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08-19 投稿


scantiness 发音

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scantiness 中文意思翻译



scantiness 同义词

pantie | revealing | sparse | panty | scarce | slight | little | tight | negligible | spare | small | inconsiderable | short | step-in | bare | thin | low-cut | limited | insufficient | inadequate | skimpy | meagre | flimsy | light |meager

scantiness 词性/词形变化,scantiness变形

副词: scantily |形容词比较级: scantier |名词: scantiness |形容词最高级: scantiest |

scantiness 反义词


scantiness 短语词组

1、scantiness synonym ─── 贫乏同义词

2、scantiness def ─── 贫乏定义

3、scantiness meaning ─── 缺乏意义

4、scantiness crossword ─── 缺字填字游戏

5、scantiness definition ─── 贫乏定义

scantiness 相似词语短语

1、sandiness ─── n.沙质;含沙

2、canniness ─── n.机警,精明

3、cattiness ─── n.如猫的性格;恶毒;阴险

4、cantiness ─── 柔美

5、scaliness ─── n.有鳞;多鳞

6、scattiness ─── 散乱

7、scabbiness ─── 粗糙

8、saltiness ─── n.咸性;尖酸;碱度

9、scantness ─── 稀疏

scantiness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Scantiness of modesty is short of knowledge. ─── 缺少谦虚就是没有知识。

2、Scantiness of modesty is short of knowledge. ─── 缺少谦虚就是没有知识.

3、half-baked knowledge;the scantiness of knowledge;Scant knowledge ─── 一知半解

4、The abundance or scantiness of this supply, too, seems to depend more upon the former of those two circumstances than upon the latter. . . ─── 这供应的丰盈或缺乏,同样,似乎更取决于前那两情况比后者…

5、The abundance or scantiness of this supply, too, seems to depend more upon the former of those two circumstances than upon the latter ─── 此外,上述供给的好坏,取决于前一情况的,似乎较多。

6、Considering the scantiness of sources, disintegrated archives and time passed, the study is popularizing in character. ─── 考虑到寡来源,瓦解档案和时间的推移,这项研究是普及性的。

7、Whatever be the soil, climate, or extent of territory of any particular nation, the abundance or scantiness of its annual supply must, in that particular situation, depend upon those two circumstances. ─── 不论一国土壤、气候和面积是怎样,它的国民每年供给的好坏,必然取决于这两种情况。

8、Scantiness of Teaching Personnel for Undergraduate Education: A Problem Deserving Due Attention in Chinese Higher Education ─── 本科师资:高等教育发展中一个值得关注的问题

9、Scantiness of Teaching Personnel for Undergraduate Education: A Problem Deserving Due Attention in Chinese Higher Education ─── 本科师资:高等教育发展中一个值得关注的问题

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