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08-19 投稿


fleecy 发音

英:['fli?s?]  美:['flisi]

英:  美:

fleecy 中文意思翻译



fleecy 网络释义

adj. 覆盖羊毛的;羊毛状的;羊毛似的;轻软的

fleecy 短语词组

1、fleecy dams ─── 绒毛坝

2、fleecy fold ─── 蓬松褶皱

3、fleecy define ─── 毛绒定义

4、fleecy cloud ─── 蓬松的云

5、fleecy definition ─── 绒毛定义

6、fleecy rosy ─── 红羊毛

7、fleecy web ─── 网绒

8、fleecy sds ─── 羊毛sds

9、fleecy female crossword clue ─── 毛绒女纵横字谜线索

10、fleecy scarf ─── 羊毛围巾

11、fleecy snow of spring ─── 春天的蓬松雪

12、fleecy shop ─── [经] 敲竹杠的铺子

13、fleecy one ─── 羊毛一号

14、fleecy mass ─── [医] 羊毛状块

15、fleecy female ─── 毛绒女

fleecy 词性/词形变化,fleecy变形

副词: fleecily |名词: fleeciness |形容词最高级: fleeciest |形容词比较级: fleecier |

fleecy 相似词语短语

1、fleece ─── n.羊毛,绒头织物;羊毛制的覆盖物;vt.剪下羊毛;欺诈,剥削;n.(Fleece)人名;(英)弗利斯

2、fleeces ─── n.抓绒(fleece的复数)

3、fleecie ─── n.搜集羊毛的人

4、sleechy ─── 听力

5、fleeced ─── adj.布面起绒的;v.从…身上剪毛(fleece的过去式和过去分词)

6、fleetly ─── adv.快速地;转瞬即逝地

7、fleech ─── 哄骗

8、fleecer ─── n.羊毛,绒头织物;羊毛制的覆盖物(fleece的变形)

9、fleecily ─── 贝丝

fleecy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、fleecy clouds. ─── 朵朵白云

2、fleecy clouds ─── 如絮的白云

3、fleecy sweatshirt ─── 卫生绒衫

4、Indigo sky swept clear of fleecy clouds, gaunt leaves infinitely extended, theirs black boughs gesticulating like a sleepwalker. ─── 蔚蓝色的天空上鹅毛般的云丝被吹散了,干枯的树木无限延伸,黑呼呼的树枝像唯一有梦游症的人那样打着各种手势。

5、Dublin lay enveloped in darkness but for the dim light of the moon that shone through fleecy clouds, casting a pale light as if approaching dawn over the streets and the dark waters of the Liffey River. ─── 然而,一束明灭的月光透过毛茸茸的云朵,放射微微的亮色,恰如黎明莅临街市,照亮利夫河深深的河水一样。

6、The GiftIt was well after mid night, wrapped in my warm fleecy(羊毛似的) robe I stood silently staring out the ninth floor window of the daunting New York hospital. ─── [译文] 时间早就过了午夜了,在雄伟威严的纽约医院,我裹在暖暖的羊毛睡袍里,静静地站在九楼病房的窗前凝视窗外。

7、acrylic fleecy sweater ─── 腈纶绒套衫

8、The morning breeze, drawing up from the sea, cut lanes through the dense marsh mist, here and there rolling them before it in great balls of fleecy vapour. ─── 海上吹来的晨风,穿过沼泽地上的浓雾,卷起了大团大团的轻烟。

9、So rich and fleecy were the outlines of the forest, that scarce an opening could be seen ─── 远远望去,林木茂密青翠,见不到一角空地。

10、73. A domesticated South American ruminant mammal(Lama glama) related to the camel, raised for its soft, fleecy wool and used as a beast of burden. ─── 美洲驼与骆驼有亲缘关系,家养的南美反刍哺乳动物(亚美利加驼骆马属),主要价值在于柔软如絮的毛,并用作役畜

11、he jokes, picking out a fleecy top to counter Nairobi's morning chill for a mere 200 shillings at the Gikomba street market. ─── 他开玩笑,拿起在吉孔巴街市以仅仅两百先令购买、以抵挡(肯亚首都)奈洛比早晨寒意的一件毛茸茸上衣。

12、Fleecy clouds spread over the blue sky. ─── 蔚蓝的天空铺展着一片片的白云。

13、It's very solitude added to its majesty, and its towering cliffs seemed to kiss the sky. Indeed for the most part they were clothed in clouds that lay in fleecy masses upon their broad and even battlements. ─── 孤凄衬着雄伟,峭壁吻着蓝天,白云裹住了它的身躯,就象团团洁白的羊毛飘浮在它的墙垛上。

14、to add to his distress , the bright blue sky became overcast with little fleecy clouds which shut out the sun. ─── 刚才还是灿烂的晴空,现在布满了小片小片的白云,把太阳遮住了,这使得他的情绪更为低落。

