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08-19 投稿


receptive 发音

英:[r??sept?v]  美:[r??sept?v]

英:  美:

receptive 中文意思翻译



receptive 词性/词形变化,receptive变形

副词: receptively |名词: re-ceptivity |

receptive 常用词组

receptive field ─── 感受野;接受域

receptive 同义词

centripetal | amenable | interested | sharp | sensory | bright | open | capable | approachable | responsive | aesthetic | docile | absorbent | accessible | alert |sensitive | quick | flexible | sympathetic | friendly | tolerant

receptive 反义词


receptive 短语词组

1、receptive relaxation ─── [生理]容受性舒张;容受性松弛

2、receptive meaning ─── 接受意义

3、receptive vocabulary ─── 接受性词汇

4、receptive centers ─── [医] 感受中枢

5、receptive field ─── [自]感受野;接受域

6、receptive communication ─── 接受性沟通

7、receptive aphasia ─── [医] 感觉性失语, 记言不能

8、receptive language goals ─── 接受性语言目标

9、receptive colours ─── 可接受的颜色

10、receptive substance ─── [医] 感受质

11、receptive fields ─── 接受域

12、receptive definition ─── 接受定义

13、receptive language ─── 接收性语言 ─── 接受语言

receptive 相似词语短语

1、preceptive ─── adj.教训性的;好教训人的

2、deceptive ─── adj.欺诈的;迷惑的;虚伪的

3、recreative ─── adj.消遣的;适合休养的;恢复精神的

4、redemptive ─── adj.救赎的;赎罪的;挽回的,赎身的

5、receptible ─── adj.能接受的

6、irreceptive ─── 不可接受的

7、receptively ─── adv.容纳地;感受

8、perceptive ─── adj.洞察力强的;思维敏捷的;有感知能力的

9、unreceptive ─── adj.不会接受的;反应不快的;接受能力不强的

receptive 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Human skin receptive solar UV irradiation comprises mainly UVB and UVA. ─── 人体皮肤接受的日光紫外线辐射主要为UVA和UVB。

2、He realized that it was only when he genuinely let go of his preconceived ideas could he truly be receptive to the Master Power. ─── 他了解到,唯有完全放下成见,才能真正接收到师父的力量。

3、He gave an impressive speech to a receptive audience. ─── 他做了一次感人的讲演,听众深受感动。

4、Pisces is a Water element. Ruled by mystical Neptune, This sign i* **tremely receptive, compassionate, and other-directed. ─── 双鱼座是水相星座。受神秘的海王星所控制。双鱼非常善于接纳,富有同情心,并且很为别人着想。

5、There has to be an input of hunches, guesses and intuition.These come more readily when we are receptive to emotional reactions. ─── 在领导上的成功,将近90%可归因于情绪智商及情绪能力。

6、He was extraordinarily receptive and responsive,while his imagination,pitched high,was ever at work establishing relations of likeness and difference. ─── 他异常善于接纳。反映,他的想像力活跃、总在动作,辨析着事物的同与异。

7、You have done so much to improve the mutrule trade. It's our honer to recept such a guest like you. ─── 2您在促进双方贸易方面做了大量工作,能够接待您这样一位朋友,我们感到很荣幸.

8、He was extraordinarily receptive and responsive, while his imagination, pitched high, was ever at work establishing relations of likeness and difference. ─── 他异常善于接纳。 反映,他的想像力活跃、总在动作,辨析着事物的同与异。

9、They've been very receptive about reports of bugs that have security implications. ─── 他们已经非常善于接受有安全隐患的错误报告。

10、They should attentively listen to opposing or different views and they should be receptive to honest remarks from sincere people. ─── 各级领导同志要善于倾听反面意见,倾听不同意见;要听老实人的话,要听老实话。

11、They are the worst off among the peasants and are highly receptive to revolutionary propaganda. ─── 他们是农民中极艰苦者,极易接受革命的宣传。

12、He's not very receptive to my suggestions. ─── 他不太愿意接纳我的建议。

13、During the two years in club,I attended many activities and had many recept about the club's development and problems existenting. ─── 在俱乐部的近两年的时间里,我参与了俱乐部组织和策划的许多活动,对于俱乐部的发展进程和存在的问题都有一些自己的感受。

14、The earth's condition is receptive devotion. ─── 地球的条件是接受奉献。

15、It will recept us as before with its kindness. ─── 它一如既往的接纳我们,仍然那么亲切友好。

16、She was always receptive to new ideas. ─── 她总是愿意接受新观点。

17、You're not being receptive to him. ─── 你不能接纳他。

18、Responsibilities:1) Office Managementa) Physically Manage local office operationsb) Mentoring and supervising the recept...... ... ─── 公司名称:甲骨文(中国)软件系统有限公司工作地点:台湾省发布时间:2009-7-16

