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midsummer 发音

英:[m?d's?m?]  美:[,m?d's?m?]

英:  美:

midsummer 中文意思翻译



midsummer 网络释义

n. 仲夏;盛夏;夏至adj. 仲夏的

midsummer 词性/词形变化,midsummer变形


midsummer 反义词


midsummer 短语词组

1、midsummer-men ─── [网络] 盛夏男子

2、midsummer moon ─── 仲夏月

3、Midsummer Day ─── 施洗约翰节(每年6月24日)

4、midsummer pole ─── 仲夏灯杆

5、have but a mile to midsummer ─── 有点疯癫,神经不正常

6、midsummer days ─── 施洗约翰节(每年6月24日)

7、midsummer murder mysteries ─── 仲夏谋杀之谜

8、midsummer nights ─── 仲夏夜

9、midsummer month ─── [网络] 仲夏月

10、midsummer rose ─── 仲夏玫瑰

11、midsummer shoot ─── 仲夏笋

12、midsummer movie ─── 仲夏电影

13、midsummer murders 2020 2020 ─── 年仲夏谋杀案

14、midsummer madness ─── 极度疯狂仲夏夜的疯狂愚蠢之至

15、midsummer m ─── 仲夏m

16、midsummer morning ─── 仲夏早晨

17、Midsummer's Day ─── [网络] 夏至;仲夏日;星期六夏至

18、Midsummer Eve ─── [网络] 仲夏前夜;仲夏节前夕;仲夏之夕

19、Midsummer Night ─── [网络] 仲夏夜;仲夏夜号;仲夏之夜

midsummer 同义词

summertime |summer solstice | summer | dog days

midsummer 相似词语短语

1、midsummers ─── n.仲夏;盛夏;夏至;adj.仲夏的

2、drummer ─── n.鼓手;旅行推销员;跑街;n.(Drummer)人名;(德)德鲁默尔;(法)德吕梅;(英)德鲁默

3、high summer ─── 盛夏

4、midsummer-men ─── 仲夏男人

5、mimmer ─── 哑剧

6、to summer ─── 到夏天

7、Midsummer Day ─── 施洗约翰节(每年6月24日)

8、mummer ─── n.哑剧演员;伶人;vi.参加化装演出

9、summer ─── n.夏季;全盛时期;vi.避暑;过夏天;adj.夏季的;n.(Summer)人名;(德)祖默;(英)萨默

midsummer 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Midsummer already came, the upgrade with indefatigable air temperature climbs. ─── 仲夏已至,气温不知倦怠的往上爬。

2、A freak of nature produced the midsummer snow. ─── 仲夏下雪是非常奇怪的自然现象选

3、One day in midsummer, when I was hoeing,a man who was carrying a load of pottery to market stopped his horse against my field and inquired concerning Wyman the younger. ─── 仲夏的一天,我正在锄地,有个带着许多陶器到市场去的人勒住了马,在我的田畔问我小魏曼的近况。

4、Have you ever wondered why people in different cultures have bonfires at midsummer? ─── 你是否曾对此感到奇怪:为什么有着不同文化背景的人们会在仲夏燃起篝火?

5、Fellow guardians, dear children: Midsummer the sunlight struggles beautifully, the riotous baby carries delightedly. ─── 仲夏阳光争明媚,缤纷幼儿载欢欣。

6、On Midsummer Night, dew was collected to heal the sick. ─── 他们会在仲夏夜收集露水,用来治愈病人。

7、"Snow in Midsummer" is a representative Jiangxi opera. ─── 《窦娥冤》是赣剧的代表剧目之一。

8、midsummer madness ─── n. 愚蠢之至, 极度疯狂

9、Herbs, and the day before Midsummer is often known as Herb Day. ─── 仲夏日收割的药草花卉叫做仲夏药草,而仲夏前一天通常叫做药草日。

