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08-19 投稿


amethystine 发音

英:[[?m?'θ?sta?n]]  美:[[?m?'θ?sta?n]]

英:  美:

amethystine 中文意思翻译



amethystine 短语词组

1、amethystine prophecy ─── 紫水晶预言

2、amethystine meaning ─── 紫水晶的意义

3、amethystine quartz ─── 紫水晶

4、amethystine python size ─── 紫晶蟒蛇大小

5、amethystine python ─── [网络] 水晶蟒;紫晶蟒;紫水晶蟒

6、amethystine agate ─── 紫水晶玛瑙

amethystine 同义词


amethystine 反义词


amethystine 词性/词形变化,amethystine变形

形容词: amethystine |

amethystine 相似词语短语

1、methysis ─── n.中毒

2、methylamine ─── n.[有化]甲胺

3、amethyst ─── n.紫水晶;[宝]紫晶;紫色

4、methylene ─── n.[有化]亚甲基;甲叉

5、methedrine ─── n.梅太德林

6、amethysts ─── n.紫水晶;[宝]紫晶;紫色

7、methystic ─── 亚甲基

8、methylating ─── v.使甲基化(methylate的现在分词)

9、methionine ─── n.甲硫氨酸,蛋氨酸

amethystine 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、As the tears dripped into his goblet, Dionysus collapsed spilling the tear-tainted wine onto the statue of Amethyst. ─── 眼泪滴入了酒杯,狄俄尼索斯用他的泪酒祭洒艾米西斯特的雕像。

2、Diana, knowing of Bacchus vow, turned Amethyst into a pillar of colorless quartz to protect her from the tigers. ─── 戴安娜,知道酒神誓愿,把紫晶变成无色的石英柱子保护她免受老虎。

3、The fifth, sardonyx; the sixth, sardius; the seventh, chrysolyte; the eighth, beryl; the ninth, a topaz; the tenth, a chrysoprasus; the eleventh, a jacinth; the twelfth, an amethyst. ─── 20第五是红玛瑙。第六是红宝石。第七是黄璧玺。第八是水苍玉。第九是红璧玺。第十是翡翠。第十一是紫玛瑙。第十二是紫晶。

4、Oriental Amethyst ─── 东方紫水晶紫刚玉

5、And the third row a ligure, an agate, and an amethyst. ─── 出28:19第三行是紫玛瑙、白玛瑙、紫晶。

6、Down the Nile from Nubia came amethyst, diorite and more gold;from black Africa, a great variety of animals and animal products ─── 此外,他们还从下游地区的努比亚进口了紫晶、闪长岩和更多的黄金,从黑非洲引进了各种动物和动物制品。

7、We want to buy Burmese Spinel, Mawsitsit, Tourmaline (all Colors), Topaz, Zambian Amethyst, Citrine (Natural Color), Aquamarine, Double Blue Aquamarine, Burmese Sapphire ─── 我们要采购电气石(所有的颜色),黄晶,紫水晶,柠檬色(天然的颜色),绿玉,加倍蓝色的绿玉,缅甸人蓝宝石

8、false amethyst ─── 假紫晶

9、In the picture scroll all results are lightened, is exchangeable “spoon of the amethyst”. ─── 画卷中所有结局都被点亮,更可兑换“紫水晶之匙”。

10、The earth-men saw that the flier was brilliantly illuminated, pouring out a gorgeous amethystine radiance from its violet ports. ─── 地上的人看到传单被照亮了,从紫罗兰色的端口中倒出了华丽的紫水晶光芒。

11、the fifth sardonyx, the sixth carnelian, the seventh chrysolite, the eighth beryl, the ninth topaz, the tenth chrysoprase, the eleventh jacinth, and the twelfth amethyst. ─── 第五是红玛瑙,第六是红宝石,第七是黄璧玺;第八是水苍玉;第九是红璧玺;第十是翡翠;第十一是紫玛瑙;第十二是紫晶。

12、Colored by iron, Amethyst is a variety of macrocrystalline Quartz that occurs in transparent pastel roses to deep purples. ─── 各种各样的紫水晶都是粗结晶石英,因内含的铁物质而变成色彩多姿,颜色由透明如水的粉红色过渡到深紫色。

