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08-19 投稿


competitor 发音

英:[k?m?pet?t?r]  美:[k?m?pet?t?(r)]

英:  美:

competitor 中文意思翻译



competitor 词性/词形变化,competitor变形


competitor 短语词组

1、competitor crossword ─── 竞争对手纵横字谜

2、the competitor ─── 竞争对手

3、main competitor ─── 主要竞争对手

4、competitor runner ─── 参赛选手

5、competitor in business ─── 商业竞争对手

6、competitor termite ─── 竞争白蚁

7、most serious competitor ─── 最严重的竞争对手

8、competitor's uniform ─── 竞争对手的制服

9、reviled competitor ─── 辱骂竞争对手

10、former competitor ─── 前竞争对手

11、friendly competitor ─── 友好的竞争对手

12、a fellow competitor ─── 同行的竞争者

13、top competitor ─── 顶级竞争对手

14、competitor crossword clue ─── 竞争对手纵横字谜线索

15、competitor analysis ─── 对手分析;竞争者分析

competitor 同义词

competitor 反义词


competitor 常用词组

competitor analysis ─── 竞争者分析

competitor 相似词语短语

1、compotator ─── n.酒伴;会饮者

2、competitors ─── n.竞争对手;[劳经]竞争者(competitor的复数)

3、compensator ─── n.[电][自]补偿器;自耦变压器;赔偿者;补偿物

4、competitions ─── n.比赛,[生态]竞争(competition的复数形式)

5、noncompetitor ─── 非竞争性

6、computator ─── n.计算机;[计]计算员

7、compositor ─── n.[印刷]排字工人

8、competitory ─── adj.竞争的(等于competitive)

9、competition ─── n.竞争;比赛,竞赛

competitor 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Meanwhile check competitor move where you are siting. ─── 同时,请调查贵处同行的动态。

2、Bokan, said: "We are committed will be a Google competitor. ─── 伯坎表示:“我们承诺将会成为谷歌的竞争对手。

3、A healthy competitor competes against a standard, not another person. ─── 健康的竞争者会同一项标准,而不是一个人去竞争。

4、It only mea that the competitor must arrive at the idea independently. ─── 它仅仅意味竞争者必须独立的得到这个主意。

5、Your price compare unfavorably with your competitor's. ─── 与贵方的竞争对手相比,你们所报价格一点也不占优势。

6、The more he argued, the more he sold himself on my competitor's product. ─── 他越是争吵,就越容易买我竞争对手的车。

7、Every competitor must learn and perform set routines. ─── 全体参赛者必须掌握并完成这一套动作。

8、As a competitor, what ever happened to Japan? ─── 作为竞争对手,日本发生了何事?

9、A person might work for you for six months or a year, then go over to a Chinese competitor. ─── 工人也许为你工作六个月或者一年,然后就会去中国的竞争者那里……

10、Competitor selling at loss for impress your buyer. ─── 同行不惜血本销售,以赢得客户。

11、It seems that Jonathan is being headhunted by a competitor. ─── 好像有竞争对手要挖角强纳森耶。

12、B: You fought a good fight. But your next competitor will be even tougher. ─── 你打了场好拳。但是你的下个对手将会更强。

13、Hurry for sign contract due competitor keen. ─── 因同行竞争激烈,望尽快签订合同。

14、It is not even enough to be the best in the country, for each competitor must be able to reach the standard expected for entry to the Games. ─── 对每一个参赛运动员来说,成为全国最佳运动员还不够,他还必须达到参加奥运会的标准。

15、The company applied for an injunction to stop their competitor from marketing a similar product. ─── 公司提出申请要求获得阻止他们竞争者出售类似产品的禁令。

16、The second belayer may need to spot the competitor up to the first quickdraw. ─── 在选手挂入第一个快扣前,第二确保员须要作动态确保。

17、The company easily outsold its competitor. ─── 公司的销售额轻而易举地超过竞争对手.

18、Avoid stepping on adversary's ball and altering competitor's line of putt. ─── 在果岭是应避免踏越对方球员的球,及进球路线。

19、Your competitor may just be a mouse-click away. ─── 你的竞争者和你可能只隔着鼠标的点击之遥。

20、Suggestion unanswering purpose fully what if competitor underbid at sacrifice which quite possible. ─── 你方提案目的不明,同行很有可能不惜低价抛售,那该怎么办?

