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08-19 投稿


surrendering 发音

英:[s??rend?r??]  美:[s??rend?r??]

英:  美:

surrendering 中文意思翻译





surrendering 词性/词形变化,surrendering变形

动词过去式: surrendered |动词第三人称单数: surrenders |动词过去分词: surrendered |动词现在分词: surrendering |

surrendering 同义词

renunciation | hand over | give in | yield | submission | yielding | cession | give | concession | part with | resignation | resign | fall | abdicate | abandon | forgo | sacrifice | cede | submit | spare | up | renounce | capitulate | give up | lay down your arms | forego |relinquish | delivery | addiction | capitulation | deliver

surrendering 短语词组

1、surrendering the secret ─── 交出秘密

2、surrendering to jesus ─── 向耶稣投降

3、surrendering rabbits ─── 投降的兔子

4、surrendering a dog ─── 交出一条狗

5、surrendering license plate ─── 交出车牌

6、self-surrendering ─── 自我挣扎

7、surrendering a pitbull ─── 交出斗牛犬

8、surrendering a pet ─── 交出宠物

9、surrendering plates dmv ─── 交牌车管所

surrendering 常用词组

unconditional surrender ─── 无条件投降

surrendering 反义词


surrendering 相似词语短语

1、surrender ─── vt.使投降;放弃;交出;听任;vi.投降;屈服;自首;n.投降;放弃;交出;屈服

2、surrenderor ─── n.让与者

3、rendering ─── n.翻译;表现;表演;描写;打底;(建筑物等)透视图;vt.致使;表演;打底(render的ing形式);vi.给予补偿(render的ing形式)

4、sundering ─── v.分离,切开(sunder的现在分词形式)

5、surrenderee ─── n.受让者;受让人

6、surrenderer ─── 屈服者

7、surrendered ─── v.投降,让与;屈服(surrender的过去分词);n.电放

8、surrenderees ─── n.受让者;受让人

9、misrendering ─── 误译

surrendering 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Seeking help with these mundane chores of living means surrendering control as well. ─── 为简单的生活琐事寻求帮助,意味着最好还是放弃控制权。

2、In America the “tooth rat” was replaced by the “tooth fairy,” who would compensate the child with money for surrendering the tooth to her. ─── 在美国,“牙老鼠”被“牙仙女”所代替,小孩子把脱落的牙齿交给牙仙女,牙仙女会付钱给孩子作为补偿。

3、Are you making a lifestyle choice, or surrendering to an unhelpful belief? ─── 你是在做生活方式的选择呢,还是屈服于一种无益的理念?

4、The note-issuing banks may besue currency notes only by surrendering non-interest-bearing US dollar backing at a fixed exchange rate of 7.80. Thus the Fund enjoys the seigniorage of the currency notes. ─── 发钞银行必须按7.80的固定汇率交出无息美元保证才可发行流通纸币,因此外汇基金享有发钞利润。

5、Nadja had to fill out forms surrendering all rights to her property. ─── 纳贾不得不填写表格,放弃对她财产的所有权利。

6、Some fifty generals preserved their lives by mutinying, surrendering or allowing themselves to be captured. ─── 有五十来名将官起义、投降或乖乖当了俘虏,保住了自己的性命。

7、Finally, the article approached the surrendering experience, simply, and provided a hypothesizing comment. ─── 最后,文章还简单探讨了一下穆时英的附敌,提供了一个猜测性的解说。

8、Would consider surrendering any more. ─── 就决不会再投降了。

9、I found it odd to imagine a nation of convivial diners surrendering their birthright. ─── 我发现很难想象让这样一个喜欢热热闹闹吃饭的民族放弃他们的习惯。

10、The glory of life lies in never surrendering and stand-ing up after falling down.There is no failure to those who spring up higher like a ball after falling down. ─── 人生之光荣,不在永不失败,而在能屡仆屡起.对每次跌倒而而立刻起来, 每次坠地反像皮球一样跳得更高的人,是无所谓失败的.

11、The idea, says Luis Giusti, who ran PDVSA from 1994 to 1999, was to make use of multinationals' technology and capital without surrendering the most lucrative opportunities to them. ─── 在1994到1999年间管理PDVSA的LuisGiusti表示,该想法是要在利用多个国家的技术和资本的同时不把最可获利的机会拱手让给外国人。

12、Gracefully surrendering the things of youth. ─── 优雅的接收青年的事物,

13、Peace was signed at Frankfort surrendering the provinces of Alsace and Lorraine to the Germans. ─── 和平协议在法兰克福签署,阿尔萨斯和洛林拱手让给德国。

14、We argued him into surrendering the control of the chain company. ─── 我们通过争论使他放弃对链锁公司的控制。

15、The enemy is surrendering all along the line. ─── 敌军全部投降。

16、Theltenderer surrend 9284594 ered her bclng tremendously tpbpp slender tender fingers. ─── 投标者交出了她异常纤细娇嫩的手指.