13、Rhodium-plated pendant with Rosewater Opal crystal beads and set with Light Amethyst and clear crystals. ─── 玫瑰水色猫眼石搭配浅紫色和晶透水晶吊坠。

14、Like many other gemstones, the quality of Amethyst varies according to its source. ─── 与其它大多数宝石一样,紫水晶的品质因其出产地的不同而名异。

15、Gold-plated bee and butterfly bracelet with Light Amethyst, Black Diamond and clear crystals in va ... ─── 海星手链没有。。。这个金蝴蝶系列也没有。。。。

16、Amethyst Olive ─── n. 宝岛榧螺(骨螺超科,榧螺科)

17、Seeing what was about to happen, Diana transformed Amethyst into a glimmering pure white Quartz statue thus protecting her from the ferocious tigers. ─── 悲剧千钧一发之时,黛安娜女神把艾米西斯特变成了一颗金光闪闪纯白水晶雕像,艾米西斯特也因此而虎口脱险。

18、When our army signalled a warning to the Amethyst to stop, she opened fire, collided with and sank a number of junks and escaped from the Yangtse River. ─── 当人民解放军警告其停驶时,紫石英号军舰竟开炮射击,并撞沉木船多只,逃出长江。

19、Still, the college presidents signing the Amethyst statement aren't hallucinating about the American version of the problem: There are more binge drinkers on campuses today. ─── 尽管如此,高唱着紫水晶宣言的大学校长们仍然不会对这个问 题的美国版产生幻觉:今天的校园里有更多的酗酒者。

20、In the gameplay video and in several screen shots we see things like "Chipped Square Topaz" and "Chipped Star Amethyst" . ─── 在游戏演示视频中以及许多视频截图中,我们看到类似"破碎的正方形黄玉"和"破碎的星形紫水晶"。

21、According to legend, amethyst originated when Bacchus, the God of Wine, grew angry at mortals. ─── 帖子2:埃玛的诞生石是紫色的: 石英家庭的这位亲属从紫晶得到它的名字,清醒的希腊词。

22、Most of it is a variety of amethyst: that heat has turned brown. ─── 大多数石英是一种紫水晶,高温使其变为棕色。

23、Before this it was considered to be quite unusual and was also known as Amethyst-Citrine Quartz, Trystine or Golden Amethyst. ─── 在此之前,人们只是把她当作一种不同寻常的宝石,也通常把她叫作紫黄水晶或金紫水晶。

24、On display are earrings, necklaces and bracelets made from jade, amber and amethyst. ─── 展出的有用玉石、琥珀和紫水晶做的耳环、项链和手镯。

25、Natural gemstones are: olivine, garnet, Hailan Bao, white topaz, blue topaz, amethyst, topaz, citrine, ruby, sapphire and so on. ─── 天然宝石主要有:橄榄石、石榴石、海兰宝、白黄玉、兰黄玉、紫晶、黄晶、茶晶、红宝石、兰宝石等。

26、KJV] The fifth, sardonyx; the sixth, sardius; the seventh, chrysolyte; the eighth, beryl; the ninth, a topaz; the tenth, a chrysoprasus; the eleventh, a jacinth; the twelfth, an amethyst. ─── [新译]第五座是红玛瑙,第六座是红宝石,第七座是黄璧玺,第八座是水苍玉,第九座是红璧玺,第十座是翡翠,第十一座是紫玛瑙,第十二座是紫晶。

27、Before we send the item to you, we will clean your item and cleanse it by placing it on an amethyst cluster.Amethyst in particular has cleansing properties and building up its healing energy. ─── 便是将水晶放在水晶簇上(紫晶洞净化力最强)上,让晶簇(晶洞)发出生生不息的振动能量;

28、In the third, a jacinth, an agate, and an amethyst; ─── 12第三行是紫玛瑙,白玛瑙,紫晶,

29、NIV] the fifth sardonyx, the sixth carnelian, the seventh chrysolite, the eighth beryl, the ninth topaz, the tenth chrysoprase, the eleventh jacinth, and the twelfth amethyst. ─── [和合]第五是红玛瑙,第六是红宝石,第七是黄璧玺;第八是水苍玉;第九是红璧玺;第十是翡翠;第十一是紫玛瑙;第十二是紫晶。

