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08-19 投稿


concomitantly 发音

英:[k?n?kɑ?m?t?ntli]  美:[k?n?k?m?t?ntli]

英:  美:

concomitantly 中文意思翻译



concomitantly 短语词组

1、concomitantly defined ─── 同时定义

2、concomitantly with ─── 伴随着

3、concomitantly therapy ─── 伴随疗法

4、concomitantly means ─── 伴随的意思

5、concomitantly syn ─── 同期

6、concomitantly synonym ─── 伴随同义词

7、concomitantly definition ─── 伴随定义

concomitantly 相似词语短语

1、concomitants ─── adj.相伴的;共存的;附随的;n.伴随物

2、concomitance ─── n.相伴,伴随,共存

3、concomitances ─── n.相伴,伴随,共存

4、concubitant ─── 脑震荡

5、concomitancies ─── n.伴随;共存

6、concomitant ─── adj.相伴的;共存的;附随的;n.伴随物

7、concubitancy ─── 妃嫔

8、concomitancy ─── n.伴随;共存

9、concordantly ─── 和谐地

concomitantly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、ESM 1 may play an important role in inflammatory reaction as a cell factor with LPS concomitantly. ─── 推测ESM 1可能作为一种细胞因子与LPS在炎症反应中发挥着作用。

2、A drug's efficacy and safety may be affected when concomitantly used with florfenicol. ─── 其他药物与氟苯尼考合用时,其有效性和安全性可能会受到影响。

3、As expected from the reaction mechanism, the carboxyl groups of aspartic and glutamic acid residues were not modified, while the amino groups that could react with the activated peptides were concomitantly protected by formylation. ─── 如反应机理所预测的那样,天门冬氨酸和谷氨酸残基未被修饰,而能与活性肽反应的氨基则同时被甲酰化保护起来。

4、The activities of superoxide dismutase, glutathion peroxidase and the hydroxyproline level of acid soluble collagen in dermis were enhanced, and the malondialdehyde content was inhibited concomitantly. ─── 皮肤组织SOD及GSH Px活性增高 ,真皮酸溶性胶原中羟脯氨酸含量增加 ,脂质过氧化产物MDA含量减少。

5、Besides hyperglycemia,other risk factors such as hypertension,and dislipidmia often exist concomitantly in patients with diabetes. ─── 糖尿病患者常常并存多重危险因素。

6、Aims: To appraise whether it exists mechanical gastric hyperaesthesia in FD patients and to learn concomitantly any change in gastric compliance. ─── 目的:探讨FD患者是否存在胃机械感觉过敏,同时了解胃顺应性变化。

7、RESULTS & CONCLUSION: The interaction should be noted when antibacterials are used concomitantly with other drugs. ─── 结果与结论:抗菌药物与其他药物配伍使用时应注重药物间的相互作用。

8、d. Each subject took element calcium 400mg/d and vitamin D 200 IU/d concomitantly. ─── 同时各组研究对象均加服元素钙400mg/d和维生素D200IU/d。

9、NVB and DDP used concomitantly showed a same satisfactory efficacy and safety in elderly (>65 years) patients with advanced NSCLC as in those less than 65 years with advanced NSCLC. ─── 艾克宁与DDP联合治疗老年晚期非小细胞肺癌患者,与非老年患者有同样好的疗效与安全性。

10、The high incidence of hepatotoxicity (45.5%) might be related to concomitantly administered antiepileptic drugs and not to TMZ. ─── 肝毒性有很高的发生率(45.5%),可能与同时应用的抗癫痫药物有关而与替莫唑安无关。

11、The investigators speculate that, based on the study's findings, it is possible that GFR provides a better marker than concomitantly measured cardiovascular risk factors. ─── 研究者推测,根据此研究发现,GFR可以比其它现有的心血管风险因素提供更好的标记。

12、Methods:TURP were concomitantly performed for 102 cases of large volume benign prostatic hyperplasia. ─── 方法:采用经尿道前列腺电切(TURP)治疗重度前列腺增生患者102例。

13、Concomitantly, the two tests have developed with significant differences in designs, formats and purposes.In addition, their administrations and delivery systems are not the same. ─── 同时,二者在设计、形式、目的的形成上以及政规划考试系统上均有明显差异。

