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08-19 投稿


cohabitant 发音

英:[ko??h?b?t?nt]  美:[k???h?b?t?nt]

英:  美:

cohabitant 中文意思翻译



cohabitant 词性/词形变化,cohabitant变形


cohabitant 短语词组

1、cohabitant eqip ─── 同居者

2、cohabitant s ─── 同居者

3、cohabitant sf-86 ─── 同居sf-86

4、cohabitant law ─── 同居法

5、cohabitant def ─── 同居def

6、cohabitant means ─── 同居方式

7、cohabitant sf86 ─── 同居sf86

cohabitant 相似词语短语

1、cohabiting ─── v.(男女)未婚同居;共存(cohabit的现在分词)

2、cohabitants ─── n.同居者

3、cohabitee ─── 同居者

4、habitant ─── n.居民,居住者

5、cohabited ─── vi.同居(尤指未婚而同居者)

6、cohabit ─── vi.同居(尤指未婚而同居者)

7、inhabitants ─── n.居民(inhabitant的复数)

8、concubitant ─── 脑震荡

9、inhabitant ─── n.居民;居住者

cohabitant 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The relationship of cohabit between them has last more than ten years, which make them tired and now they decide to get married at last. ─── 他们之间的同居生活已经持续达十多年之九,这使得他们都疲惫。

2、They cohabit together without being married. ─── 他们末婚同居.

3、This is the 12-bed long-term do not cohabit. ─── 就是上一两此床也不要长期姘居。

4、no significant differences between senile group and middle aged group except that senile patients showed less cohabitant and education and more auditory hallucinations. ─── 老年组与中年组相比,除同住人口少,文化程度低,幻听多外无显著差异。

5、women's status Abstract: The term "waishi" originally referred to a man's female cohabitant other than his legal wife, and later to a woman married妙a man clandestinely. ─── 外室是养于他宅、不与主妇同居的姬妾,一般说来大多是背着主妇偷娶的。

6、This is different than previous research that found most people cohabit to test the relationship. ─── 不同的是,以前研究结果发现的第一原因是考验双方关系。

7、Postgraduates should not be allowed to cohabit. ─── 研究生不应该允许同居。

8、The result showed that hyphae of Tremella fruiting body can get nutrients through direct transmit of hyphae of Cohabitant fungi which means the existence of binding site. ─── 结果显示银耳子实体可通过香灰菌丝直接传输来获取营养物质,即存在结合位点。

9、He is the kind of what I want, he asked me to go to shanghai to be with him, and he hopes me to cohabit with him. ─── 你看这个家伙就不是个好东西!我很负责任的告诉楼主你,等你去了上海跟他在一起之后...

10、Thirdly, it discusses the cohabit appearance in a family, involving the living pattern and construction in the influence of the small family system in Qin Dynasty. ─── 第三,讨论整个秦简所反映出的婚姻居室形态,涉及秦代小家族家庭制度下的婚姻居住形态和居室结构问题。

11、This applies for instance if you are married or cohabiting or intend to marry or cohabit with someone who is permanently resident in Sweden. ─── 而且申请表上问有没有陪读的时候也是有三个选项:老公,老婆,和同居者。

12、Cohabit: to live together as spouses ─── 同居,象配偶一样住在一起

13、Postgraduates should be allowed to cohabit. ─── 研究生应该允许同居。

14、Pavlov (David Horovitch), who's successfully taught foxes to cohabit with geese and cats to love canaries in a non-culinary manner, Cruella De Vil (Glenn Close) has been cured of her dog-hating ways. ─── 她曾发誓说这辈子再也不碰皮毛,但是她不久便违背了誓言,在皮状设计师让(杰拉尔-德帕迪约)的协助下,再次开始冒险去搞到一件狗皮大衣。

15、Premarital cohabit ─── 婚前同居

16、They were cohabit for three years before their marriage ─── 没结婚住在一起

17、A. He wants to get married, but I'd rather cohabit first. ─── 他想要结婚,可是我宁可先同居。)

18、Diverse return to return analytical result enunciation gradually,to raise the happiness a related factor of old people is to cohabit wi th spouse,higher economic income,bigger housing area. ─── 多元逐步回归分析结果,提高老年人幸福度相关的因素是与配偶同居、经济收入高、住房面积大。

19、Surgical Treatment and Operation Modification for the Varix Saphena Magna Cohabit Ulcer ─── 大隐静脉曲张并发溃疡的治疗与术式改进

20、(2)Where a court grants a decree of judicial separation it shall no longer be obligatory for the petitioner to cohabit with the respondent. ─── (2)当法庭发出一项司法分居令时,申请人即无义务继续和答辩人同居。

21、Some people choose to cohabit rather than marry. ─── 有些人选择同居而不结婚。

22、It is the same whether a man eat, or drink, or cohabit, or sleep sensually. ─── 这是官能的,像一条毒蛇一样,也许难于整个驱除掉;

23、Before getting married or starting to cohabit, they do an average of seven hours' housework a week. ─── 男性在结婚或同居之前,平均每周做7个小时的家务活;

24、Nowadays many young people cohabit together without legal permission. ─── 如今很多年轻人未获得法定允许就在一起同居了。

25、They cohabit. ─── 他们同居。

26、Should university students be allowed to cohabit? ─── 应该允许/不允许大学生同居?

