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leathern 发音

英:[?le??rn]  美:[?le??n]

英:  美:

leathern 中文意思翻译



leathern 短语词组

1、leathern articles ─── 皮革制品

leathern 相似词语短语

1、feathers ─── n.羽毛(feather的复数);翅膀;羽状裂缝;v.为…装上羽毛;给…以薄边;使桨与水面平行;长羽毛(feather的三单形式)

2、leathery ─── adj.似皮革的,皮质的;坚韧如皮革的

3、leathers ─── [皮革]皮革;革;n.(Leathers)人名;(英)莱瑟斯

4、feathery ─── adj.柔软如羽毛的;生有羽毛的

5、leathered ─── n.皮革;皮革制品;vt.用皮革包盖;抽打;adj.皮的;皮革制的;n.(Leather)人名;(英)莱瑟

6、feather ─── n.羽毛;vt.用羽毛装饰;vi.长羽毛;n.(Feather)人名;(英)费瑟

7、leather ─── n.皮革;皮革制品;vt.用皮革包盖;抽打;adj.皮的;皮革制的;n.(Leather)人名;(英)莱瑟

8、leathering ─── n.皮制密封填料;皮革面;(非正式)痛打;v.用皮革包盖;抽打(leather的现在分词)

9、Heather ─── n.石南属植物,帚石楠(低矮野生植物),欧石楠;adj.杂色的;似石南的;n.(Heather)希瑟(人名)

leathern 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、And the same John had his raiment of camel's hair, and a leathern girdle about his loins; and his meat was locusts and wild honey. ─── 那时,耶路撒冷和犹太全地,并约旦河一带地方的人,都出去到约翰那里。

2、Sofa can be leathern, cloth art, cany, bamboo is ligneous, should sit comfortably only good-looking. ─── 沙发可以是皮制的、布艺的、藤制的、竹木制的,只要坐得舒适又好看。

3、A: What's your price per dozen for leathern gloves? ─── /每打皮手套的售价是多少?

4、But no creature is able only to move by flying, as the fish is able only to swim, for the animals with leathern wings can walk; the bat has feet and the seal has imperfect feet. ─── 没有动物只靠飞行前进,如同鱼只能游泳一样,因为拥有皮质翅膀的动物可以走;蝙蝠拥有脚,海豹拥有不完整的脚。

5、The leathern factory owned by the company has developed to a medium-size enterprise with 3000 M2 plant and more than 200 employees. ─── 公司下属的皮具制品厂已发展为拥有3000余平方米的生产车间,员工200多人的中型企业。

6、6And John was clothed with camel's hair, and a leathern girdle about his loins; and he ate locusts and wild honey. ─── 若翰穿的是骆驼毛的衣服,腰间束的是皮带,吃的是蝗虫与野蜜。

7、I might easily have stifled it with my coat, which I unfortunately left behind me for haste, and came away only in my leathern jerkin. ─── 我前面已经说过,我在一只秘密口袋里藏了一些日常的小用品,其中就有一副眼镜,这些东西都逃过了皇帝派来的人的搜查。

8、All flying creatures possessed of blood have feathered wings or leathern wings; ─── 所有拥有血液的飞行动物都是羽质或皮质翅膀;

9、A soldier was driving it, and under the leathern tilt behind a cover sat a woman, muffled up in shawls. ─── 士兵驾驶着马车,一个妇女坐在皮革车篷底下的挡布后面,她满头缠着围巾。

10、This leathern jacket fits you well. ─── 这件皮夹克很适合你。

11、But no creature is able only to move by flying, as the fish is able only to swim, for the animals with leathern wings can walk; ─── 没有动物只靠飞行前进,如同鱼只能游泳一样,因为拥有皮质翅膀的动物可以走;

12、And John was clothed with camel's hair, and had a leathern girdle about his loins, and did eat locusts and wild honey. ─── 约翰穿着骆驼毛的衣服,腰间系着皮带;吃的是蝗虫和野蜜。

13、4And the same John had his garment of camels' hair, and a leathern girdle about his loins: and his meat was locusts and wild honey. ─── 这若翰穿着骆驼毛做的衣服,腰间束着皮带,他的食物是蝗虫和野蜜。

14、His father, John Shakespeare, was a well-to-do trader in wool, hides and leathern articles, and once held the office of chief alderman . ─── 他的父亲约翰?莎士比亚是一个富有的商人,经营羊毛、兽皮和皮革商品生意,并曾任市首席议员一职。

