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hillock 发音

英:[?h?l?k]  美:[?h?l?k]

英:  美:

hillock 中文意思翻译




hillock 网络释义

n. 小丘;小山似的一堆n. (Hillock)人名;(英)希洛克

hillock 词性/词形变化,hillock变形


hillock 短语词组

1、seminal hillock ─── [医] 精阜

2、conical hillock ─── 锥形小丘

3、nerve-hillock ─── [医] 神经丘

4、anal hillock ─── [医] 肛丘, 肛结节(胚)

5、Doyere's hillock ─── [医] 神经肌丘

6、hillock crossword ─── 山丘纵横填字游戏

7、hillock ct ─── 小丘ct

8、hillock gozo ─── 山丘戈佐

9、hillock defined ─── 小丘定义

10、germ hillock ─── [医] ─── [载]卵丘

11、synaptic hillock ─── 突触小丘

12、hillock dr hillock ─── 博士

13、hillock define ─── 山丘定义

14、cloacal hillock ─── [医] 生殖丘, 生殖结节

15、auricular hillock ─── 耳丘

16、axon hillock ─── [医] 轴丘

17、hillock definition ─── 山丘定义

18、Muller's hillock ─── [医] 苗勒氏结节(胚胎的尿生殖窦内)

19、hillock goldens ─── 金山

hillock 相似词语短语

1、hillocky ─── adj.多小山的;多小丘的

2、pillock ─── 愚蠢无用的人;傻瓜

3、hillocks ─── n.小丘;小山似的一堆;n.(Hillock)人名;(英)希洛克

4、hillocked ─── 山丘

5、killock ─── n.小锚;石锚(等于killick)

6、hillfolk ─── 希尔福克

7、killocks ─── n.小锚;石锚(等于killick)

8、sillock ─── 锡洛克

9、pillocks ─── 枕头

hillock 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、On the lionYi, in Mei Jiawu, the cloud roosts nearby, the tiger runs nearby thespring, in Man Juelong, the spirit hides around the temple, ninebrooks 18 gorges coasts, green jade hillock fluctuation, green tree Dance . ─── 在狮峰山上,梅家坞里,云栖道旁,虎跑泉边,满觉陇中,灵隐寺周围,九溪十八涧沿岸,翠岗起伏,绿树婆娑。

2、In his broad bed n uncle Richie, pillowed and blanketed, extends over the hillock of his knees a sturdy forearm. ─── 一张大床,里奇舅舅倚着枕头,裹在毛毯里,隔着小山般的膝盖,将壮实的手臂伸过来。

3、Creeping carefully between two of the tall hissing shrouds, I finally saw the object of their debate, raised up on a little hillock above them. ─── 偷偷钻进两个长袍尖声叫着的高个之间,我终于看到了站在一个小土堆上,他们议论的对象。

4、Immortal hillock ─── 仙人垅

5、Southern hillock area ─── 南方山丘区

6、Among them, adjudgement, procuratorial work assists hillock 491, post of procuratorate judicatory police 9. ─── 其中,审判、检察辅助岗491名,检察院司法警察岗9名。

7、Climb to that hillock, pass that bank, and by the time you reach the other side I shall have raised the birds. ─── 爬上那座小山,过那个斜坡,你一到了那边,我就可以叫鸟出现。

8、She neared the 22 crest of a hillock and was soon out of sight. ─── 它走近一座小山丘的顶部,很快就不见了踪影。

9、A hawk, seemingly irked by the gloomy sky, swoops down sideways out of nowhere, with wings wide-spread and immovable, until it almost hits the hillock on the other side of the brook. ─── 一只老鹰,好像很讨厌这阴沉的天空,不知从何处斜冲下来,两只大翅膀伸展开不动,直到几乎撞到小溪那边的山丘。

10、mound; hillock ─── 冈陵

11、People plant trees on desolate hillock, in order to lessen water and soil erosion. ─── 人们在荒丘上种植了树木,以减少水土流失。

12、anal hillock ─── [医] 肛丘, 肛结节(胚)

13、His house is on a hillock. ─── 他的房子坐落在一个小丘上。

14、Corporation registers: Shenzhen horizontal hillock six joint industrial districts. ─── 公司注册地:深圳横岗六联工业区。

15、topographic hillock ─── 地形小丘

16、Natural selection is like a robot that can only climb uphill, even if this leaves it stuck on top of a measly hillock. ─── 自然选择就如同一个只能上山的机器人,即使这会使它停留在一座微不足道的小山的山顶。