21、To buy at a lower price than a competitor. ─── 出低价买买得比对的所出价便宜

22、She tied with her competitor. ─── 她和对手不分胜负。

23、The first prize was awarded to the best competitor of the annual sports meeting. ─── 头奖颁给了这一年一度的运动会上最优秀的运动员。

24、Junior section competitor should attach proof of date of birth. ─── 初级组参赛者须附上出生日期证明。

25、It's ahways tough when a competitor takes a customer a way from you, expecially if the account is a big one. ─── 如果竞争对手从你手里抢走了买卖,特别是大买卖,谁遇上了都会不好受。

26、Someone employed to spy on another country or business competitor. ─── 为另一个国家或商业上的竞争者雇用的作间谍的人。

27、He is very grouchy is, microsoft is backward competitor. ─── 他非常不兴奋的是,微软落后竞争对手。

28、The first prize was awarded to the youngest competitor. ─── 一等奖授给了最年轻的比赛者。

29、In 1968 Swedish competitor Hans Liljeavall was disqualified for consuming alcohol during the competition. ─── 1968年瑞典选手汉斯·利尔吉瓦尔因在比赛期间喝酒而被取消了比赛资格。

30、Maintaining all production and sales volume data of CAF and competitor. ─── 保存本公司及收集竞争对手的生产和销售数据达到公司要求。

31、A wrestling hold in which one competitor wrenches the other's foot. ─── 反踝关节扭脚趾一种一个迭手握住对方的脚的一种摔交握法

32、He was hurt, genuinely pained to be dismissed in such an offhand way by someone he respected as a competitor. ─── 他觉得受到了伤害,为被他尊为对手的人以这种唐突的方式奚落他而感到痛苦。

33、Additionally a few competitor are like Oracle company, Siebel company, j. ─── 另外一些竞争者如 Oracle 公司、Siebel 公司,J.

34、Its main Chinese competitor, Baidu, is just as good at finding smut. ─── 它的中国主要竞争对手,百度,也同样发现淫秽内容。

35、However, you will become weaker in the face of a stronger competitor! ─── 一旦遇上的是更强的竞争者,你就相对处于弱势了。

36、He girded up his loin to face his competitor. ─── 他做好准备来迎战他的对手。

37、We must consider the competitor's price when giving the product pricing. ─── 在给产品定价时,我们必须考虑竞争对手的价格。

38、Four fifths of the perjury in the world is expended on tombstone, women, and competitor. ─── 世上的伪证,有五分之四花费于墓碑、女人以及竞争对手之上。

39、He will bank with your competitor. ─── 他将把钱存在你的竞争对手那里。

40、Don't you think it's a little unkind to gloatover your competitor's failure? ─── 你难道不认为对你对手的失败幸灾乐祸是有点不近人情吗?

41、He tried to put his competitor out of the way. ─── 他企图杀掉他的竞争对手。

42、Black: Well, as you know, I am currently working for your biggest competitor Legend Computers. ─── 你知道,我现在为您最大的对手“联想”工作。

43、The?girl?I?viewed?as?a?competitor?congratulated?me?on?my?contest?results. ─── 那个被我视为竞争对手的女孩就我取得的竞赛成绩向我表示祝贺。

44、They signed a secret deal with their main competitor. ─── 他们和主要竞争者签订了一项秘密交易协议。


46、They should be able to wipe the floor with any competitor. ─── 他们应该能击败任何竞争者。

47、"David(letterman) is a fair and decent guy and makes me laugh as much as anyone, " said(Jay) Leno, who was raked over the coals by another competitor, Arsenio Hall, when Leno took over Johnny Carson's seat last May. ─── 勒诺说,"戴维对人公平正直,打趣的功夫不下于任何人。"去年五月勒诺接替卡森的职位时遭到另一竞争者阿森尼奥·霍尔的严厉批评。

48、He hired an assassin to kill his competitor. ─── 他雇用了一名刺客去暗杀他的竞争者。

49、Last year, Best Buy brought in over $10 billion in sales, more than twice the revenue of its closest competitor. ─── 去年,BestBuy公司实现了100亿美元的销售收入,这个数目是它最大的竞争者收入的两倍!

50、About half don't examine more than one round of countermoves by any competitor. ─── 大约一半的企业仅限于考察任何竞争对手的一轮对策。

51、She knows of course, between compeer, have a lot of competitor. ─── 她当然知道,在同辈之间,有许多竞争者。

52、An individual competitor's scores shall be used exclusively for a single team. ─── 个别选手的成绩只能被用在单一队伍内。

53、If we enter the field as Global's competitor? ─── 如果我们作为环球的竞争对手进入场地??

54、In the final of a competitor,how many dives does a competitor take? ─── 决赛的时候,一个选手要跳多少次?

