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torturing 发音

英:['t?:t??r??]  美:['t?:t??r??]

英:  美:

torturing 中文意思翻译



torturing 词性/词形变化,torturing变形

动词第三人称单数: tortures |动词现在分词: torturing |动词过去式: tortured |名词: torturer |动词过去分词: tortured |

torturing 短语词组

1、torturing me ─── 折磨我

2、torturing definition ─── 酷刑定义

3、torturing spirits ─── 折磨灵魂

4、torturing balloon boy ─── 折磨气球男孩

5、torturing stickman ─── 折磨斯蒂克曼

6、torturing such a poor ─── 折磨这样一个穷人

7、torturing device ─── 拷打装置

8、torturing nurse ─── 折磨护士

9、torturing pain ─── 折磨性疼痛

10、torturing terror suspects ─── 折磨恐怖嫌疑人

11、torturing regrets ─── 折磨人的遗憾

torturing 相似词语短语

1、contouring ─── n.等高线;轮廓线;作等值线;v.画等高线(contour的现在分词)

2、mortaring ─── n.灰泥,砂浆;迫击炮,迫击炮弹;研钵,臼;v.用灰泥涂抹,结合;用迫击炮攻击(或袭击)

3、touring ─── v.旅游;(演员或作品)巡回表演(或演出);巡视(tour的现在分词);n.旅游;巡回演出;越野滑雪

4、texturing ─── n.纹理;织纹状饰面;合成纤维变形工艺;材质贴图;v.使具有某种结构(texture的ing形式)

5、nurturing ─── v.养育;扶持;滋长;怀有(希望、想法等);教育;培养(某人)(nurture的现在分词)

6、torturingly ─── 折磨地

7、tonsuring ─── n.削发;削发仪式;秃顶;vt.为…削发

8、posturing ─── n.故作姿态;摆姿势;并非由衷的言行;v.摆姿势(posture的ing形式)

9、torquing ─── 扭转

torturing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、torturing interrogation of the other registered ─── 另类拷问

2、who is taught that torturing and slaughtering an animal is all right? ─── 是谁在教导我们虐待与屠宰动物是对的?

3、I was thinking, rather than go on torturing them, which probably won't get us anywhere, why not just set them free,' 'Let them go? ─── 康熙道:“适才多隆禀告,擒到的三个刺客口风很紧,不论怎么拷打诱骗,始终咬实是吴三桂所遣,看来便再拷问,也问不出一句真话。

4、It is more bearable than torturing yourself for more than eight hours a day. ─── 不露面可比一天八个多小时折磨自己强多了。

5、International English Language Torturing System ─── 国际英语语言摧残系统

6、He's torturing that poor tree! ─── 他在折磨那棵可怜的杨柳树!

7、so it is becoming a torturing thing. ─── 这是一件多么无法描述的事情。

8、Separately, Iraq's interior ministry charged57 employees with torturing prisoners at a detention centre in Baghdad. ─── 与此同时,伊内政部长对其57名部下在巴格达一所拘留中心的虐俘事件而负责。

9、He sat down and took a long rest, torturing himself meanwhile to keep awake, and then started warily down the home-stretch. ─── 他坐下来,歇了好一阵子,同时拼命克制住睡意,然后又小心谨慎地向露营地所在的河湾走去。

10、He wrings your heartstrings with some torturing anguish; ─── 祂把你紧紧抓住,用力拨你的心弦;

11、There was a lady there suffering, a demon was torturing her. ─── 有一个女人在受苦,因为有一个魔鬼在拷打她。

12、Dad: I don't want to sit there and watch them torturing the animals. ─── 爸爸:我不想坐在哪儿看他们折磨那些动物。

13、It required unnatural torturing to extract a confession. ─── 逼供需要不人道的拷问方法。

14、If we do cry out, will they stop (torturing us)? ─── 如果我们不,他们就停止(拷打我们)?

15、But the scene in which the cow fell off the cliff had been torturing him since then, making him feel uneasy all the time. ─── 但奶牛坠落悬崖的画面一直折磨着他,让他身心难安。

16、They had no other means of getting the truth from the young man but bu torturing and threatening. ─── 除了折磨和威胁,他们在没有其他的办法让这名青年说出真相。

17、couldnot breath, damn water was so cold, in its heart, just torturing itself. ─── 杯子奋力一晃,水终于走出了杯子的心里,杯子很开心。

18、He sat down and took a long rest, torturing himself meantime to keep awake, and then started warily down the homestretch. ─── 他坐下来休息了很久,同时拼命地熬住,不叫自己睡着,然后小心翼翼地往下游走。

19、The savages took fiendish delight in torturing their prisoners. ─── 那些野蛮人对囚犯施刑, 从中得到兽性的乐趣。

20、In the case of prescribed penalties in the Shari`ah, the criminal is not allowed to perform the penalty on himself, so how could punishing and torturing oneself be allowed without a crime? ─── 在伊斯兰沙利亚中,连惩处某一罪恶时都不允许罪犯自行处罚,更何况是在没有罪恶的情况下又怎么能伤害和惩罚自己呢?

