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08-19 投稿


directive 发音

英:[d??rekt?v]  美:[da?'r?kt?v]

英:  美:

directive 中文意思翻译



directive 短语词组

1、directive command ─── [计] 指示指令

2、device directive ─── [计] 设备指令

3、directive rules ─── [化] 规程

4、conditional assembly directive ─── [计] 条件汇编指令

5、compiler directive ─── [计] 编译程序指令

6、Chireix and Mesny directive antenna ─── [电] 希里梅尼指向天线

7、beam directive transmission ─── [电] 指向发送

8、assembler directive ─── [计] 汇编命令, 汇编指令

9、assembly directive ─── [计] 汇编命令, 汇编指令

10、assignment directive ─── [计] 赋值伪指令, 赋值伪命令

11、directive antenna ─── [电] 指向接线

12、action directive ─── [计] 动作控制指令

13、directive statement ─── [计] 指示语句

14、directive gain ─── [电] 指向增益

15、comprehensive directive repertoire ─── [计] 综合指令系统

16、assemble directive ─── [计] 汇编命令

17、directive effect ─── [计] 定向效应 ─── [化] 定向效应

18、directive property ─── [电] 指向性

19、assembler directive command ─── [计] 汇编程序引导指令, 汇编命令

directive 同义词

turning | directive | guiding | maneuvering | steering | manoeuvring | indicator | reversing |signal | directing

directive 反义词


directive 词性/词形变化,directive变形

名词: directionality |

directive 相似词语短语

1、detective ─── n.警探;私人侦探;刑侦;adj.侦探的;侦察的

2、defective ─── adj.有缺陷的;不完美的;n.有缺陷的人;不完全变化词

3、directrice ─── n.女指挥(等于directress);女董事

4、direction ─── n.方向;指导;趋势;用法说明

5、bijective ─── adj.[数]双射的

6、dissective ─── adj.仔细分析的;剖析的

7、erective ─── adj.竖直的;建立的;安装的

8、directives ─── n.指令;指示(directive的复数形式)

9、directing ─── v.导演(direct的ing形式);指引;adj.指导的;指向的;n.指导;导演

directive 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Can you direct me to the police office? ─── 你能告诉我去警察局怎么走吗?

2、Excuse me,can you direct me to the station? ─── 对不起,你能不能告诉我去火车站怎么走?

3、Be there a direct train for Beijing to Nanning? ─── 从北京到南宁有直达车吗?

4、His opening gambit at the debate was a direct attack on Government policy. ─── 他在辩论中的策略是先直接抨击政府的政策。

5、The army is under the king rs direct command. ─── 军队由国王直接统率。

6、The directive allows you to point to a specific master page. ─── 可使用该指令指向一个特定的母版页。

7、Her opinions are the direct opposite of mine. ─── 她的意见与我的截然相反。

8、crm is a directive that specifies whether the heartbeat should run a cluster manager that supports two or more nodes. ─── crm指令指定heartbeat是否应该运行一个支持两个或更多节点的集群管理器。

9、It is implied by the directive, that there is a business role within the bank called "teller" and that people perform that role. ─── 这个指示暗示银行中有称为“出纳员”的业务角色并有担任这个角色的人。

10、His private actions are in direct contradiction to/with (ie directly contradict) his publicly expressed opinions. ─── 他私下的行为跟公开的言论完全是两码事。

11、Space Policy Directive-3 lays out general guidelines for the United States to mitigate the effects of space debris and track and manage traffic in space. ─── 空间政策指令3》为美国制定了一般性指南,以减轻空间碎片的影响以及跟踪和管理太空交通。

12、Contract189199- book Weihai or other direct steamer. ─── 合同189,199号预约威海号装运,或其他直船只也可。

13、Directive to JSP files that use the tags. ─── 伪指令添加到使用这些标记的JSP文件中。

14、You can go direct from London to Paris. ─── 你可以直接从伦敦到巴黎去。

15、The direct address of an absent or imaginary person or of a personified abstraction, especially as a digression in the course of a speech or composition. ─── 呼语直接称呼不在场或虚构的人物或称呼拟人的事物,尤指作为演讲或作文过程中的离题话

