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08-19 投稿


sorted 发音

英:['s?:t?d]  美:['s?:rt?d]

英:  美:

sorted 中文意思翻译




sorted 词性/词形变化,sorted变形

原型:sort 过去式:sorted 过去分词:sorted

sorted 短语词组

1、sorted number ─── 已排序的编号

2、sorted app ─── 已排序的应用程序

3、sorted food ─── 分类食品

4、sorted socks ─── 分类的袜子

5、python sorted python ─── 排序

6、sorted file ─── [计] 分类文件

7、sorted python dict ─── 排序python dict

8、merging sorted file ─── [计] 合并分类文件

9、sorted table ─── [计] 分类表

10、sorted by ─── 排序方式

11、merging sorted lists ─── [计] 归并分类表

12、sorted through ─── 分类,整理

13、sorted array ─── [计] 分类数组

14、sorted set ─── 排序集

15、sorted sequence ─── 有序序列

16、re-sorted (re-sort ─── 的过去分词) vt. 使再分类

17、sorted socks crossword ─── 分类袜子纵横字谜

18、ill-sorted a. ─── 不配对的, ─── 不相称的

19、sorted python reverse ─── 排序的python反向

sorted 相似词语短语

1、ported ─── adj.装有汽门的;v.传输(port的过去式)

2、sored ─── v.弄伤(sore的过去分词)

3、snorted ─── vi.轻蔑或愤怒地发出哼声;喷出蒸汽声;vt.喷出;发哼声;吸毒品;n.喷鼻息;一小杯酒

4、rorted ─── 划船

5、sorned ─── vi.强求膳宿;n.食客

6、sortied ─── n.出击;突围;vi.突围,反守为攻

7、sorded ─── 溃烂的

8、sported ─── n.运动;游戏;娱乐;运动会;玩笑;vi.游戏;vt.游戏;参加体育运动;夸耀;adj.运动的

9、shorted ─── adj.短路的;v.短路;卖空商品(或券证)(short的过去分词形式)

sorted 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He is a sort of person who doesn't care two hoots what other people think. ─── 他就是一个别人怎么想他毫不在乎的那种人。

2、He's the sort of person I really dislike. ─── 他这种人我真不喜欢。

3、She hardly ever hit any sort of mark. ─── 他几乎从来没有打中过什么目标。

4、No, actually, that sort of thing isn't for me. ─── 不,实际上,那种事不合我的口味。

5、Don't spend your time writing this sort of squibs. ─── 不要花时间写这类的讽刺短文了。

6、Do you mean you still have some other sort of room? ─── 你是说还有其他样子的房间吗?

7、The mail was sorted and pouched by 6 a.m. ─── 到凌晨六点邮件已经分类装袋了。

8、He is a very active sort of person and cannot bear to see others idling about. ─── 他是那种积极肯干的人,看不惯别人懒懒散散。

9、In another year, Wilma could manage a sort of hop. ─── 又过了一年,威尔玛好容易才能够单足蹦跳。

10、After his death his sister sorted through his (personal) belongings. ─── 他死後,他妹妹整理了他的(私人)财物。

11、Sort by relevance Sorted by date. ─── 两种排序方式选择。

12、They served coffee of a sort. ─── 他们供应的咖啡很差。

13、Have you sorted out where you're going to live yet? ─── 你安排好将要居住的地方了吗?

14、A veterinary surgeon is a doctor of a sort. ─── 兽医是一个一般的医生行当。

15、The price sorted itself out last week. ─── 上周物价恢复正常。

16、That sort of work wants a lot of patience. ─── 做这样工作需要很大的耐心。

17、There's some sort of sticky fluid on the kitchen floor. ─── 厨房的地上有一种发黏的液体。

18、Just when you think you ve got your developer tools all sorted out, a fresh crop is sure to emerge. ─── 当您自以为已经了解了所有开发工具时,肯定又会冒出一个新的工具。