10、a midsummer evening ─── 仲夏的夜晚

11、In midsummer many people go swimming every day. ─── 在盛夏许多人天天去游泳。

12、In England midsummer became “St.John's Eve.”In many countries, it is “ ─── 同样的,在英格兰,夏至日也被吸收为基督教节日成为圣约翰日前夕。

13、Old people insist that it used to be delicious, involving herring and fresh herbs, eaten at midsummer with a lot of beer and dancing. ─── 老人坚持认为它一度美味可口,原料有鲱鱼和新鲜香草,在仲夏就着大量啤酒和舞蹈食用。

14、Beltane is one of the ancient pre-Christian fire festivals (along with midsummer , Hallowe'en and midwinter - now translated into Christmas . ─── )朔是一个古老的前基督教消防节(随着盛夏 , 万圣节隆冬-现在译为圣诞节) 。

15、Midsummer morning, in this year 1492, was not less bright than usual. ─── 一四九二年这一年的仲夏清晨,跟平时一样明媚。

16、and the sullen heats of the torrid afternoon broke up and rolled away at the dispersing touch of the cool fingers of the short midsummer night. ─── 午后酷热郁闷的暑气,在短短的仲夏夜清凉的手指触摸下,渐渐消散了。

17、It was also during Midsummer that people asked the gods for good harvests. ─── 在仲夏,人们也会向神祈求获得好收成。

18、He is also cautioning against pulling out troops after midsummer to allow for more time to review the situation. ─── 同时,他还告诫说要在仲夏之后将军队撤出一部分来给足够的时间重新审视当前的形势。

19、The midsummer sun parched the earth. ─── 仲夏的太阳炙烤着大地

20、It was a lovely midsummer morning. ─── 这是一个美好的仲夏清晨。

21、Synoptic analysis of a low whirlpool shear type-hail course with continuity in midsummer of ─── 一次低涡切变型连续性冰雹过程天气分析

22、Ancient Chinese believed the day of Duanwu was unlucky because midsummer was just around the corner. ─── 古代中国人相信端午这一天是不吉利的,因为仲夏即将到来。

23、The rings open slightly to 2.3-degrees from edgewise by the end of February, but the rings will start closing again later this spring, ultimately disappearing even in big telescopes by midsummer. ─── 二月底,环将从切口部位微微张开2.3度。但是,今年春天,环将会再次闭合,到仲夏时节,大望远镜也不会看到。

24、The Analysis of the Energy Characteristics of the Heavy Rain Event in Midsummer over Northern China ─── 华北盛夏暴雨过程的能量特征分析

25、Therefore, midsummer, small cockroach and the most effective. ─── 因此,盛夏除小蠊,最最见效。

26、To recreate the country's Midsummer celebration, people in traditional dress danced around a maypole. ─── 为了重现该国的仲夏庆典,穿著传统服饰的舞者绕著一根五月柱跳舞。

27、English: The cuckoo comes in April, and stays the month of May; sings a song at Midsummer, and then goes away. ─── 中文:布谷鸟,四月来,五月一直在;仲夏唱支歌,随后便离开。

28、For the Midsummer celebration, the mistress makes cheese, but the master brews beer. ─── 仲夏夜庆祝的奶酪由女主人预备,男主人则酿制啤酒。

29、On sultry nights in midsummer or on bitter January mornings we may question its efficiency even in our favored part of the world. ─── 即使是世界上最适合人类居住的地方,在仲夏的闷热之夜或隆冬的严寒之晨,它的效能也是成问题的。

30、Analysis of A Heavy Rain Event Happened in Midsummer Wet Days ─── 一次盛夏阴雨天气中的强降水过程的分析

31、It is Midsummer Moon with you. ─── 你疯了。

32、It is particularly difficult to bear up against the midsummer heat. ─── 仲夏酷暑尤其令人难熬。

33、And likewise,there are people who still celebrate Midsummer. ─── 同样,至今仍有人在仲夏举行庆祝活动。

34、In midsummer they were suddenly called home by word of an important job opening for Liang. ─── 在仲夏他们被一个重要的工作字突然叫做家为两打开。

