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08-19 投稿


petrifaction 发音

英:[?petr??f?k??n]  美:[?petr??f?k??n]

英:  美:

petrifaction 中文意思翻译



n.石化; 化石物; 吓呆; 惊呆

petrifaction 词性/词形变化,petrifaction变形

异体字: petrification |

petrifaction 短语词组

1、petrifaction wikipedia ─── 石化维基百科

2、petrifaction may also involve ─── 石化也可能涉及

3、petrifaction means ─── 石化意味着

4、petrifaction fossil ─── 石化化 ─── 石

5、petrifaction definition ─── 石化作用定义

6、petrifaction meaning ─── 石化意义

7、petrifaction manga ─── 石化漫画

petrifaction 相似词语短语

1、petrifactive ─── adj.造成石化的

2、arefaction ─── 除湿;干燥

3、putrefaction ─── n.腐败;腐败物

4、detraction ─── n.诽谤;减损

5、vitrifaction ─── n.玻璃化作用;透明化

6、petrification ─── n.化石;僵化;石化作用

7、metrification ─── n.韵文的创作;公制化

8、retroaction ─── n.反动;反作用;溯及既往

9、retraction ─── n.撤回,撤销;收回

petrifaction 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Company of Iranian country petrifaction (NPC) and Egypt government built ethylene splitting decomposition and downstream product fit to reach preliminary collaboration intent in Egypt a few days ago. ─── 伊朗国家石化公司(NPC)与埃及政府日前就在埃及建设乙烯裂解及下游产品装置达成初步合作意向。

2、The modern management pattern that HSE management system is health of oil petrifaction industry, safety and environmental unifinication management. ─── HSE管理体系是石油石化行业健康、安全与环境一体化管理的现代管理模式。

3、It will be okay effect extending in petroleum and petrifaction areas. ─── 在石油石化领域推广可收到较好的效果。

4、Brief Introduction Of Harbin Petrifaction Filiale Geologic Condition ─── 哈尔滨石化分公司地质情况简介

5、Chinese oil and Chinese petrifaction also offer blame oil to tasted service respect to make beneficial attempt in gas station in recent years, obtained initial effect. ─── 中国石油和中国石化近年来也在加油站提供非油品服务方面做了有益的尝试,并取得了初步成效。

6、What worth more to joy and encourage is that we have been warranted to enter the Bearing Resource Market of China Petrifaction, which will stimulate us to work hard and stride ahead. ─── 更值得高兴和令人鼓舞的是,我司现已被批准加入中石化轴承市场,这将激励我司不断的努力向前发展。

7、Yangzhou petrifaction factory this affiliation.. ─── 扬州石化厂这个联营...

8、He affected whole petrifaction trade almost, go to group company from single company, arrive again change Taiwan policy. ─── 他几乎影响了整个石化行业,从单个企业到集团企业,再到改变台湾政策。

9、Products technology and quality take lead in China, and have won good reputation in petrifaction enterprise market. ─── 产品技术水平及质量在国内处于领先地位,在石化企业市场有良好的信誉。

10、Firm of Ba Ling petrifaction joined appraisal to meet about the leader. ─── 巴陵石化公司有关领导参加了鉴定会.

11、On Constructing Ecological Landscape Architecture Style for Petrifaction Enterprise ─── 建设生态园林式石化企业

12、So it always be called the "alive petrifaction" in the modern city life. ─── 因此,当代城市民谣又被喻为是反映当代城市生活的“活化石”。

13、semantic petrifaction ─── 语义石化

14、Underground pipe networks are the important infrastructure in one region , urban and lager petrifaction enterprise, which has many fuctions, including . ─── 地下管道是一个地区、城市或大型石化企业重要的基础设施,担负着供热、供气、供水等功能。

15、But, because petrifaction enterprise is traditional industry mostly, the further progress of the enterprise was restricted on certain level. ─── 但是 ,由于石化企业大多是传统产业 ,在一定程度上制约了企业的进一步发展。

16、The home that assumes by company of Luoyang petrifaction engineering's most large-scale successive reforming, hydrogenation is purificatory. ─── 由洛阳石化工程公司承担的国内最大规模的连续重整、加氢精制。