19、Let's leave the two of them to sort themselves out. ─── 咱们让他们俩自己把相互间的误解好好澄清一下吧。

20、She is a very domestic sort of woman. ─── 她是个十足的家庭妇女。

21、The Alarms lists can be sorted to view the alarms. ─── 可以依据这些警报对告警列表进行排序以便查看。

22、"She is very unhappy, and-and that sort of thing, " Jose urged. ─── 乔斯怂恿地说:"她可怜得很呢,还有-还有许多其他倒霉的事情。

23、He had a sort of instinctive chivalry in him. ─── 在他身上有一种天生的骑士精神。

24、Don't worry. We'll soon have this sorted. ─── 不用担心,我们马上找人把这弄好。

25、He sorted out the papers to be thrown away. ─── 他把要处理掉的文件挑了出来。

26、People have propose all sort of hypotheses to explain why dinosaur have become extinct. ─── 人们提出种种假设,试图说明恐龙为什么会灭绝。

27、Have you sorted out how to get there yet? ─── 你已经清楚该怎样去那里了吗?

28、She's the sort of woman who lives for others. ─── 她是一心为别人着想的人。

29、At the moment we are concentrating on the big items and trying to get those sorted and this afternoon we'll move onto set-up. ─── 目前我们集中精力在主要的项目中并解决主要问题,今天下午我们会进一步做一些设置。

30、He's pulling some sort of trick. ─── 他不定在耍什麽花招。

31、David, in his secret heart, had visions of a sort of sublimated summer resort. ─── 大卫在他心里设想著一个类似理想的避暑地。

32、Below is a list of $1 images sorted $2. ─── 以下是按$2排列的$1幅图像列表。

33、He's the sort of person who would pull the wings off a fly just for kicks. ─── 他就是那种人,会把的苍蝇的翅膀拉下来逗人玩。

34、He's a bit tight with his money; definitely not the sort of man you can touch for a few bob. ─── 他对钱有点吝啬,你肯定不能从他这种人那里讨到钱的。

35、That sort of life style has come to stay whether you approve of it or not. ─── 不管你赞成与否,那种生活方式已成为时尚。

36、It seems to be a nasty sort of day,is not it? ─── 似乎天气恶劣,对吧?

37、He is not the sort of person ever to draw back. ─── 他不是逃避责任的那种人。

38、Can't you sort the good from the bad? ─── 你难道不会区分好坏吗?

39、Your act doesn't sort ill with your status. ─── 你的行为不太符合你的身份。

40、Sorted out another big thing as well. ─── 也弄清楚另一件重要的事。

41、It is necessary that he (should) sort out the information for my reference. ─── 他有必要整理些资料供我参考。

42、He's a friendly chatty sort of person. ─── 他这个人挺和善,很爱讲话。

43、He is a downright sort of person. ─── 他是那种直爽的人。

44、He's a real good sort. ─── 他是个性情很温和的人。

45、Converts a heap into a sorted range. ─── 堆的排序。

46、I sorted through my paperwork. ─── 我把文件纸张都归整好了。

47、They sorted out the data and carded them. ─── 他们将资料加以整理并编制成卡片。

48、His heroic death sorted well with his character. ─── 他的英勇之死恰与他的人格相吻合。

49、That remark of his sorted ill with his character. ─── 他的那句话和他的性格是不协调的。

50、There will be some issues with insurance to be sorted out, but I hope to bring it back to Newbridge, '' he said. ─── “会有一些有关于保险方面的问题需要解决,但我希望把它带回新桥”,他说。

51、He is in essence a reclusive sort. ─── 他本质上具有一种隐士的气质

52、She's not such a bad sort. ─── 她不是这样坏的人。

53、You must stop, and at once, this sort of behaviour. ─── 你必须而且马上停止这种行为。

54、She never meant anything of the sort. ─── 她决没有那种意思。

55、The husband and wife were having words of a sort. ─── 夫妻俩正在吵架。

56、They seemed to love the land and the people with a sort of fierce egoism. ─── 他们似乎是带著强烈的利己主义来爱这里的人和土地的。

57、It was not an issue that could be sorted out in two years, nor could it be reduced to a single document or a single program. ─── 这不是一个能在二年内解决的问题,亦不能被压缩为一份单独的文件或一个单独的项目。

58、He's the sort of man whom setbacks weigh very heavily. ─── 他是那种碰到挫折就万分苦恼的人。

59、What sort of qualifications do you need for the job? ─── 做这项工作需要什么资格?

