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08-19 投稿


trinket 发音

英:['tr??k?t]  美:['tr??k?t]

英:  美:

trinket 中文意思翻译



trinket 短语词组

1、trinket dish ─── 小菜

2、trinket code ─── 小饰物代码

3、trinket boxes ─── 小饰品盒

4、trinket python ─── 小蟒蛇

5、ectoplasmic trinket ─── 星质饰物

6、ectoplasmic trinket pathfinder ─── 星质饰品探路者

7、trinket menu ─── 小饰品菜单

8、trinket definition ─── 小饰物定义

9、trinket synonym ─── 小饰物同义词

10、trinket table 5e ─── 小饰物表5e

trinket 词性/词形变化,trinket变形

名词复数形式:trinkets 第三人称单数:trinkets

trinket 相似词语短语

1、drinker ─── n.酒徒;喝的人;酒豪;n.(Drinker)人名;(英)德林克

2、prinker ─── 普林克

3、tinker ─── n.补锅匠;(经验不足的)修补匠;焊锅;修补;吉普赛人;流浪者;小淘气;(美)小鲭鱼;v.(徒劳地或马虎地)小修补;笨手笨脚地做事;做焊锅匠;焊补;n.(Tinker)(美)廷克(人名)

4、triblet ─── 心棒;心轴

5、trinkets ─── 小玩意儿

6、trinketer ─── n.小装饰品;不值钱的小玩意儿(trinket的变形)

7、thinker ─── n.思想家;思想者

8、prinked ─── vt.化妆;打扮漂亮;vi.化妆;打扮

9、trinketry ─── 小装饰物

trinket 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I think you need to spend more time on the EJ forums.If there was a trinket with -100 Stamina and +1000 armor, Druids would wear it. ─── 我觉得你应该在EJ论坛上花更多时间,如果有个饰品是减100耐增加1000甲的话,小D们肯定会用的。

2、Kang Xi could see that Trinket and the eunuchs were in serious trouble.He crept round behind Oboi, pulled out his own knife, and stabbed him in the back. ─── 康熙见韦小宝与众小太监抢夺不下鳌拜,势道不对,绕到鳌拜背后,拔出匕首,一刀插入了他背心。

3、My girlfriend likes to buy some trinket. ─── 我女朋友喜欢买一些小饰品。

4、Misty also seized the opportunity to jab his fingers into Trinket's left thigh. ─── 小玄子乘机伸指戳出,戳中他左腿。

5、Trinket ducked backwards, neatly escaping her blow, and wrapped his arms around her legs. ─── 小郡主手肘后撤,左手握拳往韦小宝头顶击下。

6、Zeng Rou was three months older than Trinket, the Little Countess a few days younger. ─── 曾柔、沐剑屏和韦小宝三人同年,曾柔大了他三个月,沐剑屏小了他几天。

7、When Trinket arrived at the appointed time next day, the Satrap showed him straight into his study. ─── 次日韦小宝依时又来,两人再到内书房中。

8、A small mass-produced article, such as a toy or trinket. ─── 新奇的小物件创新大量生产的小物件,如玩具或小装饰品

9、In the end Dolong acquiesced in Trinket's generosity, much to the delight of the soldiers, who celebrated by getting thoroughly drunk and playing cards and dice well into the night. ─── 众侍卫连着在宫里值班的,大家一分,每人有几千两银子。人人兴高采烈,酒醉饭饱之余,便在公爵府花厅上推牌九、掷骰子的大赌起来。既是至好兄弟,韦小宝掷骰也就不作弊了。

10、Kang Xi knew that Trinket could not read and had used his considerable skill as a draftsman to convey his message. ─── 原来康熙雅擅丹青,知道韦小宝识字有限,便画图下旨。

11、Shaker Wu flew into a rage at Liu's continued provocation of Trinket, and he lashed out at him, using a move known in the Mu Family as Emerald Cockerel Spreads Feathers. ─── 吴立身大怒,反手一掌,向他脸上打去。刘一舟低头避开,左足一弹,已站了起来。

