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08-19 投稿


oxidation 发音

英:[?ks?'de??(?)n]  美:[,ɑks?'de??n]

英:  美:

oxidation 中文意思翻译



oxidation 词性/词形变化,oxidation变形

形容词: oxidative |副词: oxidatively |

oxidation 短语词组

1、accelerated oxidation ─── [机] 加速氧化

2、algal oxidation pond ─── [机] 藻类氧化池

3、anti-oxidation ─── [机] 抗氧化

4、accelerated oxidation test ─── [机] 加速氧化试验

5、ammonia oxidation converter ─── [机] 氨气氧化炉

6、ammonia oxidation(process) ─── [化] 氨氧化法

7、ammonia oxidation ─── [机] 氨(之)氧化

8、bacterial oxidation ─── [机] 细菌氧化

9、Baeyer-Villiger oxidation ─── [化] 贝耶尔-维利格氧化

10、atmospheric oxidation ─── [化] 空气氧化

11、aerobic oxidation ─── [医] 需氧氧化

12、anaerobic oxidation ─── [化] 不需氧氧化; 不需氧氧化作用 ─── [医] 乏氧氧化, 不需氧氧化

13、air oxidation ─── [机] 空气氧化

14、auto-oxidation ─── [医] 自动氧化 ─── [作用]

15、autocatalyzed oxidation ─── [化] 自动催化氧化作用

16、alpha-oxidation ─── [机] α氧化, 子位氧化

17、alkaline permanaganate oxidation ─── [机] 碱性高锰酸盐氧化法

18、anodic oxidation ─── [计] 阳极氧化 ─── [化] 阳极氧化; 电解氧化

19、anti-oxidation additives ─── [机] 抗氧化附加剂

oxidation 相似词语短语

1、oxidisation ─── 氧化过程;氧化反应

2、exudation ─── n.渗出,渗出物;分泌,分泌物

3、toxication ─── n.中毒

4、oxidization ─── n.[化学]氧化,氧化作用

5、epoxidation ─── n.[有化]环氧化作用

6、deoxidation ─── n.还原(等于deoxidization);[化学]去氧

7、amidation ─── n.酰胺化,[有化]酰胺化作用

8、reoxidation ─── n.再氧化

9、oxidational ─── 氧化的

oxidation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The process of oxidation in human body gies off heat slowly and regularly. ─── 人体内的氧化过程缓慢而又有规则地放出热量。

2、The dead plankton on the bottom must be preserved from oxidation. ─── 在海底的浮游生物必须被保护起来以免遭氧化作用。

3、Keep pliability and have the function of resist oxidation. ─── 保持柔软性,并具抗氧化功能。

4、Other constituents are thought to come from the oxidation of acrotenoids of the leaf. ─── 其它成份被认为是由茶叶中类胡萝卜素氧化产生的。

5、This paper focuses on introducing the application of Advanced Oxidation Technics in dealing with landfill leachate. ─── 本文主要介绍高级氧化工艺在处理垃圾渗滤液中的应用。

6、Lipid oxidation is a major cause of quality deterioration in food emulsions. ─── 摘要脂质氧化是造成食品乳状液质量下降的一个主要原因。

7、It showed that catalytic supercritical water oxidation was a bette r technology on UDMH removal. ─── 显示出催化超临界水氧化技术的高效性.

8、The supercritical water oxidation (SCWO) is a promising process of wastewater treatment. ─── 摘要超临界水氧化是一种很有前途的废水处理方法。

9、Of oxidation resistance and high shears the stability, lengthening changes oil cycle. ─── 具有卓越的高抗氧性及剪切稳定性,延长换油周期。

10、It should be pointed out that this process is oxidation. ─── 应该指出,这一过程就是氧化。

11、It can stand against cauterization from acid, alkali, salt and all organic compound except strong oxidation material. ─── 一种为碳素石墨,以称碳石墨,其特点是质硬、脆;另一种为石墨化石墨,以称电化石墨,其特点是质软、强度低,自润滑性能好。

12、Maximised machine lifespan - increased protection against oxidation and rust through Turbo T′s additives. ─── 最大程度地延长机器预期的使用寿命 - 通过多宝T系列中的添加剂,增加抗氧化和防锈能力。

13、The interface bonding of the fiber can be improved by the surface modification with the liquid-phase oxidation and plasma treatment. ─── 通过液相氧化法、等离子体处理法等各种方法对UHMWPE纤维表面进行处理,可不同程度改善其界面粘结性能。