15、6And John was clothed with camel's hair, and a leathern girdle about his loins;and he ate locusts and wild honey. ─── 若翰穿的是骆驼毛的衣服,腰间束的是皮带,吃的是蝗虫与野蜜。

16、A soldier was driving it, and under the leathern tilt behind a cover sat a woman, muffled up in shawls . ─── 士兵驾驶着马车,一个妇女坐在皮革车篷底下的挡布后面,她满头缠着围巾。

17、The creatures that have feathered wings or leathern wings have either two feet or no feet at all: for there are said to be certain flying serpents in Ethiopia that are destitute of feet. ─── 有羽质翅膀或皮质翅膀的动物或者两足,或者根本没足:因为据说可以肯定,埃塞俄比亚的飞蛇是没有脚的。

18、And binds one with three leathern thongs, ─── 两只手上缠着三根皮索,

19、What's your price per dozen for leathern gloves? ─── 每打皮手套的售价是多少?

20、English: And the same John had his raiment of camel's hair, and a leathern girdle about his loins; ─── 中文:3:4这约翰身穿骆驼毛的衣服,腰束皮带,吃的是蝗虫野蜜。

21、And the same John had his raiment of camel's hair, and a leathern girdle about his loins; ─── 4这约翰身穿骆驼毛的衣服,腰束皮带,吃的是蝗虫野蜜。

22、He was clothed in camel's hair, and round his loins he had a leathern belt. ─── 他穿驼毛制成的衣服,腰上系着兽皮制成的带子。

23、What's your price per dozen for leathern gloves? ─── 每打皮手套的售价是多少?

24、others are furnished with leathern wings, as the flying fox and the bat. ─── 一些装备有皮质翅膀,像是果蝠和蝙蝠。

25、And John was clothed with camel's hair, and had a leathern girdle about his loins, and did eat locusts and wild honey. ─── 约翰穿着骆驼毛的衣服,腰间系着皮带;吃的是蝗虫和野蜜。

26、And as we sat and made merry, there entered to us an old man bearing a leathern carpet and a lute that had two horns of amber. ─── 正当我们安坐取乐之时,一位老人走进旅店,他背着一张皮毯,手持一把鲁特琴,琴上带两个琥珀的角。

27、All flying creatures possessed of blood have feathered wings or leathern wings; the bloodless creatures have membranous wings, as insects. ─── 所有拥有血液的飞行动物都是羽质或皮质翅膀;无血的动物是膜状翅膀,像是昆虫。

28、he approached just as the brigand was refreshing himself with a mouthful of brandy, which, owing to the leathern bottle containing it, sent forth an odor which was extremely unpleasant to Danglars. ─── 他把眼睛凑到一条门缝上,正巧看见那个强盗在饮白兰地酒,那种酒,因为装在一只皮囊里,所以发出一种使腾格拉尔嗅了极不愉快的气味。

29、Some war with rere-mice for their leathern wings, To make my small elves coats; ─── 有的去和蝙蝠作战,剥下它们的翼革来为我的小妖儿们做外衣;

30、Japan buys the home active choose and buy 2000 money of Qiu Dong shoe, among them with factory price the sneaker of children of white man-made leathern with 5 dollars, light sole is the most welcome. ─── 日本买家正积极选购2000年秋冬鞋款,其中以出厂价5美元、鞋底轻的白色人造皮制的儿童运动鞋最受欢迎。

31、1.Those grow breast, doing the eye department surgical operation and face to pull leathern women to all be subjected to a society order about to suffer huge mind and body painful of. ─── 1.那些隆胸,做眼部手术和面部拉皮的妇女都是受社会所驱使去忍受巨大身心痛苦的.

32、Preservation and Restoration of Leathern Cultural Relics ─── 皮革质地文物保护与修复

33、Now air is hushed, save where the weak-eyed bat with short shrill flits by on leathern wing. ─── 现在,空中寂静无声,只有视力微弱的蝙蝠展开那双皮翼,来回飞行,发出短促的叽叽的尖叫声。

34、even the same dress, a hairy garment, and a leathern girdle about the loins (2 Kings 1:8; ─── 甚至是同样的衣着,披上有毛的外衣,用皮革来束腰(列王记下1:8;












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