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08-19 投稿


cawing 发音

英:[?k????]  美:[?k????]

英:  美:

cawing 中文意思翻译




cawing 短语词组

1、cawing sound ─── 呱 ─── 呱声

2、cawing bird ─── 鸣禽

3、cawing means ─── 结块方式

4、cawing meaning ─── 结块的意思

5、cawing def ─── 结块def

cawing 词性/词形变化,cawing变形

动词过去分词: cawed |动词第三人称单数: caws |动词现在分词: cawing |动词过去式: cawed |

cawing 相似词语短语

1、hawing ─── n.山楂,山楂果;吆喝牲畜左转;瞬膜;vi.向左转;vt.使向左转;n.(Haw)人名;(英)霍

2、lawing ─── n.诉讼;诉诸法律

3、pawing ─── n.(动物的)爪子;(某人的)手(用于不悦或生气时);v.抓,扒;触;刨;粗鲁地抚摸;用爪子抓;翻找

4、clawing ─── n.爪;螯,钳;爪形器具;vi.用爪抓(或挖);vt.用爪抓(或挖)

5、cawings ─── 卡温

6、jawing ─── n.颌;下巴;狭窄入口;唠叨;vi.教训;唠叨;vt.教训;对…唠叨;n.(Jaw)人名;(冈)乔

7、-awing ─── adj.飞翔的;adv.飞翔地;v.使敬畏;使惊叹(awe的现在分词)

8、cowing ─── n.奶牛,母牛;母兽;vt.威胁,恐吓

9、chawing ─── v.咀嚼(烟草);n.咀嚼物(尤指烟草);咀嚼

cawing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、To produce CAW, starch pyrolysed at 500-800C in the presence of a ferric metal as a catalyst in the atmosphere of Ar / H2, in a tube-furnace. ─── 碳原子线是以马铃薯淀粉为固体碳源,以铁系金属为催化剂,在500-800℃的管式炉中、Ar/H_2气流下反应而成。

2、The CAW union had invited Marchionne to take part in their talks with Chrysler, but a source close to Marchionne at Fiat leaked to the media that the CEO won't travel north of Detroit. ─── 的啼马尔奇奥尼联盟已邀请参加他们的会谈与克莱斯勒,但知情人士马尔奇奥尼在菲亚特泄露给媒体,该公司将不会前往底特律北边。

3、The Crow, anxious to refute the reflection cast upon her voice, set up a loud caw and dropped the flesh. ─── 乌鸦为了迫不及待反驳对它嗓音的贬低,张嘴大叫了一声,把肉掉了。

4、He urged the UAW and CAW to reach an agreement, stating that if they failed to do so, the ramifications would be far further reaching. ─── 他呼吁工会和啼达成一项协议,声称如果他们没有这样做,后果会远远进一步影响。

5、Moon pose to vajrasane (caw head pose in vajrasana)-2minutes ─── 月亮式到雷电坐(霹雳坐的牛面式)2分钟

6、Manifestation: Accompanied by the sound of flapping wings and cawing crows, Astaroth manifests as a hideously ugly angel. ─── 显现:伴随着一阵扑翼声和乌鸦的鸣叫。

7、fully mechanized top cawing mining ─── 综采放顶煤

8、The authors study a new simple method of synthetic organotin a cazicide-Azocyclotin,fased on cyhezatin and 1.2.4-tiagole as caw matecials,and adopted ageotcopic dehydrated by distillation. ─── 研究了以三环锡,1,2。

9、Improring the quality of caw document plays important role in judical practice. ─── 提高法律文书的写作质量,对司法实践起着十分重要的作用。

10、The Construction of legal culture in the process of managing state affairs according to caw in china ─── 中国依法治国进程中的法律文化建设

11、Raman and EELS revealed the sp-bonded structure and IR indicated the presence of OH and -COOH groups in CAW. ─── )的均匀线状物。 拉曼(Raman)及能量损失(EELS)谱表明,碳原子线具有sp杂化成键的结构特征。

12、As to saying a few idle words about us, we must not mind that ,any more than the old church steeple minds the rooks cawing about it . ─── 别人说几句关于我们的闲话,我们根本就不必理会,它就像围绕在老教堂的尘塔周围呱呱叫的乌鸦一样。

