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08-19 投稿


rhetoric 发音

英:[?ret?r?k]  美:[?ret?r?k]

英:  美:

rhetoric 中文意思翻译




rhetoric 短语词组

1、unforensic rhetoric ─── [法] 不适于法庭的词藻

2、legal rhetoric ─── [法] 法律雄辩术

3、congeries rhetoric ─── 凝聚修辞

4、inflaming the rhetoric ─── 煽动花言巧语

5、aristotelian rhetoric ─── 亚里士多德修辞学

6、canons of rhetoric ─── 修辞学准则

7、deliberative rhetoric ─── 商议修辞

8、tone down the rhetoric ─── 缓和言辞

9、textual rhetoric ─── 文本修辞

10、rhetoric bourbon ─── 花言巧语波旁威士忌

11、jeremiad rhetoric ─── 杰里米亚德修辞

12、catalepsis rhetoric ─── 僵化修辞

13、general ideas about rhetoric ─── 修辞学概论

14、rhetoric definition ─── 修辞定义

15、rhetoric meaning ─── 修辞意义

16、tone down rhetoric ─── 低调修辞

17、exordium rhetoric ─── 引言修辞

18、sophistical rhetoric ─── 诡辩的修辞

19、harsh rhetoric ─── 严厉的言辞

rhetoric 词性/词形变化,rhetoric变形


rhetoric 相似词语短语

1、theoric ─── 星位计算器

2、rhetorics ─── n.修辞;[语]修辞学;表面言辞(rhetoric的复数形式)

3、rhetorician ─── n.雄辩家;修辞学者

4、rhetor ─── n.修辞学者,修辞学教师

5、rhetorical ─── adj.修辞的;修辞学的;夸张的

6、rhetorise ─── 流变仪

7、rheotropic ─── 流变性

8、rhetors ─── n.修辞学者,修辞学教师

9、rhetorize ─── 修辞

rhetoric 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Such rhetoric, however, is driving many Chinese bloggers into a nationalistic response. ─── 但是,这种措辞可能会激起中国博客们民族主义的回应。

2、They lay upon me the duty of rhetor. ─── 他们要我承担教师的职务。

3、His studies covered Islamic dogmatics, Islamic law, Arabic grammar, rhetoric, astronomy and geography. ─── 他的研究涉及伊斯兰教教义、伊斯兰法、阿拉伯语语法、修辞学、天文和地理。

4、A brilliant display, as of rhetoric or wit, or of virtuosity in the performing arts. ─── 口才或机智的炫耀辉煌灿烂,天花乱坠,尤指在口才或才智,以及艺术表演中的艺术表现能力

5、After all, in recent months even previously dovish Fed officials have ratcheted up their anti-inflation rhetoric. ─── 其他学者还提出通货膨胀会通过影响投资决策进而损害经济增长的观点。

6、Pragmatically, marked idioms have the functions of belongingness, attraction, rhetoric, modification and economy. ─── 在语用上,有标记习语有归属功能、吸引功能、修辞功能、限定及节俭功能。

7、None of Russia’s problems is unsolvable, but all require strategy and transparency rather than overconfident rhetoric. ─── 俄罗斯没有解决不了的问题,但这需要一贯的政策和开诚布公的精神,打肿脸充胖子没用。

8、"The manifesto of the government is neither a rigid blueprint nor vapid rhetoric," he said. ─── 他说:“政府的宣言既不是要求苛严的行动计划,也不是空洞无物的夸夸其谈。

9、Obama still runs a risk: that his overworked rhetoric loses its power and boomerangs on him. ─── 奥巴马仍要冒险:他要为他日渐苍白的言过其实买单。

10、Roughly speaking Su Dongpo used affairs and rhetoric in versifying. ─── 大体有用事与用辞两端。

11、Anything did not understand all spouts rhetoric, to sorry, "ignorantly delivers Mr. four characters to be bored". ─── 什么都不了解都大放厥词,对不起,送君四字“无知无聊”。

12、Main research direction: Modern Chinese grammar and rhetoric and teaching Chinese as a foreign language and research. ─── 主要研究方向:现代汉语语法与修辞与对外汉语教学及研究。

13、He is good at the attorney’s rhetoric, which masks the real issue. ─── 他熟悉律师的那套辞令,就是把真正的问题掩盖过去。

