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08-19 投稿


flouts 发音

英:[fla?ts]  美:[fla?ts]

英:  美:

flouts 中文意思翻译




flouts 短语词组

1、flouts meaning ─── 藐视的意思

2、flouts synonym flouts ─── 同义词

3、flouts definition ─── 牙线定义

4、flouts meaning in urdu ─── 乌尔都语中的蔑视意义

5、flouts safety protocols news outlets balk ─── 藐视安全协议新闻机构犹豫不决

6、flouts the law ─── 藐视法律

flouts 词性/词形变化,flouts变形

动词现在分词: flouting |动词第三人称单数: flouts |动词过去分词: flouted |副词: floutingly |名词: flouter |动词过去式: flouted |

flouts 相似词语短语

1、clouts ─── n.破布;敲打;影响力;势力;vt.给…打补钉;猛击;n.(Clout)人名;(法)克卢

2、flouses ─── 牙线

3、flout ─── v.藐视,无视(规则、法律等);嘲笑,愚弄;n.嘲笑,愚弄

4、flouter ─── n.嘲笑;轻视;愚弄(flout的变形)

5、foldouts ─── n.插页,折页

6、flouted ─── v.藐视,无视(规则、法律等);嘲笑,愚弄;n.嘲笑,愚弄

7、louts ─── n.笨拙的人(lout的复数形式);vt.轻视;嘲弄(lout的三单形式)

8、glouts ─── 手套

9、flours ─── [粮食]面粉

flouts 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Today, many countries, rich and poor, stand fordemocratization, human rights and good governance and are ready to condemn regimessuch as Myanmar that routinely flout those ideals. ─── 现在,很多国家无论富裕还是贫穷,都会为了民主、人权和善政挺身而出,积极谴责像缅甸这类一向轻视其理想的政权。

2、Heads will also have to ensure their staff have a good "work-life balance", and the National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers (NASUWT) warned it would "resist vigorously" any attempts to flout the agreement. ─── 新的国家工作量规定,将从九月一日开始生效,从此以后,中小学的校长将不再有权利命令教师去做一些有关行政管理上的工作,比如说向学生收集伙食费,登记缺席的学生名单等。

3、But he flouts etiquette so reliably that you can't call these things gaffes. ─── 无奈萨公素来视礼仪为粪土,故无法谓其失礼。

4、deride mock ridicule scorn sneer quip flout hack jape persiflage taunt mordant spoof badinage banter等等。 ─── 中文同样是“嘲讽,嘲笑”,英文却有几十个单词:

5、Although they flout international laws of ownership, the Somali pirate and the Basque publisher both claim their action is somehow in the national interest. ─── 尽管他藐视所有权之类的国际法规,索马利海盗与巴斯克的出版商都宣称自己的行为是关乎国家利益。

6、They warned that if the Security Council bypassed their nominees, they would flout precedent and take the fight to the floor of the General Assembly, which must formally approve the Council's recommendation. ─── 他们警告说,如安理会对他们的候选人提名不予考虑,他们将打破常规把问题提交联合国大会讨论,由它正式认可安理会的建议。

7、To some degree, to meet a certain need, people often flout some maxims of the Cooperative Principle in order to show politeness. ─── 委婉语是人们内心世界焦虑、矛盾、恐惧、羞耻的外部表现,它有着不可替代的语用功能。

8、flout "vt. ─── 嘲笑,愚弄"

9、It has long been obvious that Vedanta's project flouts both national and international law. ─── 很明显,长久以来,韦丹塔资源的项目一直都在轻松国家和国家的法律。

10、To Chinese intellectuals, the songs' message is clearly subversive, a lesson that citizens can flout authority even as they appear to follow the rules. ─── 对于中国的知识分子而言,这首歌的信息显然是反动的,它给上了一课:民众可以在表面上遵守规则的情况下嘲笑当权者。

11、" And if they did flout the rules, they would be fined. ─── 如果他们违反了这些原则,将被处以罚款。

12、Keywords Scapular;Clavicle;Fracture;Flout shoulder injury;Inter-fixer; ─── 肩胛骨;锁骨;骨折;浮肩;内固定;

13、to flout the law ─── 无视法律

14、SUSPENSION: If one member state seriously flouts core EU values, the rest could decide by a qualified majority to suspend it. ─── 公民资格:“任何一个成员国的公民具有欧盟的公民资格。”