17、A Brief Account of the Phenomenon of Language Petrifaction ─── 语言石化现象概述

18、Following are the four chapters on the petrifaction phenomena in Dickinson’s works. ─── 接下来,将分四章探讨狄瑾荪诗中的石化现象。

19、Our country joins GHI to reach in petrifaction appears on the market, make the production of triumphal oil field managed a situation to produce tremendous change. ─── 我国加入GHI及中石化上市,使胜利油田的生产经营形势发生了巨大的变化。

20、Accordingly, commercial bank of national share-holding system needs to carry value sale, for the support of core business bankroll of petrifaction industry. ─── 因此,全国性股份制商业银行需要通过价值营销,为石化行业的核心业务提供资金支持。

21、The citrus oil is regenerative energy, and can substitute petrifaction fuel. ─── 柑桔油是可再生能源, 能替代石化燃料.

22、To become stony, especially by petrifaction. ─── 使变成石头使变成石头,尤指通过石化作用

23、With respect to petrifaction industry, "Own innovation " what should realize craft, technology and equipment to make namely is homebred change. ─── 就石化工业来说,“自主创新”就是要实现工艺、技术和装备制造的国产化。

24、In the meantime, in this network operator can the company still is being sent send " petrifaction net " in the file of the member, name of company of the petrochemical in using and brand. ─── 同时,该网经营者中能公司还在发送给“石化网”会员的文件中,使用中石化的企业名称和商标。

25、At present, our bearing sales covered various industries: metallurgy, electricity power, petrifaction, aviation, mining , machinery manufacturing, printing, electronics, chemical engineering, etc. ─── 公司目前的轴承销售已经涵盖了各种行业:冶金、电力、石化、航空、钢铁、矿山、机械制造、印刷、电子、纺织、化工、汽车等众多领域。

26、Choose couplet trade net, mean bullion island to decide to stand for war his put in petrifaction industry. ─── 选择联贸网,意味着金银岛决定将自己的主战场放在石化行业。


28、Since 1991, below the kind consideration of head office of oil natural gas, qinghai oil management board begins refinery of wood of build case Er, petrifaction base also subsequently build. ─── 从1991年起,在石油天然气总公司的亲切关怀下,青海石油治理局开始兴建格尔木炼油厂,石化基地也随之兴建。

29、The products of the company have been widely used in large and medium-sized enterprises of automobile manufacture, boats and ships manufacture, steel smelting and petroleum and petrifaction and the energy-economizing effect is prominent. ─── 公司产品已在汽车制造、船舶制造、钢铁冶炼、石油石化等大中型企业广泛应用,节电效果突出。

30、Announcement No.51, 2004 of the National Development and Reform Commission of the People's Republic of China, On Annulling 30 Items of Industry Standards Code and Name in Coal, Petrifaction and Pharmacy Furnishment ─── 中华人民共和国国家发展和改革委员会公告2004年第51号,废止130项煤炭、石化、制药装备行业标准编号及名称

31、Application of Membrane Technology in the Petrifaction Industry Profession ─── 石油化工行业中膜技术的应用

32、Petrifaction may also involve a simultaneous exchange of the original substance of a dead plant or animal with mineral matter of a different composition. ─── 石化还可能同时涉及将死亡的动植物的原有物质与不同成分的矿物质进行交换的作用。

33、In recent years, petrifaction industry pipes accidents were occured frequently, it badly affected safe and economic benefits. ─── 近年来石化工业管道事故频发,严重影响安全生产及企业经济效益。

34、This petrifaction may be existed over two million years. ─── 这化石可能超过二百万年了.

35、Experience of Greening and Beautify the Petrifaction Refinery Factory Area in Maoming ─── 茂名石化炼油厂厂区的绿化美化

36、It will be okay effect extending in petroleum and petrifaction areas. ─── 在石油石化领域推广可收到较好的效果.

