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08-19 投稿


apothecary 发音

英:[??pɑ?θ?keri]  美:[??p?θ?k?ri]

英:  美:

apothecary 中文意思翻译



apothecary 词性/词形变化,apothecary变形


apothecary 短语词组

1、apothecary preparations ─── 药剂制剂

2、apothecary jars ─── 药物瓶

3、apothecary garden ─── 药房花园

4、apothecary's shop ─── [网络] 药剂师店

5、apothecary system ─── [医]药衡制

6、apothecary definition ─── 药剂师定义

7、apothecary zamah ─── 药剂师扎玛

8、apothecary raid ─── 药剂师突袭

9、bulk apothecary ─── 散装药剂师

10、apothecary cabinet ─── 药房

11、surgeon apothecary ─── [医] 外科医兼药剂员(英国)

12、apothecary measure ─── [医]药衡制计量

13、adored beast apothecary healthy gut ─── 崇拜的野兽药剂师健康的肠道

14、apothecary weight ─── [医]药衡制计重

15、apothecary station ─── 药剂师站

16、apothecary mastery ─── 药剂师精通

17、farmstead apothecary ─── 农家药剂师

apothecary 相似词语短语

1、apothecia ─── 子囊盘(apothecium的名词复数)

2、apophysary ─── 突起

3、pothecary ─── 药剂师;药房

4、hypothecary ─── adj.抵押的;抵押权的;以抵押取得的

5、apotheces ─── 药剂师

6、apothecial ─── adj.子囊盘的;八裂子果的

7、apothecaries ─── n.药剂师;药师;药材商

8、apothece ─── 鞘

9、apothecary jar ─── 药物瓶

apothecary 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、a unit of apothecary weight equal to !/8 of an ounce or 60 grains (3.89 grams). ─── "药衡重单位,等于!/8盎司或60格令(389克)."

2、a unit of apothecary weight,equal to 480 grains(31.10 grams) ─── 药剂师重量单位,等于480格令(31.10克)

3、Function of Hospital Apothecary in Using Medicine Rationally ─── 医院普通药师在合理用药工作中的作用

4、Living in the house of an apothecary called Clark, young Isaac showed a keen interest in the man's chemistry books and laboratory. ─── 少年艾萨克住在一位名叫克拉克的药剂师家,他对克拉克的化学书籍和实验室表现出浓厚的兴趣。

5、more by token, as there is a lot of apothecary's stuff aboard, which I traded for with a Spanish vessel." ─── 其实,我船上还有一大批药物,是跟一艘西班牙船换的。”

6、Jean Neuhaus opened a small apothecary in Brussels. ─── Jean Neuhaus在布鲁塞尔开了一家小甜点店。

7、And thou shalt make it a perfume, a confection after the art of the apothecary, tempered together, pure and holy ─── 你要用这些加上盐,按作香之法作成清净圣洁的香。

8、She would not listen therefore to her daughter's proposal of being carried home; neither did the apothecary, who arrived about the same time, think it at all advisable. ─── 所以她的女儿一提起要她带她回家去,她听也不要听,况且那位差不多跟她同时来到的医生,也认为搬回去不是个好办法。

9、Decreased the Apothecary and Chaplain's secondary healing aura from 4 to 2. ─── 从4到2减少了药剂师和牧师第二的痊愈气味。

10、Apothecary Tower of Zhanshan Temple ─── 湛山寺药师塔

11、After apothecary sees, complexion is cadaverous, heavily said a word: "So you had been taken everywhere. ─── 药剂师看到后,脸色苍白,沉重地说了一句话:“原来你已经拿到处了。”

12、Apothecary Who calls so loud? ─── 药剂师谁这样高声喊叫?

13、I am an apothecary of that hospital. ─── 我是那家医院的一名药剂师。

14、Method construct from everyaspects of state, hospital, apothecary and nurse by detailed measure. ─── 方法从国家、医院、药师、护士各个环节分别采取具体措施进行建设。

15、Apothecary gave him a few assure effective pill, and suggest he had better be taken immediately, because property of a medicine has wanted period of time,just meet become effective. ─── 药剂师给了他一些保证有效的药丸,并且建议他最好立刻服用,因为药性要过一段时间才会生效。

16、All we had was Simon Finch, a fur-trapping apothecary from Cornwall whose piety was exceeded only by his stinginess. ─── 我们拥有的只是西蒙·芬奇,一个来自康沃尔郡,兼做皮货生意的江湖郎中,只有吝啬能战胜他的虔诚。