14、patients with advanced malignant tumor treated with conventional chemotherapy and Medroxyprogesterone acetate(MPA) concomitantly compared with 57 cases treated with chemotherapy alone as control. ─── 59 例晚期恶性肿瘤患者常规化疗同时口服甲孕酮( MPA),观察其生活质量变化,另57 例患者仅行化疗作为对照组。

15、Record and compare the spectra concomitantly obtained for the test solution and the Standard solution. ─── 记录并比较伴随地得到的供试溶液和标准溶液的光谱。

16、The results showed that an increase in SAF or SVP caused a rise in splenic size and hematocrit, concomitantly a greater accumulation of the splenic raf cell. ─── 分析表明:当脾动脉流量增加或脾静脉压力升高时,脾的体积增大、脾内血球比积增加、储存的红细胞增多。

17、Both modalities have the ability to depict the entire gland and concomitantly show the contralateral gland. ─── 这两种形式都可描述整个腺体,同时显示对侧腺。

18、In network environment, the cataloging work have many characteristics of online cataloging, catalog outsourcing, standardization and regularization, and concomitantly have many new questions. ─── 摘要网络环境下,编目工作出现了联机编目、编目外包、编目工作的标准化、规范化等的特点。同时,也出现了不少的新问题。

19、In addition to taking the Three Refuges, one should try to keep the Five Precepts concomitantly with the practice of Amidism. ─── 三皈而外,应该最低限度遵守著五戒,作为念佛的助行。五戒就是不杀生、不偷盗、不邪淫、不妄语、不饮酒。

20、drug's efficacy and safety may be affected when concomitantly used with florfenicol. ─── 其他药物与氟苯尼考合用时,其有效性和安全性可能会受到影响。

21、This part concludes that free market and welfare mechanism will exist concomitantly in the condition of capitalism. ─── 该部分得出结论:在资本主义社会的目前态势中,自由的市场经济和全面的福利政策将长期共存。

22、Because of the gradual temperature drop and the increase in size of the cold area from the “Medieval Warm Period” to the LIA, the growth rate also decreased concomitantly. ─── 从“中世纪暖期”到小冰期,由于温度逐渐下降,而且寒冷地区的范围扩大,人口增长率也随之降低。

23、However, some other diseases, such as narcolepsy, will present with these symptoms concomitantly. ─── 然而,还有其他一些疾病也会同时表现这些症状,像是猝睡症。

24、Therapeutic effect and its related factors were analyzed concomitantly. ─── 对术后疗效及影响的相关因素进行分析。

25、Silibinin Capsules and Compound Danshen Dropping Pills Used Concomitantly for Adiposis Hepatica and Hepatic Fibrosis: Survey of 22 Cases ─── 水林佳联合复方丹参滴丸治疗脂肪肝和肝纤维化22例疗效观察

26、if taken concomitantly, use with caution and monitor for increased hypotensive and sedative effects of tizanidine. ─── 如果同时使用,应谨慎,并对替扎尼定增强低血压作用和镇静作用进行监控。

27、In Greg's tests, using Continuations cuts thread consumption, and concomitantly stack memory consumption, by a factor of more than 10. ─── 在Greg的测试中,使用Continuations能够减少线程消耗,并同时减少了超过10倍的栈内存消耗。

28、RESU-LTS & CONCLUSION:Domperidone used concomitantly with other drug might increase or decrease the interaction with other drugs,which deserves attention in the clinic. ─── 结果与结论:多潘立酮与其它药物配伍,可能增强或减弱与其它药物的相互作用,应引起临床注意。

29、Can developing continuously is human society while economy grows, pursuit and nature harmony develop way concomitantly. ─── 可持续发展是人类社会在经济发展的同时 ,追求与自然界和谐共存的发展方式。

30、If one or both of the above situations existed, the septal deviation was corrected concomitantly with ESS by endoscopic septoplasty. ─── 如果上述情况存在,鼻中膈弯曲同时利用内视镜鼻中膈整形术来矫正。

31、RESULTS &CONCLUSION:The interaction should be noted when antibacterials are used concomitantly with other drugs. ─── 结果与结论:抗菌药物与其他药物配伍使用时应注重药物间的相互作用。

