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08-19 投稿


pendulum 发音

英:[?pend??l?m]  美:[?pend??l?m]

英:  美:

pendulum 中文意思翻译



pendulum 短语词组

1、pendulum fibroma ─── [医] 悬垂纤维瘤, 有蒂纤维瘤

2、cor pendulum ─── [医] 摆动心

3、clock pendulum ─── 钟摆

4、mathematical pendulum ─── [化] 数学摆

5、otrsion pendulum ─── [机] 扭转摆

6、Ophioglossum pendulum ─── [网络] 琵琶摆

7、cpnical pendulum grvernor ─── [机] 锥摆调速器

8、ballistic pendulum ─── [化] 冲击摆

9、gun pendulum ─── 枪摆,弹道摆,冲击摆

10、pendulum governo ─── [机] 摆动调速器, 瓦特式调速器

11、pendulum clock ─── 摆钟

12、Foucault pendulum ─── [化] 傅科摆

13、pendulum conveyer ─── [化] 摆式输送机

14、compound pendulum ─── [化] 复摆

15、pendulum grinder ─── [机] 摆动式磨轮机

16、coupled pendulum ─── [化] 耦合摆

17、long shaft pendulum tool ─── [机] 长柄导杆

18、isochronous pendulum ─── [化] 等时摆

19、pendulum feeder ─── [化] 摆式给料机

pendulum 词性/词形变化,pendulum变形


pendulum 常用词组

inverted pendulum ─── 倒立摆;倒摆

simple pendulum ─── 单摆;数学摆

compound pendulum ─── [物]复摆;[物]物理摆(等于physical pendulum

pendulum 习惯用语

1、swing like a pendulum ─── 钟的摆动; [喻]摇摆不定 ─── (舆论)从一个极端到另一极端; 政党间政权的交替; 各政党在选举中的胜负交替

2、play pendulum ─── 处于不稳定状态, 左右摇摆

pendulum 特殊用法

1、astronomer's pendulum ─── 悬索摆

2、mathematical pendulum ─── 单摆, 数学摆

3、conical pendulum ─── 锥摆

4、barometric compensation pendulum ─── 气压补偿摆

5、Graham's pendulum ─── 格拉哈姆摆

6、Foucaults pendulum ─── 傅科(勒特)摆

7、hollow pendulum ─── 空心摆

8、compound pendulum ─── 物理摆, 复摆

9、slave pendulum ─── 从动摆

10、clock pendulum ─── 钟摆

11、ship pendulum ─── 船用单摆式横倾指示器

12、physical pendulum ─── 物理摆, 复摆

13、gravity pendulum ─── 重力摆

14、coincidence pendulum ─── 符合摆, 重合摆

15、forced vibration torsion pendulum ─── 强制振动扭摆

16、coupled pendulum ─── 耦合摆

17、equivalent pendulum ─── 引用摆(相当于物理摆引用长度的单摆)

18、Kater's reversible pendulum ─── 【力】卡特可逆摆

19、invariable pendulum ─── 定长摆

20、rebound pendulum ─── 回弹摆锤

21、string pendulum ─── 线摆

22、shock pendulum ─── 冲击摆锤

23、invariant pendulum ─── 定长摆

24、horizontal pendulum ─── 水平摆

25、minimum pendulum ─── 最短摆

26、compensated pendulum ─── 补偿摆

27、gridiron pendulum ─── 组合格状摆(摆杆为数个金属丝连接而成), 栅形[杆式]补偿摆

28、bob pendulum ─── 连叉摆(摆杆直接连接在叉轴上, 而摆锤下接用螺纹与摆杆连接的摆)

29、magnetic pendulum ─── 磁性摆(悬挂磁铁在 任一水平磁场内作扭转摆动)