13、They stooped in a long curve down into the golden glow, concentrating, cawing, wheeling, like back flakes on a slow vortex, over a tree clump that made a dark boss among the pasture. ─── 它们作弧线状俯冲进金色的余辉,围着一块乌黑的树桩盘旋,如同缓慢的旋风卷起黑色薄片。

14、Chrysler may be trying to push the CAW's wage costs below that of the UAW's. ─── 克莱斯勒可能试图促使CAW的工资开支低于UAW的。

15、The crow, anxious to refute the reflection cast upon her voice, set up a loud caw and dropped the flesh ─── 乌鸦为了迫不及待反驳对它嗓音的贬低,张嘴大叫了一声,把肉掉了

16、What could have caused the crows to caw? ─── 什么能使乌鸦啼叫出哇哇声?

17、In the image of HRTEM, CAW appeared in the shape of winding lines with the diameter of 2.0 A, nearing to the diameter of a carbon atom (1.54A). ─── 由HRTEM观测得知,碳原子线是缠绕着的直径约为2(?) ,接近一个碳原子直径(约1.54(?)

18、Talking about how to regulate the free judge vight in coal mine sufety sapervisicon adiministraion enforcing the Caw ─── 浅谈如何规范煤矿安全监察行政执法中的自由裁量权

19、Therefore, researching on trend of convergence of American and European conflicts caw is beneficial to us to comprehend the basic direction of future conflicts law in world. ─── 因而对欧美冲突法趋同化问题进行研究,有利于我们把握世界未来冲突法的基本方向。

20、The crow, anxious to refute the reflection cast upon her voice, set up a loud caw and drop the flesh. ─── 乌鸦为了迫不及待反驳对它嗓音的贬低,张嘴大叫了一声,把肉掉了。

21、A flock of cawing ravens had just flown up from in front of her. ─── 一群呱呱鸣叫的乌鸦从她面前飞起。

22、To improve the performance of the CAW electrode, having better reversibility and reducing its irreversible capacity, some modifications such as surface treatment and compounded with some other elements were investigated. ─── 为了进一步提高碳原子线电极的可逆容量,降低它的不可逆容量及改善其它性能,利用氧化处理、复合其它元素等手段改性碳原子线负极。

23、Crows were cawing. ─── 群鸦乱噪。

24、Before the moon sets and the crows caw I am already drunk. ─── 凤直到月落乌啼当我已醉的时候。

25、As the day grew colder, the squirrels worked harder. But the lazy crow did nothing but caw and criticize . Finally , the work was complete. ─── 当天气变得更冷的时候,松鼠们更加努力工作。但大懒虫乌鸦一点活儿都不干,整天咋咋呼呼乱批评。最后,采集果实的工作最终完成。

26、CAW were firstly reported to be applied as a cathode of the lithium-ion secondary batteries in the dissertation. ─── 本文首次将碳原子线用作锂离子二次电池的负极材料。

27、I'll sing for him,"the crow thinks.So she opens her meath,"Caw,Caw!"The meat goes down into the fox's mouth. ─── 它飞呀飞呀,运气可真好,找到了一块大肥肉,它高兴地想‘嗯,我要把这块大肥肉叼回家美美地吃上它一顿’。

28、" The crow was hugely flattered by this,and just to show the fox that she could sing she gave a loud "Caw!" ─── 如果她的歌喉象她的外貌一样美,那她当之无愧就是百鸟之王。”

29、By a vibrating sample magnetometer, we discovered that magnetic hysteresis loop of CAW in the shape of "S" at the room temperature. ─── 我们对碳原子线的磁学行为进行研究时,发现在室温下碳原子线的磁滞回线为“S”形。

30、On the labor front, the federal government has put out a mandate to the CAW to cut labor costs across the board or face complete liquidation of GM's Canadian operations. ─── 在劳动力方面,联邦政府已经提出了一项任务,啼削减劳动力成本全面彻底清理,否则将面临的通用汽车加拿大的业务。

31、9 see joke: Small fish cries cry of caw in running into the home, just the finger that famous playmate does not take care to do him. ─── 9看笑话: 小鱼哭哭啼的跑进家中,刚刚有名玩伴不小心弄伤他的手指.