30、The quartz is much less brilliant and more plentiful than true topaz. Most of it is a variety of amethyst that heat has turned brown. ─── 石英没有纯的黄宝石明亮夺目,但是产量比较丰富。大多数是由各种各样的紫水晶加热转变成褐色的。

31、Deep Amethyst Pearl Coat ─── 深紫水晶色漆

32、While the negotiations were continuing, on the night of July 30, the Amethyst forced her way alongside a passenger ship, the Liberated Chiangling, which was going downstream off Chinkiang, and escaped by using that ship as a shield. ─── 当谈判还在进行之际,紫石英号军舰于七月三十日夜趁江陵解放号客轮经过镇江下驶,强行靠近该轮与之并行,借以逃跑。

33、containing or resembling amethyst. ─── 含紫水晶的或类似紫水晶的。

34、Rhodium-plated pierced earrings with Rosewater Opal crystal beads and set with Light Amethyst and clear crystals. ─── 玫瑰水色猫眼水晶粒搭配浅紫和晶透水晶设计.

35、"In the third, a jacinth, an agate, and an amethyst;" ─── 第三行是紫玛瑙,白玛瑙,紫晶,

36、The steeples swam in amethyst, ─── 尖塔在紫色中游弋,

37、Along came Amethyst, a beautiful young maiden on her way to pay tribute to the goddess Diana. ─── 一路走来的是艾米西斯特,一位年轻貌美的少女,正走在向黛安娜女神进拜的路上。

38、and the third row a jacinth, an agate and an amethyst; ─── 第三行是紫玛瑙、白玛瑙、紫晶。

39、We can provide Brazil Amethyst, Africa Amethyst and Bolivia Amethyst. Different place, different colors and prices. Africa Amethyst is the darkest color. ─── 我们可以提供巴西紫水晶,非洲和玻利维亚紫晶紫晶。不同地点,不同的颜色和价格。紫晶是非洲最黑暗的颜色。

40、I intend to bathe the situation in absolute forgiveness and absolute love, asking the rose quartz and amethyst kingdoms for assistance. ─── 我意愿将整个情况沐浴在绝对原谅、绝对爱的音调之中,并请求玫瑰水晶王国和紫水晶王国来进行帮助。

41、Crystal Stone Amethyst, citrine, crystal dragon, topaz, white crystal, such as each other. ─── 水晶石中紫晶、茶晶、金龙晶、黄晶、白水晶等交相辉映。

42、The variety mainly has: Baiyu, cotton rose ruby, emerald, green Baiyu, amethyst, topaz, Moyu and varicolored jade and so on. ─── 品种主要有:白玉,芙蓉红玉、绿 玉、绿白玉、紫玉、黄玉、、墨玉及杂色玉等。

43、20 The fifth, sardonyx; the sixth, sardius; the seventh, chrysolyte; the eighth, beryl; the ninth, a topaz; the tenth, a chrysoprasus; the eleventh, a jacinth; the twelfth, an amethyst. ─── 20第五是红玛瑙.第六是红宝石.第七是黄璧玺.第八是水苍玉.第九是红璧玺.第十是翡翠.第十一是紫玛瑙.第十二是紫晶。

44、4 carat Amethyst gemstone in elegant sterling silver curve design with row of dazzling clear crystals. Italian sterling silver rhodium-plated chain. ─── 4克拉的紫水晶宝石搭配纯银坠饰再加上闪烁的透明水晶-配衬著义大利纯银颈鍊。

45、We want to buy Bullion-Gold and Silver, Ores Tantalo, Gold, Amethyst, Crystal. Bullion-Gold and Silver ─── 我们要采购金块-黄金和银,矿石,黄金,紫水晶,水晶。

46、Research results on growth of amethyst crystal by hydrothermal method are presented. ─── 报道了水热法人工紫色水晶生长研究的结果。