27、The house mouse can cohabit with man and adapts very well to urbanization. ─── 家鼠可以和人一起生活,而且适应都市化适应得非常好。

28、The shift away from households in which three generations would cohabit means grandparents are no longer able to assist with childcare chores. ─── 从三代同堂到小家庭的这种结构转变,使得祖父母不再能够协助分担教养孩童的重任。

29、The three generations cohabit ─── 三世同堂

30、College students should be allowed to cohabit. ─── 大学生应该被允许同居。

31、With him, however, she was never happy, and soon parted from him, refusing to cohabit with him or bear his name, it being now said he had another wife. ─── 无论如何她和他生活在一起一点也不快乐,不久就和他分开了,拒绝和他住在一起并跟他姓,据说,现在他已另娶别人了。

32、to have sexual relations or cohabit before marriage ─── "先上车, 后补票"的婚姻

33、Owing to urging passion , most college students consider sexual desire to be love.Actually, it may lead them to a terrible situation:They cohabit illegally. ─── 不要在因为“需要”的时候而认为那就是爱,恋爱的同胞们应该清醒地认识到这一点。

34、In this mixed zone between taiga and subtropics, southern species such as the tiger and Himalayan bear cohabit with northern species such as the brown bear and lynx. ─── 在这样一个针叶树林地带与亚热带混合的地区,老虎、马拉雅熊等南方物种与棕熊、猫等北方物种得以共同栖息。

35、Previous research has shown that people who already hold a dim view of marriage are more likely to cohabit. ─── 之前就有研究表明,对婚姻抱怀疑态度的人更倾向于同居。

36、marry or cohabit with a person of another race ─── 结婚或者与不同种族的人同居

37、What's your opinion about cohabit? ─── 对婚前同居的看法?

38、The determining criterion of factual marriage is that the two sides cohabit steadily with a common goal of living together forever. ─── 事实婚的认定标准是双方以终生共同生活为目的连续而稳定的同居。

39、Women will abandon feelings of delicacy, and cohabit with men out of wedlock. ─── 妇女会抛弃微妙的感觉,在婚姻以外与男人同居。”

40、Hallie:I always thought that the main reason a couple decided to cohabit was because they were thinking of getting married at some time in the future. ─── 哈利:我向来以为,一对男女决定同居,主要是因为他们打算日后结婚。

41、Tip: Make SOAP and Web servers cohabit peacefully ─── 技巧:让SOAP与Web服务器和平共处

42、Non-maimiage cohabit ─── 非婚同居

43、No one who has a spouse may cohabit with any other person. ─── 禁止有配偶者与他人同居。

44、Tony was madly clung to the indifferent dressing Billie and then they cohabit. ─── 张被阮的外表吸引,两人很快共堕爱河并同居。

45、Cohabitant said: Love is two separate between men and women, sharing life, not who is accountable to whom. ─── 同居者说:爱是两个独立的男女之间的事,是分享生活,不是谁对谁负责。

46、Still, they cohabit a space of expression in which folklore refuses to be reduced to either of these modes. ─── 可以说,这两种艺术形式共存于同一个艺术空间中,但是民俗故事拒绝被同化为其它更加简单的模式。

47、Arlo, I asked, how long do a man and a woman have to cohabit to pay this tax? ─── 我问道,“阿洛,一个男人和一个女人同居多长时间需要交纳此项税款?

48、Analyses of Cohabit and Loyalty Obligation of Husband and Wife ─── 夫妻同居义务与忠实义务剖析

49、He teaches how to eat, drink, cohabit, void excrement and urine, and the like, elevating what is mean, and does not falsely excuse himself by calling these things trifles. ─── 他教人如何饮,食,同居,如何解大小便等等,把卑贱的提高了,而不把它们作为琐碎之事,避而不谈。

50、Even about 30.1% of students (42.8% of males and 17.1% of females) thought that premarital cohabit is a life style in modern society. ─── 甚至有 30 .1%的学生认为同居是现代社会的生活方式 (男生占 42 .8% ,女生占 1 7.1% )。

51、It is estimated that more than 50% of new infections occurred in between the husband and wife or cohabitant . ─── 据估计,超过50%的新增感染是发生在夫妻或者同居者之间。

52、Of this offering I could cohabit easily with #1 and #3;not the others. ─── 这一期里,我喜欢第一和第三幅,其他的不喜欢。

53、marry or cohabit with a person of another race. ─── 结婚或者与不同种族的人同居。

54、Cohabitant said: Love is two separate between men and women, sharing life, not who is accountable to whom. ─── 同居者说:爱是两个独立的男女之间的事,是分享生活,不是谁对谁负责。

55、illegal cohabit ─── 非法同居

56、Mycoplasmas are widespread in nature as conditional pathogen, which may be the unique prokaryote that can cohabit with eukaryote and interact permanently with mammalian cells. ─── 支原体是广泛存在于自然界的条件致病微生物,可能是唯一可以与真核生物共生,并可与哺乳动物细胞长期相互作用的原核生物。

57、She refused to cohabit with him before the wedding. ─── 她拒绝在婚礼前与他同居。

58、cohabitant, cohabitor ─── 同居者

59、Thousands of people cohabit without being married. ─── 数以千计的人没有结婚就同居。

60、It is estimated that more than 50% of new infections occurred in between the husband and wife or cohabitant. ─── 据估计,超过50%的新增感染是发生在夫妻或者同居者之间。

61、The girl was very beautiful; and she became the king's nurse and served him, but the king did not cohabit with her. ─── 王上1:4这童女极其美貌、他奉养王、伺候王、王却没有与他亲近。

62、The battered woman appeared to have been beat by her cohabitant. ─── 該位受虐婦女似乎被同居人毒打。

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