21、Then I remembered the torturing pain in that left elbow. ─── 然后我想起了左肘的剧痛。

22、It was so tired and so torturing that it had scarcely the strength to fight back. ─── 它实在太疲惫了,受了太多的折磨,而没有力气去反驳什么了。

23、In May 2005, a court in HEJIAN (790,000) gave two policemen 2-year sentences for torturing a suspect. Pray for an end to police torture. Lk. 3:14 ─── 河间(790,000人)。2005年5月,两名警察因拷打一嫌犯被本市一法院判刑两年。愿警察不再严刑逼供。路3:14

24、I lost the capability to write and think normally for two weeks after reading factual reports on ferocious torturing of red army women soldiers by their captors during the Long March period. ─── 在阅读了长征中的红军女战士如何受到敌人严刑拷打的纪实报告后的两周里,我基本丧失了一般的写作和思考能力。

25、They’re torturing, raping and bombing their way to our hearts.And since we’re dogs, we’d continue to drool to them for attention, for love.This is their utopian vision of us. ─── 他们认为,由于我们是他们的“狗”(被奴役),我们应该继续去乞求得到他们的注意和关爱,但这只是他们的一厢情愿。

26、Damn, Mac is torturing Cat not only offensively but shutting him down defensively. ─── 该死的,麦子双管齐下,进攻和防守一起摧残我们的老猫。

27、One torturing sensation never left him;those broad-boned, reddish hands, with the hairs visible under the shirt-cuffs, those hands which he loved and hated, held him in their power. ─── 一种令人痛苦的印象保留在他的脑际:这两只骨骼大的、有点发红的、从衬衣袖筒下面露出来的长满汗毛的手,这两只他既爱且恨的手支配着他。

28、The torturing stays no longer pinched her waist and she could breathe deeply and quietly to the bottom of her lungs and her abdomen. ─── 那件箍紧的胸衣不再使她的腰肢疼痛,她可以畅快地敞开心肺自由而平静地呼吸了。

29、What would the government gain by torturing him? ─── 政府能够从虐待他中得到甚吗?

30、His deteriorating health has been torturing his body as well as his soul. ─── 他日益恶化的健康状况既折磨着他的身体又折磨着他的灵魂。

31、In preposterousness people are struggling hard for self rescueandeager for redemption,a poetic inhabitation that is why there is a torturing interrogation and poetic interpretation... ─── 荒诞中的人们努力挣扎,渴望救赎,渴望“诗意地栖居”,所以就有了对文本的另类拷问和诗性解读。

32、The alleged leader of a French kidnap gang has gone on trial in Paris accused of torturing and killing a Jewish man - a crime that shocked France in 2006. ─── 2006年震惊法国的折磨并杀害一名犹太人案件在巴黎开庭审理,犯罪嫌疑人为法国一绑架团伙。

33、accused the regime of torturing its political opponents ─── 谴责该政权迫害政敌.

34、'Master, you have already created a vast and important body of work, why continue torturing yourself in this way? ─── “大师,您已经创作了许多重要的作品,为什么还要继续这样折磨自己呢?”

35、He said it under his breath, torturing himself with the repetition. ─── 他低声地说着,一遍遍地说得自己很难受。

36、An idea, a flash, crossed Marius' mind;this was the expedient of which he was in search, the solution of that frightful problem which was torturing him, of sparing the assassin and saving the victim. ─── 一线光明穿过马吕斯的脑子,他有了一个主意,这正是他所寻求的方法,解决那个一直使他痛苦万分,既要撇开凶手,又要搭救受害人的难题的办法。

37、Is a legal agreement that allows a woman to kill a man by torturing. ─── 婚姻是一份法律协议,允许女人把男人折磨致死。

38、do i need to say more??? my computer has finally decided to stop torturing me with missing chinese input!!! I CAN BLOG IN CHINESE NOWWWWWWwwwwww!!!! WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOooo!!!!! ─── 我还需要多言吗???我的电脑终于舍得不再折磨我了。。。我的中文输入系统终于回来了!!!!我现在可以输入中文了!!!!吔!!!!!!

