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08-19 投稿


passerine 发音

英:['p?s?ra?n; -ri?n]  美:['p?s?,ra?n]

英:  美:

passerine 中文意思翻译




passerine 网络释义

adj. 雀形目的n. 雀形目鸟

passerine 短语词组

1、passerine inc ─── 帕斯林公司

2、passerine defined ─── 雀形目

3、passerine spp ─── 雀形目

4、passerine definition ─── 雀形目定义

5、passerine hat ─── 雀形目草帽

6、passerine diet ─── 雀形目饮食

7、passerine bird ─── 雀鸟

passerine 同义词

passerine 词性/词形变化,passerine变形


passerine 反义词


passerine 相似词语短语

1、passerines ─── adj.雀形目的;n.雀形目鸟;n.(Passerine)(巴、美、阿根廷)帕瑟力呢(人名)

2、Katherine ─── n.凯瑟琳(女子名)

3、pantherine ─── 潘瑟林

4、nonpasserine ─── 非精氨酸

5、Tangerine ─── n.橘子

6、Catherine ─── n.凯瑟琳(女子名)

7、papaverine ─── n.[药]罂粟碱

8、algerine ─── n.阿尔及利亚横条厚呢

9、anserine ─── adj.鹅的;像鹅的;呆的;愚笨的;n.鹅肌肽

passerine 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Breeding Ecology of Passerine Birds in Alpine Meadows of Northern Qinghai ─── 青海北部高寒草甸雀形目鸟类繁殖生态学的研究进展

2、a genus of passerine birds including the meadowlarks. ─── 包含草地鹨在内的雀形目鸟的一个属。

3、Behavioral Responses of Two Species Passerine to Predation Risk During Breeding Period ─── 繁殖期两种百灵科鸟类对捕食风险的行为响应

4、of,relating to,or belonging to the Oscines,a large suborder of passerine birds that includes most songbirds ─── 鸣禽类的、与鸣禽类有关的或属于鸣禽类的,该类包括多数歌鸟雀形目鸟的一个大亚目


6、Any of various passerine, chiefly tropical Old World songbirds of the family Pycnonotidae, having grayish or brownish plumage. ─── 鹎一种雀形目鸟类,主要指东半球热带的鹎科的鸣鸟,有灰色的或褐色的羽衣

7、From 1991 to 2000, 59 Passerine species of 14 families were recorded. ─── 摘要报道了山东省聊城境内雀形目鸟类的分布,共记录到14科59种。

8、Abstract:The karyotypes of 8 species of Passerine birds were studied and compared with the data reported before. ─── 摘要本文分析了雀形目8种鸟的核型,并与已报道的资料进行了比较。

9、passerine bird having specialized vocal apparatus. ─── 有特殊发音器官的雀形目鸟。

10、The combination of these conditions provides an ideal refuge, especially for passerine migrants in early spring. ─── 这些条件结合在一起提供了理想的避难所,对于早春迁徙到此的雀形目鸟类尤其如此。

11、Effects of Nest Type, Nest Predation and Clutch Size on Growth Period for Passerine Birds in Alpine Meadow ─── 营巢类型、巢捕食和窝卵数对高寒草甸雀形目雏鸟生长期的影响

12、A bird, especially one of the suborder Oscines of passerine birds, having a melodious song or call. ─── 燕雀:一种鸟,尤其指雀形目鸟中鸣禽亚目中的一种,其歌声或叫声宛啭动听。

13、Of, relating to, or belonging to the Oscines, a large suborder of passerine birds that includes most songbirds. ─── 鸣禽类的鸣禽类的、与鸣禽类有关的或属于鸣禽类的,该类包括多数歌鸟雀形目鸟的一个大亚目

14、Effects on Nestling Growth by Brood Manipulation in Two Passerine Birds ─── 窝雏数处理对两种雀形目幼鸟生长的影响

15、Preliminary Study on the Migration of Passerine in Autumn in Laotieshan Mountain, Liaoning ─── 辽宁老铁山雀形目鸟类秋季迁徙初探

16、The Species Component and Distribution of Passerine birds Communities of Yunmeng Mountain Forest Park in Beijing ─── 北京云蒙山森林公园雀形目鸟类的组成和分布

