defiled the scene, like sardine-tins and paper bags on the seashore. ─── 我们却好像是一堆肮脏的城市垃圾,被胡乱丢在草地上。如同海滩上的纸袋和沙丁鱼罐头盒一样败坏风景。

52、A dreary rain was falling as Celia's taxi stopped at a dingy six-storey building on Thirty-seventh street ─── 令人沉闷的细雨中,西莉亚坐的出租车在第五十七号街的一座破旧和肮脏的六层楼前停住了。

53、Harry crossed the dingy landing, turned the bedroom doorknob which was shaped like a serpent's head, and opened the door. ─── 哈里穿过了阴暗的走廊,转动了像蛇一样的卧室门把手,然后打开门。

54、Dingy tricholoma ─── 暗黑口蘑

55、a dingy room in a cheap hotel ─── 低级旅馆中又黑又脏的房间

56、The shabbiness of the district and the dingy gloom of the school itself meant nothing to Clara. ─── 住宅区的穷街陋巷,学校的阴暗无光,对克莱拉说来都无所谓。

57、Communist Party of China, your brightest! when the sun as you claim yourself to be will shed light on my dingy home. ─── 英明的共产党,您的阳光什么时候才能照亮我那黑暗的家。

58、His office is really dark and dingy . ─── 他的办公室实在是又暗又脏。

59、He stepped to the platform and paused: a little dingy station, a small crowd of travelers. ─── 他跨到月台上,停了停,只看见一个阴沉沉的小车站和一小群旅客。

60、the paint is peeling and it seems pretty dingy. ─── 并且看起来很脏。

61、9.To exploit this demand, pawnbrokers are shedding their dingy, Dickensian image. ─── 为了开拓市场,典当商人正在试图摆脱他们过去阴暗的狄更斯时代的形象。

62、He wore a flat gray cloth cap, a dingy wool-colored greatcoat, and cowhide boots. ─── 他身穿一件肮脏的羊毛色大衣,头戴一顶扁平的灰色帽子,足登一双牛皮靴。

63、The landlord pays cleaners who come daily, and there is a dingy shared washroom where residents can clean their belongings. ─── 房东雇了清洁工每天来打扫,还有一个昏暗的公用盥洗室,供住户们洗自己的东西。

64、Cleaning agents will less effectively remove dirt and grime.Clothes may become dingy and gray with time, and feel harsh or scratchy. ─── 洗衣机在除灰尘和污垢方面表现的越来越没有效力,衣服渐渐的变得灰白和黑暗,感觉变的粗糙和发痒。

65、At Barnes the river is muddy, dingy and tidal. ─── 在巴恩斯,河水是那么浑浊、肮脏、多潮汐。

66、Shaw took me to his dingy office. ─── 肖把我带到他那又暗又脏的办公室。

67、Surrounding the building completely and covering the square of land of which it was the center were row after row of army huts, dingy and mud splashed. ─── 它的四周,在以这一建筑物为中心的广场上,遍布着一排排溅满泥污的军营棚屋。

68、Mr.Tang lived until about two years ago in apartment No. 201 in a dingy building that housed workers at a Hangzhou instrument factory. ─── 唐永明一直生活在杭州某工厂提供的阴暗狭小的201号宿舍里,直到两年前才离开。

69、we got married, rather unromatically, in a dingy office in the town hall. ─── 我们在市政厅的一间邋遢的办公室里结婚了,根本不浪漫。

70、Carrie waited an hour in a dingy office, quite in spite of obstacles, to learn this fact of the placid, indifferent Mr. Dorney. ─── 嘉莉在一间阴暗的办公室里,不顾阻拦,等了一个钟头之后,才从沉着、冷漠的多尼先生嘴里知道了这个规矩。

71、Sailing dingy, designed in Australia and manufactured in Tangshan with Australian standard, great fun for beginners.)。 ─── 现供应澳大利亚设计的,以澳大利亚标准在唐山生产的双人风帆艇,为风帆初学者带来最大的乐趣。

72、An employee of a dingy state-run outlet in central Havana, selling dangerous-looking pastries from a dirty counter, blamed the situation on the lack of supplies and low wages. ─── 哈瓦那中部一家脏兮兮的国营商店的一名员工,将目前的形势归咎于供应短缺和薪资较低。这家商店从一个脏兮兮的柜台销售样子可疑的糕点。

73、She made all the other girls I'd been out with seem dingy and clumsy and old before their time. ─── 她使我先前闹翻了的所有姑娘统统显得邋遢、笨拙、缺乏朝气。

74、Exactly as his mother had sat on the dingy white-quilted bed, with the child clinging to her, so she had sat in the sunken ship, far underneath him, and drowning deeper every minute, but still looking up at him through the darkening water. ─── 他的母亲同坐在铺着白床单的床边抱着孩子一样,这次是坐在一条沉船里,掉在他的下面,起渐往下沉,但仍从越来越发黑的海水中指头朝他看。

75、City schools were dull and dingy buildings, with classes of forty or more students common. ─── 当时城出的学校都在一幢光线暗淡的楼内,一个班级一般有四十以上的学生。

76、Finally,fifteen minutes later,at exactly 9 o'clock,rich dad walked out of his office,said nothing,and signaled with his hand for me to enter his dingy office. ─── 又过了15分钟,正好9 点,富爸爸终于走出了他的办公室。他什么也没说,用手示意要我跟着他去那间小办公室。

77、He could have bought better clothes and moved out of his dingy room. ─── 他本可以买些好衣服穿,搬出那间肮脏的房间。

78、Inside the dingy room, the young woman sat for a long, long while. Both she and her husband were speechless. ─── 妇人在灰暗的屋内坐了许久许久,她和她底丈夫都没有一句话。

79、Hungry Joe was a jumpy, emaciated wretch with a fleshless face of dingy skin and bone ─── 享格利?乔是个瘦弱,神经过敏的可怜虫,一张黑脸皮包骨头,没有什么肌肉。

80、The houses look dingy in a smoky city. ─── 在烟雾满布的城中,房屋看起来都很脏。

81、His red-tinted hair is speckled with dust and dandruff, and his cream-colored jacket and fleece blanket are dingy with overuse. ─── 他的红色头发上已经有许多灰尘和头皮屑,他的米色夹克和羊毛毯子因为长期使用已经变得很脏。

82、He left for his small dingy room. ─── 动身回他那又小又黑的房间。

83、In the most dark and dingy quarters of the city,the drawing-room window resembles frequently a bank of flowers; ─── 在城市最昏暗阴沉的角落,客厅窗户常装饰着一排鲜花;

84、a fungus with a velvety stalk and usually a dingy brown cap; injured areas turn blue instantly. ─── 一种有着柔软的茎和淡褐色帽子的菌类;被损伤的部分很快会变成兰色。

85、Our first sight of the dingy little hotel did not inspire us with much confidence/inspire much confidence in us. ─── 我们一见到那旅店昏暗肮脏,心里就很不痛快。

86、The little white-faced account of her cheap, dingy places to escape. ─── 那小白脸占了她的便宜,也灰溜溜地逃走了。

87、a dingy manufacturing town ─── 污浊的工业小镇.

88、Other culprits to blame for dingy teeth include colas, gravies, and dark juices. ─── 咎取暗黑色牙齿的其它罪魁祸首包括可乐、肉汤和深色果汁。

89、dingy bespattered walls; a grease-spattered floor; a besplashed coach; mud-splashed trouser legs. ─── 溅满污点的脏墙壁;溅满油污的地板;溅满污垢的长途汽车;溅满泥土的裤腿。

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