12、For example in the future, alchemists are going to be able to make an alchemist specific trinket. ─── 例如将来练金术士可以制作炼金术士特定的饰品。

13、Fang Yi's face was still smudged with dirt, but to Trinket she seemed as lovely as ever, and the sight of her gave him a warm, tingling sensation. ─── 方怡这么嫣然一笑,纵然脸上尘土未除,却也是俏丽难掩,韦小宝登时觉得身上一阵温暖。

14、Fortunately she's helped by a little gnome who shows up and offers to help in exchange for a small trinket. ─── 幸运的是,一个小侏儒出现并提供了帮助,不过要答应他一件小事。

15、By contrast, Feng was as proud and fierce as ever.He tried to instil a little pride into Sir Zheng.'It was my idea to kill Chen Jinnan,' he declared, addressing Trinket. ─── 他抢到郑克塽身旁,一伸手便拉起了他,转头向韦小宝道:“当年杀陈近南,全是我的主意,跟郑公爷无关。

16、The first reporter I talked to plans to give his wife a trinket box costing about $35. 'She never gives me anything,' he pointed out. ─── 我调查的第一个记者计划给他的妻子买一个35美元左右的首饰盒。他指出,她从未送过我任何东西。

17、A decorative trinket; a bauble. ─── 小玩意儿装饰用的小摆设;美观的便宜货

18、When Trinket Mage comes into play, you may search your library for an artifact card with converted mana cost 1 or less, reveal that card, and put it into your hand. ─── 当琐物法师进场时,你可以从你的牌库中搜寻一张总法术力费用等于或者小于1的神器牌,展示该牌,并置于你手上。

19、Liu cracked his whip violently across the head of the mule pulling Trinket's cart. ─── 刘一舟手中马鞭挥出,向大车前的骡子头上用力抽去。

20、The lady in white returned Trinket's salutation. ─── 向一个白衣女子躬身行礼。

21、He loosened his grip on Trinket's wrist.'Yes, Goong-goong!'Trinket hurried over to the wall and tinkered noisily with the brass fittings on the candle-holder. ─── 急忙走开,快步走到安在墙壁上的烛台之侧,伸手拨动烛台的铜圈,发出叮当之声,说道:“点着了!”

22、If I have to use trinket for what ever reason then stay max range at all times of rogue to avoid blind - cat then restealth if appropriate then pounce etc. ─── 如果我不得不使用徽章(无论什么原因),我都会站在最远距离以防盗贼的致盲。如果可能变猫潜行然后突袭之。

23、Then I keep him in combat, try to fear + Mana Burn more to get him to break the fears with trinket or WotF. ─── 接着我让他保持在战斗状态,试着恐惧+烧蓝,迫使他用徽章或者亡灵意志解掉恐惧。

24、As they hurried out together he asked Trinket why he had not gone straight to the Empress Dowager's apartment, since he was now in her service. ─── 康熙对母后甚有孝心,不及穿戴,披了件长袍便抢出门去,快步而行,一面问道:“太后要你服侍,你怎幺又到了我这里?”

25、What used to be one of, if not the hardest matchups for all non-UD rogues turned into a joke with the introduction of the PVP trinket. ─── 当游戏中有了PVP耳环后,不死贼就成了一个笑话。

26、Eventually they arrived in Peking and Trinket found a large, high-class hostelry for them to stay in. ─── 不一日到了北京,韦小宝去找了一家大客店,一进门便赏了十两银子。

27、A small decorative object; a trinket. ─── 小装饰品;小件饰物

28、If it hadn't been for the resourcefulness of young Trinket here, we might all of us have been murdered. ─── 二公子咬定我们天地会不服台湾号令,在中原已是如此,到得台湾,更有什么分辩的余地?

29、Fang Yi shielded Trinket, drawing her sword and brandishing it at them. ─── 方怡挡在韦小宝身前,拔刀挥舞,叫道:“你快逃。

30、A small ornamental article; a trinket. ─── 小装饰物;小玩意儿

31、Liu turned to Trinket with a giggle.'Don't you agree, cousin? ─── 向韦小宝笑吟吟的道:“表弟,你说是不是呢?”

