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08-19 投稿


gunnery 发音

英:[?ɡ?n?ri]  美:[?ɡ?n?ri]

英:  美:

gunnery 中文意思翻译



gunnery 短语词组

1、Gunnery Officer's Console ─── 枪炮官的控制台

2、Gunnery and Anti-Aircraft Warfare D ─── 火炮和反航道战争D

3、Gunnery Damage Assessment ─── 枪械伤害评估

4、Gunnery Liaison Officer ─── 炮厂联络官

5、Gunnery School Ship ─── 枪炮学校船

6、Gunnery Staff Course ─── 枪炮师课程

7、Gunnery Officer's Writer ─── 枪炮官的编剧

8、Marksman and Gunnery Laser Device ─── 射手和枪炮激光装置

9、Video Disc Gunnery Simulator ─── 视频盘炮模拟器

10、Gunnery and Anti-Aircraft Warfare Division ─── 火炮和反航道作战师

11、gunnery school t ─── 射击学校t

12、Gunnery Cooperation Flight ─── 炮友合作飞行

13、antiaircraft gunnery ─── 高射炮

14、Gunnery Standard Training Exercise ─── 射击标准训练演习

15、gunnery equipment ─── 射击装置

16、Video Interactive Gunnery System ─── 视频互动枪炮系统

17、gunnery school finding school ─── 射击学校查找学校

18、Bradley Gunnery and Missile Target System ─── 布拉德利火炮和导弹目标系统

19、gunnery sergeant ( ─── 美国海军陆战队的)枪炮军士

gunnery 相似词语短语

1、Tunney ─── n.(Tunney)人名;(英)滕尼

2、Connery ─── 康纳利(姓氏)

3、gunneras ─── 根乃拉草;根乃拉草属

4、cannery ─── n.罐头工厂

5、gunner ─── n.炮手,枪手;火炮瞄准手;经常投篮的投手

6、gunners ─── n.枪手(gunner的复数)

7、ginnery ─── n.轧棉厂

8、nunnery ─── n.尼姑庵;女修道院;n.(Nunnery)人名;(英)农纳里

9、gunnera ─── 根乃拉草;根乃拉草属

gunnery 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Tank Weapons Gunnery Simulation System ─── 坦克武器射击模拟系统

2、Flag Gunnery Officer ─── 旗舰枪炮长

3、Marksman and Gunnery Laser Device ─── 射击与炮击激光仪

4、gunnery jack [lieutenant] ─── [英俚]炮术练习舰上的射击检查官

5、Platoon Gunnery Simulator ─── 排射击模拟器

6、The small force must be as familiar with its joint partners as it is with gunnery tables. ─── 小型化军队必须象熟知射击表尺一样熟悉其联合作战的伙伴。

7、navy "E" gunnery ─── (海军)优等射手

8、gunnery book ─── 射击教材

9、2.Occasionally UAVs found a valuable niche, for instance as targets for anti-aircraft gunnery. ─── 无人机偶尔会发现自己的存在很有价值,比如成为防空大炮的目标。

10、Accurate gunnery had already put three of the leading tanks out of action. ─── 准确的炮火已击毁带头的3辆坦克车。

11、Also, much of the fighting took the nature of long range gunnery engagements, often at night. ─── 同样,大多数战斗本身也只是远距离的炮击作战,而且经常是在夜间。

12、Their reckless and effective use of the weapon at extreme short ranges, however, is less instructive than what their gunnery appears to lack over distances which we have always considered quite normal for the HMG. ─── 他们经常在非常短的距离内不计后果和效能使用手中的武器,不过,比较他们的火炮使用的缺少距离感,他们的重机枪使用相对比较正常。

13、gunnery problems ─── 射击课目

14、Fast-shooter is a kind of newest fast gunnery training instrument which was invented by the leading scholar of this subject and has already obtained the patent. ─── 摘要速射目标选择指示器是由该课题组负责人发明的一种最新的快速射击训练器械,已经获得国家专利。

15、It's a poem about gunnery practice. ─── 这首诗讲的是射击练习。

16、Aircraft gunnery fire cont comps ─── 射击飞行器部件

17、During the Second World War the area was used for gunnery practice. ─── 二战期间,该地区曾用于大炮射击操练。