15、"Hey, please write in your story that I'm tough and a rebel, " he says, as he proudly flouts the room's non-smoking rules. ─── “嘿,请你在故事里写,我很强硬,是个反叛分子”,他自豪地蔑视房间内的禁止吸烟的准则时说。

16、has long been obvious that Vedanta's project flouts both national and international law. ─── 明显,长久以来,韦丹塔资源的项目一直都在轻松国家和国家的法律。

17、No one can flout the law with impunity . ─── 任何人都不能不受惩罚地藐视法律。

18、One-child policy: Chinese authorities have issued a warning to prominent and wealthy Chinese not to flout the one-child rules. ─── 独生子女政策:中国当局已对中国的名人富人发出警告,不要挑衅独生子女规定。

19、Our cadres, and senior cadres in particular, must set an example in observing discipline and abiding by the law. They must newer think that they can flout laws and discipline on account of their authority or past meritorious services ─── 我们的干部,尤其是高级干部,应当带头遵纪守法,切不可以认为有权有功就能置法律于不顾

20、Flout a law; behavior that flouted convention ─── 无视法律;违抗传统的行为

21、An east China city's hopes for clear water and blue skies have been shattered by companies that continually flout environmental regulations. Dongting Lu reports from Shandong province. ─── 企业不断地违反环保规定挫败了中国东部淄博市为建设成为“国家环保模范城市”的努力。为此,吕洞庭从山东省发来了报道。

22、Ridicule scorn sneer quip flout hack jape ─── 挖苦,为消遣取乐或嘲笑而模仿

23、Queen flouts Prime Minister! ─── |女王嘲弄总理!

24、to flout authority/convention ─── 公然藐视权威/惯例

25、Age is a taboo that Mirren magnificently flouts. ─── 年龄是一个禁忌,米伦辉煌蔑视。

26、But it also stipulates that improper behaviour that flouts local customs may lead to fines, prosecution or deportation. ─── 但它同时又规定任何藐视地方习俗的不恰当行为都可能导致罚款,遭到诉讼或被驱逐出境。

27、act in utter disregard of law and discipline; flout law and discipline ─── 目无法纪

28、But there are many still flout the law students for many reasons, but I think there are a lot of people believe in "useless study. ─── 可是有很多同学还是明知故犯,原因有很多,但我想,当中有很多人信奉“读书无用论”。

29、Flaunt, flout By flaunting their clothes and outrageous hair-styles, young people flout the authority of their elders. ─── 年轻人借着夸耀自己的衣着和怪异的发型,无视长辈们的权威。

30、Some think South Africa should consider forcibly confining unco-operative patients carrying the nastiest strains, however much that would flout individual liberty. ─── 对待那些携带顽固病菌却又不肯就医的患者,有人认为南非政府应当采取强制手段,就算严重地侵犯了个人自由也顾不得了。

31、On the other hand, China's recent apparent regression in deciding to sell additional nuclear reactors to Pakistan seemed to flout common sense and its previous commitments to the NSG. ─── 另一方面,中国最近的倒退:决定出售更多的核反应堆给巴基斯坦,似乎是藐视常识和先前在核供应国集团做出的承诺。

32、But regulations being what they are, some dog owners were prepared to flout them, betting that law enforcers had bigger fish to fry. ─── 但是法令虽然摆在那里, 有些狗主并不把法令当回事, 他们侥幸地认为执法者有更重要的事情要管.

33、He often flout at religion. ─── 他常“嘲笑”宗教。

34、Last week one of the two vice-presidents, Alice Nzomukunda, resigned, accusing her FDD colleagues of using high office to flout human rights and steal money. ─── 上周,两位副总统中的一位,AliceNzomukunda,通过辞职行动来谴责其“民主保卫力量”的同事利用手中的权力藐视人权和窃取钱财。

35、"The best way to drive out the devil, if he will not yield to texts of Scripture, is to jeer and flout him, for he cannot bear scorn." ─── 如果圣经的义正辞严一时无法叫他就范,驱赶魔鬼另有妙招,不妨试试嘲弄他、抑郁他,魔鬼最受不了人蔑视他。

36、Conclusions In treatment with flout shoulder injury,we should use inter-fixer in both scapular and clavicle,which ca... ─── 结论对浮肩患者锁骨和肩胛骨均行内固定,有利于早期康复,防止关节僵硬。