35、We use to go for a midnight swim during the midsummer. ─── 从前盛夏时我们常在午夜去游泳。

36、Teleconnection Analysis on North Pacific Sea Surface Temperature and Subtropical High in Midsummer ─── 北太平洋海温与次年盛夏副热带高压的遥相关响应

37、From Finland to Spain, especially in the Northern Hemisphere, midsummer is often associated with huge public bonfires. ─── 从芬兰到西班牙,尤其是在北半球地区,人们常在夏至日举行大型公众篝火会。

38、I wish you joy of your long midsummer tour. ─── 你慢慢享受你的盛夏之旅吧!

39、Midsummer Festival has become a wish cereal harvest festival, which attracted broad masses of the people. ─── 仲夏节已成为一个预祝五谷丰收的节日,吸引着广大的人民群众。

40、At midsummer night, the sun does not sink even at midnight in the northernmost areas of the Northern Hemisphere beyond the Arctic Circle. ─── 在仲夏夜,地球最北的北极圈地域,即使到了午夜太阳也不会落下。

41、A Midsummer Night's Wet Dream ─── 仲夏夜之梦遗

42、Accordingly, people keeps away from normally midsummer and midwinter, two season decorate option year. ─── 因此,人们通常避开盛夏和隆冬,选择春秋两季装修。

43、the intense heat of midsummer ─── 仲夏的酷热

44、Di DeluoAmerica justs like the midsummer the fruit, is easy to corrupt is unable to say for certain to hold. ─── 狄德罗美犹如盛夏的水果,是容易腐烂而难保持的。

45、The days begin to draw in after midsummer. ─── 仲夏之后白昼开始变短了。

46、in the heaven,my lover wets her lips. What a commom and mavellous midsummer night! ─── 5天上的情人张开了湿润的双唇,平凡而灿烂的仲夏夜晚。

47、On the Social Status of Women Characters in Hamlet and Snow in Midsummer ─── 《哈姆雷特》与《窦娥冤》中女性形象对比研究

48、This paper start from the form reason of urban heat island and the space-time distribution,and expounded the countermeasure on heatstroke prevention &lower temperature in midsummer. ─── 从城市“热岛”形成的原因和时空分布的特征出发,探讨了夏季城市防暑降温所应该采取的措施。

49、A Midsummer Night'Dream Study Guide ─── 仲夏夜之梦研究指南

50、a midsummer night; midsummer showers. ─── 仲夏夜;仲夏的阵雨

51、leetha) Also named Midsummer of Summer Solstice, this is a Sabbat strictly for the sun. ─── 也叫做夏至日,这是严格地庆祝太阳的夜半集会。

52、In midsummer season, the weather there changes uncertainty and frequently.Sometimes, it would change seve... ─── 在盛夏季节,风雨不定,变化频繁.有时一日之内,甚至一小时之内就可能发生几次变化.

53、With the sky still aglow at 11 p.m. on Midsummer Eve, Danes build bonfires along the shore to burn effigies of witches, banishing evil spirits from the land. ─── 借着仲夏夜晚上11点的天空中依然透出的红光,丹麦人在沿着海岸架起了篝火来焚烧女巫形象的假人来驱赶来自地下的恶魔。

54、They usually go to the sea in midsummer. ─── 他们通常在仲夏时到海滨去。

55、June 23, the day before Midsummer Day, celebrated in Europe, Latin America, and Scandinavian communities in the United States by merrymaking. ─── 夏至节前夜:6月23日,夏至节的前一天,在欧洲、拉丁美洲以及美国斯堪的纳维亚人社区,人们狂欢以庆祝该日

56、We use to go for a midnight walk during the midsummer. ─── 从前盛夏时我们常在午夜去散步。

57、He wore a greatcoat in midsummer, being affected with the trembling delirium, and his face was the color of carmine. ─── 夏天里,他穿了一件大衣,因为他患着震颤性谵妄症,他的脸是胭脂红色的。