17、One of the American soldiers pulls the razor wire aside to create a small gap, grabs the surrendering Iraqi soldier by the collar of his jacket and pulls him to safety. ─── 一位美国士兵把刮刀刺丝网拉到一边腾出一小块空隙,一把抓住这个投降士兵的夹克衣领,把他拖进安全的地方。

18、In surrendering to gravity and slipping off the leaf, the drop loses its previous identity and joins the vastness of the water below. ─── 在臣服于地心引力,以及从叶子上滑落下来的当中,这滴水丧失了它以前的认同来加入底下广大的水。

19、If you find your life situation unsatisfactory or even intolerable, it is only by surrendering first that you can break the unconscious resistance pattern that perpetuates that situation. ─── 如果你感到生活处境令你不满意甚至是无法容忍,只有通过首先去“托付”才能摆脱无意识的、在让这一处境永久化的抵抗规律。


21、Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth. ─── 接纳岁月的忠告,优雅的放弃年轻的元素。

22、crime of surrendering oneself to enemy ─── 投降敌人罪

23、the act of losing or surrendering something as a penalty for a mistake or fault or failure to perform etc.. ─── 因为一个错误或过失或疏忽等而失去或交出某物的行为。

24、the act of submitting; usually surrendering power to another. ─── 投降的行为;通常是把权力交给另一方。

25、Whe your rival surrendering, it may be his death struggle. Whatever your rival did, never be mercy and hesitate, just attack until he lost his capability completely. ─── 在对手举手投降时,可能是真的,也有可能是他准备做垂死挣扎。不管如何,都不要有半点仁慈和犹豫,直到他彻底失去反抗能力位置。

26、They will noway surrend to the enemy. ─── 他们决不向敌人屈服。

27、The trouble of evolution is not entirely out of our control;surrendering some control is simply a tradeoff we make when we employ it. ─── 对于进化出现的麻烦,我们并未完全失去控制,放弃某些控制只不过是我们利用它时所做的权衡。

28、After surrendering, the soldiers evacuated the fort. ─── 士兵们投降后撤出了要塞。

29、the act of surrendering (under agreed conditions). ─── 投降的行为(在同意的条件下)。

30、Without withdrawing his hand, he mouthed a threat at Teacher Fei, who lifted his arms as if surrendering and stood up to leave. ─── 男孩没有停手,而是对范老师发出威吓的声音,范老师举起双手做出投降的样子,然后起身离开了。

31、Surrendering Hong Kong's high degree of autonomy ─── 断送香港高度自治

32、Mr Yang replaced Mr Semel last year, but the crisis was so grave that he has now ended up surrendering to Google. ─── 杨致远去年替换了Semel,但是危机太过严重,他如今不得不向Google投降。

33、Just a day before, he was vilifed by local media after meekly surrendering to Argentina number one David Nalbandian in straight sets in Friday's singles. ─── 才在前一天,在三盘惨败给纳班之后,他被媒体狠狠地修理毁谤....

34、Surrendering the chance to sell ads on Yahoo's popular Web site won't be a significant financial blow for Google, which already runs the Internet's largest and most prosperous advertising network. ─── 对于谷歌,放弃在雅虎广受欢迎的网站上销售广告的机会不会是严重的财政打击,谷歌已经在经营着互联网上最大和最成功的广告网络。

35、(2)I found it odd to imagine a nation of convivial[4] diners surrendering their birthright. ─── 我很难想象一个具有喜欢宴会般热闹饮食的民族就此放弃了他们的特权。

36、Mayer Corry Booker said he had nothing to say to the surrendering suspect. ─── 市长CorryBooker表示对此男子他无话可说。

37、A young girl whose lemonade stand was robbed of $17.50 chased the suspect to a nearby home and called police, who spent nearly an hour trying to coax the man into surrendering. ─── 一名年轻女孩在她的柠檬汁摊位被抢了17.50美元后,追赶嫌犯到附近一处住宅,接著打电话报警。警方花了约莫一小时才把这名男子哄出来自首。

38、ROSEBURG, Oregon (AP) -- A teenager shot and wounded another student at school Thursday, then fled to a restaurant, where he put the gun to his head before surrendering, police said. ─── ROSEBURG,俄勒冈州(美联社报道)---当地警官宣称,一名少年于星期四在学校开枪打伤一名学生后,逃窜至一家餐厅,并且在警察逮捕其之前试图开枪自杀.