18、A gunnery sergeant was called over to check it out. ─── 叫过来一名枪炮士官核查。

19、gunnery trial exercise ─── 军事演习

20、marksmanship gunnery ─── 射术

21、The practicing gunnery officer is referred to fleet publications of most recent date for guidance in this respect. ─── 在职炮术官应本此原则参照最新的舰队部发行的书表。

22、Both pilots had been practicing air-to-ground gunnery on a target range that was situated near the shore of Lake Dianche. ─── 所有飞行员参加了已位于滇池岸边的目标的空对地射击的训练。

23、Once i get rapid firing to lvl4 (already have gunnery 5), that should negate the 25% ROF penalty that the Destroyers come with. ─── 当我 rapid firing技能到LV4(GUNNERY已经LV5)的时候,将抵消驱逐舰自带减少25%的射击频率的属性.

24、TOW Gunnery Trainer ─── "陶"式武器射击训练习器

25、"Concentrate fire on Indomitable,'' he told the senior gunnery officer."All batteries at maximum.Fire for effect. ─── “集中火力攻击‘勇气号’,”他对高级炮手指挥官说道,“所有供能电池都提高到最大值,使用有效火力。

26、Video Disc Gunnery Simulator ─── 录像带射击模拟

27、gunnery problems solution ─── 命中问题求解

28、Director of Gunnery Division ─── 射击处主任

29、While undamaged,this unit can make range-four Main Gunnery attacks using its range-three attack value. ─── 无战损的情况下,本舰可以用3格距离的主炮威力施加在4格距离的目标上。

30、tank gunnery trainer ─── 坦克射击教练

31、gunnery exercise ─── 射击演习

32、A gunnery sergeant was called over to check it out. ─── (随即)叫过来一名枪炮士官核查。

33、gunnery officer ─── 射击指挥所主任

34、Interim Gunnery Computer ─── 临时射击计算机

35、gunnery regulations ─── 射击条例

36、Just Add Cannonballs Like the seafaring vessels of a time long past , the Trade Federation cruiser's gunnery decks bustle with commotion . ─── 装填炮弹就像古老的航海舰船一样,贸易联盟巡洋舰的炮台忙碌而喧闹。

37、On the base of the existed ground artillery gunnery commanding system, in order to realize the group and network of these systems, we need to extend the system again. ─── 在原有的营连地炮射击指挥系统的基础之上,为适应新时期作战的集群化和网络化,我们需要进一步扩展该系统。

38、Master Gunnery Sergeant ─── 军士长,美国海军陆战队军衔

39、gunnery theory ─── 射击理论

40、Following the War, Rodewald returned to test flying as an aerial gunnery expert. ─── 战争结束后,罗德沃尔德作为一名航空射击专家回到了试飞基地。

41、Trail Gunnery Indicator ─── 机尾射击指示器

42、The gunnery ;Northfield Mount Hermon School ;Christchurch School ;Blue Ridge Schooi , ─── 想请教哪所学校相对更好一点,对孩子的教育和考上好大学方面,谢谢!

43、Gunnery Staff Course ─── 参谋射击课程

44、gunnery technique ─── 射击技术

45、Amarr Business Entrepreneurs characters were missing Gunnery II, as it is a pre-requirement for Controlled burst which they get through Character creation. This has now been fixed. ─── 当创先艾玛商人类企业家角色时会缺少射击学II,而这个技能是人物创建后所具有的受控脉冲理论技能的基础技能。现在这个问题被修正了。

46、gunnery target ─── 射击目标

47、6.Its weaponry consists of a gunnery station with dual turbolasers, as well as other "secret" armaments. ─── 其武器装备包括一个带有双涡轮激光炮的炮台和其他“秘密”武器。

48、Director Gunnery Division ─── 射击分部主任

49、The mathematical results indicate the accuracy of gunnery of the missile can be largely increased by this algorithm. ─── 仿真结果表明,该组合导航系统能较大地提高导弹的射击精度。