14、Bush had been a very adept politician in 2000, building a coalition with moderate rhetoric and quite conservative-specific proposals. ─── 在2000年,小布什已经是个政界内行了,能将稳健的言辞与相当保守而具体的建议有机结合。

15、Rhetoric that fueled the dissenters. ─── 刺激反对者的反问

16、People want to hear that kind of rhetoric. ─── 人们都想听到动听的话。

17、On this basis, the exaggerative rhetoric deriving from it constitutes the feature of the extremes and dialectures. ─── 在此基础上派生出来的夸张辞格具有思维的极端性和辩证性特征。

18、In Chinese classical poetry,the reiterative diction is one of rhetoric methods. ─── 叠字是中国古典诗词的修辞手段之一,其主要修辞功能是抒情、叙事、状物、摹声。

19、Variated Rhetoric is the deviation of rhetoric. ─── 变异修辞亦称常规修辞的偏离形式。

20、Foss,Sonja K.,Foss Karen A.&Trapp,Robea.Contemporary Perspectives on Rhetoric[M].Prospect Heights:Waveland,2002. ─── 从古至今,有关西方修辞的定义为数众多.这里所采用的是大多数西方修辞学家所接受的定义.见刘亚猛(2004):2注2.

21、Once we recognize that grammar is subordinate to rhetoric we are in the realm of interpretive decisions. ─── 一旦我们意识到语法对修辞的从属性地位,我们就进入了解释性的王国。

22、Bacon said: "Reading history will inspire wisdom, mathematics makes careful, logic and rhetoric makes an orator. ─── 培根说:“读史使人明智,数学使人周密,逻辑和修辞使人善辩。”

23、All that populist anti-Wall Street rhetoric in Washington scares the heck out of investors. ─── 华盛顿所有口若悬河的反华尔街民粹人士都害怕投资者当真将口对准他们。

24、He was restless with pretentious rhetoric. ─── 他不尚空谈。

25、We were to study grammar and rhetoric next term. ─── 下学期我们将学习语法与修辞。

26、Rhetoric has a long history not only in China but also in western countries. ─── 修辞学是一门古老的学问,无论中国还是西方都有着源远流长的历史。

27、Strip off (or down) his platform rhetoric and what is he left with? ─── 剥去他那讲台上的雄辩伪装,他还有什么呢?

28、His fiery campaign rhetoric has kept opposition parties on their toes for months. ─── 他激烈的竞选言辞使反对党数月保持警觉。

29、Mr Sutherland said the next few years would show whether EU leaders could match their rhetoric with action. ─── 萨瑟兰表示,未来几年,事实将验证欧盟领导人能否做到言行一致。

30、However bloodcurdling the political rhetoric, financial markets think banks will be bailed out again. ─── 不管政府措辞有多强硬,多吓人,金融市场上的看法是:银行还会再次得救。

31、Rhetoric is not Norris'strong suit. ─── 修辞并非诺里斯之长处。

32、Unlike earlier bellicosity, today's rhetoric lacks calibration. ─── 不同于以往的挑衅性言论,这次完全没有比对标准。

33、"Left" slogans and rhetoric overshadowed or diminished the power of the Party's correct slogans and views. ─── “左”的口号、“左”的词句掩盖了或减弱了党的正确口号和主张的力量。

34、Enthymeme is the core and soul of the argumentation in Western classical rhetoric. ─── 修辞三段论在西方古典修辞学中是论辩证明的核心和灵魂,具有认知性。

35、Liu, Yameng. 1997. Authority, Presumption, and Invention [J]. Philosophy and Rhetoric 30.4: 413-27. ─── [权威,设定和修辞发明。《哲学与修辞》1997年第4期。

36、Ornate rhetoric taught out of the rule of plato. ─── 与柏拉图所说的规则不相同的华丽的文辞。

37、The style, methods, and rhetoric of opponent of the war descended to a level of nastiness. ─── 反战派所使用的方式、手法和语言堕落到如此卑劣的地步。

38、Metaphor in rhetoric,metaphorical thinking and similar thinking are three levels of accounting for language and world. ─── 修辞中的隐喻、隐喻性思维和相似性思维是人们解释语言、思维和世界的关系的三个层次。

39、Rhetoric, in its broadest sense, the theory and practice of eloquence, whether spoken or written. ─── 修辞,广义上是指说话或写作表达方式的理论和运用。