47、As Dionysus sat back to enjoy the spectacle, Amethyst cried out to her goddess Diana. ─── 正当狄俄尼索斯锁为他的魔法而洋洋得意时,艾米西斯特向黛安娜女神大声呼救。

48、amethyst fescue ─── n. 紫水晶羊茅

49、The fifth, sardonyx; the sixth, sardius; the seventh, chrysolyte; the eighth, beryl; the ninth, a topaz; the tenth, a chrysoprasus; the eleventh, a jacinth; the twelfth, an amethyst. ─── 第五是红玛瑙。第六是红宝石。第七是黄璧玺。第八是水苍玉。第九是红璧玺。第十是翡翠。第十一是紫玛瑙。第十二是紫晶。

50、His eyes deepened into amethyst, and across them came a mist of tears. ─── 他眼睛里的血丝甚至变成了紫色,而且眼中也泪水涟涟。

51、Other suitable stones: Rose Quartz, Sea Sapphire, calcite, red tourmaline, moon stone, Argentina red stripes, agate, amethyst, citrine, opal. ─── 其它适合宝石:粉晶、海蓝宝、方解石、红碧玺、月亮石、阿根庭红纹、玛瑙、紫水晶、茶晶、蛋白石。

52、Product Info:Quartz,Tiger Eye,Quartz Aventurine,Amethyst,Quartz Smoky,Agate. ─── 材质:白晶,茶晶,粉晶,玛瑙,东陵玉,虎眼石,紫晶.

53、In the 12th dynasty, amethyst was used for the first time (a very hard material). ─── 在第12个王朝内,第一次使用紫水晶(一种很坚硬的材料)。

54、Amethystine Python ─── n. 水晶蟒(蟒科,虹蟒)

55、And the third row, a jacinth, an agate, and an amethyst; ─── 19第三行是紫玛瑙、白玛瑙、紫晶,

56、Popular in the 19th century, Amethyst was a favorite gem in art nouveau jewelry. ─── 到了十九世纪,紫水晶被普遍使用,成为新艺术主义珠宝中一颗璀璨之星。

57、12 in the third row a jacinth, an agate and an amethyst; ─── 第三行:黄玛瑙、白玛瑙、紫晶;

58、I want an amethyst ring, but I do not know what my ring size is. ─── 我要一只紫水晶戒指,但是我不知道我的戒指尺码。

59、Shop No preblem.Here is jadeite which is nore valuable than agate and amethyst.The green color is pleasant and amethyst. ─── 售货员:没问题,您看这是翡翠,比玛瑙和紫水晶更值钱,绿色多赏心悦目啊。

60、The legends say the Opal possessed the living fire of ruby, the glorious purple of amethyst the sea green of emeralds all glittering together in a mixture of light. ─── 传说欧泊光芒是由炙热的红宝石,迷人的紫水晶与闪耀祖母绿的混合。

61、amethyst violet ─── [医] 水晶紫(四乙基酚藏红)

62、Amethyst Woodstar ─── n. 紫晶林星蜂鸟

63、The fifth, sardonyx; the sixth, sardius; the seventh, chrysolite; the eighth, beryl; the ninth, a topaz; the tenth, a chrysoprasus; the eleventh, a jacinth; the twelfth, an amethyst. ─── 启21:20第五是红玛瑙.第六是红宝石.第七是黄璧玺.第八是水苍玉.第九是红璧玺.第十是翡翠.第十一是紫玛瑙.第十二是紫晶。

64、Lilith herself would be proud to wear this necklace!Set with no less than 12 amethysts.The large amethyst measures about 16mm tall.The necklace measures 41cm and is adjustable up to 43.5cm in length. ─── Lilith本人非常自豪能带上这条颈链.装有至少12颗紫水晶.最大一颗约1.6厘米高.整条项链长约41厘米,并可以向上调节至43.5厘米.

65、This ring embedded a 65.5-carat amethyst, hold by a golden dragon. ─── 此守护龙戒指的主体是一颗65.5卡拉的紫水晶,由一条黄金打造的龙围绕著。

66、I'll be your love,Amethyst,Unnamed Song,Sex&Religion。 ─── 以外国女歌手为主唱的歌我听到的有4首。

67、Until now, I have Amethyst, Rutilated Quartz, Rose Quartz, Toumaline, Green Phantom and Rhodochrosite! ─── 在这个一月,我买多了两条,我开始感觉到他们的力量!