16、When asked a direct question,she dodges. ─── 当她被问到直接的问题时,她总设法回避。

17、The direct cause, such as a bacterium or virus, of a communicable disease. ─── 传染原传染性疾病的直接病因,例如某种细菌或病毒

18、You can fly direct to Amsterdam from Liverpool. ─── 你可以从利物浦直接飞往阿姆斯特丹。

19、He talks in such an open and direct way. ─── 他说话向来开诚布公。

20、This Directive shall enter into force on the 20th day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities. ─── 该规定应在其在欧洲委员会的正式刊物上出版之后的第20天开始生效。

21、She is in direct contact with the general manager. ─── 她与总经理直接联系。

22、Within each virtual host, you must add the ProxyPass directive. ─── 在每个虚拟主机中,必须添加ProxyPass指令。

23、He attempted to get out of giving a direct answer. ─── 他试图避免作直接答复。

24、He took a direct flight to New York. ─── 他搭乘直航班机到纽约。

25、If there only some shorter and more direct route to the devil, it would save an awful lot of sorrow and anxiety in this world. ─── 只要有更短而又直接通往灭亡的大道,这世上就可省却不少悲哀与忧愁的吧。

26、My eyes are blind by the direct ray of light. ─── 在光线的直射下,我看不清楚东西。

27、He went direct to the airport. ─── 他直接去机场。

28、They are facilitative rather than directive. ─── 他们提供支持胜于命令。

29、Do you have any direct flights to Singapore? ─── 你们有没有直飞新加坡的航班?

30、Has just one solution and that solution has just one directive. ─── 中的症状仅有一个解决方案,该解决方案仅有一个指示。

31、In printing, a line of dots, used to direct the eye along a printed line. ─── 印刷技术中的一行点线,用于引导视线沿印刷行移动。

32、He gave a clear answer to the direct question. ─── 他对那个直截了当的问题作了清晰的答复。

33、Liner 105 departs at 3:20 p.m., and sails direct. ─── 105号轮下午3:20开船,中途不停。

34、All you had to do was copy your VXML into a file, add a few directives at the top, and save the file with a . jsp extension. ─── 需要做的只是将VXML复制到一个文件中,在顶端添加几条伪指令(directive),然后以.jsp扩展名保存文件。

35、Availability note: This directive became available in PHP 4.3. ─── 可用性说明:本指令自PHP 4.3.2起可用。

36、The base class for code directive classes. ─── 代码指令类的基类。

37、A device used to convert direct current into alternating current. ─── 反用换流器用于变直流电为交流电的仪器

38、You should be familiar with the page directive already, so the above code should be easy to understand. ─── 您应该已经比较熟悉这页指令了,因此上述代码应该很容易理解。

39、She is very direct ,believes in speaking her mind . ─── 她很直,认为怎么想就怎么说好。

40、Oliver:Everything is an order, a directive, a command. ─── 奥利弗:什么都是命令,指示,责令.

41、Do you have any direct flights to Tokyo? ─── 你们有没有直飞东京的航班?

42、To move straight ahead or in a direct path. ─── 径直(而行)直着向前移或沿笔直的路径走

43、Which is the most direct way to London? ─── 去伦敦哪条路线最近?

44、See that direct heat does not play on it. ─── 当心别让它直接受热。

45、Use a hood to screen the lens of your camera from direct sunlight. ─── 在相机镜头上加个罩,使其免受阳光的直接照射。

46、Her direct simplicity put him at his ease. ─── 她那天真直爽的态度叫他觉得安心。

47、She read out the directive from the higher authorities. ─── 她把上级的指示念给大家听。

48、She cast her eyes down to avoid direct eye contact. ─── 她垂下双目以避免对视。

49、For this purpose the Sub-Bureau issued a five-point directive. ─── 分局为此发出了五项指示。

50、She wants to buy direct from the manufacturer and cut out the middleman. ─── 她想避开分销商直接自厂家买进货物。

51、A dental technician specializing in making and fitting dentures as a direct service to the public rather than through a licensed dentist. ─── 假牙师一种牙科技术师,其专长在于制造和安装假牙,他可以直接为公众服务,而不必通过有执照的牙科医生