17、Apothecary Grick at the Apothecary Camp wants you to bring him 12 Deranged Explorer Brains. ─── 药剂师营地旳药剂师格里克要伱给他带来12个疯狂探索者大脑。

18、Our vision was to bring the expertise of the apothecary and our holistic approach to health and beauty to local people and their communities. ─── 我们的愿望就是将我们药剂师和全面健康美容疗法的专业知识带给我们当地人们和他们的社区。

19、surgeon apothecary ─── [医] 外科医兼药剂员(英国)

20、a boxer is a pugilist, an apothecary is a chemist, a wigmaker is an artist, ─── 打拳的叫做武士,卖药的叫做化学家,理发的叫做艺术家,

21、Mrs. Lovett: She poisoned herself. Arsenic from the apothecary around the corner. . . and hes got your daughter. ─── 洛薇特夫人:她服毒自尽了,是从街拐角的药剂师那里得到的砒霜……他接管了你的女儿。

22、He was an apothecary. ─── 他是一个药剂师。

23、By the time the three of them had entered, there was hardly enough room to turn round in.It was a good thing that the fat apothecary left almost immediately. ─── 待得再加上三人,几乎已无转身余地,幸好那胖掌柜随即退出。

24、He was the usual cut and dry apothecary, of no particular age and colour. ─── 他是那种再普通不过的行医者,说不出多大年纪,相貌也没什么值得一提的。

25、An accurate statement of the weight or measure of each component, using the same weight system (metric, avoirdupois, or apothecary) for each component. ─── 对每种原辅料的重量或度量值的精确的陈述,对每种原辅料要用同一度量单位(米、重量或药剂)。

26、Chavigny, of course, the King, and also my apothecary and myself. ─── 夏维尼,国王,药剂师和我自己。

27、Then he placed her on a cart, and drove into the town to the apothecary, and asked him if he would buy a dead body. ─── 他把她装上车,赶进城去,在一位药剂师的门前停住,问他是不是愿意买一个死人。

28、Pondering on Apothecary Work in the New Situation ─── 新形势下药师工作的思考

29、Apothecary Society Messenger says: For the Banshee Queen! ─── 药剂师协会信使:为了女妖皇后!

30、1/2 pint(apothecary) ─── 1/2(药量)品脱

31、apothecary surgeon ─── 外科医生兼药剂员(英国)

32、the other for the apothecary who had attended and physicked Eponine and Azelma through two long illnesses. ─── 他们诊治过爱潘妮和阿兹玛的两场长病。

33、Apothecary Such mortal drugs I have; But Mantua's law is death to any he that utters them. ─── 我有这种致命的药,但曼图亚的法律对提供这种药的人处以死刑。

34、You can consult apothecary, they can tell you accurate result. ─── 你可以去请教药剂师,他们会告诉你准确答案的。

35、The apothecary came, and having examined his patient, said, as might be supposed, that she had caught a violent cold, and that they must endeavour to get the better of it; advised her to return to bed, and promised her some draughts. ─── 医生来检查了病人的症状,说她是重伤风(其实这也是可想而知的),他嘱咐她们要尽力当心,又劝吉英上床去睡觉,并且给她开了几样药。

36、The original and photocopy of the practising license of the practicing apothecary; ─── 执业药师执业证书原件、复印件;

37、Function of apothecary in diagnosis and prevention of drug-induced disease ─── 药师在药源性疾病诊治及预防中的作用

38、Ai Sidi's uncle is an apothecary, ferial like to be in the lab modulation all sorts of chemical preparation. ─── 艾丝蒂的叔叔是一位药剂师,平日喜欢在实验室里调制各种化学制剂。

39、Interest in the primate was initially sparked in 1935 when a paleontologist named G.H. von Koenigswald found an old, yellow molar in a Hong Kong apothecary shop. ─── 科学界对此灵长动物的兴趣,初起于1935年一位名为柯恩尼格斯渥德的古生物学家,在香港一家药材店发现一种古老黄色臼齿。

40、neither did the apothecary, who arrived about the same time, think it at all advisable. ─── 我常常跟别的几个女儿们说,她们比起她来简直太差了。

41、Apothecary: The availability of medicines makes the isle more orderly. ─── 药店:有效的药品让岛上的人们感到有次序。

42、"That I but cannot sell you.The husband that calculates you is opposite you, you also cannot homicide ah!" apothecary says. ─── “那我可不能卖给你.就算你的丈夫对不住你,你也不能把他杀了呀!”