58、And I hope no one will be so hard to please as to be offended with this pretty, harmless Midsummer Night's Dream. ─── 同时我希望没有人会对这一个美丽且无害的仲夏夜之梦仍然生著气。

59、holding a summer festival on Midsummer Eve, ─── 夏天在河边欢庆“仲夏前夜”,

60、But these "midsummer night's dreams" of hers were destined, as such dreams always are, to be short-lived ─── 但这样的“仲夏夜的梦”,照例是短促的。

61、Most critics consider it one of his greatest comedies, along with plays such as As You Like It, Much Ado About Nothing, and A Midsummer Night’s Dream. ─── 多数评论家认为这是他最伟大的喜剧片,同时发挥如作为您喜欢它,就无事生非,并仲夏夜之梦。

62、And I hope no one will be so hard to please as to be offended with this pretty, harmless Midsummer Night's Dream. ─── 同时我希望没有人会对这一个美丽且无害的仲夏夜之梦仍然生著气。

63、Trying to sell overcoats in midsummer is a real mug's game. ─── 大夏天推销大衣真是白费力气。

64、The unnecessary pili is always worrisome, particularly exposes skin's midsummer in this need big area. ─── 多余的体毛总是让人烦恼,尤其是在这个需要大面积暴露皮肤的盛夏。

65、Midsummer Night Star! Will never be separated!! ─── 仲夏夜之星!永远不分开!!

66、Guava,mulberry and grapevine still in the gardon, told their past flourish in midsummer,now have been like the Rome accient ruins,curling up with cold rain and with their glories in memory. ─── 园子里绿翳翳的石榴、桑树、葡萄藤,都不过代表着过去盛夏的繁荣,现在已成了古罗马建筑的遗迹一样,在萧萧的雨声中瑟缩不宁,回忆着光荣的过去。

67、But it was a pleasant, semitropical summer night.Night had fallen openly and plainly with no deep, unfathomable recesses, as if to provide the director of Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream with a model backdrop. ─── 可是这是亚热带好天气的夏夜,夜得坦白浅显,没有深沉不可测的城府,就仿佛让导演莎士比亚《仲夏夜之梦》的人有一个背景的榜样。

68、On the origins of Midsummer Festival, a beautiful legend : ancient Greek and Roman mythology, there was the Goddess named color Antilles. ─── 关于仲夏节的来历,有个美妙的传说:古希腊罗马神话中有位女神,名叫色列斯。

69、This is a sunny midsummer day. ─── 这是一个阳光明媚的仲夏。

70、Its most popular Midsummer's Day finds many Finns lighting bonfires and drinking enthusiastically at their country homes. ─── 在芬兰最受欢迎的“施洗约翰节”这天,可以看见许多芬兰人在他们自己的乡间农舍,点燃篝火,痛快畅饮一番。

71、A Midsummer Night is Dream ─── 仲夏夜之梦

72、Since 1995 China has practiced a new midsummer moratorium system--every year during July and August fishing is banned in the sea areas north of 27 degrees north latitude. ─── 从1995年起,中国实行新的伏季休渔制度,每年的7月至8月,在北纬27度以北海域全面休渔,取得了明显的经济、生态和社会效益。

73、The new system has achieved encouraging economic, ecological and social results, and from this year the midsummer moratorium area will be expanded to 26 degrees north latitude and its duration will be lengthened to three months. ─── 从今年起,中国伏季休渔的范围扩大到北纬26度,休渔时间延长至3个月。

74、midmorning; midsummer; in mid-1958; a mid-June wedding. ─── 上午;仲夏;1958年中期;六月中期的婚礼。

75、Midsummer herbs are plaited in wreaths and included in bouquets. ─── 仲夏草木被编进花冠、摆放到花束里。

76、At midsummer night, the sun does not sink even at midnight in the northernmost areas of the Northern Hemisphere beyond the Arctic Circle. ─── 在仲夏夜,地球最北的北极圈地域,即使到了午夜太阳也不会落下。

