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08-19 投稿


afflux 发音

英:[['?fl?ks]]  美:[['?fl?ks]]

英:  美:

afflux 中文意思翻译



afflux 短语词组

1、afflux of capital ─── [经] 资本流入

2、afflux mass ─── 大量涌入

3、afflux curve ─── 汇流曲线

4、afflux water ─── 汇水

5、afflux inc ─── 汇入公司

6、afflux define ─── 汇入定义

7、afflux bonanza ─── 富矿流入

8、afflux studio ─── 流入工作室

9、afflux sanguin ─── 血流

afflux 相似词语短语

1、afflatus ─── n.灵感,神明启示;一阵风

2、affluxion ─── n.汇流

3、affluxions ─── 外溢

4、reflux ─── n.逆流;退潮

5、affluxes ─── n.涌进;流入;汇入

6、affix ─── vt.粘上;署名;将罪责加之于;n.[语]词缀;附加物

7、efflux ─── n.流出;消逝;流出物;结束

8、affluent ─── adj.富裕的;丰富的;流畅的;n.支流;富人

9、influx ─── n.流入;汇集;河流的汇集处

afflux 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In recent years, with the rapid development of China's foreign trade and the continuous afflux, china's foreign exchange reserve expanded rapidly. ─── 摘要近几年来,随着中国对外贸易的迅速发展和外资的持续流入,外汇储备快速增加。

2、The Afflux of Science Technology and Prosopography ─── 科学技术与人学的融合

3、A flowing to or toward a point;afflux. ─── 流注:向某处流动;

4、The tide of afflux of foreign banks is higher than that happened before, which makes the topic that how the Chinese four state-owned commercial banks face the challenger become the hottest one. ─── 一时间,山雨欲来风满楼,作为中国金融业中流砥柱的四大商行,如何勤练“内功”、抵御“外敌”,成了理论界、银行业共同关心的话题。

5、Analysis of the Afflux of Foreign Capital to USA on a Large Scale in the Late 19th Century ─── 19世纪后半期外资大规模进入美国原因分析

6、Analog study on slope run-off and afflux of small basin ─── 小流域坡面产流汇流模拟研究

7、" animal people curiously afflux inn door, .. ─── 动物们好奇地涌进了店门,...

8、source,maturity and afflux of buried hill reservoir were related to extensional faulting in Cenozoic; ─── 古潜山油气藏的油气源、油气成熟度和油气充注与新生代伸展断层作用有关 ;

9、Obstinate ascites of advanced schistosomiasis treated with ascites afflux through dialyse ─── 透析机浓缩腹水静脉回输治疗晚期血吸虫病顽固性腹水

10、A flowing to or toward a point; afflux. ─── 流注向某处流动;流向

11、an afflux of blood to the head. ─── 流向大脑的血液。

12、permanent afflux ─── 持久流入

13、an afflux of blood to the head ─── 脑充血

14、Shanghai international car is exhibited fell again heavy curtain, the stream of people that visits this second car to exhibit falls just like current flow general, indefatigable afflux is gushing. ─── 上海国际汽车展又一次落下了帷幕,参观本次车展的人流就象潮涨潮落一般,不知疲倦地涌进涌出。

15、Since reforming and opening, the afflux of FDI arose to urge action tremendously to economic growth of China. ─── 改革开放以来,FDI的流入对中国的经济增长产生了巨大的推动作用。

16、Haizi cave originated in the early or middle stage,Pleistocenc, Quaternary, and is a kind of afflux underground river cave. ─── 该洞发育起于第四纪更新世早期或中期 ,属流入型地下河溶洞。

17、As the afflux of western culture, latter-day writer Yu Dafu, he that " sink into " with respect to start shooting speak bluntly " sexual culture " the first gun. ─── 随着西方文化的流入,近代文学家郁达夫,他那篇“沉沦”就打响了直言“性文化”的第一枪。

