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08-19 投稿


weighable 发音

英:[['we??bl]]  美:[['we??bl]]

英:  美:

weighable 中文意思翻译



weighable 短语词组

1、weighable meaning ─── 可衡量的意义

2、weighable definition ─── 可称重定义

weighable 相似词语短语

1、relishable ─── 易腐的

2、weighage ─── 称重

3、fightable ─── adj.适于战斗的;有战斗力的;急于争斗的

4、rightable ─── adj.可纠正的,可补救的

5、leachable ─── adj.可滤取的

6、laughable ─── adj.有趣的,可笑的

7、reachable ─── adj.可获得的;可达成的

8、fishable ─── adj.适合钓鱼的;可钓鱼的

9、perishable ─── adj.(食物)易腐烂的,易变质的;(抽象事物)易消亡的,短暂的;n.容易腐坏的东西

weighable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、weighable gum ─── 可称胶质

2、This method possessed wide applicability, accurate and exact result and less relative error. Besides, the determined result can not be affected in the weighable range of sampling. ─── 该方法适用范围广,测定结果准确,精密度高,相对误差小,在取样量范围里,测定结果不受取样量多寡的影响。

3、If the team's ore sample had contained element 43, the team would have been able to isolate a weighable amount. ─── 如果该小组的矿石样本中含有43号元素,那么该小组就能分离出一个可称量的元素量。

4、He said, in terms of quantization, love is not the sand in the hourglass, weighable by Jin or Liang; ─── 他说,定量而说,爱情不是沙漏中的沙子,可以论斤度两;

5、weighable amount ─── 可称数量

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