40、Behind all the rhetoric, his relations with the army are dangerously poised. ─── 在冠冕堂皇的言辞背后,他和军队的关系岌岌可危。

41、His romantic yarns salted with Marxist rhetoric had put her in mind of Malraux. ─── 他那富于浪漫气息的奇谈,添上马克思主义的词藻,使她想起马尔罗。

42、At the same time, we know , antonym in ancient Chinese rhetoric utilize in have important role. ─── 同时我们认识到,反义词在古代汉语修辞运用中具有重要的作用。

43、But Obama still runs a risk: that his overworked rhetoric loses its power and boomerangs on him. ─── 但是奥巴马任然冒了风险,那是他强有力的言辞在他身上失去了它的力量和(自食其果)。

44、There has been plenty of official rhetoric goading China, but actual legal challenges were few before this year. ─── 今年之前,布什政府指责中国的措辞往往非常尖锐,但很少采取实际的法律行动。

45、Snow regularly displayed a gift for obfuscating rhetoric. ─── 史诺经常展现他最拿手的混淆视听策略。

46、Amid all the rhetoric, here's one easy way to look at taxes. ─── 在所有花言巧语中,这里有一种容易看待税收的方式。

47、Her early works are an inchoate idea, nothing but full of lush rhetoric. ─── 她的早期作品都不太成熟,除了华丽的词藻外就没什么内容了。

48、The lower division of the seven liberal arts in medieval schools, consisting of grammar, logic, and rhetoric. ─── 三文科中世纪学校的七种文科的较低一级划分,包括语法、逻辑学和修辞学

49、The article discusses the decoding function of the Chinese character rhetoric and probes how to make use of it. ─── 以汉字修辞的语言事实,论述了汉字修辞的解码功能及其特点。

50、The more intriguing question is how far Mr Sarkozy will follow up his leftish-sounding rhetoric with concrete policies. ─── 与萨科奇先生左倾的华丽调子相比,更让人好奇的是他会有多少实质性政策。

51、You are arguing outside of my faculties of sense and rhetoric. ─── 你的论点已经超出我的理解和争辩的能力。

52、Peasemore is the sort of fairy-tale village that, judging by Tory rhetoric about the "broken society" , ought no longer to exist. ─── Peasemore是一个童话般的乡村,如果用托利党“破裂社会”的话说,这个村早就不应该存在了。

53、The trivium consisted of grammar, logic and rhetoric, the quadrivium of arithmetic, geometry, astronomy and music. ─── 三门科目由文法、逻辑和修辞学组成; 四门科目由算术、几何、天文和音乐组成。

54、Over the years, Mr Sata has garnered a reputation for populist rhetoric and he has previously said he would kick out bogus investors. ─── 多年来,萨塔以发表民粹主义言论而闻名,他曾表示,他将把假冒投资者赶出去。

55、Do you know something about rhetoric? ─── 你懂点修辞学吗?

56、As a man of letters, Fraser tends to emphasise rhetoric at the expense of reality. ─── 作为一个文人,弗雷泽往往为了讲究修辞而舍弃真实性。

57、Mr.Kilpatrick was never an ally of the senator and Mr.Obama has broken with Mr.Wright and rejected his racist rhetoric. ─── 事实上,凯尔派翠克从来就不是欧巴马参议员的盟友,而欧巴马也已经与莱特牧师断交,并谴责了其种族主义言论。

58、However, the traditional research on the speech in his works still remains in studying his skills of rhetoric. ─── 但传统的对王蒙小说语言的研究还只是停留在修辞技巧层面。

59、Despite all the rhetoric the real burden of his song concerned the plight of the unemployed. ─── 不管他使用什么艺术语言,但他的主题是描写失业者的困境。

60、The lower division of the seven liberal arts in medieval schools,consisting of grammar,logic,and rhetoric. ─── 三文科,中世纪学校的七种文科的较低一级划分,包括语法、逻辑学和修辞学。

61、But the rhetoric is unconvincing. ─── 但是,事实胜于雄辩。

62、His offers of compromise were mere rhetoric. ─── 他提出的妥协只是废话

63、He was sensitive to rhetoric. ─── 他对那浮华的词藻还是很敏感的。

64、The author thinks that it is necessary to rethink and reconstruct the discipline position of rhetoric and its teaching. ─── 作者认为,应对修辞学的学科地位、教学地位进行重新考量。