17、A Study on Vegetation Rehabilitation and Restoration on Southern Hillock Area ─── 南方山丘区困难立地植被恢复与重建研究

18、East the forest junior middle school first day the office and so on 15 the teacher civilization pedagogical hillock has accepted the commendation. ─── 东林初中初一办公室等15个“教师文明师范岗”接受了表彰。

19、In his broad bed nuncle Richie, pillowed and blanketed, extends over the hillock of his knees a sturdy forearm ─── 一张大床,里奇舅舅倚着枕头,裹在毛毯里,隔着小山般的膝盖,将壮实的手臂伸过来。

20、The delight in the garden buildings and amusement in the open space constitutes a natural, graceful and beautiful picture of water, hillock and gradual slopes. ─── 园趣野趣,融汇揉和,构成了一幅典雅自然,平岗缓坡的精巧山水画面。

21、In fact, Wu Jingui knew early such one day will arrive, therefore he will but actually also maintain composure in the training, has completed the last class of hillock. ─── 事实上,吴金贵早知道这么一天会到来,因此他在训练中倒也不露声色,完成了最后一班岗。

22、The completely engineer hillock may play prevents the corrupt role, but, many people worried, turns in the hillock process, can multiply the new corruption. ─── 尽管轮岗可以起到防止腐败的作用,但是,有不少人担心,轮岗过程中,会不会滋生新腐败。

23、hillock sands ─── 小丘砂土

24、low hill; hillock ─── 山冈

25、It is this quiet and elegant environment card, chrysanthemum hillock where the property market is therefore not very calm, very active housing video transactions. ─── 也正是这张幽雅环境牌,黄花岗这里的楼市却因此而十分不平静,房屋租售交易非常活跃。

26、germ hillock ─── 卵丘

27、Hillock Farmland ─── 岗地

28、The two descended from their low hillock, toward the Castellan's crypts and away from the ruins of the battle璮ield. ─── 于是这两只恶魔从他们坐着的石头上下来,朝着牢头的地窖走了过去。

29、artificial hillock ─── 假山

30、Hillock story. ─── 小丘故事。

31、Hillock head village reposes in cloth of area of hillock of Shenzhen city dragon Ji Zhenxi is upper, long Hua is received on the west, north relies on to watch Nawang of; ─── 岗头村座落在深圳市龙岗区布吉镇西北部,西接龙华,北靠观澜、平湖;

32、She neared the 22)crest of a hillock and was soon out of sight. ─── 就在那时,艾伦注意到还是那条道上有什么东西在动。

33、Hillock head village reposes in cloth of area of hillock of Shenzhen city dragon Ji Zhenxi is upper, long Hua, north is received to rely on to watch Na Wangluo of; ─── 岗头村座落在深圳市龙岗区布吉镇西北部,西接龙华、北靠观澜、平湖;

34、In the world of Internet, a tiger on Jing Yang hillock, enough draws N the Wu Song that hits a tiger. ─── 在互联网的世界里,景阳岗上的一只老虎,足以引来n个打虎的武松。

35、The hillock thought that the network company stops this game operation namely equating in deletes the files behavior, then sues the court. ─── 小丘认为网络公司停止该游戏运营即等同于删档行为,遂起诉到法院。

36、1. The children are playing on the hillock . ─── 孩子们正在小土堆上玩。


38、A hawk, seemingly irked by the gloomy sky, swoops down sideways out of nowhere, with wings wide-spread and immoable, until it almost hits the hillock on the other side of the brook. ─── 天空低垂如灰色的雾幕,落下一些寒冷的碎屑到我脸上。

39、cloacal hillock ─── [医] 生殖丘, 生殖结节

40、hillock bog ─── 小草丘沼泽

41、Secondly, the tenth volume of Collected Rites of Jin Dynasty is copied from General Institutions, and the tenth volume cann?t be regarded as the evidence for offerring sacrifices of Jin Dynasty to village god on square hillock. ─── 二 ,《大金集礼》卷十抄自《通典》 ,不可为大金方丘仪之证。

42、hillock drill ─── 垄播机

43、hillock plain ─── 低丘平原

44、Application of Geogrid Technology of Hillock Filling in Certain Clinker Dam ─── 土工格栅技术在某灰渣坝填方土坡中的应用