32、There is always a chance for him to coil you with 10-20% health left. Just sprint back to him for the kill, trinket if he fears. Without the PVP trinket. ─── 在对手只有10%-20%血的时候,他总有机会能死亡缠绕你。直接急跑回来宰他。

33、One or two Mace Stuns in a row (+ Kidney Shot or Vanish Cheap Shot) and you can potentially get away with Crippling dropping off without using your PvP trinket. ─── 控制链(肾击或者消失偷袭)中的一个或者两个锤精昏迷将可能使你逃离被致残毒减速而不需要使用PvP徽章。

34、Fang Yi gripped Trinket's hand tightly.The Little Countess nudged him in the small of the back with her elbow.They were both silently chuckling to themselves. ─── 方怡握着韦小宝的手掌紧了一紧,沐剑屏的手肘在他背心轻轻一撞,都是暗暗好笑。

35、Trinket. You create a short-lived trinket. ─── 创造杂物:创造一个仅能持续很短时间的小物件。

36、Trinket ran to the door and closed it, then he drew out his trusty dagger and proceeded to stab all four eunuchs in me chest. ─── 韦小宝大喜,先奔过去掩上了厅门,拔出匕首,在董金魁和三名太监胸口一人一剑。

37、An unnamed or nameless gadget or trinket. ─── 小玩意叫不出名目或没有名目的小装置或小玩意儿

38、The Helmsman listened to all that Trinket had to say without making a single interruption. ─── 总舵主一言不发的听完,点头道:“原来如此。

39、The founder of the Society, he explained, was Marshal Zheng, whom the foreigners called Coxinga. (Trinket had already heard about Coxinga from Whiskers. ─── 当初国姓爷率领义师,进攻江南,围困江宁,功败垂成,在退回台湾之前,接纳总舵主的创议,设立了这个天地会。

40、This trinket will require alchemy to equip, will be bind on acquire and will give the wearer a bonus to the effect of any potion they drink. ─── 该饰品将需要炼金术才能装备,将是获得即绑定的,可增强佩戴者饮用药剂的效果。

41、At his meeting with the Triads, Trinket managed to merge two recent events into one, to his own advantage. ─── 李力世等天地会群雄来到室中,分别坐下。韦小宝道:“众位哥哥,昨晚我听到一个大消息,事情紧急,来不及跟众位商量,急忙赶到丽春院去。

42、He made Trinket unbar the door and follow him back into the hall. ─── 推开房门,走了出来,向灿邴珠和多隆道:“你二人办事得力,朕有赏赐。”

43、This is also one matchup where the armor trinket from ZG is a huge asset (casters love to use that trinket in duels and I think we should too). ─── 从ZG里获得的护甲饰品(哈卡之心的那个?)对于这种战斗是很大的帮助。

44、I won't debate the merits of her actions, but, embarrassed and worn down, she grabbed the cheap trinket and tossed it into her cart. ─── 姑且不论她做得对不对,她又累又窘地抓起孩子要的小玩具,丢在自己的推车里。

45、An unnamed gadget or trinket. ─── 小玩意叫不出名目的小器件或小玩意儿

46、Works extremely well if you have the class trinket from BWL and talents in instant poison. ─── 如果你有BWL的徽章(想要啊!)和速效毒天赋,效果更好。

47、Over the two-month period, the Wen brothers became indebted to Trinket to the tune of two hundred taels of silver. ─── 这两个月赌了下来,温氏兄弟已欠了韦小宝二百多两银子。

48、V: You know, I keep this trinket. . . This necklace should be worn by a young and beautiful lady, not be staffed by a backpack. ─── 你知道,我一直保存着这个小饰物……这个项链应该让年轻美丽的女士戴上,而不是尘封在背包里。

49、You want that worthless trinket? ─── 你想要这没用的小玩意?