43、0bjective:To know about the improper prescript__ion in our out-patient department so as to improve the apothecary 's guiding ability to prescribe properly. ─── 目的:了解我院门诊不合理用药处方情况,分析原因,并提出解决措施,从而提高医院整体合理用药水平。

44、He was the usual cut and dry apothecary, of no particular age and color. ─── 他是那种再普通不过的行医者,说不出多大年纪,相貌也没什么值得一提的。

45、But of these details, rank and file Triad members such as Butcher Qian and Apothecary Xu would have been quite unaware. ─── 红旗香主并非正职香主,也不统率本堂兄弟,但位在正职香主之上,是会中十分尊崇的职份,仅次于总舵主而已。

46、The apothecary came, and having examined his patient, said, as might be supposed, that she had caught a violent cold, and that they must endeavour to get the better of it; ─── 据说班纳特小姐晚上睡不好,现在虽然已经起床,热度却很高,不能出房门。

47、My third acquaintance here is an apothecary's assistant. ─── 我在这里的第三个熟人是个药剂师助理。

48、I do remember an apothecary,-- And hereabouts he dwells,--which late I noted in tatter'd weeds, with overwhelming brows, culling of simples; ─── 我想起了一个卖药的人,他的铺子就开设在附近,我曾经看见他穿着一身破烂的衣服皱着眉头在那儿拣药草;

49、Hospital apothecary and pharmic supervisor ─── 医院药师与药学监护

50、Decreased the Apothecary and Chaplain's secondary healing aura from 4 to 2. The primary healing aura remains unchanged. ─── 牧师和卫生兵的次要回复光环从4减少到2。主要回复光环没有改动。

51、Dead flies cause the ointment of the apothecary to send forth a stinking savour: so doth a little folly him that is in reputation for wisdom and honour. ─── 1死苍蝇,使作香的膏油发出臭气。这样,一点愚昧,也能败坏智慧和尊荣。

52、Conclusion Participation of apothecary in the clinical therapy he... ─── 结论:住院药师参与临床治疗,有助于药物的合理应用。

53、They rushed inside the shop shouting, but there was no reply from the fat apothecary or his two assistants. ─── 众人抢进店去,叫了几声,不听得有人答应,到得内堂,只见那胖掌柜和两名伙计都已死在地下。

54、Apothecary Society Messenger says: Light's Hope Chapel remains a bastion in the Plaguelands. Argent Dawn's foothold there is key to securing the area. ─── 药剂师协会信使:瘟疫之地的圣光之愿礼拜堂已经变成一个要塞,由银色黎明成员驻守,那里成为该地区的最终防线。

55、It is a valid concern as the Apothecary has always been better at keeping ASMs alive. ─── 这个担心还是有根有据的,毕竟药剂师可以大大增强ASM的存活能力。

56、' But Brother Gao was standing close behind him, so he had no choice but to follow the fat apothecary down the steps. ─── 但高彦超跟在身后,其势已无可退缩,只得跟着那掌柜走入地道。

57、"The earliest records of medicinal plants and minerals are those of the ancient Chinese, Hindu, and Mediterranean civilizations. Medicines were prepared first by physicians and later by apothecary shops." ─── 有关药用植物和矿物最早的记录出现于中国、印度、地中海的文明。药品早先由医师准备,后来由药店准备。

58、I am an apothecary of that hospital ─── 我是那家医院的一名药剂师

59、1 Dead flies cause the ointment of the apothecary to send forth a stinking savour: so doth a little folly him that is in reputation for wisdom and honour . ─── 1死苍蝇使作香的膏油发出臭气;这样,一点愚昧也能败坏智慧和尊荣。

60、Thinking on Current Situation of Practising Apothecary Institution ─── 执业药师制度的实施现状及几点思考

61、The Apothecary[/COLOR] in Diagon Alley is where many witches and wizards buy their potion-making supplies. ─── 很多男女巫师都在对角巷的药店[/COLOR]里买他们的魔药制作原料。

62、At the age of eighteen, Don married his high-school girlfriend, Kretha; eventually, they settled in Nucla and opened the Apothecary Shoppe. ─── 在十八岁那年,唐和他在高中结识的女友科瑞莎结婚了;后来,他们在纽克拉定居并开了“药剂师专柜”。

63、H is an Herb Shop , a native apothecary or Chinese druggist . Its ranks are gradually thinning because imported herbs are banned . ─── 是中草药铺,就是天然草药商或是中药商。药铺的规模一般都不是很大,因为美国禁止一些药材进口。

