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08-19 投稿


continuate 发音

英:[[k?n't?nj?e?t]]  美:[[k?n't?nj?e?t]]

英:  美:

continuate 中文意思翻译



continuate 短语词组

1、continuate ad inviarmi email in english ─── 继续用英语给我发邮件

2、continuate definition ─── 连续定义

3、continuate medication ─── 连续用药

continuate 相似词语短语

1、continue ─── vi.继续,延续;仍旧,连续;vt.继续说…;使…继续;使…延长

2、continuants ─── n.连续音;adj.连续音的

3、continuator ─── n.继续者

4、continuative ─── adj.继续的

5、continual ─── adj.持续不断的;频繁的

6、continuant ─── n.连续音;adj.连续音的

7、continuance ─── n.持续;停留;续篇;诉讼延期

8、continua ─── n.连续体;差异序列(continuum的复数)

9、continuable ─── adj.可持续的

continuate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、And in this posture I continu'd about two hours; but began to be mighty impatient for intelligence abroad, for I had no spies to send out. ─── 在这种心情和状态下,我大约等了两小时,就又急不可耐地想知道外面的情况,因为我没有探子派出去为我打听消息。

2、With our continuate endeavor, our products have been widely admitted by our industry customers, sales covering more than 80% of the major cities and with biggest market share in China. ─── 亚大产品已被广大行业内客户所接受,产品遍布全国80%以上的大、中城市,两大类产品的市场占有率均排名行业市场首位。

3、10.For CMP gather seismic data,in common midpoint-half offset distance, the prestack double square root operator could be used to continuate and strip layer by layer. ─── 对于CMP道集地震数据,在共中心点-半偏移距中,可以利用波动方程的叠前双平方根算子,实现延拓,进行层层剥离.

4、The West Tianhan Orogen may undergo a post-collisional collapse since Permian.And the magmatic activities may continu to early Triassic. ─── 二叠纪开始西天山地区处于后碰撞造山阶段,该阶段的岩浆活动可能一直持续到早三叠纪。

5、The Spectrum of the Transport Operator with the Continuate Energy in a Slab ─── 板模型中一类具连续能量的迁移算子的谱

6、Therefore, purpose of the paper is to provide theoretic and technique sustainer for telecom services to keep corresponded development, to promote regional economic continuate healthy development. ─── 为此,研究电信业务空间分布及其演化方式的目的,是为保持电信业务协调发展和促进区域经济可持续化健康发展而提供理论和技术支持。

7、The Spectrum Analysis of the Transport Operator with Continuate Energy in Boundary Convex Body ─── 有界凸体中具连续能量的迁移算子的谱分析

8、There will always be people who'll hurt you,but you need to continu trusting,just be careful. ─── 生活中总会有伤害你的人,但是你仍然需要继续相信别人,只是小心些而已。

9、Constructing rural social security system of Guangxi Province is a major issue which contributes to harmonious,stable and continuate development of Guangxi society. ─── 广西农村社会保障体系建设,是关系到广西社会和谐、稳定、可持续发展的重要问题。

10、The system uses the DirectX class for data acquisition form sound card, uses multi- thread for continuate acquisition,and gives a method of detecting DC sign. ─── 使用DirectX技术从声卡采集数据,使用多线程技术实现数据的不间断采集,并给出了直流信号的数据采集方案。

11、The making of a Nation, a progam in special english.I`m Kay Glant,today,Harry Monro and I continu... ─── 这次听写是关于美国历史的报道.比较熟悉的文章背景,听写起来不是十分困难.

12、Gore supporters wasted little time in seizing on his Nobel recognition in their continu ing bid to urge him to run for president next year. ─── 戈尔的支持者没有浪费一点时间在颂扬他获得诺贝尔奖的殊荣上,而是继续催促他准备明年的总统竞选上。

13、The Spectrum of the Transport Operator with the Continuate Energy in a Slab ─── 板模型中一类具连续能量的迁移算子的谱

14、Rehabilitation teachers; Continuate developing;Teachers specialization;Teachers culture ─── 康复教师;可持续发展;教师专业化;教师文化

15、Groundwater table dynamic change in Hebei-plain in 30 years and the groundwater continuate utilization ─── 河北省平原区近30年来地下水动态变化及可持续利用对策

16、continu to press ─── 持续施加压力

17、Look at the flight information board to find out where your continu ing flight leaves from. ─── 请在班机情况牌上寻找您的联运班机的出发地点。

18、Keywords Rehabilitation teachers;Continuate developing;Teachers specialization;Teachers culture; ─── 康复教师;可持续发展;教师专业化;教师文化;

19、Groundwater table dynamic change in Hebei-plain in 30 years and the groundwater continuate utilization ─── 河北省平原区近30年来地下水动态变化及可持续利用对策

20、On the way to success,loneliness is necessary ,who can resist to the lonliness can continuate to success. ─── 在成功的道路上,寂寞是必经的一站;耐得住寂寞的人,才能顺利地继续前进。

21、The Spectrum Analysis of the Transport Operator with Continuate Energy in Boundary Convex Body ─── 有界凸体中具连续能量的迁移算子的谱分析

22、With the continuate development of Radar technology, phased array radars are used more and more widely. ─── 随着雷达技术的不断发展,相控阵雷达的应用越来越广泛。

23、The investment function of insurance (mainly life insurance) and the static and dynamic period structures of financial assets possessing continuate cash flows have been researched. ─── 对保险(以寿险为主)的投资功能和具有持续现金流的金融资产进行了静态和动态周期结构研究。

24、Continuate to create value for customers ─── 持续不断的为顾客创造价值

25、continuate betterment process ─── 持续改进

26、That I continu'd pensive, and sad, and kept close within my own circle for almost two years after this ─── 所以,差不多有两年时间,我整天愁眉不展,郁郁寡欢,并不敢超越自己的活动范围。

27、An irresistible reluctance continu'd to going home; and as I stay'd a while, the remembrance of the distress I had been in wore off ─── 但一想到回家,一种厌恶感油然升起,难以抑制。这样过了一些日子,对灾祸的记忆逐渐淡忘

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