50、gunnery training ─── 射击训练

51、gunnery gravity drop accelerometer ─── 修正弹道降低量用的加速度表

52、gunnery meeting ─── 射击比赛

53、As Gunnery Sergeant Bob Lee Swagger, you must clear your name after being accused of an assassination attempt on the President. ─── 作为射击警长鲍勃李昂首阔步,你必须清楚你的名字后,被指控企图暗杀总统。

54、I'm a gunnery expert misplaced in diplomacy ─── 我是个学射击学的,被错误地安排在外交界。

55、gunnery data ─── 射击诸元

56、rudiments of tank gunnery ─── 坦克火炮射击基本原理

57、Instructor in Gunnery ─── 射击教官

58、" The newly promoted senior gunnery officer's hands shook so badly he could barely unbuckle his crash web, and his face had gone deathly pink. ─── 新晋职的高级炮手指挥官的双手剧烈地颤抖着,费了好大功夫才解开了安全带,他的脸已经变成了死一般的粉红色。

59、An expressionless skull-face turned toward the junior gunnery officer. "Congratulations on your promotion. Take your post. " ─── 表情呆滞的头骨状面孔转向了初级炮手指挥官:“恭喜你晋级了,马上去你的新岗位就职。”

60、Ground Gunnery Range ─── 地面射击靶场

61、gunnery problem ─── 命中问题

62、Gunnery Schoolship ─── 射击学校训练舰(美国海军)

63、Combat Gunnery Officers School ─── 战斗炮长学校

64、tank gunnery instruction ─── 坦克射击指南

65、Bradley Gunnery Skills Test ─── "布雷德利"射击技能考核

66、gunnery pass ─── (飞机)实施射击的进入

67、Gunnery Cooperation Flight ─── 射击协同飞行

68、The table, GUNNERY RANGES 1862-1948, shows how gunnery ranges have been increased during the past century. ─── 1948炮术射程这张表显示出过去一世纪以来炮术射程是如何增加的。

69、Gunnery School Ship ─── 射击训练船

70、Tank Gunnery Training Simulator ─── 坦克射击训练模拟器

71、Extended Range Gunnery Fire Control Demonstration System ─── 增程重炮射击控制示范系统

72、Following the War, Rodewald returned to test flying as an aerial gunnery expert. ─── 战争结束后,罗德沃尔德作为一名航空射击专家回到了试飞基地。

73、Gunnery Standard Training Exercise ─── 射击标准训练演习

74、Caldari state pilots should focus on engineering, frigate, gunnery and Ragnarok Zeny engineering skills to enable him to do well in the player versus environment portion of the Lotro gold game. ─── 天使做完这些事后离去了。一个月后,天使再回到诗人的身边,他那是饿得半死,衣衫褴褛地躺在地上挣扎。

75、6.This unit can make two Secondary Gunnery attacks against separate targets during your Surface Attack step. ─── 在水平面攻击轮时这个单位可以对敌方在不同区域的单位进行两次副炮攻击。

76、gunnery trainer ─── 射击练习器

77、Assistant Instructor of Gunnery ─── 射击学助教

78、Reports from gunnery officers were more enthusiastic than those of Fighter Command. ─── 来自枪炮长的报告要比战斗机飞行员的热情的多。

79、gunnery jack [ lieutenant ] ─── [英俚]炮术练习舰上的射击检查官炮术练习舰

80、gunnery spotting plane ─── 射弹观测机

81、Tank driving and gunnery courses were run on the new vehicles and weapons being delivered to the Waffen-SS. ─── 坦克驾驶员和炮手在武装党卫队即将接受的新车辆上接受训练。

82、gunnery practice ─── 射击练习

83、"By jove, the future of gunnery in America is lost!" ─── “唉!美国制炮学的前途实在不堪设想了。”

84、The small force must be as familiar with its joint partners as it is with gunnery tables. ─── 小型化军队必须象熟知射击表尺一样熟悉其联合作战的伙伴。

85、tank gunnery ─── 坦克射击学

86、Tank Precision Gunnery Inbore Device ─── 坦克精确射击内置装置

87、Tank Crew Gunnery Skills Test ─── 坦克乘员火炮射击技能测试

88、Supporting Gunnery Ship ─── 支援炮舰

89、I believe this sight would improve gunnery at least 100 per cent. ─── 我相信这种瞄准具可以100%的提升射击技术。

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