39、On Inherent Incentives of Confession through Torturing ─── 论刑讯逼供产生的内在诱因

40、Jason: Stop torturing your sister. Carol, wipe your mouth. ─── 杰森:本,你别再折磨你姐姐了,卡罗尔,把嘴擦干净。

41、and he must live it so as to feel no torturing regrets for wasted years, never know the burning shame of a mean and petty past; ─── 一个人的生命应该这样度过:当他回首往事时,不因虚度年华而悔恨;也不会因为碌碌无为而羞耻。

42、Jack Bauer once forgot where he put his keys. He then spent the next half-hour torturing himself until he gave up the location of the keys. ─── 如果杰克鲍尔忘了将钥匙放在哪,接下来半个小时他会持续折磨自己,直到他放弃寻找。

43、This Holy Mission on behalf of God I'm going to fulfill even if it means invading, killing, torturing and burning you and your country! ─── 我将代表上帝执行这项神圣使命,即使它意味着侵略、屠杀、迫害和焚烧你们的国家和人民!

44、Zan Arbor, who is studying the genetic traits of Force-sensitives, begins further experiments on Qui-Gon, draining his blood and torturing him to test his limits. ─── 瓒阿博当时正在研究对原力敏感的基因特征,并开始对魁刚进行进一步实验。在实验中,她抽魁刚的血液并折磨他,以此来测试他的最大承受能力。

45、I have to confess I did have a struggling and torturing time when I immersed myself in study, but it really pays. ─── 不得不承认,当我全身心地投入学习的时候,那个过程是很痛苦和折磨人的。但是确实是很有收获。

46、Afterwards, Arthas wandered through the frozen desert of Northrend. Being haunted by the torturing voice of Frostmourne, he finally succumbed to the bane of the Lich King. ─── 此后,阿尔萨斯徘徊在诺森德冰冻沙漠里。不停的被巫妖王的意志干扰,他最终屈服了。

47、Pancreas cancer has been torturing her for over a year. ─── 这许多年间,她把能付出的爱都付出了。

48、Man's dearest possession is life, and it is given to him to live but once. He must live so as to feel no torturing regrets for years without purpose, never know the burning shame of a mean and petty past---Ostorovsky ─── 人最宝贵的东西是生命。生命属于我们只有一次。一个人的生命应该这样度过:当他回首往事时,他不因虚度年华而悔恨,也不因过去碌碌无为而羞耻

49、confession through torturing ─── 刑讯逼供

50、The most torturing part of love is not being apart, but the memories. ─── 爱情最折磨的不是别离,而是曾经的回忆,用英语怎么说?

51、Pray that the men responsible for murdering, torturing, and kidnapping innocent people would be brought to justice. ─── 祷告那些对无辜百姓犯下谋杀、折磨及绑架的罪犯能面对公义的处置。

52、Only some touching moments of beauty and regret were left for you,which showed to others as if boldly torturing the beauty of love into pieces. ─── 留下唯美的感动,缺憾的动容,却像是把美丽一片片,张扬的撕碎了给人看。

53、“I dreamed I was back on the Death Star.Vader was torturing me again and forced me to watch Alderaan be destroyed again. ─── “我梦见我还在死星上,维达又在虐待我,逼我看着奥德兰毁灭。

54、JA : True, Dean has started all this by torturing a lot of souls in Hell. . . You know, according to me that's still Sam's fault ! ─── 美人:没错,因为Dean在地狱里折磨其他的灵魂这一切在开始的…不过,对我来说这还是Sam的错!

55、Torturing me, with words from your lips. ─── 让从你嘴唇喷发出的言辞折磨我。

56、Most of all, Todd loves torturing his sister and her best friend with worms. ─── 最重要的是,托德爱和虫拷问他的姊妹和她最好的朋友。

57、He saw himself as a possible second in such a torturing destiny. ─── 他觉得他自己很有可能是第二个受那样残酷命运支配的人。

58、Behind every successful man, there is a woman torturing him. ─── 每个成功男人的背后,都有个折磨他的女人。

59、Pray that the Chinese government would stop oppressing, arresting,and torturing Christians. ─── 祷告中国政府停止镇压、逮捕及折磨基督徒。

60、The police said he had taken two men away by force before torturing. ─── 警方说他强行绑架并拷打了两名男子。

61、I had got infantile paralysis since I was four years old.The disease had been torturing me.My heart sank. ─── 四岁起,我就患了小儿麻痹症,忍受著病魔的摧残折磨,弱小的心灵笼罩著可怕的阴影。

62、Still, since this morning my ear has been torturing me. ─── 不过,从今天早上起,我的耳朵一直在折磨我。

63、This view,which holds that torturing a monkey is morally equivalent to chopping wood,may seem bravelylogical. ─── 这种观点认为,折磨猴子从道义上讲无异于劈柴。这种看法似乎是大胆的逻辑推理。