37、What was on head of a list of names posted up 2007 is medium oil, outstanding achievement assessed a row reciprocal 2008 the 6th, and in petrifaction also by the rank the 2nd glide penult. ─── 2007年居于榜首的中石油,2008年业绩考核位列倒数第六,而中石化也由排名第二下滑到倒数第二。

38、The character of the cause of formation of English petrifaction of students and its deterrent countermeasures in higher VTE ─── 高职学生英语石化成因特征及防止对策

39、The world that afterwar Holand uses 50 time " cheap oil " period and oneself are marine the comparison of big country advantage, develop large-scale petrifaction industry, lu Tedan.. ─── 战后荷兰利用50年代的世界“廉价石油”时期和自身海运大国的比较优势,发展大规模的石化工业,鹿特丹...

40、To return the natural balance and barness the Petrifaction in the karsting area,the main measure is to recover the degenerating vegetation. ─── 岩溶山区植被遭受破坏或退化,是其生态失衡及呈现“石漠化”的根本原因。恢复岩溶山区的生态平衡,治理“石漠化”,其根本措施是退化植被的恢复。

41、Plate heat exchanger widely applicable in ship building, petrifaction, air condition, food, medicine, steel, engine, etc. ─── 板式热交换器适用于造船 、 石化 、 空调 、 食品 、 医药 、 钢铁 、 机车等各行和业.

42、2) Familiar with automatization and instrument industry, especially medicament, petrifaction market. ─── 2、熟悉自动化、仪表行业,了解医药、石化、化工水处理市场;

43、We have established the cooperation with petrifaction group of Germany ST.Paul and successfully developed enviroment-protected additive of engine with organic Cu and Mo. ─── 公司于2007年3月与德国圣保路石化集团达成合作意向,并成功的研制出有机铜钼绿色环保发动机机油添加剂。

44、According to reporter understanding, at present " petrifaction net " content of tort be accusinged has been deleted, "Purchase a net " already also shut in lawsuit, cannot login. ─── 据记者了解,目前“石化网”被控侵权内容已经删除,“采购网”也在诉讼中已关闭,无法登录。

45、Finally, imitate the life that industry of our country petrifaction grows is periodic, analysed imitate result. ─── 最后, 模拟了我国石化工业发展的寿命周期, 并分析了模拟结果.

46、From 1997, wei Changyang enters petrifaction to analyse instrument market all right. ─── 自1997年, 维昌洋行进入石化分析仪器市场.

47、Accuser agent expresses, after this website misdirect is successful, namely with in petrifaction name asks the other side joins in, and collection joins in cost. ─── 原告代理人表示,该网站误导成功后,即以中石化名义要求对方加盟,并收取加盟费。

48、to convert(wood or other organic matter) into a stony replica by petrifaction ─── 使石化使(木头或其它有机物)通过石化作用转变成为石质复制品

49、Cai Xi of senior vice president has Chinese petrifaction to sign an agreement on behalf of Chinese petrifaction and supplier of 23 home strategy; ─── 中国石化股份公司总裁王天普在战略供应商会议上作重要讲话并出席签字仪式;

50、This petrifaction may be existed over two million years. ─── 这块化石可能存在超过二百万年了。

51、Guangzhou ethylene project invests build jointly by Guangzhou city and Chinese petrifaction head office. ─── 广州乙烯工程是由广州市和中国石化总公司共同投资兴建的.

52、Afore-mentioned agreements are medium nevertheless, what do not include to still have an agreement with autograph of other operation business at present is medium petrifaction service station. ─── 不过上述协议中,不包括目前还与其他运营商签有协议的中石化服务站。

53、The term "fossil" often implies petrifaction, literally a transformation into stone. ─── 化石”这个词通常意味着石化,字面意思是变成石头。

54、Abstract: What large petrifaction installs domain of equipment manufacturing industry to equip with large metallurgy fully is own change executive plan to came on stage in succession a few days ago. ─── 摘要:装备制造业领域大型石化装备和大型冶金装备的自主化实施方案于日前相继出台。

55、Comparison of biodegradation of benzene hydrocarbons gas with mixed culture from petrifaction sludge and white-rot fungi ─── 石化污泥混合菌和白腐真菌对气相苯系物的降解能力比较

56、2003, the situation that whole petrifaction industry faces is daedal. ─── 据业内专家预测,今年上半年国内石化行业将处于比较稳定的盈利状态。2003年,整个石化行业面临的局势错综复杂。

57、Ability resource gets alone somebody be developed effectively, the most active element utmost ground became active, do do strong China petrifaction to just have the most reliable assurance greatly. ─── 惟有人才资源得到有效开发,最活跃的因素最大限度地活跃起来,做大做强中国石化才有最可靠的保证。

58、In the link of petrifaction industry catenary, existence nature forestall and domain of blame nature forestall. ─── 在石化产业链的环节中, 存在自然垄断和非自然垄断领域.

