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08-19 投稿


bioplasmic 发音

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bioplasmic 中文意思翻译



bioplasmic 短语词组

1、bioplasmic radiation ─── 生物等离子体辐射

2、bioplasmic body ─── 生物质体

3、bioplasmic universe ─── 生物质宇宙

4、bioplasmic life form ─── 生物质体

bioplasmic 相似词语短语

1、axoplasmic ─── adj.轴质的

2、bioplasm ─── n.原生质

3、cytoplasmic ─── adj.细胞质的

4、idioplasmic ─── 独特质

5、bioplastic ─── adj.促生长的;助发育的;n.生物塑料

6、alloplasmic ─── 异质的

7、bioclastic ─── 生物碎片

8、endoplasmic ─── adj.内质的

9、ectoplasmic ─── (灵媒在降神的恍惚状态中发出的)灵的外质,灵气;(细胞基质的)外质

bioplasmic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The fourth one is the etheric body, also called the bioplasmic body by some and this one is the fourth of your four lower bodies. ─── 第四个是以太身体,也被某些人称为原生质体而这是四个较低级的身体第四个。

2、Medicine considers to make clear, in be in environment of tall electromagnetism radiate for a long time, can make blood, lymphatic fluid and cellular bioplasm produce a change. ─── 医学研究表明,长期处于高电磁辐射环境中,会使血液、淋巴液和细胞原生质发生改变。

3、The fourth one is the etheric body, also called the bioplasmic body by some and this one is the fourth of your four lower bodies. ─── 第四个是以太身体,也被某些人称为原生质体而这是四个较低级的身体第四个。

4、The sterilizer takes advantage of high temperature disinfection principle, which destroys cell bioplasm, denatures protein, and concentrates electrolyte to kill microorganisms. ─── 利用高温干热对微生物有氧化、蛋白质变性、电介质浓缩引起中毒等作用。

5、What cell does bioplasm layer include implement? A few more detailed. ─── 原生质层包括什么细胞器?详细一些。

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