14、The additional weight due to metal oxidation in the test process is considered in test data processing. ─── 数据处理中 ,考虑了热态试验过程中 ,金属被氧化而增加的重量

15、Wulong tea is semi-fermented, and it has an oxidation time somewhat between that of black and green tea. ─── 乌龙茶属半发酵茶,氧化时间的长短大约介于红茶与绿茶之间。

16、During the course of oxidation, peroxide values reach a peak and then decline. ─── 在氧化过程中过氧化值达到一个顶峰然后下降。

17、METHODS: Tyrosinase activity was estimated by measuring the oxidation rate of L DOPA. ─── 方法 :酪氨酸酶多巴速率氧化法体外测定药物干预前后酪氨酸酶活性 ,求出酪氨酸酶抑制率。

18、They painted a coat of paint to prevent the oxidation of the ship by seawater. ─── 他们刷了一层油漆以防止船只被海水氧化。

19、The catalytic oxidation of formic acid Pt/Mad(M=As,Sb,Bi) electroodes was investigated by voltammetry. ─── 利用伏安法研究了甲酸在Pt/M_(ad)(M=As、Sb、Bi)电极上的催化氧化。

20、Where organic material on the bottom is quickly covered by sediment and thus saved from oxidation. ─── 在正在活动的沉积作用区,沉积物迅速地将海底的有机物质掩埋起来而避免了遭受氧化作用。

21、By the process of oxidation first then sulfitation, satisfied results obtained. ─── 对菜籽油采取先氧化后亚硫酸化的工艺取得了满意的效果。

22、In mild acid medium, the electrode can electrocatalyze the oxidation of . ─── 在弱酸性介质中 ,电极对亚硝酸根的氧化有电催化作用。

23、Converter rimming steel over - oxidation is analyzed and solution raised. ─── 本文就转炉沸腾钢过氧化问题进行了原因分析,制订了解决措施。

24、The optimal DO in activated sludge process and contact oxidation process are respectively 4 mg/L and 6mg/L. ─── 在活性污泥段溶解氧宜维持在4mg/L,在接触氧化段溶解氧宜维持在6mg/L。

25、Aryl disulfides, for example, inhibit polyolefin oxidation. ─── 例如芳基二硫化物可抑制聚烯烃的氧化。

26、The NO oxidation is autocatalytic. ─── no氧化是自动催化的。

27、Some phosphates—vivianite, turquoise, wavellite, etc. are discovered in the oxidation zone. ─── 在氧化区中发现了一些磷酸盐,如辉石,绿松石,波浪沸石等。

28、Perfect shear stable formulation and oxidation stability Lengthens changes oil cycle. ─── 出色的氧化安定性和剪切安定性,延长换油周期。

29、Inhibitors and promoters may affect the rate of oxidation. ─── 抑制剂和促进剂能影响氧化速率。

30、In this case an anomalously high oxidation rate is observed with respect to the model. ─── 在这种情况下发现有比这模型要高得多的氧化速率。

31、Microbial oxidation of ores, tailings, and overburden contributes to ARD. ─── 微生物氧化的矿石、尾料和覆盖岩层会产生酸性岩排水.

32、The oxidation rates are fastest in freshly cleaned silica vessels. ─── 在新清洗的二氧化硅容器中,氧化速度是最快的。

33、The taste of Nanchuan wild tea is strong concentration and easy to oxidation for the high content of tea polyphenols and catechins. ─── 茶多酚、儿茶素含量丰富,决定了南川野生大树茶易氧化,成茶滋味浓强度高。


35、And the further oxidation of Fe 2+ into Fe 3+ would lead to the separation of brown precipitate in liquors. ─── Fe2+进一步氧化成Fe3+,在酒中形成棕色沉淀析出。

36、The reaction process, mechanism and structure characteristics of microarc oxidation were introduced for aluminum alloy. ─── 摘要介绍了铝合金表面微弧氧化技术的工艺过程、反应机理和结构特征。

37、Wherever this oxidation takes place, heat is always produced. ─── 在任何发生这种氧化的地方,总有热量产生。

38、Developer replenished automatically, replenishment depends on developer exhaustion and oxidation. ─── 显影液自动补充系统量设定位数化并附自动氧化补充功能。

39、Oxidation Chemical action with the oxygen in the air. It is one of the principal ways in which printing ink dries. ─── 与空气中的氧气起作用的化学作用。是印刷油墨干燥的主要方法之一。