37、Try to understand. Flout envy. ─── 尝试去理解他们。不屑嫉妒。

38、Mind you, I am not seeking to flout or belittle or reflect in any way on this poor, dead girl ─── 请你们注意,我并不想要用任何方式嘲笑、看轻或是批评这位可怜的、已故的姑娘。

39、Objective To evaluate the curative effect of using inter-fixer in treatment with flout shoulder injury. ─── 目的探讨肩胛骨内固定治疗浮肩的疗效。

40、Methods 12 patients between DEC, 2001 and SEP, 2004 of flout shoulder underwent inter-fixer in both scapular and clavicle were evaluated. ─── 方法自2001年12月至2004年9月通过手术对锁骨和肩胛骨均行切复内固定治疗飘浮肩患者12例。

41、He announced that France might again flout the euroarea stability pact's restrictions on budget deficits, and repeated his previous complaints about the strength of the euro and the tight monetary policy of the European Central Bank. ─── 会中他宣布法国可能会再次违反欧元区稳定协议中关于限制财政赤字的规定,同时重复了他之前对欧元坚挺和欧洲央行对于紧缩性货币政策的不满。

42、The open fund is the mainstream of the international investment fund presently, and the aggregate hold amount of this kind of fund changes when the supply and demand of the financial market flout. ─── 开放式基金是当前国际上投资基金的主流形式,这种投资基金的持份总额随时因市场供求变动而变动。

43、Yoder cites Roughgarden's example of white-throated sparrows as an example of an animal that flouts the usual pattern of sexual behavior. ─── 约得援引拉夫加登论著中记载的白喉麻雀作为性行为有悖于常规模式的动物的例子。

44、To deliberately flout the law ─── 知法犯法

45、Others flout the family planning laws and pay fines to have more than one child. ─── 还有的人则无视计划生育法令,交罚款生育多胎。

46、By flaunting their clothes and outrageous hair-styles, young people flout the authority of their elders. ─── 年轻人借着夸耀自己的衣着和怪异的发型,无视长辈们的权威。

47、It flouts around.It's got to land on somebody. ─── 厄运总是在盘旋着,它总要降落到某人头上吧。

48、You mean lie. Like you've been lying to me. And flout orders like you've done every step of the way on this thing. Is that what it takes, Agent Scully? ─── 你在说谎。就像你一直在对我说谎。还有关于这件事每一步你所做的轻视规则的事情。这就是该做的,史高丽探员?

49、Deliberately flout the law ─── 明知故犯

50、Flout shoulder injury ─── 浮肩

51、It openly flouts the IWC' s rules. ─── 他们公然蔑视国际鲸委员会的规则法规。

52、The sweet smell of her hair flouts in my direction. ─── 她香甜的味道飘向我这个方向。

53、A shouted order flouts over the water. ─── 命令的吆喝声从水面上飘出去。

54、He flouts the same off-season dedication as his Airness and the Black Mamba. ─── 戈登像他的偶像“飞人”乔丹和“黑曼巴”科比一样,在休季期间同样是努力刻苦训练。

55、How dare you to flout at him? ─── 你怎敢嘲弄他?

56、Moreover, Harry's tendency to bypass or simply flout the rules is a matter of moral concern for him: he wonders and worries about the self-justifications he offers, and often doubts not just his abilities but his virtue. ─── 此外,哈利常被自己规避和无视校规这样一个道德上的问题所困扰:他怀疑和担心那些自我辩解之词,常常不只怀疑自己的能力,更怀疑自己的本质。

57、flout the law, (a) convention, the rules ─── 藐视法律﹑ 传统﹑ 规则等

58、Many would flout the laws if they think they can do so with impunity. ─── 只要有机可乘,他们便不把条例当一回事。

59、I should be doing my utmost to show my gratitude. How can I flout the law for private considerations? ─── "正当殚心竭力图报之时,岂可因私而废法?"