50、Telling Doublet to drive her cart, Fang Yi got horses for Trinket and herself and they set off together, riding side by side. ─── 方怡命人牵一匹马给韦小宝骑,让双儿坐了她的小车,自己乘马和韦小宝并骑而行,迎着朝阳缓缓驰去,众汉子随后跟来。

51、He covered both the girls with the bedspread, and closed the bed-curtains.'Come on in, I've got one of them here in my room!'shouted Trinket. ─── 拉过被来将二人都盖住了,放下了帐子,叫道:“你们快来,这里有刺客!”

52、Trinket mischievously suggested that they should commence operations against the Satrap by pissing on his stone. ─── 将第三块石头也踢开了,只留下最大的一块石头,对住了怔怔出神。

53、The Eighteen Lohans accompanied Trinket and Doublet down the mountain. ─── 十八少林僧和韦小宝、双儿二人下得锦绣峰来。

54、If he already blew his PVP trinket and your have a full energy stunlock ready. ─── 如果他已经用过了PVP饰品,而且你有着准备好的满能量连续技。

55、He bought her trinket and take her to the theater. ─── 他给她购买小装饰品并带她去看戏。

56、When they arrived in her room, Spring Fragrance kicked the door to and let go of Trinket's pigtail and ear. ─── 两人来到房中,韦春芳反脚踢上房门,松手放开他辫子和耳朵。

57、He bought her some trinket. ─── 他给她买了些不值钱的珠宝。

58、Vanish CS after he USES PVP trinket or after he already used counter attack. ─── 在猎人使用了他的徽章或者反击以后消失偷袭。

59、Then the Princess tripped on a stone, and Trinket, knowing that she was pregnant, stopped to help her. ─── 四人加紧脚步,忽听得身后脚步声响,两人飞奔而来,正是洪夫人和方怡。

60、Eye of Magtheridon: This trinket will now trigger when a Judgement of Vengeance is resisted. ─── 复仇审判被抵抗的时候也生效了。

61、Death coil now makes warlocks a very difficult opponent ... if you don't use PVP trinket.Instead of toying with them like you used to, you actually have to blow your PVP trinket. ─── 如果你不用PVP耳环的话,死亡缠绕把术士变成了一个很难对付的对手。。。。

62、A trinket;a gewgaw. ─── 无价值的饰物华而不实的小玩意

63、At that moment Trinket was blissfully happy.If he'd been riding on the same horse as Fang Yi, he would have squeezed her tight, and kissed her on her lovely cheek. ─── 两人说到情浓处,韦小宝搂住她腰,吻她面庞,方怡也不抗拒,可是再有非份逾越,却一概不准了。

64、When the three of them were outside again, Father Aureole spoke to Trinket: The Venerable Yulin is an extremely distinguished and enlightened member of our order. ─── 三人来到庙外,澄光道:“玉林大师是得道高僧,已有明示。

65、From there you must trinket his fear as soon as it lands (the IOTH mod helps greatly). ─── 从这里开始,你必须马上解掉施你身上的恐惧。

66、He buy her trinket and take her to the theater. ─── 他给她购买小装饰品并带她去看戏。

67、Vanish CS after he uses PVP trinket or after he already used counter attack. ─── 在猎人使用了他的徽章或者反击以后消失偷袭。

68、But when they saw the Manzi leader pointing at various of their number and Trinket nodding vigorously or shaking his head, they wondered anxiously what was being said. ─── 杨溢之提起刀来,对准阿珂的头顶,说道:“女人,不好,杀了。”

69、If you can make the druid blow trinket and your rogue isn't being assisted, you can very easily switch to the druid and gib him in a Cheap Shot -> Kidney Shot. ─── 如果你们能使对方小德交出徽章而且你们的贼没有被集火,你们能把目标转向小德并在一个偷袭->肾击之内干掉他。

70、When Trinket arrived back at his quarters, he sighed.'Goong-goong, the more I practise my kungfu, the more he practises his. ─── 他回到屋中,叹了口气,道:“公公,我在学功夫,人家也在学,不过人家的师父本事大,教的法子好。”