55、To get the better of(an adversary or a competitor, for example) by using a key, often hidden resource. ─── 出王牌获胜通过使用关键并隐蔽的手段超过(例如,对手或敌手)

56、Net investment in China: the next major competitor to enter what is? ─── 中国投资网:未来进入竞争者主要是哪些?

57、Join with us either as a competitor, spectator or vendor/exhibitor. ─── 也作为一个竞争者,观众或供应商/展览者加入我们。

58、He is my competitor in the game. ─── 他是我比赛中的对手。

59、But in doing so, they could destabilise a competitor. ─── 但这样一来,它们就会破坏竞争者的稳定。

60、Each competitor shall hand in three colored photos (2 inches). ─── 参赛人员每人须交2寸彩色照片3张。

61、Their marketing manager switched allegiance from the company to their main competitor. ─── 他们的销售经理已不再效忠公司,而投靠了公司的主要对手。

62、Our competitor must not be allowed to get wind of our plan. ─── 千万别让我们的竞争对手听到有关我们计划的事。

63、One competitor dropped out;then another, and another. ─── 一个竞标的撤了,然后又是一个,又是一个。

64、Don't you think it's a little unkind to gloat over your competitor's failure? ─── 你难道不认为对你对手的失败幸灾乐祸是有点不近人情吗?

65、In the fencing bout, the first competitor to record a hit is the winner. ─── 击剑比赛时,首先刺中对手的一方为胜。

66、of an opportunist is a competitor. ─── 机会主义者对立的是竞争者。

67、Never bad?mouth a competitor. ─── 不要讲竞争对手的坏话。

68、It is cruel for him to hire a gunman to pat his competitor out of the way. ─── 他那样残酷,竞雇用抢手杀掉了他的竞争对手。

69、His success was beyond belief since his competitor was so experienced. ─── 他的成功令人难以置信,因为他的对手非常有经验。

70、But the most well-placed competitor is Packet over SONET. ─── 但是最强有力的竞争者是Packet over SONET(同步光缆网上传送包)。

71、The competitor's fingers shall be outside the trigger guard while reloading. ─── 因此在重新装填弹药时选手的食指一定要置于扳机护弓之外。

72、It is allowed to shin your competitor in some matches. ─── 在有些比赛中是允许踢对手胫部的。

73、Showing the sales call reports and competitor information form at same time. ─── 同时展示销售报告和竞争对手信息表格。

74、Competitor price reasonably presume us 185 or under. ─── 估计同行的价格可能是185美元或更低。

75、At least one of the parties to a future dispute would be afraid to submit to this judge's ruling, and so would opt for a competitor. ─── 至少其中的一方在未来的争端中不敢再请这个法官来审理,也就为竞争者提供了机会。

76、List competitor and monitor them. ─── 列出竞争对手并监督他们。

77、The next competitor rode into the ring. ─── 下一位参赛者骑马进入场地。

78、His competitor's success was a bitter pill to take. ─── 他难以接受竞争对手的成功。

79、He was a fierce competitor who jsut wanted to win! ─── 他是一个让人难受的只想赢球的竞争者。

80、He set a rope for tripping his competitor's horse. ─── 他为竞争对手设下了绊马索。

81、Apple is 'going to be a strong competitor for sure, ' said an AdMob spokeswoman. ─── AdMob公司发言人说,苹果当然将是一个强有力的竞争对手。

82、He had no real gift and could not contend with his young competitor. ─── 他不具备真正的天赋,不敌他的年轻对手。

83、By defeating their main competitor, this company will corner the wheat market. ─── 击败主要对手后,这家公司将垄断小麦市场。

84、For the past twenty-five years, I have been a competitor of Chrysler. ─── 在过去25年里,我一直是克莱斯勒的一个竞争对手。

85、"If it isn't the most corrupt state in the United States, it's certainly one hell of a competitor, " Robert Grant told a press conference. ─── “如果这儿不是美国最腐败的州,那它也定然是名列前茅的了。”罗伯特.格兰特在新闻发布会上如是说。

86、The practice of keeping one jump ahead of a friend or competitor. ─── 一种保持比朋友或对手高一头的行为。

87、Our competitor must not is allow to get wind of our plan. ─── 千万别让我们的竞争对手听到有关我们计画的事。

88、Booking balance of cargo difficult try combining competitor cargo. ─── 剩余货物很难订到舱位,可试联合同行将货物拼装。

89、Getting a gold medal in the Olympic Games is the dream of every competitor. ─── 在奥运会上赢得一枚金牌是每一个运动员的梦想。

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