64、It's tremendously torturing people in this area. ─── 这次灾难使四川人民蒙受着巨大的痛苦。

65、He sat down and took a long rest, torturing himself meantime to keep awake, and then started warily down the homestretch ─── 他坐下来休息了很久,同时拼命地熬住,不叫自己睡着,然后小心翼翼地往下游走。

66、Watch out for, a torturing lust, in mirrors you're facing the truth, the hunter is back, the soul of a life, wings of sadness blazing for you ─── 要当心那折磨人的欲望,在镜中看看真相。战争结束,但是追击你们的诅咒又会回来,生命的灵魂,悲伤的翅膀因你们燃烧

67、To not good teacher's ethics' interrogating and torturing, some have not been the big love silent eternal memory; ─── 没有对无良师德的拷问,有的是大爱无声的永恒记忆;

68、It's gone from torturing pledges to torturing interns. Am I right? ─── 你当初折磨那些即将入会的会员,现在又在折磨这些实习生,我说得对吗?

69、The first is that there has been almost total impunity both for the grasping dynasty and the torturing soldiers who guarded it. ─── 第一是无论是这贪得无厌的朝代还是保卫它的残酷的士兵们,几乎完全没有受到惩罚。

70、They had no other means of getting the truth out of the young man but by torturing and threatening. ─── 除了折磨和威胁,他们再没有其它的办法让这名青年说出真相。

71、Dad : I don't want to sit there and watch them torturing the animals. ─── 爸爸:我不想坐在那儿看他们折磨那些动物。

72、As it turns out, it's usually fear of repercussion that keeps us from torturing our fellow human beings. ─── 正如它所验证的那样,这通常是出于对方反击的恐惧使得我们对我们的人类同胞百般折磨。

73、Iraqi Security Forces Accused of Torturing Prisoners ─── 伊安全部队被指折磨囚犯

74、torturing himself meanwhile to keep awake, ─── 同时拼命克制住睡意,

75、But even this drink is Torturing my empty veins ─── 尽管这啜饮煎熬着我空虚的血管

76、Will they have to start torturing their athletes the way Uday used to do, when they failed to perform to his liking? ─── 他们是不是必须像乌代以前做的那样,当运动员的表现不符合他的心意的时候就虐待他们?

77、If you are weak and exausted, treat kindly instead of torturing yourself without any reason. ─── 如果你疲劳并且虚弱,与其毫无理由的折磨自己不如好好犒劳下自已。

78、Pray that police and security officials will stop torturing prisoners, and pray those who do will be brought to justice. ─── 祷告警察及安全局的官员能停止刑求犯人,祷告那些如此做的人会面对公义的处置。

79、It is given to him but once, and he must live it so as to feel no torturing regrets for wasted years, never know the burning shame of a mean and petty past; ─── 资讯科技有到他但是一次,而且他为了要感觉没有拷问遗憾浪费的数年以来,一定居住它,从不知道低劣的和琐碎的过去燃烧羞愧;

80、Just walking in the rain, getting soaking wet, torturing my heart by trying to forget. ─── 我走在雨中,全身都湿透,试图忘掉已失去爱人使我内心深受其苦。

81、Personally, i feel torturing about his leaving tho. im even considering moving there. ─── 是的,博茨瓦纳是一片净土,如果没有艾滋病,这里就是天堂。

82、Before the cries died with them, the police never stopped torturing them. ─── 他和他的母亲在不到十天的时间里,在同一栋楼里被折磨致死。

83、Endlessly torturing the souls without stand. ─── 无尽拷打没有立场的灵魂。

84、With this, he would show exclusive like-minded people which way it would be best torturing anyone without killing him early. ─── 为此,他向志同道合的人展示哪种方式是最好的折磨人却不用把他打死。

85、Here are some online Petitions of stopping Mind Control Weapons and Directed Energy Weapons torturing and harassing. Please make an effort! Please forward to your friends! ─── 这里是一些制止大脑控制武器和定向能武器滥用和酷刑的在线请愿信。请大家积极签名,并告诉更多的人。

86、It is given to him but once, and he must live it so as to feel no torturing regrets for wasted years, never know the burning shame of a mean and petty past. ─── 生命每个人只有一次。人的一生应当这样度过:回忆往事,他不会因为虚度年华而悔恨,也不会因为生活庸俗而羞愧。

87、This Holy Mission on behalf of God I'm going to fulfill even if it means invading, killing, torturing and burning you and your country! ─── 我将代表上帝执行这项神圣使命,即使它意味着侵略、屠杀、迫害和焚烧你们的国家和人民!

88、After that we went to a very famous jail at that time, and there were many ways of torturing the prisoner. ─── 过后我们就到当时很盛名的监狱,有很多当时折磨那些嫌犯的手段。

89、demons torturing the sinners in Hell ─── 地狱里折磨罪人的魔鬼

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