40、An oxidation - reduction reaction;oxidation - reduction equilibrium. ─── 一氧化还原反应,氧化还原平衡

41、Perfect oxidation stability, restrain effectually the oil from being thicker, keeps the good sense of driving. ─── 优良的氧化安定性,有效抑制油品的高温变稠,具有优良的动力感觉保持性。

42、Oxidation of carbohydrates in plants with the release of carbon dioxide during photosynthesis. ─── 光呼吸(作用)在光合作用过程中,植物释放出二氧化碳,同时体内碳氢化合物氧化

43、and gas phase oxidation treatment of a stainless steel filament is carried out to generate a film on the surface of the filament. ─── 对不锈钢细丝进行气相氧化处理,在表面上生成薄膜。

44、Analysis of process performance for triple oxidation ditch system treating municipal wastewater. ─── 三沟式氧化沟污水处理工艺的性能分析。

45、The article describes the application of biocontact oxidation method in domestic sewage recycleof a biotope. ─── 介绍了接触氧化法在某生活小区生活污水回用工程中的应用。

46、We should guarantee proper functioning of chemical and biological oxidation processes. ─── 我们得保证特定的化学和生物氧化作用的进行。

47、Some discussion of the oxidation state of chromium that is the most important for the catalytic reaction is given. ─── 人们对催化反应极为重要的铬的氧化态作了一些讨论。

48、Quantum Confinement Analysis of Nanostructure in oxidation of SiGe alloys[J]. ─── 引用该论文 黄伟其,蔡绍洪,刘世容.

49、Hopefully they are now protected from further oxidation by the argon atmosphere inside the ampoule. ─── 希望他们现在免遭进一步氧化,在充满氩气气氛安瓿内存。

50、Oxidation by ozone, one of advanced oxidation technologies. have been used in water treatment for more than a century. ─── 臭氧氧化技术是高级氧化技术的一种,在水处理中已有百年的历史。

51、The process of combining with oxygen is oxidation, of which burning is one type. ─── 与氧结合的过程就是氧化,燃烧就是其中的一种。

52、To transform a metal into a mineral by oxidation. ─── 使矿化通过氧化使金属转化为一种无机物

53、The process adopted will be the wet limestone-gypsum process with in-situ forced oxidation. ─── 在现场采用湿石灰膏强迫氧化的工艺。

54、Compared with (SMo12O40)2-, the stability and oxidation ability of (S_2Mo_(18)O_(62))~(4-)are weaker. ─── 与(SMO(12)O(40))(2-)相比,(S2MO(18)O(62))(4-)的稳定性和氧化性均较弱。

55、Catalysis: Development of chirometallopor-phyrins as enantioselective oxidation catalysts of alkenes and sulfides. ─── 催化作用:开发新型手性金属催化烯类及硫醚类之对映选择性氧化。

56、Some typical oxidation reactions of alkane,olefin,and arene in supercritical CO2(scCO2)are introduced in this review. ─── 介绍了有关烷烃、烯烃、芳烃化合物在超临界CO2介质中进行的氧化反应。

57、Several "accelerated" tests are also available to estimate resistance of a lipid to oxidation. ─── 一些“催速”试验可用来计算油脂的抗氧化性。

58、Inhibit the catalytic oxidation of metal ion to the oil as well as the corrosion of sulfide to the copper. ─── 抑制金属离子对油品所氧化催化作用及硫化物对铜的腐蚀作用。

59、The difference of colour is also depond on beryl gems gems growing environment (oxidation or reduction). ─── 不同颜色的绿柱石宝石又与它们的生成环境(氧化或还原)条件有关。

60、The TBA test is often useful for comparing samples of a single material at different stages of oxidation. ─── TBA试验常用于在不同氧化阶段单一物质样品的比较。

61、The recent findings indicate that rate of oxidation may be a more important variable than previously assumed. ─── 最近获得的资料表明,氧化率可能是一个比以前想象的更为重要的可变因素。

62、The pyrolysis reaction is an endothermic reaction and yields flammable gases ,while the fuel oxidation is exothermic . ─── 前者是吸热反应,释放可燃气体,后者是放热反应,提供阴燃所需的能量。

63、The result showed that the extract was active for oxidation resistance. ─── 实验表明:提取物具有较好的抗氧化活性。