77、second month of summer; midsummer ─── 仲夏

78、Ancient Chinese believed the day of Duanwu was unlucky because midsummer was just around the corner. ─── 古代中国人相信端午这一天是不吉利的,因为仲夏即将到来。

79、A feast on a midsummer's night, the brightest night of the year.A Norwegian soundscape coloured by the Hardanger fiddle and the traditional whistle. ─── 今年最明亮的仲夏夜的宴会,哈安格的小提琴和传统的哨子衬托出挪威的音景。

80、The operating system of the real-time drought monitoring was established based on the index, and it did well in the daily dynamic monitoring of the drought in Chongqing in the midsummer of 2004. ─── 利用该指数,建立干旱实时监测业务系统,对2004年重庆市盛夏发生的干旱进行了逐日跟踪动态监测,效果良好。

81、Maybe I've to give up to get you near You'd recall me if I see you no more Time ripes in fruits of the midsummer Memory savours a desolate aroma ─── 也许放弃才能靠近你不再见你你才会把我记起时间累积这盛夏的果实回忆里寂寞的香气

82、THE crowds in Nuuk, Greenland's pretty coastal capital, marked the devolution of more powers from Denmark, on midsummer's day, with cheers, processions and flags. ─── 夏至这天,格陵兰岛美丽的海滨首都努克人头攒动,充斥着欢呼声,庆祝人群和彩旗,这标志着更多的权利从丹麦移交到格陵兰手上。

83、A fairly distinct alignment was already evident by midsummer of 1919. ─── 到1919年仲夏,阵容已相当明显。

84、A Midsummer Night's Dream requires brightly coloured fairy wigs which use ostrich feathers and yak hair to provide a fluffy look ─── 《仲夏夜之梦》需要许多色彩鲜艳的仙女头套,这些头套为了显示其蓬松的外观多采用鸵鸟毛和牦牛毛制成。

85、From the soft branch and tassel,from remaining fragrant falling flower.Stay among them as if the wind of midsummer caresses your cheek,making you feel rel...... ─── 信息介绍:从软枝垂樱,从残香微晕的落花,置身其中,仿如盛夏的风拂面而来,令您倍感轻松、舒适。。。。

86、In my all memory, what I can not forget is midsummer night. ─── 在我所有的记忆中,唯一使我难以忘怀的便是家乡的仲夏夜。

87、In midsummer every Cape Cod town is impossibly crowded. ─── 仲夏时节,鳕鱼角的每个镇都出奇地拥挤。

88、Donahoe, who took over as CEO from Meg Whitman in March, said eBay's leadership had been thinking about making the cuts since midsummer. ─── 于三月从梅格惠特曼手中接过易趣执行长官职位的唐纳荷说道,易趣的领导层从夏季中期就在考虑该裁员计划。

89、Excerpts from Midsummer Nights Dream ─── 仲夏夜之梦片断





154首十四行诗 (不一 一列举)


Venus and Adonis《维纳斯和阿多尼斯》

The Rape of Lucrece《露易丝受辱记》



(16) 喜剧

The Tempest *

The Two Gentlemen of Verona

The Merry Wives of Windsor

Measure for Measure **

The Comedy of Errors

Much Ado About Nothing

Love's Labour's Lost

A Midsummer Night's Dream

The Merchant of Venice **

As You Like It

The Taming of the Shrew

All's Well That Ends Well **

Twelfth Night

The Winter's Tale * **

Pericles, Prince of Tyre * ***

The Two Noble Kinsmen * ***

Histories (10)历史剧

King John

Richard II

Henry IV, Part 1

Henry IV, Part 2

Henry V

Henry VI, Part 1

Henry VI, Part 2

Henry VI, Part 3

Richard III

Henry VIII

Tragedies (12)悲剧

Troilus and Cressida **


Titus Andronicus

Romeo and Juliet

Timon of Athens **

Julius Caesar



King Lear


Antony and Cleopatra

Cymbeline *

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