30、reversible pendulum ─── 可倒[逆]摆

31、Schuler pendulum ─── 舒勒摆

32、ballistic pendulum ─── 冲击摆, 弹道摆

33、mock pendulum ─── 假摆, 模拟摆

34、seconds pendulum ─── 秒摆, 单摆

35、sphere pendulum ─── 球面摆

36、double pendulum ─── 【力】双摆

37、spheric(al) pendulum ─── 球面摆

pendulum 相似词语短语

1、pendulous ─── adj.下垂的,悬垂的;摇摆的

2、pendules ─── 钟摆

3、penduline ─── adj.(鸟巢)吊下的;n.做吊巢的鸟

4、operculum ─── n.[昆]盖;鳃盖

5、pendulate ─── vt.摆动,摆振,振动

6、pendulums ─── n.钟摆;摇锤;摇摆不定的事态

7、pendulumlike ─── 钟摆

8、pendule ─── 摆钟

9、pendular ─── adj.摆动的;钟摆运动的

pendulum 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、When the base of the plume moved, the rest of the feather acted as if it were a spring pendulum -- a fairly standard physics equation. ─── 当羽毛的底座移动的时候,羽毛的其他部分会按照弹簧摆的运动方式来运动——这是个颇为标准的物理方程。

2、The pendulum seems to be swinging the other way. ─── 钟摆似乎摆到另一方向去了。

3、This paper sums the changeable ranges of the augmenting value of pendulum balance,and the way how to measure the ranges, into a unified way to express. ─── 把摆动式分析天平补正值的变化范围与求法,归结为一个统一的表达式,并作出适应各种变化情况的定量描述。

4、Only the midpart of anything is preserved because the pendulum of life must have balance, and the midpart is the balance. ─── 只有事物的中心部分可得以保持,因为生命的钟摆必须保持平衡,而中心部分便是平衡。

5、Of or resembling the motion of a pendulum; swinging back and forth. ─── 属于或像钟摆运动的;前后摆动的

6、One of our associates in Group Mastery has learned to muscle test and pendulum each day which of the 48 single notes and 48 dual notes she is missing. ─── 我们团队项目中的一个同事已学会每天用肌肉测试和摆锺来测试48个单音调和48个双音调中她所缺失的音调。

7、The pendulum angle and weighting coefficient of sliding mode control are partiallyinput and output of the fuzzy logical. ─── 倒立摆摆杆角度作为模糊逻辑系统的输入,输出为滑模控制器的加权系数。

8、Thus, the inverted pendulum system is a test-equipment of rather unearthly in the controlled theory research. ─── 因此,倒立摆系统在控制理论研究中是一种较为理想的实验装置。

9、A biaxial vertical pendulum tiltmeter, and its structure, component and principle, is introduced. ─── 介绍了一种适用于大坝监测的双轴垂直摆倾斜仪的结构、组成和工作原理。

10、Instructons:Step on the footboard with two feet,hold the two handles,utilize the strength of waist to move the legs like a pendulum. ─── 使用方法:双脚站在同一踏板上,双手握紧护杠,腰部用力作钟摆式运动。该器械适合于中、老年人。每站位限1人使用。摇臂静止方可下器械。

11、If the pendulum is made of invar, the bob does not rise or fall much. So the clock keeps good time in summer and winter. ─── 如果用不胀钢做钟摆,摆锤升降的距离就很小,这样无论夏季或冬季,钟都走得很准。

12、Two leaden balls, each at the end of a stiff pendulum, swing from a pole. ─── 两个铅球,分别处在某个硬杆摆的末端,绕着一根柱子旋转。

13、He accidentally found that the desk clock did not swing its pendulum. ─── 他无意中发现座钟不摇摆了。

14、In the battle of ideas, the pendulum had swung from government to market, from Keynes to Hayek. ─── 在思想的战争中,钟摆从政府摆向了市场,从凯恩斯摆向了哈耶克。

15、The machine is halted to load the pendulum wheel with workpieces. ─── 在将工件装进摆动盘时必须将机床暂停。

16、When pulled to one side of its equilibrium position and released, the pendulum bob vibrates about this position. ─── 把此质点作为摆锤拉到平衡位置的一侧,然后释放,摆锤就在平衡位置附近摆动。

17、An inverted pendulum is a physical device consisting in a cylindrical bar (usually of aluminium) free to oscillate around a fixed pivot. ─── 一个倒立摆是个物理设备它包括一个圆柱体的棒子(通常是铝的)可以在一个支点周围振荡。

18、But my overriding fear was that the pendulum would swing to the other extreme if I skipped a night. ─── 但我更怕的是,假若逃过了今晚,欲望的钟摆就会摆向另一个极端。

19、When a penguin walks, its tall, narrow body acts like a pendulum. ─── 企鹅行走时,其高瘦的体型就像个钟摆在晃动。

20、Mind has a way of moving like a pendulum, from one extreme to the other. ─── 头脑的运动方式就像钟摆,从一个极端摆向另一个极端。

21、By keeping this center of mass closer to the rotor disc the pendulum effect is reduced and the helicopter is markedly more stable. ─── 保持这种质心接近转子盘钟摆效应明显降低,直升机更稳定.

