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08-19 投稿


endways 发音

英:['endwe?z]  美:['?nd,wez]

英:  美:

endways 中文意思翻译



endways 网络释义

adv. 末端朝上地;两端连接地

endways 短语词组

1、endways definition ─── 末端定义

endways 相似词语短语

1、windways ─── 风道

2、entryways ─── n.入口通道

3、anyways ─── adv.不管怎样,无论如何

4、endears ─── v.(使)受欢迎(或喜爱、爱慕);(使)成本、价值或估价更高

5、noways ─── adv.一点也不(等于noway)

6、midways ─── n.中途;娱乐场;adj.中途的;adv.中途

7、bendays ─── 用本戴制版法制

8、speedways ─── n.高速公路;(摩托车或汽车的)赛车跑道;机器脚踏车的竞赛场

9、endplays ─── n.残局打法(迫使敌方出牌自投罗网或受陷被挤);v.(打桥牌时)迫使(对方)出牌

endways 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The child put the toy cars together endways. ─── 孩子将玩具汽车两端相连摆在一起。

2、he was all ready for the dog, too, and knocked him endways with a brick when he came to tear him. ─── 他也准备好对付狗,当狗过来咬他时,他用一块砖头的末端打了他(狗)。

3、The first picture was taken from the side of the building, and the second one endways on. ─── 第一张照片照的是楼房侧面,第二张照的是楼房正面。

4、The child put the toy cars together endways. ─── 孩子将玩具汽车两端相连摆在一起。

5、Neck often needs to listen attentively to endways to all sides. ─── 脖子时常要竖着向四方倾听。

6、2. The bed was pushed endways into the bedroom. ─── 这张床已尾端朝前推入了卧室.

7、The empennage being laid across is much smaller than airfoil essential points, endways the empennage is straight. ─── 横着的尾翼比机翼要小很多,竖着的尾翼直直的。

8、We turned the table endways to get it through the doors. ─── 我们把桌子竖过来以便挪进门。

9、The bed was pushed endways into the bedroom. ─── 这张床已尾端朝前推入了卧室。

10、stones are laid down endways to make a path. ─── 石头一块接一块地铺成小路。

11、1. The child put the toy cars together endways. ─── 孩子将玩具汽车两端相连摆在一起.

12、3. The box is quite narrow when you look at it endways on. ─── 你从两端看,这箱子就显得很窄。

13、houses built endways. ─── 房屋背向(大街)构筑。

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