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08-19 投稿


compatibly 发音

英:[k?m?p?t?bli]  美:[k?m?p?t?bli]

英:  美:

compatibly 中文意思翻译



compatibly 词性/词形变化,compatibly变形

名词: compatibility |副词: compatibly |

compatibly 同义词


compatibly 反义词


compatibly 相似词语短语

1、compactible ─── adj.能被压实的,能被塞紧的

2、combustibly ─── 燃烧的

3、comparably ─── adv.同等地;可比较地;相似地,相当地;类似地,在相似程度上

4、compactedly ─── 紧凑地

5、computably ─── 可计算的

6、compatible ─── adj.兼容的;能共处的;可并立的

7、incompatible ─── adj.不相容的;矛盾的;不能同时成立的;n.互不相容的人或事物

8、compatibility ─── n.[计]兼容性

9、incompatibly ─── adv.矛盾地;不相容地

compatibly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The change cover all the country in ever-accelerating speed, the compat of it is huge. ─── 变化席卷全国,速度之快令人咋舌,冲击力之大史无前例。

2、Acoording to the query mechanisms complement on P2P network commonly, we promote a new mechanism name distributed searching with double index (DDI), which is compatibly applied on P2P network. ─── 在查询信息时,借鉴目前几种查询方式的优点,提出一种适合在对等网络中采用的双重索引查询(DDI)。

3、A feasible CDMA and TDMA intgrated scheme is proposed to support cdma2000 1x and 1x EV-DO compatibly working on common frequency point. ─── 给出一种可行的利用码分多址(CDMA)和时分多址(TDMA)实现cdma20001x和1x EV-DO同频点兼容的方法。

4、The research of HPMiner combines the decision tree classification technology with the current railway freight bill information system compatibly, which makes the end-user can conveniently dig out the knowledge to guide the production. ─── HPMiner系统的研究将决策树分类技术与现有货票信息系统有机地结合起来,使得应用领域分析人员可以方便地挖掘出所希望的知识,用于指导生产;

5、Additional information, bstides normal broadcasting programs, can be transmitted compatibly in AM broadcasting to provide new services. ─── 在调幅声音广播中,除了传送正常的广播节目外,还可兼容传送其它附加信息,提供新的服务。

6、Application of Individualized Compatibly-Shaped Face Masks to Radiotherapy for Head Tumors ─── 面罩适形技术在头部肿瘤放疗中的应用

7、We are negotiating, trying to solve the problem compatibly with a series of things. ─── 事情就是这样,生活还得继续。

8、Here we work compatibly with one another. ─── 在这里我们彼此协调地工作。

9、"Lay money compatibly " the means that should use peace namely goes expanding economy. ─── “和气生财”就是要用和平的方式去发展经济。

10、In recent years, people thinks human activity greenhouse effect has farther aggravate climate to change to resemble the trend of calamity compatibly generally, caused each country government.. ─── 近年来,人们普遍认为人类活动温室效应有进一步加剧气候变化和气象灾难的趋势,引起了各国政府...

11、Wang PJ, Zheng QS. Influence of combination of Schisandra Chinensis with Ginseng on brain protein and nucleic acid in mice and analysis of compat ─── 汪平君,郑青山。五味子与红参配伍对小鼠脑蛋白质及核酸含量的影响及组方分析。中国实验方剂学杂志

12、Here we work compatibly with one another. ─── 在这里我们彼此协调地工作。

13、Because special geography awaits an environment compatibly, qinghai-Tibet Platean knows less for a long time for alien place. ─── 由于非凡的地理和气候环境,青藏高原长期少为外人所知。

14、The study had a certain reference value for listed companies to establish the governance mechanisms to inspire and restrict CFOs compatibly. ─── 结论对上市公司构建CFO激励与约束相兼容的治理机制具有一定的参考价值。

15、The machine has the features of compat structure,handsome appearance and easy operation and is the necessary assistant equipment for the book cover,desk calendar,wall calendar and pasting enterprises. ─── 该机结构简单、造型美观、操作方便等特点。适用于书壳、挂历、台历、纸板等裱纸企业的必备辅助机械。

16、And translators" style, being a systematic "unquantitative fuzzy aggregation", can co-exist compatibly with authors" style in the translation product. ─── 依附于作者风格的译者风格同样可以成为一个相对独立、系统的“非定量模糊集合”,与作者风格在翻译作品中兼容并存。

17、minimizing the deformation as well as maintaining the deformations of each zone compatibly was the criteria of avoiding cracking. ─── 防止裂缝的关键是减小变形并使变形协调。

18、compat planning ─── 紧凑建筑计划

19、Study of Confucian classics of Han dynasty modest to lie in the aphilosophical sect in the Wei and Jin dynasties, Three kinds of theories replaced authoritative Confucianism compatibly. ─── 从汉末到魏晋,中国文化出现了一个历史性的转折:两汉经学逊位于魏晋玄学,三教并存取代了儒术独尊。

20、Alleged " compatibly " , namely " compatibly " , perhaps " calm " , its want justice can understand for " peace " . ─── 所谓“和气” ,就是“和和气气” ,或者“心平气和” ,其要义则可理解为“和平”。

21、Some of you may of been expecting a release the end of last month, this was the original intention of the team, but recent changes caused compat issues and needed further indepth testing. ─── 开发团队本打算在上个月底放出,但是由于新增的功能产生冲突,需要进一步的调试。