22、Abstract: The results of inclining-prevention are not so ideal while drilling in easily declined formations by pendulum assembly with stabilizers. ─── 中文摘要: 在易斜地层钻进时,带稳定器的钟摆防斜钻具组合的防斜效果往往不甚理想。

23、The cultural pendulum may be beginning to swing the other way in the direction of common sense and a more civil society. ─── 文化的钟摆可能正开始朝另一个方向摆动,一个有着共识和更文明的社会的方向。

24、Great rollers make vessels play pendulum. ─── 大浪使船只摇摇晃晃。

25、The input axis of the azimuth gyro under this condition is vertical, and pendulum unit is nulled. ─── 在这样情况下方位陀螺的输入轴是处于垂直位置,同时摆锤单元在零位。

26、His work in this direction was motivated by his interest in light and in the design of pendulum clock. ─── 他对光线研究和钟摆设计的兴趣推动了他在这方面的工作。

27、The Inverted Pendulum is essential in the evaluating and comparing of various control theories. ─── 倒立摆在求数值和各种控制理论的比较中是必要的。

28、And it introduces the hardware component about the Googol linear 1-stage and 2-stage Inverted pendulum. ─── 并且对固高公司生产的一级、二级倒立摆硬件组成进行了简单的介绍,使读者对倒立摆系统有理性的认识。

29、The Pendulum Type. The waist moves slightly, which is often found in the dance of the Miao nationality. ─── 腰部的动律小,形成上身轻微的摆动,如苗族的舞蹈。

30、A vibration period tends to decrease or remain constant as energy is lost, as is the case for a pendulum. ─── 在损失能量时,振动周期倾向于减小或保持不变,如同单摆那样。

31、As the glider turns through half a rotation, its airspeed is slowed down and the angle of attack increased as the pilot starts to pendulum underneath. ─── 当飞行伞经过半圈迴转,它的空速慢下来而攻角加大;同时飞行员开始向下摆盪。

32、An Inverted Pendulum does basically the same thing. ─── 一个倒立摆在本质上就是做相同的事情。

33、I believe life is a pendulum swing. ─── 我觉得生活就像来回摆的钟摆。

34、"The pendulum is swinging more quickly now between military and civilian rule," he said. ─── 古德森说:“钟摆在军人和文人统治间摇摆地更快了。

35、Just like the broom-stick, an Inverted Pendulum is an inherently unstable system. ─── 就好象扫帚柄,一个倒立摆是一个天生的不稳定系统。

36、Applying the LQR adjuster with forehead kalman filter stabilized single inverted pendulum system successfully. ─── 并应用前置卡尔曼滤波的LQR调节器成功稳定了一级倒立摆系统。

37、Again one can either look for this clairvoyantly or muscle test or pendulum if this is so. ─── 再次,你可以用透视或肌肉测试来寻找它。

38、Here the pendulum is ticking; it does not care, it has no pity. . . . ─── 你看,钟摆还在滴答作响,它什么都不管,什么人也不怜恤。

39、By the time of the next majlis elections in 2008, or the presidential ones in 2009, the reformists will have regrouped and the pendulum may swing back. ─── 到下次于2008年进行伊朗议会选举之时,或者到2009年总统大选是,改革派将重新组合,政治局势可能会摇摆回去。

40、Figure 3 illustrates in principle a vertical pendulum and a horizontal pendulum of the simplest kind. ─── 图3说明了最简单的竖直摆和水平摆的原理。

41、Then the bitterer the trouble the sweeter the pleasure: the swinging of the pendulum far to the left will cause it to go all the farther to the right. ─── 你所承受的压力越沈重,后来经历的快乐会越多;就像钟摆的摆动,幅度越大,弹回来的力量也越大。

42、Among the more exciting rides is the Sky Flyer, which looks like two pendulum arms with passengers cabins located at each end. ─── 在这些游戏中较为刺激的是天空飞行者,它看起来象两个拽着固定在末端的乘客舱甩动的钟摆。

43、His comprehe ive a rehe ion about the a endix of the pendulum is obvious. ─── 他的广泛的关于这个摆的附录的忧虑明显。

44、The familiar pendulum swing was to happen once more, and then stop. ─── 常见的钟摆来回现象,会再次发生,然后就停止不动了。

45、How Does Pendulum Dowsing Work? ─── 什么是灵摆探测?