18、Behind flower's lip piece has a bag shape angle, in has the sweet syrup, the symbolic wealth afflux accumulation quarter. ─── 花的唇片后方有一个袋形角,内有甜蜜汁,象征财富汇流聚集的处所。

19、The foreign capital afflux of Japan will present the gradual increment trend; ─── 日本的外资流入将呈现逐渐增加趋势;

20、Its afflux was to the east. ─── 它的流向是东方。

21、afflux mass ─── 流入质量

22、Tell simply, reserve is moved on the bank, the kind that much money cannot use loan borrows! Such, heat up the afflux of money less! ─── 简单的讲,银行上调预备金,就有大量的钱不能利用贷款的方式借出!这样,就少了热钱的流入!

23、For the average hydrology model , after confirming model structrue, ensueing account adopt what function form, as adopt what contributing and afflux compute form and equation. ─── 对于一般流域水文模型而言,确定出模型的结构后,接下来就要考虑采用什么样的函数形式来描述水文物理循环的数量关系,即采用什么样的产、汇流计算方式和计算方程。

24、Obstinate hepatocirrhosis ascites treated with ascites afflux through dialyse and captopril: a report of 89 cases ─── 腹水超滤回输和卡托普利联合治疗难治性肝硬化腹水89例

25、Obstinate ascites of advanced schistosomiasis treated with ascites afflux through dialyse ─── 透析机浓缩腹水静脉回输治疗晚期血吸虫病顽固性腹水

26、In the gouge on the ground a hole, can induct the running water all round, and factitious ground lowers urban price, be sure to attract the afflux of all sorts of factor of production. ─── 在地上挖出一个坑,就会吸纳四周的流水,而人为地降低城市地价,必将吸引各种生产要素的流入。

27、afflux curve ─── 汇流曲线

28、It is easier that later period makes money, but easy when metropolis afflux goes to everybody, become not easy. ─── 另外一家是我们正在做的鞋子,星期六鞋业,可能不会受到特别的影响,因为总体的业绩还是很不错的。

29、Afflux plastics model-designing ─── 注塑模设计

30、The levels of Pb, Zn, Cu and Cd in the sediment of Hengshi river with mine drainage afflux are found as high as 1841.02, 2326.28, 1522.61 and 10.33 mg/kg respectively, which are beyond their contents in the control samples. ─── 结果发现,矿山废水流入的横石河沉积物中Pb、Zn、Cu和Cd的质量分数分别为1841.02、2326.28、1522.61和10.33 mg/kg;

31、" he says, before a few years hearsay does poineering work board when rolling out, have large quantities of capital afflux, the result lives hard mostly later. ─── 他说,前几年传言创业板推出时,就有大批资本涌进,结果后来大多难以生存。

32、The person afflux of a lot of other spheres comes, drove the formation of this market on one hand, but the bubble form that also created this industry expands. ─── 许多其他领域的人涌进来,一方面推动了这个市场的形成,但也造成了这个行业的泡沫式膨胀。

33、In spring tide of reforming and opening is at present insurgent the thought of afflux, people is liberated ceaselessly, all sorts of economics thoughts and genre confused come.. ─── 在目前改革开放大潮澎湃涌进、人们的思想不断解放、各种经济学思潮与流派纷至...

34、Receive vitreous door, the wall disappeared, the sitting room is reductive the space that opens wide completely for, sunshine and fresh air an afflux house. ─── 把玻璃门收起来,墙消失了,客厅还原为一个完全敞开的空间,阳光和新鲜的空气一起涌进屋子。

35、Analog study on slope run-off and afflux of small basin ─── 小流域坡面产流汇流模拟研究

36、Approach to Intercepted Quantity of slope Afflux and Its Correlated Factors ─── 坡面汇流可截引水量及其相关影响因素探讨

37、Institution property, the system of mess, attracted the afflux of a large number of personnel, the regular maintenance that causes highway is couldn't get assure. ─── 三是人员膨胀,队伍庞大,成本增加。