68、It is characterized by an intense green with an incredible color change that ranges from vibrant Amethyst, to Ruby red and reddish purple. ─── 她的特征是重绿中透着难以置信的色彩变换,时而似跳动的紫水晶,时而似宝石红,时而又呈现红紫色。

69、Amethyst Sunbird ─── n. 艾米花蜜鸟

70、"The earliest Egyptian Beads (c. 4000 BC) were made of stone, feldspar, lapis lazuli, carnelian, turquoise, hematite, or amethyst and were variously shaped (sphere, cone, shell, animal head)." ─── 最古的埃及珠饰年代约为公元前4000年,一般为石制(绿长石、杂青金石、光玉髓、绿松石、赤铁矿和紫晶),形状有球形、圆柱形、贝壳形或动物头形。

71、Rev. 21:20 The fifth, sardonyx; the sixth, sardius; the seventh, chrysolite; the eighth, beryl; the ninth, topaz; the tenth, chrysoprase; the eleventh, jacinth; the twelfth, amethyst. ─── 启二一20第五是红玛瑙,第六是红宝石,第七是黄璧玺,第八是水苍玉,第九是黄玉,第十是翡翠,第十一是紫玛瑙,第十二是紫晶。

72、We deal with semi-precious stone products mainly in Hong Kong and Mainland China, i.e amethyst, citrine, garnet, tourmaline, etc. ─── 我们主要在香港和中国内地经营半宝石产品,如紫晶,黄晶,石榴石,碧玺等。

73、The fifth, sardonyx; the sixth, sardius; the seventh, chrysolite; the eighth, beryl; the ninth, topaz; the tenth, chrysoprase; the eleventh, jacinth; the twelfth, amethyst. ─── 20第五是红玛瑙,第六是红宝石,第七是黄璧玺,第八是水苍玉,第九是黄玉,第十是翡翠,第十一是紫玛瑙,第十二是紫晶。

74、Yes, they're pretty beautiful. But the color is similar to that of my amethyst neclace. I want something different. ─── 是啊,很好看,可这颜色跟我的紫水晶项链差不多,我想要些不同的。

75、and the third row a jacinth, an agate, and an amethyst; ─── 第三行是紫玛瑙、白玛瑙、紫晶;

76、However, the most prolific origin is Brazil, and if we were to believe Dionysus' wine was indeed the source of its color, Brazilian Amethyst would have been born from the finest vintages. ─── 但是,紫水晶的故乡还是在巴西,如果我们相信狄俄尼索斯葡萄酒是紫水晶颜色之源的话,那么,巴西紫水晶就是狄俄尼索斯一杯上等葡萄酒的产物。

77、Occurring on the eve of the PLA crossing of the Yangtze River in April 1949, the Amethyst incident could be regarded as the end of British gunboat diplomacy in China. ─── 发生在中国人民解放军渡江前夕的“紫石英”号事件 ,可被视为英国炮舰外交在中国的彻底终结。

78、Rhodium-plated locket pendant with Aurora Borealis and Light Amethyst crystals set in Ceralun(TM); locket has a magnetic closure. ─── 心打开,中间还有一颗小水晶心可以取出来单独作为坠子佩带,额外附送金属项链一根,等于拥有了两根项链两个坠子哦。

79、In the third row a jacinth, an agate and an amethyst; ─── 第三行是紫玛瑙、白玛瑙、紫晶;

80、Bi-color Ametrine blends the golden sunburst of Citrine with the purple sunset of Amethyst. ─── 双色莹石将黄晶的旭日金辉与紫水晶的日落紫晕融为一体。

81、In the 12th dynasty, amethyst was used for the first time (a very hard material). Gold and silver scarabs have also been found, but are much rarer, because of grave robbers. ─── 在第12个王朝内,第一次使用紫水晶(一种很坚硬的材料)。也发现了金和银圣甲虫,但是更加稀罕,因为盗墓贼。

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