32、Whether you are looking to join our union, are a new member or are currently active in the CAW, I am sure you will find information here that is of use. ─── 无论您是在寻找,加入我们的联盟,是一种新的会员或正在积极CAW,我相信你会发现这里是信息的使用。

33、Once inside, the caw were reward cow is rewarded with food. ─── 一旦进入,会给奶牛食物作为奖励。

34、The analysis results caw provide the theoretical bases for safely operating and identifying the combination-resonance fault of the rotors. ─── 分析结果为转子的安全运行和弯扭摆耦合振动故障的判别提供了理论依据。

35、Several serotypes of pathogenic Colibacillus, such as O_8, O_(60),O_(65), O_(55) and O_(101), were isolated from 105 samples which collected from 6 groups of chicken, goat, caw and cat in Guizhou Province. ─── 在我省鸡、山羊、牛、猫等六个患病畜群,105份样品中分离出致病性大肠杆菌、O_8、O_(16)、O_(85)、O_(55)、O_(101)等血清型。

36、A: He was going to make a long-distance caw. ─── 一: 他将要 制造一个长的- 距离乌鸦的叫声。

37、Sometimes when I showered, the harpy came in, and sat on the toilet, and talked to me in her raucous, cawing voice, her head a gray blur through the glass, her body white. ─── 有时我洗澡的时候,鹰妖会走进来,坐在马桶上,用她沙哑鸹嘈的声音跟我聊天,从玻璃看出去,她的头是一个朦胧的灰渍,身体是白的。

38、The crows caw when moon goes down. ─── 月落乌啼。

39、The anodic and cathodic peaks on CVs of the CAW modified electrode in the PBS solution were attributed to the oxidation of alcoholic hydroxyl groups and the reduction of carboxylic acid groups respectively. ─── 实验表明,经硝酸处理的碳原子线修饰电极在PBS缓冲溶液中的循环伏安曲线上的一对氧化、还原峰可归属于羟基氧化和羧基还原。

40、Therefore by regulating swirl number of combustor NO emission caw be reduced. ─── 因此,适当调整燃烧室的旋流数可以降低NO排放.

41、IR was used to characterize the structure of CAW before and after an acid-treatment with HNO3. ─── 以这两种材料制成的电极均显示出较好的电容性能;

42、As to saying a few idle words about us, we must not mind that , any more than the old church steeple minds the rooks cawing about it . ─── 别人说几句关于我们的闲话,我们根本就不必理会,它就像围绕在老教堂的尘塔周围呱呱叫的乌鸦一样。

43、Electrocatalysis of the CAW modified electrode to the electrochemical reaction of Hydroquinone was investigated by use of potential sweep and hydrodynamic methods. ─── 利用循环伏安法和强制对流法研究碳原子线修饰电极对于对苯二酚电化学反应的催化作用。

44、the last semicircle or line in the low-frequency region was for the resistance of the interphase between the counter electrode of Li and electrolyte solution or the diffusion of lithium-ion in the CAW electrode. ─── 而处于低频端的直线或半圆对应于锂离子在碳原子线电极中的扩散或对电极锂片与电解质之间的界面阻抗。

45、In a story posted today on The Toronto Globe and Mail's Web site, Marchionne said not getting concessions from the UAW and CAW are a breaking point for talks. ─── 的故事张贴在今天就多伦多环球邮报的网站,马尔基翁内表示,没有收到从美国联合汽车工会的让步和啼是一个突破点,会谈.

46、Hark the little lambs are bleating, and the cawing rooks are meeting in the elms a noisy crowd; ─── 听,羊羔咩咩地细声叫喊,鸟儿们群栖在榆树之颠,他们是一伙喧闹的家伙;

47、Electrocatalysis of carbon atom wire (CAW) modified electrode to the electrochemical reaction of p-dihydroxy-benzene was investigated by using potential sweep and hydrodynamic methods. ─── 利用循环伏安法和强制对流法研究碳原子线修饰电极对于对苯二酚电化学反应的催化作用.