65、You must be careful not to be decepted by her rhetoric,for she is a sly girl. ─── 她是个狡猾的女孩子,你一定要当心,别被她的花言巧语蒙蔽,让她得逞。

66、He is stronger on rhetoric than on concrete action. ─── 他很擅长花言巧语,却没有实际行动。

67、In introducing guests, Chinese like to use compliment rhetoric, and also add a lot of subjective comments. ─── 中国人在介绍来宾时,喜欢用褒扬的话语言辞,会加上很多主观评论。

68、Others are still susceptible to the appeal of Mr Mugabe's anti-colonialist rhetoric. ─── 其他人仍然受到穆加贝先生反殖民主义言论的影响。

69、Driven by an almost Jacobean rhetoric, it had a visionary fervour. ─── 同杰克比恩式的华丽词藻艺术相比,泰德休斯的诗词具有种狂想主义色彩。

70、Punning is a rhetoric device composed by the similarity in pronunciation and divergence in meaning. ─── 双关修辞格是一种依靠语音的相似和意义的分歧形成的修辞格。

71、The sinister purpose of the reactionary ruling class was covered over with pretentious rhetoric. ─── 反动统治阶级的险恶目的被夸夸其谈的辞藻掩盖着。

72、Aristotle is one of the early western scholars doing . research on rhetoric. ─── 亚里斯多德是西方较早对修辞进行研究的学者。

73、The debate over whether the Pledge of Allegiance should be made compulsory in our schools has been long on rhetoric and short on history. ─── 关于学校是否应强制学童宣誓效忠国家的讨论,一味咬文嚼字,而未能从历史观点探讨。

74、He also writes a popular blog infused with patriotic rhetoric. ─── 他也用爱国的语言写了博客来鼓舞。

75、Obama brushes aside the notion that his rhetoric is insubstantial. ─── 奥巴马漠视了说他修辞没有实质的观念。

76、Chinese rhetoric on this issue remains startlingly blunt. ─── 台湾则是一个重大例外。

77、EVEN by the standards of Brussels, where rhetoric and reality lead separate lives, this week has been jarring. ─── 在布鲁塞尔,华丽的词藻和现实完全是两样不同的事情,就算按布鲁塞尔的标准来看,本周的声音一直是不和谐的。

78、At the same time I instructed agencies to avoid confrontational rhetoric and not to crow about the airlift. ─── 同时我指示各机构避免使用对抗的语言,并且不要为这次空运自鸣得意。

79、He developed an entire vocabulary, a rhetoric of righteous disobedience, of resistance, of protest and revolution. ─── 他创造出了一整套词汇,一套用来表述正义的不服从,反抗,示威,以及革命的修辞。

80、Rhetoric is abyssal and aberrant. ─── 修辞是深奥而异常的。

81、Second, the global view and innovative impetus of Chinese Rhetoric studies. ─── 二、全球视野和中国修辞学研究的创新动能;

82、It causes to misplace to accept by rhetoric on the surface. But,in fact,it is a political tactic means by the ruler. ─── 从表面看它是由修辞接受错位造成的,实质上,它是统治者实现政治目的的策略手段。

83、Obama has offered to ease relations if Iran tones down its combative rhetoric. ─── 奥巴马已提出,如果伊朗不再发表激进好战言论,美方愿意与其缓和关系。

84、"Literalization"is not just making up but the application of different literal skills,and rhetoric methods. ─── “文学化”的内涵并不只是虚构、编造,它包括了各种文学技巧、文学修辞方式的运用。

85、And at his confession they shrieked and objurgated him in the pithy rhetoric of the locality. ─── 在他坦白后她们尖叫着,用当地简练的话语对他大骂不休。

86、He studies grammar and rhetoric. ─── 他学习语法和修辞。

87、His rhetoric sounds like the death rattle of a fading leadership. ─── 他的华丽词藻听起来像是预示着将要倒台的临终哀鸣。

88、Again, the anti-free-trade rhetoric doesn't seem to be enough to helpStrickland this election year. ─── 而且,反自由贸易组织的虚夸的言辞看起来不足以帮助TedStrickland这一年的选举。

89、Judging by the political rhetoric of the mid-term election campaigns, that centrism has all but disappeared. ─── 从民主党中期选举的政治口号来看,这种中间政策差不多不复存在了。

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