46、Then the pendulum boom and the pendulum are in equilibrium in any position. ─── 则摆杆和摆在任何位置都处于平衡状态。

47、The political pendulum has swung in favour of the liberals. ─── 政治的钟摆已经摆向了自由派。

48、The upper saddles are fixed, while the lower ones are on pendulum type rock bearings. ─── 上端鞍座是固定的,下端鞍座安置在摆动式的摇座上。

49、He responded to these gestures of love by swinging his bushy tail like a pendulum. ─── 拉尔夫粗重的毛尾巴像种摆一样来回晃动,回答她钟爱的表示。

50、Glass in building - Pendulum test - Impact test method and classification for flat glass. ─── 建筑玻璃。摆锤式试验。平板玻璃的冲击试验方法和分类。

51、It was discovered that pendulum clocks recorded time differently depending on their location. ─── 人们发现摆钟在不同的地点所记录的时间不同。

52、In very cold winter the pendulum will contract and the clock will go faster. ─── 在寒冷的冬季,钟摆收缩,钟就走得快些。

53、The ball which hung the roof is compound pendulum. ─── 悬挂在墙上的钟来回摆动。

54、If we want the clock to go faster, we make the pendulum shorter, we call the weight at the bottom the bob. ─── 如果我们想让钟走得快一点,我们就把钟摆弄得短一点。

55、The Inverted Pendulum is one of the most important classical problems of Control Engineering. ─── 倒立摆是最重要最经典的控制工程问题中的一个。

56、The operational principle of some metering units, such as leadscrew nut mechanism, pendulum bar type metering unit, metering pump, are introduced. ─── 介绍了丝杠螺母机构、摆杆式计量装置、计量泵装置等计量装置的工作原理。

57、A pendulum cannot be transported, and a different device fulfilling the same function is needed for a watch. ─── 一支钟摆不能被运输,因此需要一个可满足相同功能的仪器代替它。

58、Fuzzy control algorithm is programmed by Borland C++, control of inverted pendulum hardware system is realized. ─── 利用Borland C++编写模糊控制算法程序,实现了倒立摆实物系统控制。

59、Examples include the movement of the sun across the sky, a pendulum or vibrating crystal, or, in an atomic clock, the natural vibrations of atoms. ─── 例如,太阳的东升西落、钟摆、振荡晶体或原子钟的原子自然振荡。

60、The present device is also called a conical pendulum. ─── 上述装置也称为圆锥摆。

61、As the gold price "pendulum" swings higher or lower, the stochastics gives buy and sell signals as the two lines cross. Known as the "D" and "K" lines. ─── 当黄金价格”钟摆”摆动高些或低些,推测指标就在两线交叉的时候给出买和卖得信号.称为”D”线和”K”线.

62、We frequently see on pendulum clocks, for example, two soldiers propped over a cornice playing dice or cards, or even sleeping. ─── 例如,我们经常可以看到,在钟楼上,两个士兵倚着门掷色子或打扑克,甚至睡觉。

63、The time of the swing depends on the length of the pendulum. ─── 摆动的次数取决于钟摆的长度。

64、In this application note, we use an example of an inverted pendulum to provide details on all aspects of fuzzy logic based system design. ─── 在这应用笔记中,我们可以用一个倒立摆的例子来提供模糊逻辑基础系统设计的所有方面的细节。

65、I mentioned three reason why we want to shift this pendulum. ─── 我提过三个原因,关于为什么我们想要改变这个摇摆不定的事态。

66、Generally, the motion of compound pendulum as a whole moving along at any direction in an inertial frame has time dilation effect. ─── 一般情况下,无论复摆钟朝什么方向运动,都将发生钟慢效应。

67、Huygens saw that a pendulum traversing a circular arc completed small oscillations faster than large ones. ─── 惠更斯观察到,若摆锤沿著圆弧摆荡,那麽摆动幅度小的时候会比幅度大时振荡得快。