15、It was a lovely afternoon with a blue sky and a few fleecy white clouds. ─── 那是个美丽的下午,蓝蓝的天空中飘着几朵轻软的白云。

16、in fleecy flocks of light, ─── 天上分明一群羊,

17、fleecy shop ─── [经] 敲竹杠的铺子

18、As eve's first star thro' fleecy cloudlet peeping; ─── 像淡云夕照里最先露脸的星星;

19、acrylic printed fleecy suit ─── 腈纶珠光网眼泡沫印花套装

20、A domesticated South American ruminant mammal (Lama glama) related to the camel, raised for its soft, fleecy wool and used as a beast of burden. ─── 美洲驼:与骆驼有亲缘关系,家养的南美反刍哺乳动物(亚美利加驼骆马属),主要价值在于柔软如絮的毛,并用作役畜

21、fleecy hosiery ─── 起绒针织物

22、So rich and fleecy were the outlines of the forest, that scarce an opening could be seen. ─── 远远望去,林木茂密青翠,见不到一角空地。

23、cottonacrylic mixed fleecy underwear ─── 腈棉交织卫生绒衫裤

24、On both sides of the highway are picturesque cragged peaks with fleecy white clouds hovering round their summits ─── 公路两侧,奇峰峥嵘,浮云缭绕

25、It was a perfect day, with a bright sun and a few fleecy clouds in the heavens. ─── 天气很好,阳光普照,天空飘着朵朵白云。

26、cotton fleecy shirt for men ─── 棉细绒男衬衫

27、fleecy hair ─── 柔软的头发

28、acrylic fleecy suit with contrast color ─── 腈纶薄绒拼色套装

29、valued for its fleecy undercoat. ─── 以其蓬松的绒毛而贵重。

30、German fleecy ─── 德意志优级毛线

31、A cloud formation of rounded, fleecy, white or gray masses. ─── 高积云圆的、羊毛状、白色或灰色云团结构

32、he jokes, picking out a fleecy top to counter Nairobi's morning chill for a mere 200 shillings at the Gikomba street market. ─── 他开玩笑,拿起在吉孔巴街市以仅仅两百先令购买、以抵挡(肯亚首都)奈洛比早晨寒意的一件毛茸茸上衣。

33、Dear little lambs in your fleecy fold. ─── 亲爱的小羊羔在你毛茸茸羊栏。

34、fleecy fabric ─── 起绒织物

35、e.g. In the azure sky are some fleecy clouds. ─── 蔚蓝色天空中飘浮着朵朵白云。

36、small wild cud-chewing Andean animal similar to the guanaco but smaller; valued for its fleecy undercoat. ─── 安第斯山脉的小型野生反刍动物,形似原驼但较小;以其蓬松的绒毛而贵重。

37、a fleecy sweatshirt ─── 绒毛长袖运动衫

38、Every now and then fleecy clouds floated across the sky. ─── 天上时而飘过几片薄薄的白云。

39、Fleecy clouds floated past. ─── 浮云飘然而过。

40、I have a red tracksuit with fleecy lining. ─── 我有一件红色的有羊毛衬里的运动服。

41、And there is no waft of wind with the fleecy fall. ─── 蓬松积雪却不见风吹。

42、On both sides of the highway are picturesque cragged peaks with fleecy white clouds hovering round their summits. ─── 公路两侧,奇峰峥嵘,浮云缭绕;

43、CIRRUS:A high-altitude cloud composed of narrow bands or patches of thin, generally white, fleecy parts. ─── 卷云:一种高空云,由狭条状或小块状的薄絮般的,通常是白色的部分组成。

44、acrylic fleecy long suit for children ─── 腈纶绒童衫裤

45、acrylic fleecy sweater and trousers ─── 腈纶绒卫生衫裤

46、fleecy mass ─── [医] 羊毛状块

47、It scudded the fleecy clouds in the heavens, trailed long, thin streamers of smoke from the tall stacks, and raced about the streets and corners in sharp and sudden puffs. ─── 寒风使白云在天上疾驰,高烟囱里冒出的烟让风刮得成了一条条薄薄的横幅,一直飘出去很远很远。

48、A high - altitude cloud composed of narrow bands or patches of thin,generally white,fleecy parts. ─── 卷云一种高空云,由狭条状或小块状的薄絮般的,通常是白色的部分组成

49、A fleecy cloud was drifting past. ─── 一朵白云正在飘然而过。

50、The fleecy clouds sailed across the sky. ─── 白云飘过天空。

51、It was well after mid night, wrapped in my warm 1)fleecy robe I stood silently staring out the ninth floor window of the daunting New York hospital. ─── 我进手术室的那天,也就是14年前的今天,1990年3月17日。

52、May brings flocks of pretty lmabs, Skipping by their fleecy dams. ─── 五月带来成群的漂亮小羊羔,在羊毛柔实的母羊旁边欢跳。