71、If you have had success with your tremor totem during the fight, go ahead and trinket out of the death coil to prevent him from regaining his life. ─── 如果你已有战栗图腾有效打断恐惧的经历,那就一路前行,并把对手的死亡缠绕从他的救命技能中剔除。

72、Don't trinket too fast...they may be precasting another polymorph. ─── 他们可能继续将你变羊。

73、Liu Yizhou stuffed the remains of his pigtail into his hat, and Trinket gave him a scornful look. ─── 刘一舟将辫根塞在帽子之中,勉强拖着一条辫子。韦小宝笑吟吟的对他左瞧右瞧。

74、Each separate counter was a show place of dazzling interest and attraction. She could not help feeling the claim of each trinket and valuable upon her personally, and yet she did not stop. ─── 各个柜台展出的东西都光彩夺目,令人眼花缭乱,留连难舍,她不由感到每件饰物和珠宝都在向她招手,但是她没有停住脚步。

75、Fixed a bug with the Jom Gabbar trinket which was causing it to trigger a category cooldown for a duration longer than intended. ─── 修正了一个当你满血或满蓝的时候使用回血或回蓝物品会产生回血或回蓝效果的错误。

76、He took Trinket by the hand and the two of them walked in together, side by side, past ranks of saluting guardsmen. ─── 携了韦小宝的手,并肩走进。众侍卫一齐躬身行礼。

77、A cheap, showy trinket. ─── 一种廉价艳丽的饰物

78、Heathcliff had opened the trinket and cast out its contents, replacing them by a black lock of his own. ─── 希刺克厉夫把这小装饰品打开了,把里面的东西扔出来,装进他自己的一绺黑发。

79、A small, showy ornament of little value;a trinket. ─── 小玩意花哨的小玩意儿;小玩具

80、About noon next day, as Trinket lay sprawled on his bed thinking dreamily of the Green Girl, a nervous-looking Brother Clarity slipped into his cell. ─── 次日午间,韦小宝斜躺在禅床之上,想着那绿衣女郎的动人体态,忍不住又想冒险,寻思:“我怎生想个妙法,再去见她一面?”

81、A great life lost so that someone far away can have a trinket on their mantelpiece. ─── 一个伟大的生命逝去了,远方某人的壁炉上可以多个饰品了。

82、Trinket stopped in surprise.He pulled his dagger from the table-leg and, using his free hand to turn her over, pointed it threateningly at her throat. ─── 从桌腿上拔出匕首,指住她颈项,左手将她身子翻了过来,喝道:“笑什么?”

83、A gaudy or showy ornament or trinket. ─── 俗不可耐的小玩意儿一种炫丽或耀眼的装饰品或小饰物

84、I'd almost suggest to just gib the Disc Priest if he uses trinket on a fear, since it opens him to a full stunlock rotation leading into a Silence. ─── 如果他用徽章解恐惧,我其实想建议这时候直接集火牧师,因为这意味着他将要面对一个完整的晕晕晕连招再加一个沉默。

85、When it became clear that she would be bringing the Green Girl with her, Trinket felt that this was very much better than being made a viscount. ─── 九难道:“阿珂也去。”韦小宝更是喜从天降,这个喜讯,便是皇帝连封他一百个子爵也比不上。

86、If Trinket shook his head and put the pearl back, the scribe would obligingly reinstate the item on the list. ─── 待韦小宝摇了摇头,放下珠宝,那书吏才又添入清单之中。

87、What you have to do is get a fear off on both rogues, and make them blow their trinket. ─── 你们需要做的是同时恐惧两个贼,逼他们交出徽章。

88、As soon as they were inside, Zhang took out the Secret Edict and Trinket kowtowed and received it in both hands. ─── 张康年从怀中取出一道密旨,双手奉上,说道:“皇上另有旨意。”

89、A small, showy ornament of little value; a trinket. ─── 小玩意花哨的小玩意儿;小玩具。

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