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08-19 投稿


afflatus 发音

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英:  美:

afflatus 中文意思翻译



afflatus 网络释义

n. 灵感,神明启示;一阵风

afflatus 短语词组

1、afflatus misery ─── 受难

2、afflatus define ─── 灵感定义

3、afflatus vst ─── 触动vst

4、afflatus definition ─── 灵感定义

5、afflatus means ─── 灵感是指

6、afflatus logo afflatus ─── 标志

7、afflatus bug afflatus ─── 臭虫

8、afflatus india ─── 印度灵感

afflatus 相似词语短语

1、flatus ─── n.一阵风;肠胃胀气;屁;气息

2、afflated ─── adj.来自灵感的

3、affiliates ─── 附属公司;联播电台

4、afflations ─── 露头

5、sufflates ─── 使充气

6、inflatus ─── 通货膨胀

7、affogatos ─── 情感的

8、afflation ─── n.灵感

9、Pilatus ─── n.皮拉图斯山(位于瑞士中部)

afflatus 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He got afflatus from his beloved puzzle, thus designed the Tetris. ─── 帕基特诺夫爱玩拼图,从拼图游戏里得到灵感,设计出了《俄罗斯方块》。

2、in the theory about ancient Chinese literature composition dis- closed the arcanum of afflatus and provided us with the third way to get acquainted with it. ─── 中国古代的文学创作理论中精密的“原生灵感”、“再生灵感”原理深刻地揭示了灵感的奥秘,为我们提供了认识灵感的第三条途径。

3、Afflatus focus on business signs, VI, packaging, advertising, binding, album, POP, network and terminal stores a full range of visual design, promotion and dissemination. ─── 灵觉专注于企业的标志、VI、包装、广告、装祯、画册、POP、网络、卖场终端等全方位的视觉设计、推广和传播。

4、to grasp instincts and catch afflatus in time;etc.It is ultimate to the creative education. ─── 即时把握直觉及捕捉灵感等,此乃创新教育的根本。

5、Their aim is to let the employees write down their originalities whenever and wherever.It also can blaze other fellow's afflatus and empolder more new product. ─── 微软这样做的目的就是为了使员工无论在任何时候,任何地方,只要有新的创意都可以写下来,这往往能激发起其他同事的创作灵感,从而为公司献计献策,开发出更多的新产品。

6、The so-called "divine afflatus" is but the flow of this vital spirit, and is actually caused by an overflow of hormones in the blood. ─── 所谓“神通”,就是这心灵的流动,实际上确是由于血液内“荷尔蒙”的泛滥所致。

7、A sort of prophetic spirit and an afflatus of the future circulates there, swelling hearts and enlarging souls. ─── 一种预感的精神和未来的气息在那里奔流,鼓动着人们的心并壮大着人们的意志。

8、replaceability of western theories of thinking determines that the antinomy between the theories about afflatus is everlasting. ─── 西方思辩理论的替代性决定了“灵感”理论对立的永恒性。

9、CindyLaura inherit France’s traditional and romantic’s cultures that you can feel ever single cindyLaura’s eyewear contains all of European top designer’s powerful of create and afflatus. ─── Cindy Laura(仙迪罗拉)风格继承了法国传统及浪漫文化特色,美伦美奂的CindyLaura都蕴涵着欧洲设计师超越时空的创造力和灵感。

10、So the afflatus of clothing deign must be pursued from all-around and multiple directions. ─── 因此要从多角度、多层次、多方位去寻求服装设计的灵感。

11、This "divine afflatus" comes in the morning when one has had a good sleep with sweet dreams and wakes up by himself. ─── 昨夜睡酣梦甜,无人叫而自醒,精神便足。

12、This paper considers that the emergence of the afflatus is resulted from creative thinking,while creative thinking is to reorganize the existing knowledge and experience. ─── 本文认为灵感状态的出现是创造性思维活动的结果,而创造性思维是对已有知识和经验的重新组织。

13、All the projects contained students' idea and afflatus and they provided a good fodder for the practice-project in future. ─── 这次比赛产生的作品中,包含了不少同学们自己的思想和灵感,可以说为今后的实践项目提供了一个很好的基础和素材。

14、the divine afflatus , mr o madden burke said. ─── “非凡的灵感,”奥马登伯克说。

15、Carrie was now lightened by a touch of this divine afflatus. ─── 神圣的灵感使嘉莉变得神采奕奕。

16、I keeped finding times without number in Internet for a long time. I try to find something funny or a little of afflatus. ─── 我在网上不停的搜索,想找到一个有意思的东西,或者能够给我一点启发。