52、She's very direct, believes in speaking her mind. ─── 她为人直率,喜欢有什么说什么。

53、A directive(by means of a basic transmission unit) from an access method that causes the network control program to perform a data-transfer operation or auxiliary operation. ─── 在某种存取方法中,利用基本传输部件发出的一种指令,它使得网络控制程序执行数据转移或辅助操作。

54、She took me by the arm to direct me. ─── 她抓住我的手臂,给我带路。

55、Thanks to a new directive, food labelling will be more specific. ─── 由于官方的一项新指令,食品标签将会更明确具体。

56、The user control is referenced by means of a Register directive near the top of the Web page that hosts the user control. ─── 该用户控件是通过使用承载用户控件的网页顶部附近的Register指令来引用的。

57、His manner of speaking was direct to the point of rudeness. ─── 他说话的态度简直是粗野不堪。

58、Do you have any direct flight to New Zealand? ─── 你们有没有直飞新西兰的航班?

59、The hide directive hides the node. ─── hide指令会隐藏节点。

60、The next flight doesn't go direct to Rome; it goes by way of Paris. ─── 下一架班机不直接飞往罗马,中途经过巴黎。

61、See that direct heat does not play on the plastic bags. ─── 当心别让那些塑料袋直接受热。

62、A relation between parties that is held to be sufficiently close and direct to support a legal claim on behalf of or against another person with whom this relation exists. ─── 当事人的相互关系当事人之间关系密切、直接到足以支持对代表或紧靠这种关系中另一方的法律要求的关系

63、Can you direct me to the post-office? ─── 你能指出我到邮局的路么?

64、If you specify the Directive, the AttributeName can be empty. ─── 如果指定了Directive,则AttributeName可以为空。

65、Storage: Keep in dry, cool place and avoid direct sunlight. ─── 保存方法:宜放于干爽,阴凉地方。避免光直接照射。

66、He's the direct opposite of his brother. ─── 他同他的兄弟正好相反。

67、This is the prime directive. ─── 以上是最基本的准则。

68、Few men have direct access to the King. ─── 很少人能接近国王。

69、A configuration directive may take arguments. ─── 一个配置指令可采用参数。

70、As of PHP 4.3.5, this directive is always Off in PHP-CLI. ─── 从PHP 4.3.5版开始,该选项在PHP-CLI下总是为Off。

71、A royal charter exempted the Massachusetts colony from direct interference by the Crown. ─── 一张皇家的特许状,使马萨诸塞州殖民地免受英王直接干涉

72、They wanted more direct participation in the solution of steel production problems. ─── 他们要求更多的直接参与解决钢铁生产的问题。

73、There can be only one page directive. ─── 包含三个页面报下面的错。

74、Delete the compiler directive from your source code. ─── 从源代码中删除编译器指令。

75、He was asked to leave school as a direct result of his behaviour. ─── 他被勒令退学,直接原因是他的行为不检。

76、Is there a direct train for Beijing to Nanning? ─── 从北京到南宁有直达车吗?

77、The ill acts are direct inducement to delinquency. ─── 不良行为是产生犯罪行为的直接诱因。

78、All genuine knowledge originates in direct experience. ─── 一切真知都是从直接经验发源的。

79、It is obvious that direct contact is much better than correspondence to and for. ─── 很明显,直接接触比来来回回地通信要好得多。

80、She descends in a direct line from the country's first President. ─── 她是这个国家的首任总统的直系後裔。

81、He has no direct control of his own life. ─── 他无法直接驾驭自己的生活。

82、A printed advertisement, directive, or notice intended for mass distribution. ─── 印制的广告,传单印成的广告、通告或通知,用于大量的分发

83、May I direct your call elsewhere? ─── 你要我把你的电话转到别的地方吗?

84、He has chosen the most direct route. ─── 他选取了最直的路线。

85、Could you please direct me to the Public Library? ─── 你能告诉我去免费公共图书馆的路吗?

86、Two types of direct expansion coil are used. ─── 使用了两种类型的直接蒸发盘管。

87、The act or an instance of enjoining; a command,a directive,or an order. ─── 命令,指令命令的动作或例子;命令,指令或训谕

88、Direct descent from an ancestor; lineage or pedigree. ─── 家系从一个祖先传下来的直接世系; 家系或家族

89、They are seeking a central, directive role in national energy policy. ─── 他们正寻求在国家能源政策方面起中心指导作用。

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