68、One may muscle test or pendulum if this is so. ─── 你可以肌肉测试或钟摆测试看看是否是这样。

69、Pendulum of the clock in my room is a bear. ─── 我房间的钟摆是小熊形状的。

70、After rectifying the finger, please push the pendulum hanged by hand at once, so far the clock can work well. ─── 对针后,请立即用手推动已经挂好的钟摆,至此您的钟就能正常工作了。

71、Hence , the pendulum is overcorrected during the initial stages of an acceleration and is undercorrected immediately following an acceleration. ─── 因此,在加速度开始作用阶段校正量过大,而在加速度作用过后校正量不足。

72、As travelers, we also seem to be on a pendulum, shifting back and forth through space, and often end up at hubs of transit. ─── 像旅行者,我们也好像在一个钟摆,来回移动穿过空间,和经常结束在运输的中心。

73、CLW material level meter will never be worn out and will not be seized also.In addition, the mounting height is not limited by pendulum bar length. ─── 从某种意义上讲CLW料位器永不磨损,也不可能卡死,另外安装高度也不受摆杆长短的限制。

74、A large pendulum swung back and forth inside the grandfather clock. ─── 在老式落地座钟里面有一个大钟摆在摆来摆去。

75、The control method of Inverted Pendulum has been used in the military, aerospace, general industrial robots and industry process control. ─── 其控制方法在军工、航天、机器人领域和一般工业过程中都有着广泛的用途。

76、One can never know how the pendulum will swing: our middle-class grandparents sold their pianos and now the grand children are buying them back. ─── 人们永远无法知道时尚变化的规律:我们中产阶级的祖父母卖掉了钢琴,而现在他们的孙子去又将钢琴买回来了。

77、"Doomsday clock " have pendulum only and do not have any rigid structures, accordingly it cannot proper motion settling time. ─── “末日钟”只有钟摆而无任何机械结构,因此它无法自行调整时间。

78、And if the relative velocity of two inertial frames is constant, the compound pendulum in motion runs slower at a same factor than the resting one. ─── 两惯性系相对速度一定时,运动的复摆钟都比静止的钟慢了一个相同的因子。

79、Based on a linear control algorithm,the property of a two-level handstand pendulum system is improved by introducing the fuzzy control strategy. ─── 引入模糊控制改善原有的线性控制算法,对二级倒立摆实验装置系统进行了二次开发。

80、And with the stopping of the pendulum, time stops. You suddenly enter into the world of timelessness, deathlessness, eternity. ─── 在钟摆停止的时候,时间也停止了。你突然进入了一个没有时间,没有死亡,不朽的世界。

81、The pendulum of the mind alternates between sense and nonsense, not between right and wrong. ─── 心理的钟摆往返于意义和无意义之间,而不是正确和错误之间。

82、The damper in this paper has advantage not making transmission line tm in brine state large to de-tuning pendulum and bias hammer. ─── 提出的控制输电线舞动方法与失谐摆和偏心重锤相比,有不使输电线静张力明显增加的优点。

83、This energy helps the glider stabilize due to the inherent pendulum stability that is built into a paraglider. ─── 所以单边夹页的科目是一定要勤加练习的。

84、Neglecting friction and air resistance, the pendulum's mechanical energy is constant. ─── 忽略支点的摩擦和空气对摆的阻力,摆的机械能为恒量。

85、The experimental results showed that the inverted pendulum servo system was robustness based on disturbance observer (DOB). ─── 实验结果表明,采用干扰观测器的倒立摆伺服系统具有较强的鲁棒性。

86、If the power plant is too far below the rotor disc, there will be a discernable pendulum effect. ─── 如果电厂是过分低于转子盘,将有可辨的钟摆效应.

87、Though they dance in a gentle way, the shining ornaments and skirts are attractive, thus forming a pendulum type of dance. ─── 她们舞蹈时的动律幅度虽小,但更突出了烁烁闪光的饰物和百褶裙,并形成钟摆式"一顺边"的美。

88、The two-level handstand pendulum system based on fuzzy control is designed. ─── 建立了一套完整的二级倒立摆的实物系统。

89、He responded to these gestures of love by swinging his busy tail like a pendulum. ─── 他则像个钟摆似的频繁摇著尾巴回应她爱的表示。

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