45、Main associated tree species are listed for Loblolly pine plantation in hillock areas of Southern Anhui Province. ─── 为皖南丘岗地区火炬松人工林提出可供选择的主要伴生树种。

46、at 21:50 on April 17, police received a report that Maba stations : Yellow Hillock Point South southbound traffic signal head with a red light, the effects of traffic. ─── 4月17日21时50分,马坝车站派出所接报称:黄岗站南头上行线行车信号出现红光带,影响行车。

47、For, bays he, look yonder lies a dreadful monster on the side of that hillock fast asleep. ─── 他说,"看那儿,一个可怕的怪物正在小山下睡觉呢!"

48、The topography of yichun urban area hillock to mound and low hillock, the area of carbonates of covered type and exposed type from Carboniferous to Permian is 70% of the urban area. ─── 宜春城区属岗阜低丘地形,分布石炭系-二迭系覆盖型及裸露型碳酸盐岩,占城区面积近70%。

49、Accordingly, begin actively turn hillock billabong, also become our urgent matter with respect to of course ground. ─── 因此,积极开展转岗分流,也就理所当然地成为我们的当务之急。

50、Big hillock membrana tectoria ─── 大垄覆膜

51、“how can be a good teacher I believed that deeply loves the student, the respect student, likes the hillock being professional, is the teacher most basic morals accomplishment. ─── “怎样才能做一名好教师呢?我认为,热爱学生,尊重学生,爱岗敬业,是教师最基本的道德素养。”

52、In the gray shadows of dawn he watched as she ribboned her way up the path that crested the hillock. ─── 在黎明的灰幕中,他看见她朝着那条直到山丘顶部的小径一拐一拐地走着。

53、Hefei soon develops the city straight institution officials to exchange the round hillock work. Message, has aroused many experts' interest.... ─── 合肥市即将开展市直机关公务员交流轮岗工作。音讯一出,引起了诸多专家学者的关注。...

54、West on the loop line Ali's god mountain (hillock kernel Pochin) the sacred lake (Ma Pangyong handles) is the destination Indian pilgrim is west the loop line important traveling reception object. ─── 以西环线上阿里的神山(岗仁波钦)圣湖(玛旁雍措)为目的地的印度香客是西环线重要的旅游接待对象。

55、A small rounded hill or mound; a hillock. ─── 圆丘,土墩圆形的小山或土墩;小丘

56、The horizontal petal lotus veins eaves tile was in many locations, containing Dong taizi site and ji'an West hillock, Hun chun Wen hetebu city site. ─── 东台子遗址、定陵寺遗址出土兽面纹瓦当。

57、9 see joke: One driver is driving the red light that a tractor has entered traffic hillock opened the past swaggeringly. ─── 9看笑话: 一司机驾驶著一辆拖拉机闯过交通岗的红灯大摇大摆地开了过去。

58、hour into the journey, we spot a troop of baboons preening each other on a hillock. ─── 一个小时,我们看见山丘上有一群狒狒在互相梳理皮毛。

59、hillock red soil ─── 低丘红壤

60、Breetai responded, and Kazianna did a careful high-g march back down the little hillock. ─── 布里泰回礼,卡赞娜小心翼翼的在高重力环境下走下这座小丘。

61、Before heard that did the long management wages to be able in 2000-3000, which management hillock was concrete is not specially clear. ─── 以前听说干久了的管理层工资能在2000-3000吧,具体哪个管理岗就不是特别清楚了。

62、They had no idea of the great volcanoes and canyons of Mars, which make Mount Everest look like a worn hillock and the Grand Canyon like a roadside ditch. ─── 他们对火星上的巨大火山与峡谷毫无头绪,相较之下地球上的圣母峰看起来就像个小土丘,美国的大峡谷则如同路边的小水沟。

63、Si Muwu Ding was firstly resurrected from Wu family cypress graveyard,, Northwest Gang(hillock), Houjia village in March, 1939. ─── 司母戊鼎最早是在1939年3月被盗掘者从侯家庄西北岗吴家柏树坟园盗掘出土。

64、Doyere's hillock ─── [医] 神经肌丘

65、From 2004, as head's organized crime nature organization altogether involves each kind of case take the Baiyu hillock nearly the hundreds, developed each level member dozens of people. ─── 从2004年起,以白玉岗为首的黑社会性质组织共涉及各类案件近百起,发展各个层次成员数十人。

66、They leveled the hillock to flat ground and began to grow crops. ─── 他们削平了乱土岗, 开始种庄稼。

67、For, bays he, look yonder lies a dreadful monster on the side of that hillock FAST asleep. ─── 他说,“看那儿,一个可怕的怪物正在小山下睡觉呢!”