60、The Web is famous for all the pages that flout HTML and XHTML standards, and this has been the cause of many widely discussed problems. ─── Web以蔑视HTML和XHTML标准的网页而出名,这也是造成很多受到广泛关注的问题的缘由。

61、To Chinese intellectuals, the songs’ message is clearly subversive, a lesson that citizens can flout authority even as they appear to follow the rules. ─── 汉语知识分子,歌曲'的信息是明确的颠覆,一个教训,公民可以藐视权威,即使他们似乎遵循的规则。

62、Objective To evaluate the necessarily of using inter-fixer in treatment with flout shoulder. ─── 目的探讨肩胛骨内固定治疗飘浮肩的必要性。

63、Second,it flouts justice value and thrift principle required of criminal penalty and infringes upon the doctrine of bearing responsibility solely for one s. ─── 在当代刑罚理念中,没收财产刑因为反常理和反常情的手段构成了对基本人权的侵犯,同时违反刑法的公正价值和节俭要求,并与罪责自负原则严重抵触。

64、flout the law, convention, the rules ─── 藐视法律、 传统、 规则等

65、Tumor cells accumulate errors, become totally anarchic, and flout all the rules. ─── 肿瘤细胞随着错误的累积,变得完全异常,违反了所有的自然规则。

66、“That was spoken with a rather flip attitude,” Matt replied. “You know it's me. You shouldn't flout our friendship.” ─── “讲起话来如斯无礼!”马特回覆,“明知道是我,你不该无视我们的友情。”

67、to flout at religion ─── 侮辱宗教

68、And flout orders like you've done every step of the way on this thing. ─── 还有关于这件事每一步你所做的轻视规则的事情。

69、No one can flout the rules and get away with it. ─── 谁也不能违反这些规则而不被处分。

70、Conclusion In treatment with flout shoulder, we should use inter-fixer in both scap... ─── 结论对飘浮肩患者,锁骨和肩胛骨均应行内固定,可获得满意的临床疗效。

71、"This man has, I repeat, no place in a community whose basic principles he flouts without compunction.Nor, heartless as he is, has he any claim to mercy. ─── 他说我与一个我连最基本的法则都不承认的社会毫无干系,我不能对人类的心有什么指望,因为我对其基本的反应根本不知道。

72、The plan threats sanctions against those who flout the group rules. ─── 该计划威胁将对轻视组织规则的国家进行制裁。

73、But it also stipulates that improper behaviour that flouts local customs may lead to fines, prosecution or deportation. ─── 但它同时又规定任何藐视地方习俗的不恰当行为都可能导致罚款,遭到诉讼或被驱逐出境。

74、flout me to my face ─── 当面嘲弄我

75、Greedy so sick, not to sink without perception, but rather the willing to flout the law. ─── 贪如此病态,并非毫不知觉的沉沦,而是明知故犯的甘愿。

76、Try to understand . Flout envy . ─── 去试着理解.蔑视嫉妒.

77、But researchers have struggled to explain exactly what is different about those who follow their doctor's instructions compared with those who flout them. ─── 但是研究人员也曾对那些按医嘱服药的和那些没有按照医嘱服药的到底存在哪些不同作过解释。

78、In addition, the manufacture, sale and use of bags less than 0.025 mm thick are banned from the same date, with firms that flout the rules facing fines or confiscation of goods and profits. ─── 此外,制造业、销售业以及其他使用厚度小于0.025毫米塑料袋的行业同时被禁止,同时不履行此规章的公司将被罚款或没收其商品及盈利。

79、1.Rich flout family planning. ─── 中国富人藐视计划生育政策。

80、That was spoken with a rather flip attitude, Matt replied. You know its me. You shouldnt flout our friendship. ─── 讲起话来如此无礼!马特回答,明知道是我,你不该无视我们的交情。

81、flout a law; behavior that flouted convention.See Usage Note at flaunt ─── 无视法律;违抗传统的行为参见

82、flout v. ─── 轻视;嘲弄;

83、Don't flout at religion ─── 不要侮慢宗教。

84、In her courtroom appearance, she vigorously applies the law, but still flouts convention by appearing disguised as a man. ─── 她集众多优点于一身:美貌出众、热情大方、开朗活泼、浑身洋溢着青春活力,几乎是完美的化身。

85、An east China city‘s hopes for clear water and blue skies have been shattered by companies that continually flout environmental regulations. ─── 企业不断地违反环保规定挫败了中国东部淄博市为建设成为“国家环保模范城市”的努力。

86、flout a law;behavior that flouted convention.See Usage Note at flaunt ─── 无视法律;违抗传统的行为参见

87、Inter-fixer in treatment in flout shoulder ─── 肩胛骨内固定在飘浮肩治疗中的意义

88、Flout a law; behavior that flouted convention. ─── 无视法律; 违抗传统的行为

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