53、acrylic fleecy suit ─── 腈纶薄绒套装

54、acrylic fleecy shirt for children ─── 腈纶绒娃娃衫

55、cotton fleecy sport sweater ─── 棉细绒运动衫

56、Most often they throw fleecy pillows that I can flip away;no problem. ─── 他们最喜欢扔轻软的枕头,我也能把它们轻轻弹开--没有问题。

57、She was knitting - something white and soft and fleecy . ─── 她正在编结的活是一件白色柔软的羊毛织衣。

58、fleecy white clouds ─── 朵朵絮状白云

59、cotton-polyester mixed fleecy underwear ─── 涤棉交织卫生绒衫裤

60、acrylic fleecy 3-pieces set ─── 腈纶绒三件套

61、Every now and then fleecy clouds floated across the sky.The lake and the hills add radiance and beauty to each other.Butterflies fluttered about among the flowers. ─── 不经意,一片叶子从树枝上飘落,但它似乎不急于落地,在清丽的空中,划出优美的弧线,随着一阵清风,欢快地跳着舞。

62、cotton fleecy shirt for teenagers ─── 棉细绒童衫

63、cotton fleecy gloves ─── 棉细绒手套

64、A domesticated South American ruminant mammal(Lama glama) related to the camel,raised for its soft,fleecy wool and used as a beast of burden. ─── 美洲驼与骆驼有亲缘关系,家养的南美反刍哺乳动物(亚美利加驼骆马属),主要价值在于柔软如絮的毛,并用作役畜。

65、small wild cud-chewing Andean animal similar to the guanaco but smaller; valued for its fleecy undercoat ─── 安第斯山脉的小型野生反刍动物,形似原驼但较小;以其蓬松的绒毛而贵重

66、The "fleecy fools" show their coats in the gleams of the setting sun. ─── “穿着羊皮的傻瓜”在落日的余辉中卖弄它们美丽的外衣;

67、a dress of brushed cotton; a fleecy lining; napped fabrics. ─── 拉毛棉做成的裙子;起绒衬里;起绒织物。

68、30. To add to his distress, the bright blue sky became overcast with little fleecy clouds which shut out the sun. ─── 刚才还是灿烂的晴空,现在布满了小片小片的白云,把太阳遮住了,这使得他的情绪更为低落。

69、Flowing into streams , I've been flying spring stream and waterfall to freshen ridges and peaks up. mingling in rivers to be fleecy waves with songs for smiles of rocks along the side banks; ─── 我汇入泉源,化作飞泉瀑布,给峰峦梳洗打扮;我汇入江河,化作浪花朵朵,给岸边的岩石唱起动听的情歌;

70、"a dress of brushed cotton";"a fleecy lining"; ─── 注释列句:(of fabrics) having soft nap produced by brushing;

71、Every now and then fleecy clouds floated across the sky. ─── 天上时而飘过几片薄薄的白云。

72、It was well after mid night, wrapped in my warm fleecy robe I stood silently staring out the ninth floor window of the daunting New York hospital. ─── 时间早就过了午夜了,在雄伟威严的纽约医院,我裹在暖暖的羊毛睡袍里,静静地站在九楼病房的窗前凝视窗外。

73、She was knitting - something white and soft and fleecy. ─── 她正在编结的活是一件白色柔软的羊毛织衣。

74、Just as the fleecy clouds were turning gold in the light of the setting sun, the Master arrived. ─── 师父来到的时候,蓬松的云层在夕阳的光辉下变得金灿灿。

75、a blue sky dappled with fleecy clouds ─── 点缀着朵朵羊毛似的白云的蓝天

76、After the rain, fleecy clouds float upward in small gentle puffs. ─── 雨后,又有朵朵白云在微风中冉冉升起。

77、Treated furs become soft and fleecy ─── 使毛皮蓬松柔软

78、A domesticated South American ruminant mammal(Lama glama)related to the camel,raised for its soft,fleecy wool and used as a beast of burden. ─── 美洲驼与骆驼有亲缘关系,家养的南美反刍哺乳动物(亚美利加驼骆马属),主要价值在于柔软如絮的毛,并用作役畜

79、The fair colours give way to the fleecy clouds, and the sky is no longer brilliant with the tints of heaven. ─── 但一会儿就消失了,蓝天上再找不到它的踪影。

80、Indigo sky swept clear of fleecy clouds, gaunt trees infinitely extended, their black boughs gesticulating like a sleepwalker. ─── 蔚蓝色的天空上鹅毛般的云丝被吹散了,干枯的树木无限延伸,黑呼呼的树枝像一个有梦游症的人那样打着各种手势。

81、May brings flocks of pretty lambs , skipping by their fleecy dams . ─── 五月带来成群的漂亮小羊羔,在羊毛柔实的母羊旁边欢跳。

82、A fleecy cloud was drifting past. ─── 一朵白云正在飘然而过。

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