39、Some days, he feels like surrendering. ─── 有时,他真想放弃不干了。

40、The act of surrendering or giving up. ─── 投降投降或放弃的行为

41、As one is at peace, one weaves a dream for prosperity in greater ease surrendering to the assistance of soul, nature and earth. ─── 当你出于安宁中,你就能更轻松编织繁荣的梦想,臣服于灵魂、大自然和地球的协助下。

42、Mayor Cory Booker says he had nothing to say to the surrendering suspect. ─── 市长科尔伯克表示他对疑犯的自首无可奉告。

43、The Causes for Chang Paou Piracy Surrendering Themselves in Xiangshan County ─── 张保仔海盗集团投诚原因新探

44、ceremony of surrendering ─── 投降礼

45、Paul McGuinness feels his U18s could have coped better with windy weather and Sheffield Wednesday's spirited fight-back, after surrendering a strong lead. ─── 保罗.麦基尼斯觉得自己的U18本应在对阵谢周三的时候有更好的发挥,他们有很大的优势。最后在大风中被谢周三顽强的追回。

46、Surrendering himself to despair, he killed himself. ─── 他陷入绝望,于是自杀了。

47、the act of losing or surrendering something as a penalty for a mistake or fault or failure to perform etc ─── 因为一个错误或过失或疏忽等而失去或交出某物的行为

48、If the surrendering Xu Gong was killed, ─── 不要杀他如果投降的徐公被处死

49、Some critics dismissed the film.Others praised her spirit for never surrendering to old age on film. ─── 有些评论家批评这部电影,而有些评论家们则赞扬她晚年还不放弃电影的精神。

50、All moments are beautiful,only you have to be receptive and surrendering. ─── 所有的片刻都是美好的,只要你成为接受性并臣服。

51、A ceding or surrendering, as of territory to another country by treaty. ─── (领土的)割让割让或放弃,如由条约规定的割让给另一国的领土

52、When we say truly these words, we recognize that God knows best and we are surrendering to His divine wisdom and love. ─── 无论如何,当我们真心说出这句祷文,便代表我们承认神知道甚麽是最好的;因著祂的全智和慈爱,我们甘愿顺服。

53、Historically, they have been associated with family-run companies, which wanted to raise money without surrendering control. ─── 回顾历史,双重持股结构往往与家族企业联系紧密,目的是在筹资的同时避免交出控制权。

54、Going against the wind is more suitable for flying. I'm not scared of everyone trying to stop me; I'm just scared of surrendering. ─── 逆风的方向,更适合飞翔。我不怕千万人阻挡,只怕自己投降。

55、But part of learning to think functionally requires surrendering notions about that kind of control, allowing you to exert another kind. ─── 但作为函数式思维的一部分,您需要放弃这种控制观念,学会用另一种控制。

56、As individuals, squads, companies, regiments, divisions, corps, as entire armies, the Germans were surrendering. ─── 从单兵,到班、连、团、师、军,到全部集团军群,德军都在投降。

57、We shall leave off wearing our achgans because they are susceptible of improvement, but think nothing of surrendering our heads to their hats, though no headgear could well be uglier. ─── 我们应当停止穿着累赘的传统服饰,因为他们有碍社会进步,但是不能将我们的头脑输给他们的帽子,尽管没有头饰将会变得丑陋。

58、He was resigned, surrendering, and said he would leave it to Life to cut the rest. ─── 他听天由命了,束手就擒了,并说他准备把文章交给《生活》杂志随他们任意删减。

59、Before surrendering, Niere was told that he would be treated with respect; however, he gained nothing but a heartless arrest. ─── 尼尔投降之前,警方承诺将会尊重他,但除了无情的拘捕之外他什么也没得到。

60、Only by surrendering authority to a central government could the lower classes achieve equality. ─── 只有将权力交给中央政府才能让下等阶级的人享受平等待遇。

61、The note-issuing banks may besue currency notes only by surrendering non-interest-bearing US dollar backing at a fixed exchange rate of 7.80. ─── 发钞银行必须按7.8的固定汇率交出无息美元保证,才可发行流通纸币。

62、Undertakes to deliver the goods against surrendering the Bill of lading ─── 提单是承运人据以交付货物的保证

63、The key to coming to peace with your role as a perpetual student lies in surrendering to what is, rather than trying to create what you envision should be. ─── 坦然接受自己作为终身学生这一角色,其关键在于屈服于现实状况,而非一味试图创造你所想象的世界。

