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08-19 投稿


encrust 发音

英:[?n?kr?st]  美:[?n?kr?st]

英:  美:

encrust 中文意思翻译




encrust 短语词组

1、encrust def ─── 结壳def

2、encrust define ─── 外壳定义

3、encrust crossword ─── 拼字游戏

4、encrust inhaler ─── 积垢吸入器

5、encrust definition ─── 结垢定义

6、encrust boat hulls ─── 包壳

encrust 词性/词形变化,encrust变形


encrust 相似词语短语

1、encyst ─── vi.被包在囊内;vt.把…包在囊内

2、becrust ─── 因为信任

3、crust ─── n.地壳;外壳;面包皮;坚硬外皮;vi.结硬皮;结成外壳;vt.盖以硬皮;在…上结硬皮

4、encrypt ─── v.把……加密,将……译成密码

5、encrusts ─── vt.包上外壳;装饰外层;vi.结壳

6、incrusts ─── v.包硬外壳于;生外皮;镶饰(同encrust)

7、incrust ─── v.包硬外壳于;生外皮;镶饰(同encrust)

8、encrusted ─── adj.带有外壳的;硬壳覆盖的,结外壳的;覆有……外壳的;v.(encrust的过去式和过去分词)包以外壳;使形成硬壳;包硬外壳于

9、entrust ─── vt.委托,信托

encrust 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords blast furnace;encrust of furnace wall;fluorite;coke; ─── 高炉;炉墙结厚;萤石;焦炭;

2、Salt from the sea have encrust on the dry sand. ─── 海水中的盐分在乾燥的沙子上结成硬皮。

3、to encrust The snow ─── 使雪的表面结起一层薄冰

4、Cranberries encrust the swing moor so has socks look as if they are abloom. ─── 小红莓包围着着荒野,看起来好像是这些草地在开花结实。

5、Encrust of low furnace wall of shaft of blast furnace vanished.Treatment method and experience were introduced. ─── 介绍了处理过程及方法,并对所取得的经验和教训进行了分析。

6、to encrust (a ship's hull) with foreign matter,such as barnacles ─── 使(船的外壳)包上外来的东西,如藤壶

7、To encrust(a ship's hull) with foreign matter, such as barnacles. ─── 缠上使(船的外壳)包上外来的东西,如藤壶

8、Nautical To encrust (a ship's hull) with foreign matter, such as barnacles. ─── 缠上:使(船的外壳)包上外来的东西,如藤壶

9、Green weed and grey barnacles encrust every part under the sea. ─── 水下的部分则覆满了绿色的海藻和灰色的藤壶。

10、An engine's heat melts the fine-ground rock, which proceeds to encrust the cooler parts of the mechanism, stopping it from working. ─── 发动机散发的热量能熔化微粒细小的岩石,随之分化的粉尘会裹住机器的冷却器直至使其停止运转。

11、encrust feelings ─── 怯场

12、Green weed and grey barnacles encrust every part under the sea. ─── 水下的部分则覆满了绿色的海藻和灰色的藤壶。

13、To cover with scales; encrust. ─── 覆以皮以鳞覆盖;使生硬壳

14、To encrust(a ship's hull)with foreign matter,such as barnacles. ─── 缠上使(船的外壳)包上外来的东西,如藤壶

15、An engine's heat melts the fine-ground rock, which proceeds to encrust the cooler parts of the mechanism, stopping it from working. ─── 引擎的热量能熔化细岩石颗粒,然后熔岩会就在引擎装置温度较低的部位结成壳,并阻止它继续运行。

16、To cover with scales;encrust. ─── 覆以皮以鳞覆盖;使生硬壳

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