19、They should be receptive, appreciative, and fair when dealing with employee's suggestions. ─── 在处理职工建议时,他们应是易于接近、有鉴别力和公平的。

20、Several teams have expressed interest in signing Malone, including Miami and Minnesota, but he has seemed most receptive to the Spurs. ─── 其他几支球队也对马龙表示了兴趣,包括迈阿密和明尼苏达,不过他本人比较倾向于接受马刺。

21、Wooden exterior and marmoreal ground bring a comfortable suave with doughty recept . ─── 创意性采光设计,使大堂,餐厅,书吧及桑拿池浴均能充分领略室外自然景观。

22、Only lately has he been receptive to such talk from Jeffrey Katzenberg. ─── 只有近来他一直接受这种言论从杰弗里。

23、The Icelander is highly receptive to Pardew's vision of retaining an English core at his club. ─── 冰岛人很可能接受帕度以英格兰球员为核心的模式。

24、Naturally a woman feels resistant to this unloving approach, even when she would be otherwise receptive to the content of what he was saying. ─── 人在愤怒或者伤心的时候,或许已经没有能力再去思考这种发泄会给对方带来多少伤害了。

25、Compressed air causes the deposition of the moisture from the onto the receptive drying material. ─── 压缩空气导致水份从吸水的干燥材料上累积。

26、Oleophilic: Oil receptive property such as image areas of printing plates. ─── 亲油性:能接受油特性,例如版上的印纹部份。

27、You ll be the one being chased and you may not be all that receptive to your pursuer especially if you started off on the wrong foot. ─── 你会成为被追逐的对象,但你可能不太能接受追求者,特别是一开始就没有好印象的时候。

28、People will be alert and receptive if they are faced with information that gets them to think about things they are interested in. ─── 假如人们面对的信息使他们思考自己感兴趣的事物,他们就会警觉起来,而且表现出较强的接受能力。

29、A hairlike terminal process forming the receptive part of the female reproductive structure in certain fungi or algae. ─── 受精丝一种发状的末端隆起,构成某些真菌或海藻类的雌性生殖结构的受精部位

30、From the way he applied himself to the study both of China's past and present and of foreign countries, including the Soviet Union, I knew he was a man with a receptive mind. ─── 从他注意研究中国历史情况和当前社会情况方面,又从他注意研究包括苏联在内的外国情况方面,知道他是很虚心的。

31、Major Topics: Striate Cortex Receptive Field Organization, Cytoarchitecture, Modular Organization, Imaging. ─── 主要题目:纹状皮质接收区组成,细胞结构,模型组成,成像

32、Brady describes the initial shift in media as a risk, but something which made sense due to the warm and receptive nature of both materials. ─── 他是一位多产陶艺家,他用奇特的方式,恣意的想象和依旧保留的独特分辨力,似乎能不费吹灰之力驾驭在陶器,瓷器和柴窑陶器之间。

33、The receptive nature of the creative facility just astounds me. ─── 人的创造性和新生事物总是令我惊讶。

34、What do you find frustrating in a work situation?Sometimes,the narrow-minded people make me frustrated.Minds that are not receptive to new ideas. ─── 在工作中,什么会令你不高兴?

35、The speaker made a speech on/about the Common Market to a receptive audience. ─── 发言人就欧洲共同市场问题向能接受该政策的听众发表演说。

36、Abstract: That the body rhythm is following the music rhythm to moving body for recept the music elements. ─── 内容提要: 体态律动是随着音乐的节奏,通过身体动作来感受音乐要素,表现情感,是富有韵律感、节奏感的身体状态,又称和乐动作。

37、Perhaps New Yorkers have become more receptive to unvarnished common sense than to political pandering. ─── 也许纽约客已经变得比较能够接受未加粉饰的常识,而不是政治迎合;

38、But it seems likely that courts will usually be receptive to more functional arguments as well. ─── 但法院似乎也有可能像通常那样,易于接受较为功能主义的理由。

39、She was always receptive to new ideas. ─── 她总是愿意接受新观点。

40、He is receptive of new thoughts. ─── 他善於接纳新思想。

41、He listened eagerly, with receptive ears, lying on his back and looking up and joying in each movement of her lips as she talked. ─── 他躺在地上尖起耳朵专注地听着,抬头望着她,欣赏着她说话时嘴唇的每一动作,但脑子却装不进赴。