68、hillock area ─── 丘岗区

69、In January 2008 Alibaba adjusts a search in layout, she moves hillock to enter clean out treasure. ─── 在2008年1月阿里巴巴调整搜索布局中,她调岗进入淘宝。

70、Struggle for land, struggle for commissariat, struggle for dress warmly and ear one's fill, struggle to expand economy, this is ovine hillock each one old Lai Yin is sung ceaseless thematic. ─── 为土地奋斗,为粮食奋斗,为温饱奋斗,为发展经济奋斗,这是羊岗各人多年来吟唱不断的主旋律。

71、But the following day when they are checked each other, he discovers he draws the constabulary unlike of the wife, she says: "Which have battle hillock not to relieve guard. ─── 可是就第二天他们相互检查的时候,他发现妻子的警察不像他画的了,她说:“哪有战岗不换岗的。”

72、Muller's hillock ─── [医] 苗勒氏结节(胚胎的尿生殖窦内)

73、The area of Guchengzhai site is the ruins of Zhu Rong, and also the hillock of XuanYuan where Huangdi lived. ─── 古城寨一带为传说中的祝融之墟,亦黄帝所居轩辕之丘。

74、Classifing barren hill, barren hillock, barren ravine and barren wastes with the aid of the conception of geomorphology and the thought of the soil and water conservation; ─── 借助地貌学概念和水土保持学的思想,对荒山、荒丘、荒沟、荒滩进行了分类;

75、The present Nanyuan Park is characterized by wide scenic view with gentle hillock and valley, intercrossing rivers and streams, its waterscape accounting for one third of the park. ─── 今日南园,景域辽阔,空间宽畅,缓坡丘壑,溪流纵横,水景占全园面积三分之一。

76、People plant trees on the barren hillock for reducing the losing of the water and soil. ─── 人们在荒丘上种植了树木以减少水土流失。

77、8. The present Nanyuan Park is characterized by wide scenic view with gentle hillock and valley, intercrossing rivers and streams, its waterscape accounting for one third of the park. ─── 今日南园,景域辽阔,空间宽畅,缓坡丘壑,溪流纵横,水景占全园面积三分之一。收藏指正

78、hillock moraine ─── 冰碛丘陵

79、In dragon hillock area, 3 come to one filling enterprise do business year of careful of charter during be to be in when? ─── 在龙岗区,三来一补企业营业执照的年审期间是在什么时候?

80、Look in Wu Hang, high-level annulus hillock is from manpower resource the respect is opposite " open, in coordination, prosperity " make answer. ─── 在吴航看来,高层轮岗是从人力资源方面对“开放、协同、繁荣”做出响应。

81、To 3:30 pm, this naked man appears before the hillock goes against “well are also many” on the supermarket path. ─── 到下午3时半,该裸体男子又出现在岗顶“好又多”超市前的道路上。

82、Impact on the Soil Erosion by Development of Red Soil and Farm Forestry on Hillock ─── 低丘红壤开发与复合农林业对土壤侵蚀的影响

83、The small basin mountain torrent geology disaster easy to send the region to do an inspection, to forewarn the owner to arrive at the hillock arriving; ─── 小流域山洪地质灾害易发区域的巡查、预警责任人必须到岗到位;

84、The picture he paints of Africa-- a leopard calmly surveying the world from its grassy hillock-- is cliché enough. ─── 他描绘非洲的图画——一头豹子从它的草冈上平静地窥视着世界——已经够老套了。

85、is additional, retail prices of egg of city of hillock of Mu Si of river of Qiqihaer, peony, beautiful, crane also has different rate rise. ─── 另外,齐齐哈尔、牡丹江、佳木斯、鹤岗市鸡蛋零售价格也有不同程度的上涨。

86、earth hillock ─── 土岗子

87、QQ is hanged everyday, very hillock? ─── QQ每天挂,是不是很岗?

88、Emerge each respect work and love hillock, pursue scholarly work strict and cautious teacher representative from it. ─── 从中涌现了一批敬业爱岗,治学严谨的老师代表。

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