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08-19 投稿


gulosity 发音

英:[[gju:'l?s?t?]]  美:[[gju:'l?s?t?]]

英:  美:

gulosity 中文意思翻译



gulosity 短语词组

1、gulosity definition ─── 红色定义

gulosity 相似词语短语

1、rugosity ─── n.皱纹;满是皱纹

2、mucosity ─── n.粘;粘性

3、dumosity ─── 杜姆度

4、fumosity ─── 烟熏

5、bibulosity ─── n.酗酒;酒癖

6、pilosity ─── n.有毛;多毛性

7、gummosity ─── n.粘着性;[胶粘]胶粘性

8、fabulosity ─── n.非现实性;传说性质;无稽

9、bulbosity ─── 球状

gulosity 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、There were so many musical instruments of Shang dynasty unearthed and most of which had decorative patterns of gulosity on their surfaces. ─── 商代出土乐器众多,其纹饰则以饕餮纹样为主导。

2、your gulosity know no bounds? ─── 你的食欲不能满足吗?

3、There were so many musical instruments of Shang dynasty unearthed and most of which had decorative patterns of gulosity on their surfaces. ─── 摘要商代出土乐器众多,其纹饰则以饕餮纹样为主导。

4、Bobby helped himself to a third serving of mashed potatoes, his father asked incredulously, "Does your gulosity know no bounds?" ─── 波比吃了三个土豆泥之后,他的父亲惊讶的问:你的食欲不能满足吗?

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