48、Sometimes the mystics sent live flocks of them, "murders, " I believe they're called, to swoop around us, cawing. ─── 有时神秘主义者也会送来一群群的活乌鸦,我相信它们被叫做“凶手”,呱呱叫着环绕我们俯冲过来。

49、The CAW modified electrode was prepared by a physical absorption method on the substrate of glassy carbon. The phosphate buffer solution (PBS) of pH 6.80 was chosen as the supporting electrolyte in the electrochemical measurements. ─── 用物理吸附法将碳原子线修饰在玻碳电极表面制得碳原子线修饰电极,选择pH值为6.80的磷酸(PBS)缓冲溶液作为研究该电极的支持电解质。

50、CAW; Certificate of Attendance and Costs for Education Grant; ─── 教育补助金规定的在学和费用证明书;

51、Chrysler has had a brief but fiery dispute with the CAW over the last few months;the automaker went as far as suggesting that it would cease operations entirely in Canada. ─── 克莱斯勒已进行了简短的激烈争议,但与啼在过去几个月的汽车制造商甚至暗示,它将停止运作,完全在加拿大.

52、So we can see that CAW will have wide application in Internet and intranet. ─── 因此,CAW在Internet和intranet环境中将有着广泛的用途

53、This he said deceitfully;but the Crow, anxious to refute the reflection cast upon her voice, set up a loud caw and dropped the flesh. ─── 乌鸦为了要显示他能发出声音,便张嘴放声大叫,而那块肉掉到了树下。

54、The only noise comes from a bulldozer smoothing the coal-mound and the cawing of rooks. ─── 而唯一的噪音则是推土机铲平煤堆的声音与秃顶乌鸦的哀嚎声。

55、The open desolation at the foot of the walls and their towering height filled him with foreboding as he went, so much so that he even skirted crows scavenging on the rubbish heaps for fear of startling them into inauspicious cawing. ─── 城根的空旷,与城墙的高峻,教他越走越怕。 偶尔看见垃圾堆上有几个老鸦,他都想绕着走开,恐怕惊起它们,给他几声不祥的啼叫。

56、"the crow, pleased with the flattery, and chuckling to think how she would surprise the fox with her caw, opened her mouth. ─── 乌鸦听了这甜言蜜语,心理很高兴,他得意地心里想,如果我哇哇地叫起来将使狐狸感到多么惊奇,于是他就张开了嘴。

57、What is worse, he is producing a Party stereotype as raucous as a crow, and yet he insists on cawing at the masses. ─── 何况这是党八股,简直是老鸦声调,却偏要向人民群众哇哇叫。

58、Mud-caked dogs roam empty streets, their barking and the cawing of crows the only sounds. ─── 身上粘满泥土的狗在空荡的街道游荡,他们的吠叫和乌鸦的哑叫是这唯一的声响。

59、As the caw eat cow eats, a robotic arm cleans and connect connects the animal to the milking machine. ─── 当奶牛进食的时候,机械手臂会清洗奶牛并将奶牛放在挤奶机器上面。

60、Nyob zoo os Nkauj Hli,zoo siab tuaj pom koj,caw koj tuaj tsham xyuas peb thiab. ─── 你好月姑,好高兴到你这里来,邀请你到我们那里做客。

61、And so when you're in a restaurant ordering a steak, you have to know which piece or cut of the caw, and how do you want it cooked. ─── 当你在餐馆中点牛排这道菜时,你必须知道你要的牛排是牛的哪一部位上的肉以及它们的名称。

62、Study on a Test of Feeding Caw with Syrchronism Treated Straw by NaOH and Urea ─── 氢氧化钠+尿素同步处理稻草喂牛试验研究

63、Heard with alarm the cawing of the crow, ─── 惊慌地听到乌鸦哇哇乱叫

64、Only 25,000 of those 600,000 jobs are CAW members who work for the Detroit 3. ─── 只有25000人600000工作啼成员谁工作底特律3。

65、combin gateway and pillar with fully mechanized top cawing mining ─── 巷柱-综采放顶煤