17、Passerine birds ─── 雀形目鸟类

18、Any of various Old World passerine birds of the family Oriolidae, of which the males are characteristically black and bright yellow or orange. ─── 黄鹂,金莺一种东半球黄鹂属燕雀鸟类,其雄鸟以黑色和鲜艳的黄色或桔黄色为特点

19、Behavioral Responses of Two Species Passerine to Predation Risk During Breeding Period ─── 繁殖期两种百灵科鸟类对捕食风险的行为响应

20、a genus of passerine birds including the meadowlarks. ─── 包含草地鹨在内的雀形目鸟的一个属。

21、Effects on Nestling Growth by Brood Manipulation in Two Passerine Birds ─── 窝雏数处理对两种雀形目幼鸟生长的影响

22、Any of numerous small insect-eating passerine birds of the family Paridae, found in woodland areas throughout the world and including especially members of the genus Parus, such as the chickadee. ─── 山雀一种小型雀形目山雀科的食虫鸟类,见于世界各地的林区,尤其包括山雀属的鸟类,如山雀

23、Application of Molecular Markers in the Passerine Birds ─── 分子标记在雀形目鸟类研究中的应用

24、passerine bird ─── 雀形目

25、The Species Component and Distribution of Passerine birds Communities of Yunmeng Mountain Forest Park in Beijing ─── 北京云蒙山森林公园雀形目鸟类的组成和分布

26、A genus of passerine birds including the meadowlarks. ─── 在内的雀形目鸟的一个属。

27、Keywords passerine bird;clutch size;fecundity;egg size;weight of egg;geographical variation; ─── 雀形目;窝卵数;生殖力;卵的大小;卵重;地理变异;

28、A bird, especially one of the suborder Oscines of passerine birds, having a melodious song or call. ─── 一种鸟,尤其指雀形目鸟中鸣禽亚目中的一种,其歌声或叫声宛啭动听。

29、The Welcome Swallow is a small passerine bird in the swallow family native to Australia and nearby islands, but not until recently to New Zealand. ─── 迎宾燕是小型燕科雀形目鸟类,生长于澳大利亚和附件的岛屿,但是到现在都没有在新西兰发现。

30、Keywords Desert species;Sympegma regelii;Kalidium foliatum and Salsola passerine;Genetic diversity;Molecular ecology; ─── 荒漠植物;合头草;盐爪爪;珍珠猪毛菜;分子生态学;遗传多样性;

31、Any of numerous small insect-eating passerine birds of the family Paridae,found in woodland areas throughout the world and including especially members of the genus Parus,such as the chickadee. ─── 山雀,一种小型雀形目山雀科的食虫鸟类,见于世界各地的林区,尤其包括山雀属的鸟类,如山雀。

32、The Fairy Bluebird is a common lowland passerine bird ,which has a very loud contact call and short sharp whistles, and it often eats the fruits of fig with other birds. ─── 和平鸟是常见的低地留鸟,叫声响亮而拖长如流水般的升调笛音,常与其他鸟混群在结果的无花果树上找食。

33、The Passerine Birds and Their Ecological Distributions in Liaocheng of Shandong Province ─── 山东聊城雀形目鸟类及其生态分布

34、This passerine bird is found in Australia and Papua New Guinea. ─── 这种雀科鸟类一般能在澳大利亚和巴布亚新几内亚看到。

35、various passerine chiefly tropical old world songbirds of the family pycnonotidae having grayish or brownish plumage. ─── 鹎一种雀形目鸟类,主要指东半球热带的鹎科的鸣鸟,有灰色的或褐色的羽衣。

36、Geographical variation of reproductive parameters in some passerine birds ─── 几种雀形目鸟类生殖参数的地理变异

37、Any of more than 20 species of Black perching Birds (see passerine) of the genus Corvus (family Corvidae) that are smaller than most ravens and have a thinner Bill. ─── 雀形目鸦科鸦属二十多种黑色鸣禽的俗称,比大多数渡鸦小,嘴也不那么厚实。

38、Keywords Pb;Cd;Passerine;Mudanjiang;Graphic furnace atomic absorption spectrometry; ─── 铅;镉;雀形目;牡丹江;石墨炉原子吸收光谱法;

39、passerine bird having specialized vocal apparatus. ─── 有特殊发音器官的雀形目鸟。

40、The karyotypes of 8 species of Passerine birds were studied and compared with the data reported before. ─── 本文分析了雀形目8种鸟的核型,并与已报道的资料进行了比较。

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