64、DBP and DBH are the dechlorination and oxidation products of DDT, with DDE a dehydrochlorination product. ─── DDT脱氯、氧化产物DBP和DBH; DDT脱去HCI生成的DDE;

65、It would not be expected to occur as readily as the oxidation of an amine or phenolic antioxidant. ─── 它不及胺类或酚类抗氧剂的氧化速率快。

66、The quartz tube inserted into the furnace that becomes the process chamber for diffusion and oxidation. ─── 插入到炉子中的石英管,作为扩散和氧化的处理腔。

67、If it has a good conservation, and no polish, the blade should be covered with an oxidation layer, and beautiful pattern. ─── 如果保存形态好,没有打磨,则剑身应泛淡淡的氧化层,同时也可以让我们一窥美丽的花纹。

68、A chemical compound or substance that inhibits oxidation. ─── 抗氧化剂,阻氧化剂防止氧化的化合物或物质

69、Chemoautotrophs and chemoheterotrophs obtain energy from inorganic oxidation reactions. ─── 化学自养生物和化学异养生物从无机氧化反应获得能量。

70、Methods Tyrosinase activity was estimated by measuring the rate of oxidation of DL-dopa. ─── 方法应用蘑菇酪氨酸酶多巴速率氧化法体外测定酪氨酸酶活性。

71、The dynamics and oxidation mechanism were discussed. ─── 同时,初步探讨了反应的动力学和氧化机理。

72、Where there is oxidation , there is reduction . ─── 哪里有氧化,哪里就有还原。

73、Fiberfrax Duraboard products also resist oxidation and reduction. ─── FiberfraxDuraboard产品还可抗氧化、还原。

74、Oxidation products of unsaturated systems produce a color reaction with thiobarbituric acid (TBA). ─── 不饱和系统的氧化产物与硫代巴比妥酸(TBA)产生一个颜色反应。

75、Keywords: TiAl intermetallics, high temperature oxidation resistance, surface modification. ─── 关键词:钛铝介金属、高温氧化抵抗、表面改质。

76、Dried flux is liable to flake off, exposing metal surfaces to oxidation. ─── 干燥的焊剂会脱落,是暴露的金属表面被氧化。

77、Methods:Copper induced LDL oxidation and Rose Bengal system in vitro were used. ─── 方法:采用铜诱导的LDL氧化反应模型和Rose Bengal反应模型分别进行评价。

78、It is suggested that javelle water is an effective, economic and technologic feasible oxidation agent. ─── 有人提出,标枪水是一种有效,经济和技术可行的氧化剂。

79、The more human skins are exposed, the bigger area of internal and external oxidation, and the faster oxidation. ─── 人的皮肤裸露的部分越多,被内外氧化的面积就越大,氧化的速度越快。

80、I. oxid, include magnetic iron ore, red iron ore, brown iron ore, etc. ─── 一、氧化铁:含铁氧化物的矿物有磁铁矿、赤铁矿、褐铁矿、钛铁矿等。

81、The parabolic rate constant B is substantially larger for wet oxidation than for dry. ─── 在湿氧氧化中抛物线速率常数B比干氧氧化中的大得多。

82、Beim "nichtgeradekleinen" OXID ist es noch nicht der Fall. ─── Mhmm, ein paar Namen w鋜en sch鰊 - Danke.

83、BME is added to prevent oxidation of cysteines and to break up disulfide bonds. ─── BME的作用为阻止半胱氨酸氧化和打开二硫键。

84、Process testing of aerators in oxidation ditches. ─── 昆明第一污水厂氧化沟工艺运行实践及。

85、In the wet air oxidation, heat and light cesium enough to melt. ─── 在潮湿空气中,氧化的热量足以使铯熔化并点燃。

86、Bio-media was one of the major affection factors for the performance of bio-contact oxidation. ─── 填料是生物接触氧化工艺的关键因素之一。

87、The neutral sulphur or the sulphur-oxygen anion (S_xO_y~(2-)) is produ ced in the oxidation processes. ─── 主要分为两大类:生成中性硫(S~0)的氧化反应和生成硫氧阴离子(S_xO_y~(2-))的氧化反应。

88、The first catalytic converters were called conventional oxidation catalysts. ─── 最初的转化器叫做常规氧化催化器。

89、The oxidation of sulfite is an important process in flue gas desulfurization by ammonia method. ─── 摘要使用气体放电等离子体对较高浓度的亚硫酸钠进行氧化,在不同电压和频率条件下进行了实验。

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