64、In America the “tooth rat” was replaced by the “tooth fairy”,who would compensate the child with money for surrendering a tooth to her. ─── 在美国,“牙老鼠”被“牙仙女”所替代,小孩子把脱落的牙齿交给“牙仙女”,“牙仙女”会付钱给孩子作为补偿。

65、It declined in the 18th and 19th century, surrendering its preeminence to the Buganda kingdom. ─── 18和19世纪期间,此一王国渐趋衰落,而拱手将优势让给布干达王国。

66、quasi- surrendering ─── 准自首

67、Feel the joy of surrendering to the air currents that gently circle you higher and higher. ─── 气流承载着你们盘旋上升,飞得越来越高。于是你感觉到了无与伦比的喜悦和自由。

68、Even if you do not want to capitulate in the first place, you will end up by surrendering in the wake of the capitulationist clique if you lend yourselves to their manoeuvres and take a wrong step. ─── 即使自己本来不愿意投降,但若听信了投降派的策动,采取了错误的步骤,结果就只好跟着投降派投降。

69、Ender watched them cross the huge room, Bernard struggling to orient himself to the direction he thought of as the floor, Alai surrendering to the movement and preparing to rebound from the wall. ─── 安德看着他们穿过整个房间,伯纳德挣扎着保持它认为是地的方向,阿莱顺应自己的移动准备着在墙上反弹。

70、You think surrendering and not fighting ─── 你们以为投降不去抵抗

71、you're environmentally sensitive but can't imagine surrendering your Humvee; ─── 你对环境很留心,但是想不出来会放弃你的悍马;

72、a ceding or surrendering,as of territory to another country by treaty ─── 割让割让或放弃,如由条约规定的割让给另一国的领土

73、"It's the color of your eyes today, " I sighed, surrendering, staring down at my hands as I fiddled with a piece of my hair. ─── “那是今天你的眼睛的颜色。”我叹息着,投降了。我把玩着自己的一缕头发,眼睛盯着自己的手看。

74、The PKK was not surrendering to the government but the other way round, fumed Deniz Baykal, leader of the Republican People's Party. ─── 库尔德工人党并没有向政府投降,相反却激怒了共和人民党领导人巴伊卡尔。

75、They would die before surrendering. ─── 他们宁死也不投降。

76、The act of surrendering something as a forfeit. ─── 丧失作为惩罚丧失某物的行为

77、The glory of life lies in never surrendering and standing up after falling down. There is no failure to those who spring up higher like a ball after falling down. ─── 人生之光荣,不在永不失败,而在能屡仆屡起.对每次跌倒而立刻起来,每次堕地反像皮球一样跳得更高的人,是无所谓失败的.

78、Pray for President Tandja to hear and respond to the Gospel, surrendering his life to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. ─── 为总统覃贾祷告,不仅听见更能回应福音,将他的生命降服于耶稣基督。

79、We are not talking of surrendering to the bourgeoise democracy.This is not at all connected with that. ─── 我们不是说倒向资产阶级民主,这与那毫无关系。

80、And if we want to participate fully in society, it's simply not possible to avoid surrendering personal data ─── 如果我们想完全融入社会,提供个人数据是不可能避免的

81、You're surrendering to God's plan. ─── 你降服于神的计划之下。

82、The glory of life lies in never surrendering and standing up after falling down . ─── 人生的荣誉在于永不言弃,摔倒后即可站起来。

83、we’re just surrendering power? ─── 我们只是屈服于强权?

84、When you don't know how to handle a problem, pray and meditate, surrendering the decisions to Spirit. ─── 当你不知道如何解决一个问题,去祈祷和冥思,把决定交给”灵魂“

85、the act of submitting; usually surrendering power to another ─── 投降的行为;通常是把权力交给另一方

86、A trickle of British soldiers started surrendering, and soon just under 100 were held in a barn by men of Wilhelm Mohnke's 2nd Battalion of the Leibstandarte. ─── 成批的英军开始投降,很快警卫旗队的威廉蒙克的第2营就在一个谷仓附近收拢了100名战俘。

87、Sings through the surrendering night ─── 在这醉人的夜里唱响

88、Mr Nichols said increasing numbers of owners were finding their parrots too much to handle and were surrendering them to the sanctuary. ─── 尼科尔斯先生说越来越多的主人发现他们管不住自己的鹦鹉,所以他们只能将鹦鹉送到保护区来。

89、Shareholders of record should await this information before surrendering their shares. ─── 在册股东应在抛售手中股票之前等候此通知。

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