38、International crosses a state group and each country foreign trader in succession afflux Shanghai market. ─── 上海纸箱行业随着浦东改革开放的发展而发展。国际跨国集团和各国外商纷纷涌进上海市场。

39、The American farm produce, high technic produce, and capital and technology of multinational make an afflux to China. ─── 美国的农产品、高新技术产品,连同跨国公司的资本和技术,滚滚不息地涌进中国大陆。

40、Study on Flood Passage Regulation Scheme of Afflux Section in Miluo River ─── 汨罗江尾闾洪道整治方案探讨

41、afflux of stimulus ─── 刺激传入

42、Study on Flood Passage Regulation Scheme of Afflux Section in Miluo River ─── 汨罗江尾闾洪道整治方案探讨

43、The component afflux China of global each district, assemble in many works with low cost. ─── 寰球各地的部件涌进中国,以低本钱在大量的工厂里组装。

44、Below open economy condition, invest directly external (the afflux of FDI) and pouring out of is the important way that an economy system blends in economic globalization. ─── 开放经济条件下,对外直接投资(FDI)的流入与流出是一个经济体融入经济全球化的重要途径。

45、Tianjin lies in downstream of Haihe river valley,75 percent quality of water ofwhole valley afflux into Bohai ocean by Tianjin,and water is especial relation toTianjin. ─── 天津市地处海河流域的尾闾,特殊的地理位置和自然条件,决定了天津市与水休戚相关,流域75%以上的暴雨洪水均需经天津市泄入渤海。

46、afflux of capital ─── [经] 资本流入

47、Discussion on digitalized discrimination method of river region afflux unitline matching ─── 流域汇流单位线选配的数字化判别方法探讨

48、HTS power cable terminations are afflux units of the superconducting cable core under low temperature transiting to high voltage bus bar under room temperature and input/output of the refrigerant. ─── 高温超导电缆终端是运行在低温的超导电缆芯向常温的高压母线过渡和致冷剂进出口的汇集组件,具有很高的技术含量。

49、branch afflux ─── 支流汇入

50、Before the concert begins, lubinsitan stands in the hall of odeum, look at large quantities of one audience afflux to listen to his music to perform. ─── 音乐会开始前,鲁宾斯坦站在音乐厅的大厅里,看着一大批观众涌进来听他的音乐演奏。

51、Analysis of the Afflux of Foreign Capital to USA on a Large Scale in the Late 19th Century ─── 19世纪后半期外资大规模进入美国原因分析

52、Analysis and Regulation of Hood in Zishui Afflux Section in Dongting Lake Area ─── 洞庭湖区资水尾闾洪灾分析及治理

53、Approach to Intercepted Quantity of slope Afflux and Its Correlated Factors ─── 坡面汇流可截引水量及其相关影响因素探讨

54、Negative Benefit Analysis on the Affection of Wuqiangxi Hydropower Station to Draining Waterlogged Areas in Yuanshui Afflux Section ─── 五强溪运行对沅水尾闾排涝负效益分析

55、Shennong River origins from Shennongjia then afflux into the Yangtze on Dongxiang, the total length is 60 kilometers. ─── 神农溪自神农架发源至巴东东壤口汇入长江,全长60公里。

56、Such, heat up the afflux of money less! ─── 这样,就少了热钱的流入!

57、At the same time, the formation and development of regional sustained competitiveness is very important to resources afflux and improvement of industrial st... ─── 资源流动过程是一个动态的不断上升的过程,也是区域持续竞争优势形成和提升的过程。

58、Exterior element has: The stability of the afflux of foreign capital and foreign trade prices. ─── 外部因素有:外国资金的流入和对外贸易行情的稳定。

59、Be like tidewater when flowers of multicolored of all kinds kind from the afflux in TV appearance when the eye shot of people, believe everybody can do it enchanted. ─── 当五彩斑斓的各色花卉如潮水般从电视画面中涌进人们的视野时,相信每个人都会为之心动。

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