64、Apothecary My poverty, but not my will, consents. ─── 药剂师是我的贫穷同意了你,但不是我的意愿。

65、Turning to the packaging, Amenity learned that men found the brand's previous glass apothecary packaging to be dysfunctional with their travel and showering needs. ─── 至于包装,美化市容的经验教训,男子发现该品牌的前玻璃包装是药剂师失调与他们的旅费和淋浴的需要。

66、And he made the holy anointing oil, and the pure incense of sweet spices, according to the work of the apothecary. ─── 又按作香之法作圣膏油和馨香料的净香。

67、Human Male -"A duck walked into an apothecary and he said, "Give me some chapstick, and put it on my bill" ─── 一只鸭子走进一间商店说:给我一点唇膏。记在我的账上。

68、O true apothecary! Thy drugs are quick. Thus with a kiss I die. ─── 啊!卖药的人果然没有骗我,药性很快地发作了。我就这样在这一吻中死去。

69、But the apothecary! ─── 可是药剂师!

70、apothecary's scruple ─── 英分, 斯克鲁普尔

71、Let an apothecary invent cardboard shoe-soles for the army of the Sambre-and-Meuse, and construct for himself, out of this cardboard, sold as leather, ─── 一个药剂师发明了纸鞋底冒充皮革

72、6) Crafting System Improvements: Overall improvements to the system with Apothecary being the focus of this patch. New ingredients, improved interfaces and more. ─── 制作专业系统改良:整体性的改善药水制作系。新的原料,改良过的介面等。

73、"What with the ship's surgeon and this other doctor, our only danger will be from drug or pill; more by token, as there is a lot of apothecary's stuff aboard, which I traded for with a Spanish vessel." ─── 有了船上的外科医生和另外这位医生,我们唯一的危险就差药剂或药丸了;其实,我船上还有一大批药物,是跟一艘西班牙船换的。"

74、It was used as a common flavoring and apothecary drug, and was considered to contain magical powers. ─── 它过去用作普通的调味品和药物,它被认为拥有神奇的力量。

75、It was used as a common flavoring and apothecary drug, and was considered to contain magical powers. ─── 它过去用作普通的调味品和药物,它被认为拥有神奇的力量。

76、Peter is a famous apothecary of this town. ─── 彼得是这个镇上有名的药剂师。

77、The apothecary came,and having examined his patient,said,as might be supposed,that she had caught a violent cold,and that they must endeavour to get the better of it; advised her to return to bed,and promised her some draughts. ─── 医生来检查了病人的症状,说她是重伤风(其实这也是可想而知的),他嘱咐她们要尽力当心,又劝吉英上床去睡觉,并且给她开了几样药。

78、Apothecary: Love is catholicon. ─── 药剂师:爱是万灵药。

79、There is one thing sadder than having no money with which to buy bread at the baker's and that is having no money to purchase drugs at the apothecary's. ─── 有比没有钱去面包铺买面包更恼人的事,那便是没有钱去药铺买药。

80、6.H is an Herb Shop , a native apothecary or Chinese druggist . ─── 是中草药铺,就是天然草药商或是中药商。

81、The apothecary inquired who was ill? ─── 药剂师问谁病了?

82、The apothecary cooked the medicinal mixture in a big iron kettle. ─── 药剂师在一个大铁壶里熬这种混合药物。

83、Two guards, Jean-Aim?de Chavigny, Catherine's apothecary, and of course, the coachman. ─── 两名守卫,“吉恩-埃姆契乌尼”,凯瑟琳的药剂师,当然,还有马车夫。

84、And thou shalt make it an oil of holy ointment, an ointment compound after the art of the apothecary: it shall be an holy anointing oil. ─── 他们洗手洗脚、就免得死亡.这要作亚伦和他后裔、世世代代永远的定例。

85、Clinical apothecary ─── 临床药师

86、Apothecary Put this in any liquid thing you will, and drink it off; And, if you had the strength of twenty men, it would dispatch you straight. ─── 药剂师把这东西放进任何你想放的液体里,然后喝掉它;即使你有二十个人的力气,它也能立刻使你丧命。

87、Apothecary Society Messenger says: The Argent Dawn's agents scored a decisive victory in the deserts of Tanaris. ─── 药剂师协会信使:塔纳利斯沙漠的疫情已经被银色黎明使者完全控制住。

88、A unit of apothecary weight, equal to480 grains(31.10 grams). ─── 盎司药衡重量单位,等于480格令(31。10克)

89、'Hand him over to us at once!Sneaking over to our apothecary's and killing our employees when you knew we wouldn't be there: I call that really low. ─── 你们乘人不备,杀死了我们回春堂的三个伙计,当真卑鄙下流。”





















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