59、Petrifaction Industry Section in Plan for Construction, the Stretch of the Oil Refinery Project at the southern bank of Meizhou Bay. ─── 规划建设石化工业规划小区,承接湄洲湾南岸炼化一体化石化项目延伸。

60、This article analyzes the petrifaction of word meaning in English and its impact on learners' comprehension and the correct use of words. ─── 但是英语词义的石化现象对学生正确理解和得体运用词汇带来了许多影响。

61、Classified investigation on the hazardous factors in a petrifaction enterprise ─── 某石化企业有害因素分级调查与分析

62、This is indicating, outdoors medium is become in petrifaction its new profit point of growth. ─── 这标志着,户外传媒成为中石化其新的利润增长点。

63、Its fiber diameter is film of general petrifaction face (do not knit cloth cover film) fibrous 1 of 133, let gas pass only, avoid elite fluid to evaporate. ─── 其纤维直径为一般石化面膜(不织布面膜)纤维的133之1,仅让气体通过,避免精华液蒸发。

64、In going 20 years, petrifaction industry also obtained swift and violent development in thalassic area, already became one of main force of international petrifaction course of study. ─── 在过去20年中,石化工业在海湾地区也取得了迅猛的发展,已成为国际石化业的主力军之一。

65、Nanjing Golden Star Petrifaction Co., Ltd. ─── 南京金芭蕾化妆品有限公司。

66、The benefit of major area is good at in former years, the benefit of most industry has improvement, and oil, petrifaction two big groups?. ─── 大部分地区的效益都好于往年,大多数行业的效益都有改善,而石油、石化两大集团?..

67、"Such-and-such petrifaction: I am the employee of this company, corruption of our industry leader is serious, informal cadre of level of a family, estimation can be embezzled 1 million. ─── “某某石化:我就是这家公司的员工,我们企业领导贪污严重,随便一个科级干部,估计都能贪污百万。

68、Company of Chinese petrifaction group competes to get used to intense market, made the attempt that always contracts by design unit and project of construction unit combination. ─── 中国石化集团公司为适应激烈的市场竞争,做出了由设计单位与施工单位联合工程总承包的尝试。

69、The discussion of her petrifaction imagery in Dickinson’s literary works can be divided into six parts. ─── 全文针对诗人作品中,对石化意像的讨论,可分为六部份。

70、Reversed: Inertia, sleep, lethargy, petrifaction, somnambulism;hope destroyed. ─── 对一个未婚的女子而言,是一个失败的婚姻计划。

71、New Strategy should be considered after entering WTO to China Petroleum and Nature Gas Corporation and China Petrifaction Corporation ─── 加入WTO后中石油中石化应重新定位

72、The " new other people of petrifaction industry sheds revolutionary " , it is a when whole society enters information period important sign. ─── 有人称之为"新物流革命"。石化行业的"新物流革命",是整个社会进入信息时代的一个重要标志。

73、Due to excellent material properties, ceramic membranes have been widely usedin many fields, such as chemical industry, petrifaction, metallurgy, biochemistry,environment, food and pharmacy. ─── 相对于有机膜而言,陶瓷膜以其优异的材料性能在化工、石化、冶金、生物、环境、食品发酵和制药等领域得到了广泛的应用。

74、Configuration design on the bigger level thrust fixing frames in some petrifaction equipment ─── 某石化装置中有较大水平推力固定管架的结构设计

75、" accordingly, new abstruse group, medium the informatization strategy of the energy company such as petrifaction is had to other company undoubtedly draw lessons from a meaning actively. ─── 因此,新奥集团、中石化等能源企业的信息化战略无疑对于其他企业具有积极的借鉴意义。

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