22、Among them most of inject, die-casting to compatibly press type etc. ─── 其主要用于是注射,挤出,压制,压铸和气压成型等和气压成型等。

23、The sensor node has many characteristics as gathering the analog and data signals, self-calibration and stabilization, and it is applied compatibly to civil engineering structure monitoring. ─── 而且还具有自校准、集数字模拟信号采集于一体、稳定等特点,适合在土木工程结构监测中应用。

24、Sixth, propose use with producing the products under 5 years of difference of the lot number by oneself strongly , if beyond the scope of this may not present compatibly the phenomenon. ─── 六、强烈建议使用与自己生产批号相差不超过 5 年的产品,若超出此范围有可能出现不兼容现象。

25、The software runs compatibly with many machines. ─── 这个软体与许多机器兼容运行。

26、The study had a certain reference value for listed companies to establish the governance mechanisms to inspire and restrict CFOs compatibly. ─── 结论对上市公司构建CFO激励与约束相兼容的治理机制具有一定的参考价值。

27、Objective To explore the variation of the main chemical constituents of Herb Epimedii in decocting Herb Epimedii and Radix Astragali separately and compatibly. ─── 目的考察淫羊藿与黄芪按不同比例配伍时淫羊藿主要成分的变化。

28、The system installation is compat and its cost is low.It is applicable to the real-time monitoring-control of the data at an industrial working field. ─── 该系统具有体积小、成本低、工作可靠等特点,适用于工业现场的实时数据监控。

29、Embody in theindividual free psychology by "there is no regular following one"s benting" and write the experience of life at first, come from compatibly the writing in the form of pluralism. ─── 首先体现在以“无规则的随心所欲”的个体自由心态书写生活的体验,以多元形式兼容来自由写作。

30、Two countries awaits a condition compatibly as a result of specific physical geography environment, decided to be not prevent floods by water control cannot. ─── 两国由于特定的自然地理环境和气候条件,决定了非治水不可。

31、Thus, M&I enterprises can integrate the human resources in both side, deal with the problem of the flow of employee compatibly, and strengthen the communication and integration of enterprise cultures. ─── 从而整合并购双方的人力资源,妥善处理员工流动问题,加强沟通并注重企业文化的有机融合。

32、Above all the color that you should choose and hue of him skin hair matchs, brown can foil more than black your pledge compatibly in person! ─── 首先你要选择和自己肤色发色相配的颜色,褐色比黑色更能衬托你的亲和气质!

33、Keywords Polymer blends;Compatibility;Thermodynamics of compat ibility;Phase separation;Kinetics of phase separation; ─── 聚合物共混物;相容性;热力学;相分离;动力学;

34、An Analysis on CAI Yuan-pei's Educational Thoughts of"Thinking Freely, Embrace Compatibly" ─── 试析蔡元培“思想自由,兼容并包”的教育思想

35、of communication navigation effect to stand with broadcast, TV station cannot contradict compatibly to highlight; ─── 部分地区导航台站与广播、电视台站的电磁环境无法兼容的矛盾日渐突出 ;

36、Nuclear emergency work must be planned and deployed in an overall manner together with other activities and implemented compatibly with them. ─── 核应急与其他工作统筹规划、统筹部署、兼容实施。

37、Instead of making machines that had to have software specially written for them, people built machines to work compatibly with this machine, so-called "clone" machines. ─── 而不是发动必须有特别地为他们写的软件机器,人们建造机器和气地由于这部机器工作,所谓的"复制"以机器制造。

38、Inspect the cotton that knows this state on the spot protection of production, breeding, plant, agriculture machinery is awaited compatibly wait for basic cotton to produce a condition. ─── 实地考察了解该国的棉花生产、育种、植物保护、农机和气候等基本的棉花生产条件。

39、Because this expert points out, although the effect that autumn decorates is good, but should notice to because season is awaited compatibly,avoid to produce a problem likewise when decorate. ─── 因此专家指出,秋季装修的效果虽然好,但在装修时同样要注重避免因季节和气候产生问题。

40、2、The inner elements have performanes of compat structure,steady property,small volume,high capacity,andlong-term life,and have several functions to be selected freely. ─── 2、内装元件具有结构紧凑,可靠性好,体积小,通断能力强,寿命长,并有各种功能共用户选择.

41、The result shows that as long as the easing is determined, the armhole hypothenuse increment may be obtained and the twopiece sleeve drafting completed compatibly with the fabric and moulding. ─── 研究结果表明,根据面料及造型的要求,先定吃势,求出袖笼直度增量,即可方便灵活、准确地制作西装袖图。

42、Glacier follows after shrink back to pick up lukewarmly compatibly, distributinging area gradually cut, multiply up to now, formed contemporary distributinging structure. ─── 后随冰川的退缩和气温的回升,分布区又逐渐缩减,繁衍至今,形成了现代的分布格局。

43、The opening is also reforms, only then opens compatibly, the country can be prosperous and powerful. ─── 开放也是改革,只有开放兼容,国家才能富强。

44、Change to this, the commissioner expresses generally to approbate, think this kind of change showed the eye shot of large award is spent compatibly. ─── 对于这一变化,评委普遍表示认可,认为这种变化显示了大奖的视野和气度。

45、The results show that PF dyes possess low substantivity, high fixation, excellent stability and color fastness, wide process compat... ─── 结果表明,PF型活性染料直接性小,固色率高,洗涤性能、色浆稳定性和色牢度好,且工艺的适应性和宽容性大。

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