60、She sorted out her things for tropic travel. ─── 她整理热带旅行的东西。

61、He is an unapproachable sort of person. ─── 他是个不易亲近的人。

62、Let's sort the names alphabetically. ─── 咱们把名字按字母顺序归类。

63、The illiberality of parents, in allowance towards their children, is an harmful error; makes them base; acquaints them with shifts; makes them sort with mean company; and makes them surfeit more when they come to plenty. ─── 在子女小时不应对他们过于苛吝。否则会使他们变得卑贱,甚至投机取巧,以至堕入下流,即使后来有了财富时也不会正当利用。

64、He's not the sort of man who would go back on his word. ─── 他不是那种会食言的人。

65、She's a happy-go-lucky sort. ─── 她是个乐天派。

66、He do not want any special sort. ─── 他不想要任何特别种类的。

67、We must sort out the good apples from the bad. ─── 咱们得把好苹果拣出来,同坏的分开。

68、Letters are sorted at the IX>St office. ─── 信在邮局进行分拣。

69、It's time you got yourself sorted. ─── 现在你该把自己的事好好安排一下了。

70、What sort of books is most popular? ─── 什么书最流行?

71、A few years ago this might have been sorted out quietly as a consular issue. Not this time. ─── 要是在几年前,这件事情可能被悄无声息地被归为领事事务,但这次不一样。

72、He's not the sort of man to be trusted. ─── 他不是一个可信赖的人。

73、Don't worry about price-I'm sure we can come to some sort of arrangement. ─── 别担心价格——我敢肯定我们能够达成某种协议。

74、a source close to lampard said : " the two sides are very close . the signs are everything will be sorted within the next week or so . " ─── 一位蓝帕德好友也透露:“双方都非常接近。一切都将在下周之前得到解决。”

75、Her heroic deeds sorted with her advanced thinking. ─── 她的英勇事迹与她的先进思想是一致的。

76、What sort of book do you want? ─── 你要哪一类的书?

77、He led off with his companion in a sort of quick-step. ─── 他和他的舞伴带头跳一种快步舞。

78、Their lukewarm welcome gave me an all-over sort of feeling. ─── 他们不冷不热的欢迎使我觉得浑身不舒服。

79、She never immersed herself in that sort of trivia. ─── 她从来不沉湎于往日琐事。

80、It's a poor sort of memory that only work backwards. ─── 只会向后作用的记忆力可就差劲了。

81、He is sort of, er, in low spirits. ─── 他有点儿,呃,精神不振。

82、Letters are sorted at the Post Office. ─── 信件在邮局分拣。

83、His bad manners sorted ill with his neat appearance. ─── 他不文明的举止与他整洁的外表不相称。

84、Let me put on my thinking cap, sir. When you first told me that you wanted to make a sort of offer to me? Now let me think. ─── 先生,让我仔细想想, ... 你什么时候第一次对我说,你有件事跟我商量?让我想想看。

85、Can you sort me out on how to write this preface? ─── 你能对怎样写这个前言给我提点建议吗?

86、We have sorted out this wretched business at last. ─── 我们终于处理了这起恶劣的事件。

87、She's a very vital sort of person. ─── 她是个精力旺盛的人。

88、They sorted the eggs as to size and color. ─── 他们依照蛋的大小和颜色来分类。

89、No buyers can buy this sort of product. ─── 任何买主都不能购买这种产品。


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going cluster charge

detonating cluster charge

cluster charge deploy

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