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08-19 投稿


ecthyma 发音

英:[['ekθ?m?]]  美:[['ekθ?m?]]

英:  美:

ecthyma 中文意思翻译



ecthyma 短语词组

1、ecthyma mrsa ─── 脓肿mrsa

2、ecthyma cream ─── 脓肿膏

3、tropical ecthyma ─── [医] 热带深脓疱, 热带链球菌皮炎

4、ecthyma pdf ─── 脓肿pdf

5、ecthyma orf ─── 脓疱

6、ecthyma contagiosum ─── [医] 触染性深脓疱, 羊痘疮

7、ecthyma rash ─── 脓肿疹

8、ecthyma gangraenosum ─── [医] 坏疽性深脓疱, 婴儿坏疽性皮炎

9、ecthyma face ─── 面部脓肿

10、ecthyma syphiliticum ─── [医] 梅毒性深脓疱, 蛎壳疮

11、contagious ecthyma ─── [医]触染性深脓疮,羊痘疮

12、contagious ecthyma virus of sheep ─── [医] 羊接触传染性脓疱病毒

13、ecthyma gangrenosum ─── 坏死性脓疮[医] ─── 坏疽性深脓疱病, ─── 坏死性臁疮,婴儿 ─── 坏疽性皮炎

ecthyma 相似词语短语

1、ecthymatous ─── 湿疣

2、chyme ─── n.[生理]食糜(食物经胃液消化后变成的浆状物);半流体的消化物

3、euthymia ─── 情感正常

4、ectasia ─── n.[医]扩张(等于ecstasis);膨胀

5、etyma ─── n.词根;词源

6、bothyman ─── 波西曼

7、-enchyma ─── 包皮

8、-thymia ─── 胸腺

9、ectopia ─── n.[医]异位(器官等的位置异常,通常是先天性的)

ecthyma 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、extragenital gonococcal ecthyma ─── 生殖器外淋菌性臁疮

2、ecthyma infectiosum ─── 感染性深脓疮

3、tropical ecthyma ─── [医] 热带深脓疱, 热带链球菌皮炎

4、ecthyma contagiosum ─── [医] 触染性深脓疱, 羊痘疮

5、ecthyma herpeticum ─── 坏疽性深脓疮

6、Diagnosis and treatment of contagious ovine ecthyma subsequent exposure to ovine streptococosis ─── 羊传染性脓疱继发羊链球菌病的诊治

7、Ecthyma virus ─── 深脓疮病毒

8、ecthyma globulus ─── 球状深脓疱

9、Traditional Chinese Medicine to Treat Patients With Ecthyma and Their Recovery ─── 臁疮的中医治疗与康复

10、Diagnosis and treatment of contagious ovine ecthyma subsequent exposure to ovine streptococosis ─── 羊传染性脓疱继发羊链球菌病的诊治

11、ecthyma syphiliticum ─── [医] 梅毒性深脓疱, 蛎壳疮

12、Prevention and treatment of contagious ecthyma in dairy goats ─── 奶山羊传染性脓疱皮炎的防治

13、ovine ecthyma vaccine ─── 羊痘疮疫苗

14、contagious ecthyma virus of sheep ─── [医] 羊接触传染性脓疱病毒

15、Chamois contagious ecthyma parapoxvirus ─── 羚羊接触传染性臁疮副痘病毒

16、Chamois contagious ecthyma virus ─── 羚羊接触传染性臁疮病毒

17、Objective To find effective prescriptions in the treatment of ecthyma. ─── 目的探讨治疗臁疮的有效方药;

18、contagious ecthyma ─── 触染性深脓疮, 羊痘疮

19、ecthyma gangaenosum ─── 坏死瘢, 坏疽性深脓疮

20、ecthyma gangrenosum ─── 坏疽性深脓疱病, 坏死性臁疮, 婴儿坏疽性皮炎

21、Ecthyma contagiosum of sheep virus ─── 羊痘疮接触传染病毒, 羊传染性口疮病毒

22、Traditional Chinese Medicine to Treat Patients With Ecthyma and Their Recovery ─── 臁疮的中医治疗与康复

23、Clinical observation on effect of Dimi fluid to treat 50 cases with ecthyma ─── 地蜜液治疗臁疮50例临床观察

24、Blood-stasis-removing therapy combining with other methods was adopted to treat ecthyma, antral fistula, gangrene and swollen thigh. And four cases were presented. ─── 祛瘀法为主,结合清热、化湿、养阴、理气法以及祛腐、生肌、拖线、 灌注等内外合治法,治疗臁疮、窦瘘、脱疽、股肿等疮疡疾病,并附验案四则。

25、Purpose: the Ecthyma is the common diseases in the traditional Chinese medicine surgery. ─── 目的:臁疮是中医外科的常见病。

26、TANG Han-jun's Experience on the Treatment of Ecthyma ─── 唐汉钧教授治疗臁疮经验介绍

27、All patients were less than twelve months old and the majority presented with sepsis, diarrhea, ecthyma gangrenosum, and neutropenia. ─── 这些儿童之特徵包括年纪小于一岁,表现出腹泻及败血症,坏死性脓疮,以及嗜中性白血球减少。

28、contagious ecthyma virus ─── 接触性脓疱皮炎病毒, 口疮病毒

29、contagious ecthyma of sheep ─── 羊传染性脓疱性皮炎


31、ecthyma gangraenosum ─── 坏疽性深脓疱

32、Purpose: The Ecthyma is the common diseases in the traditional Chinese medicine surgery. ─── 目的:臁疮是中医外科的常见病。

33、ecthyma gangrenosa ─── 坏死斑

34、Prevention and treatment of contagious ecthyma in dairy goats ─── 奶山羊传染性脓疱皮炎的防治

35、gangrenous ecthyma ─── 坏疽性臁疮

36、Clinical observation on effect of Dimi fluid to treat 50 cases with ecthyma ─── 地蜜液治疗臁疮50例临床观察

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