66、' The Crow lifted up her head and began to caw her best, but the moment she opened her mouth the piece of cheese fell to the ground, only to be snapped up by Master Fox. ─── 乌鸦听得很高兴,卖力的演唱起来,就在她张口的一刹那,奶酪从嘴里掉出来,被树下的狐狸等个正着,一口吞了下去。

67、Some crows, scenting blood, flitted to and fro among the birches, cawing impatiently. ─── 乌鸦闻到血腥味,急不可耐地狂叫着,在白桦树上飞来飞去。

68、According to Automotive News, the new deal with the CAW will also lower GM's per hour worker cost, allowing for wages on par with the automaker's non-union competition. ─── 根据汽车新闻,新的处理啼也将降低通用汽车的工人每小时的成本,使工资不低于该公司的非欧盟竞争.

69、The deal with the UAW will alter Chrysler's financial obligations to the union's retiree health-care plan, while members of the CAW have agreed to reduce their benefits and boost productivity. ─── 的处理工会将改变克莱斯勒的财政义务,工会的退休人员的医疗保健计划,而成员啼已同意降低其福利和提高生产力。

70、CAW:Agent Based WWW Environment for CSCW Application ─── CAW:基于代理技术的WWW协同应用环境

71、carbon atom wire (CAW) ─── 碳原子线(CAW)

72、I think the cars were the cause of the crows' cawing. ─── 我想车是导致乌鸦哇哇的原因。

73、Blood group antigen Caw ─── Caw血型抗原

74、They fly up and down over the isle, sometimes describing circles in an unhurried manner, chirping or cawing meanwhile, presenting a picture of animation, a picture of a beautiful, fascinating world. ─── 它们盘旋飞落,悠然自鸣,构成了一幅神奇美丽、生气勃勃的动画。

75、Cable Modem is a high speed access device through CAW net, advanced performances includes high speed,wide frequency band,etc. ─── Cable Modem(电缆调制解调器)是一种通过CATV网进行高速访问的设备,由于它具有速度高、频带宽等优势,因而多家厂商竞相开发,争夺这一潜在的广阔市场。

76、the sharp raucous cawing of a crow ─── 乌鸦的粗哑而刺耳的叫声.

77、Blood group antibody Caw ─── Caw血型抗体

78、The CAW is willing to engage in wide-open tripartite discussions with the companies and with governments over how to address those legacy cost issues. ─── 的啼愿意参与在敞开的三方讨论的公司与政府在如何解决这些遗留下来的成本问题.

79、Government responsibility means the burden it and its composed main bodies take for the citizens, the caw and the administrative rule of law because of its position of civil rights and identity. ─── 政府责任是指政府及其构成主体因其公权地位和身份而对授权者以及法律和行政法规所承担的责任。

80、Why should he strum away without considering his audience? What is worse, he is producing a Party stereotype as raucous as a crow, and yet he insists on cawing at the masses. ─── 为什么不看对象乱弹一顿呢?何况这是党八股,简直是老鸦声调,却偏要向人民群众哇哇地叫。

81、The mechanism in the intercalation-deintercalation processes in the CAW electrode and the related chemical diffusion coefficient of Li+ were determined. ─── 测定锂离子在碳原子线内的化学扩散系数D_(Li+)等动力学参数。

82、“We deeply appreciate the CAW leadership's dedication and commitment to the process by reaching this tentative agreement. ─── "我们十分赞赏啼领导的奉献和承诺的过程,实现这一初步协议。

83、Henderson said that the automaker will begin ramping up negotiations in May with the UAW and CAW. ─── 亨德森说,该公司将开始加速谈判在今年5月与美国汽车工人联合会和啼。

84、Mutation of Strain CAW Producing Glutamine ─── 产谷氨酰胺菌株的诱变育种

85、"The Crow lifted up her head and began to caw her best, but the moment she opened her mouth the piece of cheese fell to the ground, only to be snapped up by Master Fox. ─── 乌鸦骄傲地仰起了头,准备放声歌唱,但当它一张开嘴,那块乳酪就掉到了地上,马上就被狐狸叼走了。

86、The CAW is expected to ratify the agreement over the weekend. ─── 的啼预计将批准该协议上周末。

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