17、A sort of prophetic spirit and an afflatus of the future circulates there, swelling hearts and enlarging souls. ─── 另外一些会,任人随意参加,会场便拥挤到有些人非立着不可。

18、84. The confusion about different afflatuses occurring in different phases is the essential cause for the contradiction between western theories about afflatus. ─── 混淆不同思维阶段出现的性质不同的灵感是导致西方灵感理论矛盾的根本原因。

19、to grasp instincts and catch afflatus in time; etc. It is ultimate to the creative education. ─── 即时把握直觉及捕捉灵感等,此乃创新教育的根本。

20、Afflatus keen to provide enterprises with brand planning and design and dissemination of extension services, and aims to be international, first-class brand design broadcaster. ─── 灵觉热衷于为企业提供品牌规划设计和传播推广服务,并致力于成为国际性的、一流的品牌设计传播机构。

21、creative afflatus ─── 艺术

22、Were did your afflatus come from? ─── 翻译:请问你的灵感是从那里来的?

23、You will no doubt claim "truth" as the ultimate afflatus against flatness.I sigh as I wonder if it's worth the effort to even reply. ─── 我们的“地圆论”不是用来描述终极因的,而是希望用一些更有效、更融贯的模式解释自然界(尤其是生物界)的某个层面。

24、poetic afflatus ─── 诗的灵感

25、A book for you to touch the design afflatus ─── 一本设计师灵感来源的书

26、He entitled his music” We need afflatus in selling ” and then distribute it to those characters who live on selling and those do not. ─── 还把自己的家供给仔仔和小剑居住。最终,仔仔和小剑为自己找到了一份比作男妓还要低贱的工作,那就是做乞丐。

27、My long poem "Getting Afflatus" describing Mongolia plateau and city, was published on the "October" in spring of this year under Yihe's edition. ─── 我的描述蒙古高原与都市的长诗《顿悟》,是在这一年春天由一禾编发在《十月》上的。

28、Though me the afflatus surging and surging, though me the current and index. ─── 透过我,灵感源源不断的奔流;透过我,潮流和指标不断涌现。

29、Afflatus a professional "brand interpretation" become the most influential design of communication agencies. ─── 灵觉以专业的“品牌演绎”成为国内最具影响力的设计传播机构之一。

30、The Third Way to Get Acquainted with the Essence of Afflatus ─── 试论认识灵感本质的第三条途径

31、“I don't know whether I'd be able to discuss that divine afflatus with you or not,” returned Lester, with a touch of grim humour. ─── “我不知道自己能不能跟你讨论这种神圣的灵感,”雷斯脱带着一种严肃的幽默回答道。

32、The advertisers of originality have to search new methods and new afflatus to create extraordinary visual image, in order to attract viewers' attention at the first time. ─── 广告创意人必须不断寻找新的途径和新的灵感来创造不同寻常的视觉形象,在第一时间吸引受众的视线。

33、Every perfect product is standout、noble and forsooth and that is a kind of reverie of infinite life and a spigot of afflatus! ─── 款款精品,款款出色。点滴之间,高贵实在,生活无限的遐想,灵感源泉的龙头!

34、afflatus inspiration ─── 灵感

35、Besides, many starters sought for their afflatus from some natural phenomenas, like wind, water, fire, sand and so on, and those clothes look really bizarre for me. ─── 很多新手十分“遵循”前辈的教导,一味从自然现象风水火沙之类的找灵感,但是做出来的衣服,实在让人费解,还奇形怪状的。

36、This point, to view culture in a consistently developing circumstance, links design concept to cultures, and accords with our object to find more afflatus from culture; ─── 以这种发展观看待文化,使文化与设计之间有了共同的语言,从而更符合我们从文化中汲取设计的营养的目的;

37、Keywords afflatus;creative thinking;design; ─── 灵感;创造性思维;构思;

38、I keeped finding times without number in internet for a long time.I try to find somthing funny or a little of afflatus. ─── 我在网上不停的搜索,想找到一个有意思的东西,或者能够给我一点启发。

39、in internet for a long time. I try to find something funny or a little of afflatus. ─── 我在网上不停的搜索,想找到一个有意思的东西,或者能够给我一点启发。

40、The so-called "divine afflatus" is but the flow of this vital spirit,and is actually caused by an overflow of hormones in the blood. ─── 所谓“神的灵感”不过是此精神之潮流,事实上是腺分泌溢出血液外之结果。

41、Releasing afflatus, tasting interest--FAWToyota come off Terio decoration match in Chinese big cities ─── 释放灵感体验趣味--一汽丰田举行特锐全国重点城市装饰大赛

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