42、Dubai's probable mistake was that it did not do this a year ago when these banks were more receptive to restructuring talks. ─── 迪拜的错误可能在于:它没有在一年前作出这种安排,而当时这些银行更容易接受贷款重组谈判。

43、He gave an impressive speech to a receptive audience. ─── 他做了一次感人的讲演,听众深受感动。

44、At the same time, shoppers are becoming highly receptive to new technology. ─── 同时,顾客开始变得更乐于接受新技术。

45、Even we are on the down of life and poor ,it will not betray us.It will recept us as before with its kindness. ─── 在我们命运不济、贫困潦倒时,它不会背叛我们而去。它一如既往的接纳我们,仍然那么亲切友好。

46、During anthesis papillae stigma surface develop and present gradually from the style tip down to its base, with the receptive area enlarging. ─── 在花期中乳突状柱头表面由花柱顶端向基部渐次发育呈现、柱头面积逐渐增大。

47、Being passive and receptive rather than active and aggressive, Carrie accepted the situation. Her state seemed satisfactory enough. ─── 嘉莉天性被动、容忍,而不是主动、进取,因此她安于现状。她的处境似乎还很令她满意。

48、It distracts them and makes it harder for them to be receptive to the Gospel.I pray for God's mercy.Please pray with me for relief from this burden. ─── 但今次神的平安在我心中作印证,更是兴奋的就是开始了主日祟拜,今天更是在这里第一次守圣餐呢!

49、They also tend to be less receptive to someone with a weaker constitution thus showing little consideration to their needs. ─── 他们也容易是比较不善于接纳对某人以一个较弱的组织如此表现对他们的需要小考虑。

50、He is not very receptive to my suggestions. ─── 他不太接受我的建议。

51、The Pulsation process is a deep cleaning of the whole energy system, and as the body relaxes, our lives becomes more expansive, receptive and joyful. ─── 呼吸疗法是一种深层地洁净能量系统的课程。而当身体放松时,我们的生命将变得更广阔,具接受性及喜悦。

52、As a IE,Minds that are not receptive to new ideas. ─── 你如何处理与同事在工作中的意见不和?

53、Having at last a receptive listener, she unbosomed herself of all her troubles. ─── 好容易有一个肯听她倾诉的人,她便把自己心里的苦恼全倒了出来。

54、The students were very receptive, did not slough the comments off but let them sit around and sink in. ─── 学生们是非常善于接纳的,他们并没有排斥这些话而是坐成一圈沉浸思考。

55、Major Topics: Specificity of Areas, Single-cell Receptive Field Properties, Topography, Imaging, Functional and Anatomical Connections. ─── 主要题目:区域的特性,单级细胞接收区的特性,局部解剖,成像,功能和解剖的联系

56、The voters had seemed receptive to his ideas. ─── 选民似乎愿意接受他的想法。

57、He added, The Mainland is very receptive to change. ─── 他续说:内地很能顺应改变。

58、The mind is never passive; it is a perpetual activity, delicate, receptive, responsive to stimulus. ─── 头脑从来都不是被动的,它一息不停地活动,非常灵敏,富于接受事物,对刺激感觉敏锐。

59、Under those circumstances, she said, North Korea is not likely to be receptive to incentives. ─── 她说,在这种情况下,朝鲜不大可能接受奖励。

60、Adding the additional questions helps you to put them in a better, more receptive frame of mind to hear about your solutions. ─── 加一些其他问题可以让你的客户更乐于与你沟通,从你那里听到解决方案。

61、I might be able to give you some kind of comfort and upliftment in the moment, should you be receptive to that. ─── 如果你可以接受的话,我是可以给你一些立即的安慰和精神提升。

62、Perceptron as Feature Detector. Visual Receptive Fields. ─── 做为特征探测器的感应机。视觉的接受域。

63、Although the company says it has always been committed to protecting privacy, it has not always been receptive to suggestions by activists. ─── 尽管该公司称其一直致力于保护隐私,但它并非总会接受维权者提出的建议。

64、A man must ever be receptive and sensitive to the new . ─── 他必须敏感,随时准备接受新鲜事物。

65、Roughly the same in status as the poor peasants and the small handicraftsmen, they are highly receptive to revolutionary propaganda. ─── 其地位和贫农及小手工业者不相上下,对于革命宣传极易接受。

66、Minds that are not receptive to new ideas. ─── 不能接受新思想的那些取。

67、both of China's past and present and of foreign countries, including the Soviet Union, I knew he was a man with a receptive mind. ─── 从他注意研究中国历史情况和当前社会情况方面,又从他注意研究包括苏联在内的外国情况方面,知道他是很虚心的。