32、Grievances is couldn’t break away from everyone’s life and furthermore, concomitantly at one’s lifetime, and which merely putting up different in feelings and heart at the phase of one’s life. ─── 委屈相信在每个人生命中都是无法摆脱的,究其一生相伴,只是在生命的每个阶段表现出的感觉、触动及心灵的震颤是截然不同的。

33、The results indicate that benzene and toluene degradation occurred concomitantly with nitrate reduction in enrichment and transfer cultures. ─── 结果表明,在富集培养和转移培养微环境中,苯和甲苯的降解与硝酸盐还原作用同时发生。

34、But due to the industrial and commercial development, some environmental problems are produced concomitantly. ─── 但其相对的,其所衍生出来的问题层出不穷。

35、In network environment,the cataloging work have many characteristics of online cataloging,catalog outsourcing,standardization and regularization,and concomitantly have many new questions. ─── 网络环境下,编目工作出现了联机编目、编目外包、编目工作的标准化、规范化等的特点。

36、For patients receiving both drugs concomitantly , frequent monitoring of INR or PT is recommended. ─── 同时接受两种药物治疗患者建议经常监测INR或PT。

37、After training, different doses of morphine, heroin and methamphetamine were used to substitute for training dose of morphine.Naltrexone administered concomitantly with morphine. ─── 随着药物剂量的增加,在某一剂量下动物的反应完全转变为药物反应;

38、As Shenzhen embraces the world, concomitantly it is becoming internationalized. ─── 当深圳拥抱世界的同时,它也成为国际化的现代城市。

39、RESULTS &CONCLUSION:The interaction should be noted when nervous system &psychotherapeutic drugs are used concomitantly with other drugs. ─── 结果与结论:神经、精神系统药物与其他药物配伍使用时应注重药物间的相互作用。

40、The induction of AC-MGB LTP was concomitantly with a decrease in paired-pulse ratio (PPR) of EPSCs. ─── AC-MGB突触传递的LTP伴随着配对脉冲比率(paired-pulseratio,PPR)的下降。

41、It indicates that a mutiple pelvic structures reconstruction is necessary for supporting and allowing normal function of the pelvic organs while mutiple pelvic structural defects concomitantly exist. ─── 当妇女骨盘腔松弛的原因有多种时,应需要多种手术的矫正才可恢复正常功能,而不能只施行一种。

42、For patients receiving both drugs concomitantly, frequent monitoring of INR or PT is recommended. ─── 同时接受两种药物治疗患者建议经常监测INR或PT。

43、A drug’s efficacy and safety may be affected when concomitantly used with florfenicol. ─── 其他药物与氟苯尼考合用时,其有效性和安全性可能会受到影响。

44、Concomitantly, students are compelled to perform rote tasks of memorization and conform to classroom routines. ─── 与此同时,学生继续被迫死记硬背,机械式地完成各种学习任务,继续在教室里履行公事似的完成学业。

45、Mothod: The NIDDM was treated with the medicine of both yiqiyangyin and huoxuehuayu concomitantly compared with the controlled group designed. ─── 方法:用益气养阴、活血化瘀两类药物并施,治疗2型糖尿病并设对照组进行比较。

46、A reduction in ??assimilation was observed concomitantly with a loss in leaf water content. ─── 在?滞0化作用下降的同时,我们观察到叶子含水量的丧失。

47、RESULTS & CONCLUSION: The interaction should be noted when nervous system & psychotherapeutic drugs are used concomitantly with other drugs. ─── 结果与结论:神经、精神系统药物与其他药物配伍使用时应注重药物间的相互作用。

48、Fertilizer, an expensive input, does not seem to reflect in crop yields concomitantly. ─── 化肥是一项昂贵的投入,似乎并不与作物的产量反应相符。

49、If a computer could record the process of what it is doing concomitantly and spontaneously, it would be self-aware. ─── 要是电脑能够伴随自发地记录自己的工作过程,就能够有自我意识。

50、Concomitantly, the company should change its marketing polices to better its marketing incentives. ─── 有重点的调整营销政策,以改善春都公司营销激励的效果。

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