68、The size of LEDs allows for far greater choice in fixture design, though people disagree on how receptive consumers will be to such possibilities. ─── LED的尺寸允许装置设计有更多的选择,尽管人们对消费者如何接纳这些可能性的看法不太一致。

69、So not only are we receptive to change, we anticipate it. ─── 因此,我们不仅乐于接受改变,更能预见改变。

70、Pisces is a Water element. Ruled by mystical Neptune.This sign is extremely receptive, compassionate,and other-directed. ─── 双鱼座是水相星座.受神秘的海王星所控制.双鱼非常善于接纳,富有同情心,并且很为别人着想.

71、Once you have disarmed your listeners with humour, they are much more likely to be receptive to new ideas and change. ─── 一旦你用幽默卸下了听者的武装,他们就更有可能接受新的想法和变革。

72、But the tuning properties of the receptive field centers were different from those of the peripheries either in shape or in band-width. ─── (4)感受野中心区与外周区的时间频率调谐曲线的带宽和形状有所不同。

73、The multi-directional and low-redundant wavelet with receptive fields properties of simple cells was constructed in 2D discrete Hilbert space. ─── 在二维离散希尔伯特空间中构造了一种具有简单细胞感受野特性的多方向低冗余度小波。

74、A:Minds that are not receptive to new ideas. ─── 不能接受新思想的那些人。

75、Deciding what the receptive words should be in the text . ─── 依据涉猎目的,断定文本中须要暂时接受的词汇。

76、Responsibilities:--invoice/contract tracking.--business development assistance. --customers relations and recept...... ... ─── 公司名称:方正软件(苏州)有限公司工作地点:江苏省苏州市发布时间:2009-5-5

77、A die or signet having a raised or incised emblem used to stamp an impression on a receptive substance such as wax or lead. ─── 印章:一种有凸出或雕刻纹章的印模或图章,用来在可接受性物质上作印记,如蜡或铅上。

78、To put into a willing or receptive frame of mind;incline. ─── 他处于愿接受任何提议的心境中,他想要接受任何的提议。

79、Extroverts are highly receptive and tuned-in with their environment, and are naturally responsive with people. ─── 外向的人都很善于接纳别人,并且好赶时髦, 通常也很容易和别人产生互动。

80、Receptive field (RF) plasticity, 2DG and map changes obtained in the auditory and somatosensory system are reviewed. ─── 听觉和躯体感觉系统中的可塑性包括感受野可塑性、2-脱氧葡萄糖(2-DG)标记的Map改变。

81、To put into a willing or receptive frame of mind; incline. ─── 使倾向;使想要使产生一种意愿或可接受的想法;使倾向

82、He was extraordinarily receptive and responsive. ─── 他出奇地颖悟、敏感。

83、Being of a passive and receptive rather than an active and aggressive nature, Carrie accepted the situation. ─── 嘉莉天性被动、容忍,而不是主动、进取,因此她安于现状。

84、There are different types of intellectuals in China.Engineers and technicians are more receptive to socialism.Scientists are next.Those who study liberal arts are the worst. ─── 中国知识分子有几种。工程技术人员接受社会主义要好一些。学理科的其次。学文科的最差。

85、If they were actually to receive rather than pay interest on their debt, calls to toughen up the system in general would probably get a more receptive hearing. ─── 如果确实他们在其债务上得到而不是支付利息的话,通常来说会有更多的强化贷款政策的要求会得到更多可接受的发言机会(意为:会有更多的人/声音要求强化贷款的政策)。

86、Pisces is Water element. Ruled by mystical Neptune, this sign is extremely receptive, compassionate, and other-directed. But the lack of ego-strength can make you feel helpless. ─── 双鱼座是水相星座,受神秘的海王星控制。双鱼非常善于接纳,富有同情心,并且很为别人着想。不过,缺乏自我力量会是你觉得无助。

87、Last year, Mr.Negroponte said, he contacted Mr.Gates again, and this time the Microsoft chairman was receptive. ─── 去年,尼葛鲁邦特先生表示他再次联系盖茨先生,这次微软总裁接受了一件。

88、I might be able to give you some kind of comfort and upliftment in the moment, should you be receptive to that. ─── 如果你可以接受的话,我是可以给你一些立即的安慰和精神提升。

89、In a national questionnaire study with data from three decades, teenagers are becoming more receptive of parental intervention against their children's smoking. ─── 在一个为期三十年的数据问卷调查表里,青少年们正变得更易接受父母亲们干预反对他们吸烟。

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